\begin{algorithm}[H] \caption{How to write algorithms} \KwIn{this text} \KwOut{how to write algorithm with \LaTeX2e } initialization\; \While{not at end of this document}{ read current\; \eIf{understand}{ go to next section\; current section becomes this one\; }{ go back to the beginning of current section\; } } \end{algorithm}
\begin{algorithm} \caption{identifyRowContext} \KwIn{$r_i$, $Backgrd(T_i)$=${T_1, T_2, \ldots, T_n}$ and similarity threshold $\theta_r$} \KwOut{$con(r_i)$} $con(r_i) = \Phi$\; \For{$j = 1; j \le n; j \ne i$} { float $maxSim = 0$\; $r^{maxSim} = \text{null}$\; \While{not end of $T_j$} { compute Jaro($r_i, r_m$) ($r_m \in T_j$)\; \If{$(Jaro(r_i, r_m) \ge \theta_r) \wedge (Jaro(r_i, r_m) \ge r^{maxSim})$} { replace $r^{maxSim}$ with $r_m$\; } } $con(r_i) = con(r_i) \cup \{r^{maxSim}\}$\; } \Return $con(r_i)$\; \end{algorithm}
\renewcommand{\algorithmicrequire}{\textbf{Input:}} % Use Input in the format of Algorithm
\renewcommand{\algorithmicensure}{\textbf{Output:}} % Use Output in the format of Algorithm
\begin{algorithm}[h] \caption{Pseudocode of Simulated Annealing Algorithm} % 名称 \begin{algorithmic}[1] \Require $x_0$: initial individual or state; $T_0$: a high enough initial temperature; $T_{min}$: the lowest limit of temperature; \Ensure optimal state or approximate optimal state; \State set $x_0 = x_{best}$, compute initial energy function $E(x_0)$; \While {$T > T_{min}$} \For{$i = 1$; $i<n$; $i++$ } \State perturb current state $x_i$ for a new state $x_{new}$ and compute energy function $E(x_{new})$; \State compute $\Delta$ = $E(x_{new}-E(x_{(i)})$; \If {$\Delta$$E<0$} \State $x_{best} = x_{new}$ \Else \State the probability $P = exp(-dE/T_{(i)})$; \If {$rand(0,1) < P$ }\State $x_{best} = x_{new}$ \Else \State $x_{best} = x_{best}$ \EndIf \EndIf \EndFor \State $T = T * $ $ \alpha$, where $\alpha$ is decay factor ; \EndWhile \end{algorithmic} \end{algorithm}
\caption{Power method}
\begin{algorithmic} % 控制是否有序号
\STATE step 1: $a = b-1;$
\STATE step 2: $c = a+b;$
\STATE step 3: $a = a+b;$
\STATE step 4: $b= a+b;$
\STATE step 5: $f= a+b;$
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