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file is blocked

The Security Warning dialog box in Windows displays when you run or open a file that Microsoft doesn’t recognize as a trusted file. The file is blocked unless you specifically tell Windows the file can be run or opened.

当您运行或打开Microsoft无法识别为受信任文件的文件时,将显示Windows中的“安全警告”对话框。 除非您明确告知Windows该文件可以运行或打开,否则该文件将被阻止。

If you downloaded a file from a trusted source, and you run it often, you can unblock that file so you don’t get the Security Warning dialog box every time you run it.


WARNING: Be sure to only unblock files you know are from trusted sources. Unblocking unknown files can increase the risk of your computer being infected by malware or viruses.

警告:请确保仅取消阻止您知道来自受信任来源的文件。 取消阻止未知文件可能会增加您的计算机被恶意软件或病毒感染的风险。

如何直接在“安全警告”对话框上取消阻止文件 (How to Unblock a File Directly on the Security Warning Dialog Box)

The easiest way to unblock a file is a checkbox on the Security Warning dialog box itself. When the Security Warning appears, just uncheck the “Always ask before opening this file” box. Then, click “Run” or “Open” to run or open the file.

取消阻止文件最简单的方法是“安全警告”对话框本身上的复选框。 当出现安全警告时,只需取消选中“在打开此文件之前始终询问”框。 然后,单击“运行”或“打开”以运行或打开文件。

NOTE: This method will unblock a file in any location on your PC.



If the User Account Control dialog box displays, click “Yes” to continue.


NOTE: The User Account Control dialog box displays if the file is in a location that your user account does not have permission to access by default. Whether or not the User Account Control dialog box displays also depends on your User Account Control settings.

注意:如果文件位于您的用户帐户默认无权访问的位置,则显示“用户帐户控制”对话框。 是否显示“用户帐户控制”对话框还取决于您的“ 用户帐户控制”设置


The next time you run or open this specific file, you will not see the Security Warning dialog box.


如何使用文件属性解除阻止文件 (How to Unblock a File Using Its Properties)

You can also unblock a file by changing a setting in the properties of the file.


NOTE: You can only use this method to unblock a file if the file is in one of the locations in your user folder, such as Desktop, Downloads, or Documents (or locations your user account has permission to access). If it’s not in one of these locations, you must move the file to one of these locations first, unblock the file, and then move the file back to its original location.

注意:仅当文件位于用户文件夹中的某个位置(例如,桌面,下载或文档(或您的用户帐户有权访问的位置))中时,才可以使用此方法取消阻止文件。 如果它不在这些位置之一,则必须首先将文件移到这些位置之一,取消阻止文件,然后再将文件移回到其原始位置。

Right-click the file you want to unblock and select “Properties” from the popup menu.



The Properties dialog box displays. In Windows 10, on the General tab, check the “Unblock” check box so there is a check mark in the box. In Windows 7 and 8/8.1, click the “Unblock” button on the General tab. Click “OK”.

显示“属性”对话框。 在Windows 10中,在“常规”选项卡上,选中“取消阻止”复选框,以便该复选框中有一个复选标记。 在Windows 7和8 / 8.1中,单击“常规”选项卡上的“取消阻止”按钮。 点击“确定”。

NOTE: If you do not see an Unblock check box or button, the file is already unblocked.



When you run or open this specific file from now on, the Security Warning dialog box will not display.


如何在Windows 8 / 8.1和10中使用SmartScreen筛选器取消阻止文件 (How to Unblock Files Using the SmartScreen Filter in Windows 8/8.1 and 10)

Microsoft’s SmartScreen Filter prevents unknown and malicious programs from running, unless you give permission to do so. The SmartScreen Filter used to part of Internet Explorer 8 and 9. However, as of Windows 8, the SmartScreen Filter is integrated into the Windows operating system. You can unblock files from the SmartScreen Filter dialog box, if you encounter it in Windows 8/8.1 or 10.

Microsoft的SmartScreen筛选器可阻止运行未知程序和恶意程序,除非您允许这样做。 SmartScreen筛选器曾经是Internet Explorer 8和9的一部分。但是,从Windows 8开始,SmartScreen筛选器已集成到Windows操作系统中。 如果您在Windows 8 / 8.1或10中遇到该文件,则可以从SmartScreen筛选器对话框取消阻止文件

Remember to be very careful when choosing to unblock a file and be sure that you know the file comes from a trusted source.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/256303/how-to-unblock-a-file-from-windows-publisher-could-not-be-verified-warning/

