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scrum assessment


A few months ago, I got the Professional Scrum Master Certification (PSM I).

几个月前,我获得了专业Scrum Master认证(PSM I)。

This is a trending certification nowadays, because most companies operate with some sort of agile methodology. So I wanted to share some tips that helped me get 98% on the first try.

如今,这是一种趋势认证,因为大多数公司采用某种敏捷方法来运营。 因此,我想分享一些技巧,这些技巧可以帮助我在首次尝试时获得98%的成功率。

In this article, will discuss both the fast and slow track. And I would urge you to lean more towards the slow track.

在本文中,将讨论快速和慢速轨道。 我敦促您向慢速路线倾斜。

This is because the fast track, most of the time, will give you just enough knowledge to pass the certification. But this info is totally not enough to solve business day to day team problems with scrum. And that's a big part of what a scrum master does.

这是因为大多数情况下,快速通道将为您提供足够的知识以通过认证。 但是,此信息不足以解决Scrum日常工作中的团队问题。 这是Scrum管理员所做工作的重要组成部分。

Still, some people just care about having the certificate itself, for their own reasons (for example, company KPIs). So let's get started with the fast track.

尽管如此,有些人还是出于自己的原因(例如,公司KPI)关心自己是否拥有证书。 因此,让我们开始快速入门。

快速通道 (Fast track)

The fast track should take at most 25-30 hours of preparation.


至少阅读五遍Scrum指南并内化概念 (Read the scrum guide at least five times and internalize the concepts)

Almost all of the questions in the PSM I exam are derived from details of the scrum guide text. Most of the time there are nexus questions too, but it is not that hard if you have conquered the scrum guide.

PSM I考试中的几乎所有问题都来自Scrum指南文本的详细信息。 在大多数情况下,也存在联系问题,但是如果您征服了Scrum指南,这并不难。

Learning the guide by heart is not the solution here. But you might need to memorize it to remember minor details you will never encounter again in your scrum master journey (which I believe is the case with most certifications) :-)

认真学习指南并不是解决问题的办法。 但是您可能需要记住它,以记住一些次要的细节,您在Scrum主旅程中将再也不会遇到(我相信大多数认证都是这种情况):-)

While doing this step, you should totally understand a) the processes of scrum methodology b) the why behind the processes.


For example:


  • Why the daily scrum (or standup as most people know it) lasts for 15 minutes and not 20

  • Why it's a bad idea for the CEO to join the sprint retro

  • Why sprint ceremonies are not a chance to micromanage people


I believe if you read it thoroughly and mindfully 5-6 times, you are good to go.


拥抱scrum.org论坛 (Embrace the scrum.org fora)

In there you will "meet" people from the scrum trenches. People who have made a living, maybe many years in a row, from scrum oriented activities and who know what works and what does not.

在这里,您将“与” Scrum战people中的人们见面。 那些以Scrum为主的活动可能已经连续很多年谋生的人,并且知道什么有效,什么无效。

Reading the scrum.org fora helped me understand a lot "the why" behind the scrum guide.


进行官方公开评估 (Do the official open assessments)

The official open assessments will test your understanding of the scrum guide and make you familiar with the actual exam environment. They are great practice for PSM I.

官方的公开评估将测试您对Scrum指南的理解,并使您熟悉实际的考试环境。 它们是PSM I的绝佳实践。

I think a good portion of the questions that you will encounter in the open assessment will be similar to the ones in the exam.


I recommend that you take the open assessments many times. The more the merrier.

我建议您多次进行公开评估。 多多益善。

A popular stop criterion is when you have achieved a 100% score five or six consecutive times.


从Mikhail Lapshin进行模拟测试 (Do the mock tests from Mikhail Lapshin)

Mikhail Laphsin is a software architect and he's very passionate about scrum as well.

Mikhail Laphsin是一位软件架构师,他也非常热衷于Scrum。

Because of that, he had created one of the best simulation tests out there, which 100% follows the scrum guide.


There are not multiple versions of the test (at least that was the case when I was taking it). But taking it and checking the explanation of your wrong answers will supercharge your ability to tackle the actual exam.

测试没有多个版本(至少在我参加考试时就是这种情况)。 但是接受它并检查错误答案的解释将增强您处理实际考试的能力。

慢轨道 (The slow track)

This track will keep you busy for about 3 months. You can stretch it as much or little you want. I assume you have gone through the fast track as well, before starting the slow.

这首曲目将使您忙碌大约3个月。 您可以根据需要扩展它的大小。 我认为您在开始慢速运动之前也经历了快速运动。

Don't forget to check the official reading guide too, when on the slow track, and add any resources you find interesting in my suggestions.


反思您当前的Scrum体验 (Reflect on your current scrum experience)

You can get the scrum master certification even if you've had no experience with scrum before. But it will make your life way easier if you do have some experience.

即使您以前没有使用Scrum的经验,也可以获得Scrum Master认证。 但是,如果您有一定的经验,它将使您的生活更加轻松。

So if you are one of the lucky (experienced) ones, think what you are doing right and what you are doing wrong in the scrum team you are part of.


Just keep in mind - there are some opinionated people who don't know what scrum is all about. They think it's a web development framework or a book of pasta recipes. It's ok - let them do their thing, and stick to your plan to become a great scrum master.

请记住-有些固执的人不知道什么是混乱。 他们认为这是一个Web开发框架或一本通心粉食谱。 没关系-让他们做自己的事,并按照您的计划成为一名出色的Scrum大师。

When you do, you can be opinionated as you want. Until then, I suggest you focus on the collective experience of the community.

当您这样做时,可以随心所欲。 在此之前,我建议您专注于社区的集体经验。

If you don't have experience with scrum, a great free resource for a pretty good and interesting introduction is this Scrum Training Series.


网志 (Blogs)

Similar to the scrum.org fora, blogs can give you a great perspective from a working scrum master / agile coach.

与scrum.org论坛类似, 博客可以为工作中的Scrum管理员/敏捷教练提供绝佳的视角。

Some articles might be overkill for a new scrum master, so don't get discouraged if you don't get some of those.


My other favorite one is Serious Scrum.

我最喜欢的另一个是“ 严重Scrum”

图书 (Books)

Did you think you would escape? :) Here are some of the best scrum books I have found out there and I would suggest that you read.

你以为你会逃脱吗? :)这是我在那里找到的一些最好的Scrum书籍,建议您阅读。

其他评估 (Other assessments)

If time allows and you are not burned out yet :-P , doing the nexus, scrum developer and product owner open assessments will help you get a wider picture of the framework, from various angles.


Of course, you don't need to get consistently perfect scores. A couple of runs with a "pass" is more than sufficient in my opinion.

当然,您不需要获得始终如一的完美分数。 在我看来,几次通过“通过”就足够了。

预定课程 (Book a class)

This is a bit overkill if you ask me, and I would never take a class for PSM I (PSM II or III are more eligible for that kind of training). But I don't want to influence your personal style of learning.

如果您问我,这有点矫kill过正,而且我永远也不会参加PSM I的课程(PSM II或III更有资格参加这种培训)。 但我不想影响您的个人学习风格。

You can find all the trainers here. If there is no one in your country or you don't want physical presence due to the pandemic, maybe you could request Skype/Hangouts courses.

您可以在这里找到所有培训师。 如果您所在的国家/地区没有人,或者由于大流行而您不希望身临其境,也许您可​​以申请Skype /环聊课程。

I don't know anyone who has done it, so if you have any interesting feedback to share, please do, I would be glad to hear it!


结论 (Conclusion)

Thank you for reading this article. If you are new to the field, I wish you all the best in your journey as a scrum master. If you are more seasoned I would appreciate any feedback on the resources. Enjoy your study in any case!

感谢您阅读本文。 如果您是该领域的新手,我希望您作为Scrum Master旅途中一切顺利。 如果您经验更丰富,将对资源提供任何反馈。 无论如何,祝您学习愉快!

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/how-to-get-certified-as-a-professional-scrum-master-the-fast-and-the-slow-way/


