import time import pandas as pd import os import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # 先定义一个配置类 from Tools.scripts.treesync import raw_input class Config: # 定义表一 table1_url = "C:\\Users\\Shinelon\\Desktop\\untitled\\resource\\table1.csv" table1_header = ["书号", "书名", "出版社", "作者", "价格", "库存"] # 定义表二 table2_url = "C:\\Users\\Shinelon\\Desktop\\untitled\\resource\\table2.csv" table2_header = ["学号", "书号", "借阅日期"] # 定义表三 table3_url = "C:\\Users\\Shinelon\\Desktop\\untitled\\resource\\table3.csv" table3_header = ["学号", "姓名", "性别", "班级"] class library_system(object): def __init__(self): print("图书馆系统初始化中...") self.input_table1_table2() self.book_table, self.borrow_table, self.student_table = self.get_info_from_file() print("图书馆系统初始化完成!") self.menu() def input_table1_table2(self): print("请输入图书馆藏书表") table1 = [] print("输入藏书表:书号 书名 出版社 作者 价格 库存\n") x = raw_input('请输入数据:') while x != "exit\n": y = x.split() if len(y) != 6: x = raw_input('列数不一致\n请重新输入:') else: table1.append(y) x = raw_input('下一条记录:') print("请输入学生信息表") table3 = [] print("输入学生表:学号 姓名 性别 班级\n") x = raw_input('请输入数据:') while x != "exit\n": y = x.split() if len(y) != 4: x = raw_input('数据列数不一致\n请重新输入:') else: table3.append(y) x = raw_input('下一条记录:') table1 = pd.DataFrame(table1) table3 = pd.DataFrame(table3) table1.to_csv(Config.table1_url, header=Config.table1_header, index=None) table3.to_csv(Config.table3_url, header=Config.table3_header, index=None) def get_info_from_file(self): book_table = pd.read_csv(Config.table1_url) borrow_table = [] student_table = pd.read_csv(Config.table3_url) print("信息读取成功...") return book_table, borrow_table, student_table def save_file(self): self.book_table.to_csv(Config.table1_url, header=Config.table1_header, index=None) boo = pd.DataFrame(self.borrow_table) boo.to_csv(Config.table2_url, header=Config.table2_header, index=None) self.student_table.to_csv(Config.table3_url, header=Config.table3_header, index=None) print("保存文件成功") # 实现借阅功能:输入学号和书号,如果借阅成功(学号所对应的学生在表3中并且书号所对应的图书在表1中且库存大于等于1),修改表1和表2,并保存到文件 def borrow(self, student_id, book_id): flag1=True for i in range(len(self.student_table["学号"])): if int(self.student_table["学号"][i])==int(student_id): print("查询到该学生") flag1=False for j in range(len(self.book_table["书号"])): if int(self.book_table["书号"][j])==int(book_id) and int(self.book_table["库存"][j])>0: print("库存充足") self.book_table["库存"][j] = str(int(self.book_table["库存"][j])-1) borrow = [student_id,book_id, time.strftime("%d/%m/%Y")] self.borrow_table .append(borrow) self.save_file() break if not flag1: break if flag1: print("未查询到该学生") print("借阅图书") # 实现还书功能:从表2中删除该学生的借阅信息,并修改表1的库存信息,并保存到文件 def let_back(self, student_id, book_id): for j in range(len(self.book_table["书号"])): if int(self.book_table["书号"][j])==int(book_id): self.book_table["库存"][j] = str(int(self.book_table["库存"][j])+1) for i in range(len(self.borrow_table)): if int(self.borrow_table[i][0])==int(student_id) and int(self.borrow_table[i][1])==int(book_id): del self.borrow_table[i] self.save_file() break break print("还书") # 输入某书号,可以查询借阅该书的学生信息 def find_by_book_id(self, book_id): stu_ids=set() #先获取对应人的学号 for i in range(len(self.borrow_table)): if int(self.borrow_table[i][1])==int(book_id): stu_ids.add(int(self.borrow_table[i][0])) stu=[] for i in range(len(self.student_table["学号"])): if int(self.student_table["学号"][i]) in stu_ids: stu.append(self.student_table.iloc[i]) print("查询借了某本书的学生信息") print(stu) def sum_by_student_id(self, student_id): sum=0 for i in range(len(self.borrow_table)): if int(self.borrow_table[i][0])==int(student_id): sum+=1 print("统计某学生当前借书量"+str(sum)) # 统计某出版社的藏书量,统计某学生当前借书量 def sum_by_publish(self, publish_name): book_id = set() sum=0 for i in range(len(self.book_table["出版社"])): if str(self.book_table["出版社"][i])==str(publish_name): book_id.add(int(self.book_table["出版社"][0])) sum+=int(self.book_table["库存"][i]) for i in range(len(self.borrow_table)): if self.borrow_table[i][1] in book_id: sum+=1 print(str(publish_name)+"统计藏书量"+str(sum)) return sum # 输入某学生姓名,可以查询该生的借阅图书信息 def find_by_student_name(self, student_name): stu_id=set() for i in range(len(self.student_table["姓名"])): if str(self.student_table["姓名"][i])==str(student_name): stu_id.add(int(self.student_table["学号"][i])) print("找到") book_id=set() res=[] for i in range(len(self.borrow_table)): if int(self.borrow_table[i][0]) in stu_id: book_id.add(int(self.borrow_table[i][1])) for i in range(len(self.book_table["书号"])): if int(self.book_table["书号"][i]) in book_id: res.append(self.book_table.iloc[i]) print("查询某学生的借书信息") print(res) #获取各出版社的藏书量折线图 def get_publish(self): pub = set() for i in range(len(self.book_table["出版社"])): pub.add(str(self.book_table["出版社"][i])) pubL = list(pub) x1 = range(len(pubL)) numL = [] for i in range(len(pubL)): numL.append(self.sum_by_publish(pubL[i])) plt.title('各出版社的藏书量折线图') plt.xlabel('出版社名字') plt.ylabel('藏书量') plt.plot(pubL, numL, 'r', label='藏书量') plt.xticks(x1, pubL, rotation=0) plt.legend() plt.grid() plt.show() # 利用第三方库matplotlib中的pyplot绘制统计图,如绘制各出版社的藏书量折线图,绘制各学生借书量的饼图等 def get_stu(self): stu_id = set() for i in range(len(self.student_table["学号"])): stu_id.add(int(self.student_table["学号"][i])) stuL = list(stu_id) numL = [] for i in range(len(stuL)): numL.append(self.sum_by_student_id(stuL[i])) plt.rcParams['font.sans-serif'] = 'SimHei' # 设置中文显示 plt.figure(figsize=(6, 6)) # 将画布设定为正方形,则绘制的饼图是正圆 plt.pie(numL, labels=stuL, autopct='%1.1f%%') # 绘制饼图 plt.title('2018年饼图') # 绘制标题 plt.show() # 1绘制各出版社的藏书量折线图,2绘制各学生借书量的饼图 def show_diaglo(self,chos): if str(chos)=="1": self.get_publish() if str(chos)=='2': self.get_stu() print("展现图表") def cls(self): os.system("cls") def menu(self): level_1_choose = raw_input("按回车继续") while level_1_choose != "exit\n": self.cls() print("图书管理系统菜单\n") print("1 借阅功能 请输入: 1 学号 书号") print("2 还书功能 请输入: 2 学号 书号") print("3 查询学生借阅信息 请输入: 3 学生姓名") print("4 查询借该书的学生信息 请输入: 4 书号") print("5 统计某出版社的藏书量 请输入: 5 出版社名") print("6 统计某学生当前的借书量 请输入: 6 学生学号") print("7 绘图功能 请输入:7") level_1_choose = raw_input("请选择1-7你要选择的功能,输入exit退出") turn = True while turn: sp = level_1_choose.split() # 1-7 if sp[0] == "1": if len(sp) == 3: self.borrow(sp[1], sp[2]) turn = False else: turn = True level_1_choose = raw_input("输入错误,请重新输入\n") elif sp[0] == "2": if len(sp) == 3: self.let_back(sp[1], sp[2]) turn = False else: turn = True level_1_choose = raw_input("输入错误,请重新输入\n") elif sp[0] == "3": if len(sp) == 2: self.find_by_student_name(sp[1]) turn = False else: turn = True level_1_choose = raw_input("输入错误,请重新输入\n") elif sp[0] == "4": if len(sp) == 2: self.find_by_book_id(sp[1]) turn = False else: turn = True level_1_choose = raw_input("输入错误,请重新输入\n") elif sp[0] == "5": if len(sp) == 2: self.sum_by_publish(sp[1]) turn = False else: turn = True level_1_choose = raw_input("输入错误,请重新输入\n") elif sp[0] == "6": if len(sp) == 2: self.sum_by_student_id(sp[1]) turn = False else: turn = True level_1_choose = raw_input("输入错误,请重新输入\n") elif sp[0] == "7": if len(sp) == 2: self.show_diaglo(sp[1]) turn = False else: turn = True level_1_choose = raw_input("输入错误,请重新输入\n") else: turn = True level_1_choose = raw_input("输入错误,请重新输入\n") if __name__ == '__main__': ls = library_system()
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