python 自带了 smtplib 库
默认状态下, python 利用 base64 进行用户名密码传递
测试期间, 可以打开 debug 功能, 方便进行排错
import smtplib subject = 'message subject' to = '收邮件的邮箱ex: aaa@163.com' sender = '发邮件邮箱 ex: bbb@163.com' user = '账号' password = '密码' mailserver = '邮件服务器地址 ex: smtp.163.com' mailport = '邮件服务器端口 ex:25' try: smtpserver = smtplib.SMTP(mailserver, mailport) smtpserver.set_debuglevel(1) # 这里可以打开调试模式, 调试模式可以阅读当前邮件服务器支持哪些认证方法这个很重要 smtpserver.ehlo() smtpserver.starttls() # 启用 tls 验证方法, 如果服务器需要提供 KEY, 那么把 keyfile 放到函数中 smtpserver.ehlo() user = user password = password smtpserver.login(user, password) header = 'To:' + to + '\n' + 'From: ' + sender + '\n' + 'Subject:' + subject + '\n' message = header + '\n This is my message' smtpserver.sendmail(sender, to, message) smtpserver.close() except Exception as e: print e finally: print "done"
smtplib.SMTPAuthenticationError: (535, '5.7.3 Authentication unsuccessful'
常见情况是, 当前用户名与密码填写有问题
user 部分不需要填写整个邮件地址, 即不需要带 @163.com 的域名
常见 debug 信息如下, 参考一下
send: 'ehlo this-is-my-hostname\r\n' reply: '250-mail.server.repose Hello [xx.xxx.xxx.xx]\r\n' reply: '250-SIZE 36700160\r\n' reply: '250-PIPELINING\r\n' reply: '250-DSN\r\n' reply: '250-ENHANCEDSTATUSCODES\r\n' reply: '250-STARTTLS\r\n' reply: '250-AUTH NTLM LOGIN\r\n' reply: '250-8BITMIME\r\n' reply: '250-BINARYMIME\r\n' reply: '250 CHUNKING\r\n' reply: retcode (250); Msg: mail.server.repose Hello [10.xxx.xx.xx] SIZE 36700160 PIPELINING DSN ENHANCEDSTATUSCODES STARTTLS AUTH NTLM LOGIN 8BITMIME BINARYMIME CHUNKING send: 'ehlo pre-pinyun.localdomain\r\n' reply: 'this-is-my-hostname Hello [x.x.x.x]\r\n' reply: '250-SIZE 36700160\r\n' reply: '250-PIPELINING\r\n' reply: '250-DSN\r\n' reply: '250-ENHANCEDSTATUSCODES\r\n' reply: '250-STARTTLS\r\n' reply: '250-AUTH NTLM LOGIN\r\n' reply: '250-8BITMIME\r\n' reply: '250-BINARYMIME\r\n' reply: '250 CHUNKING\r\n' reply: retcode (250); Msg: this-is-my-hostname Hello [x.x.x.x] SIZE 36700160 PIPELINING DSN ENHANCEDSTATUSCODES STARTTLS AUTH NTLM LOGIN 8BITMIME BINARYMIME CHUNKING send: 'AUTH LOGIN c2FuLnpoYW5n\r\n' reply: '334 UGFzc3dvcmQ6\r\n' reply: retcode (334); Msg: UGFzc3dvcmQ6 send: 'YWJjLjEyMzQ=\r\n' reply: '235 2.7.0 Authentication successful\r\n' reply: retcode (235); Msg: 2.7.0 Authentication successful send: 'mail FROM:<san.zhang@contoso.com> size=97\r\n' reply: '250 2.1.0 Sender OK\r\n' reply: retcode (250); Msg: 2.1.0 Sender OK send: 'rcpt TO:<san.zhang@contoso.com>\r\n' reply: '250 2.1.5 Recipient OK\r\n' reply: retcode (250); Msg: 2.1.5 Recipient OK send: 'data\r\n' reply: '354 Start mail input; end with <CRLF>.<CRLF>\r\n' reply: retcode (354); Msg: Start mail input; end with <CRLF>.<CRLF> data: (354, 'Start mail input; end with <CRLF>.<CRLF>') send: 'To:tomail@163.com\r\nFrom: mail@163.com\r\nSubject:message subject\r\n\r\n This is my message\r\n.\r\n' reply: '250 2.6.0 <faedbf573d104b7b8daf061999e1fa84@mail-server> [InternalId=14018773254225, Hostname=this-is-my-hostname] Queued mail for delivery\r\n' reply: retcode (250); Msg: 2.6.0 <faedbf573d104b7b8daf061999e1fa84@GD2-MBX01.corp.contoso.com> [InternalId=14018773254225, Hostname=this-is-my-hostname] Queued mail for delivery data: (250, '2.6.0 <faedbf573d104b7b8daf061999e1fa84@this-is-my-hostname> [InternalId=14018773254225, Hostname=this-is-my-hostname] Queued mail for delivery') done
留意这里就是登陆验证的过程, 数据经过了 base64 加密
send: 'AUTH LOGIN cs2FuLnxxxxxpoYW5n\r\n'
reply: '334 UGF3zcxxxxx3dvcmQ6\r\n' <- 其中 334 就是服务器正常应答的代码
reply: retcode (334); Msg: UGFzc3xxxxxdvcmQ6
send: 'YWsJwjLjxxxxxEyMzQ=\r\n' <- 这里发送的就是你的密码加密信息
reply: '235 2.7.0 Authentication successful\r\n' <- 这里确认了验证是否正确
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