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Spring AI上架,打造专属业务大模型,AI开发再也不是难事!_openal spring update

openal spring update


Spring AI 来了

Spring AI 是 AI 工程师的一个应用框架,它提供了一个友好的 API 和开发 AI 应用的抽象,旨在简化 AI 应用的开发工序。

提供对常见模型的接入能力,目前已经上架 https://start.spring.io/,提供大家测试访问。(请注意虽然已经上架 start.spring.io,但目前还是在 Spring 私服,未发布至 Maven 中央仓库)

以 ChatGPT 模型为例

1. 添加依赖

 <!-- 配置 Spring 仓库 -->
          <name>Spring Milestones</name>
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2. 配置 OpenAI 相关参数

在yml 配置

      base-url: # 支持 openai-sb、openai-hk 等中转站点,如用官方则不填
      api-key: sk-xxxx
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API 使用

1. 聊天 API
private OpenAiChatClient chatClient;

void testChatClient() {
    String message = """
            树上有 9 只鸟,猎人开枪打死一只,树上还剩下多少只鸟?
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2. 生成图像
private OpenAiImageClient openaiImageClient;
void testImageClient() {
    ImageResponse response = openaiImageClient
            .call(new ImagePrompt("A light cream colored mini golden doodle", OpenAiImageOptions.builder()
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3. Prompts 提示词 API
void testPrompts() {
    String systemText = """
            You are a helpful AI assistant that helps people find information.
            Your name is {name}
            You should reply to the user's request with your name.
    SystemPromptTemplate systemPromptTemplate = new SystemPromptTemplate(systemText);

    String userText = """
            Tell me about three famous pirates from the Golden Age of Piracy and why they did.
            Write at least a sentence for each pirate.

    Message userMessage = new UserMessage(userText);
    Message systemMessage = systemPromptTemplate.createMessage(Map.of("name", "lengleng"));

    Prompt prompt = new Prompt(List.of(userMessage, systemMessage));

    List<Generation> response = chatClient.call(prompt).getResults();

    for (Generation generation : response){
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目标:在自然语言交流中,可通过调用外部工具来回答问题;将自然语言转换为 API 调用参数或查询数据库的条件;提取文本中的结构化数据


1. 创建 Function Calling
public class MockMathScoreService implements Function<MockMathScoreService.Request, MockMathScoreService.Response> {

     * 请求此模型必须入参的数据维度有哪些 (姓名)
     * <p>
     * input: 张三同学的数学成绩怎么样?
    public record Request(@JsonProperty(required = true,
            value = "username") @JsonPropertyDescription("学生姓名") String username) {

     * 返回大模型的数据维度有哪些 (姓名,成绩)
    public record Response(String username, double score) {

     * 实际的数据源提供逻辑,根据用户输入 username 查询本地数据库,返回给大模型
     * @param request the function argument  username
     * @return Response
    public Response apply(Request request) {
        if (request.username.contains("张三")) {
            return new Response("张三", 100);
        } else if (request.username.contains("李四")) {
            return new Response("李四", 99.5);
        return new Response("null", 0);
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2. 调用
void  testCallFunc(){
    String promptText= "张三同学的数学成绩怎么样?";
    UserMessage userMessage = new UserMessage(promptText);

    var promptOptions = OpenAiChatOptions.builder()
            .withFunctionCallbacks(List.of(new FunctionCallbackWrapper<>(
                    new MockMathScoreService())))

    ChatResponse response = chatClient.call(new Prompt(List.of(userMessage), promptOptions));
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