readTextFile(path):Read files line wise and returns them as Strings.
readTextFileWithValue(path):Reads files line wise and returns them as StringValues(String Values are mutable strings).
readCsvFile(path):Parses file of comma(or anthor char) delimited fiedls.Returns a DataSet of tuples, case class
or POJOs, Supports the basic java types and their values counterparts as field types.
readFileOfPrimitives(path, delimiter):Parses files of new-line(or anthor char sequence) delimited primitive data types
such as String or Integer using the given delimiter.
readHadoopFile(FileInputFormat, key, Value, path):Create a JobConf and reads file from the specified FileInputFormat,Key class and Value class and return
them as Tuple2<key, value>.
readSequenceFile(key, va
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