- /**
- * Try and find the UV for a collision impact. Note this ONLY works if 'Support UV From Hit Results' is enabled in Physics Settings.
- */
- UFUNCTION(BlueprintPure, Category = "Collision")
- static bool FindCollisionUV(const struct FHitResult& Hit, int32 UVChannel, FVector2D& UV);
- bool UGameplayStatics::FindCollisionUV(const struct FHitResult& Hit, int32 UVChannel, FVector2D& UV)
- {
- bool bSuccess = false;
- if (!UPhysicsSettings::Get()->bSupportUVFromHitResults)
- {
- FMessageLog("PIE").Warning(LOCTEXT("CollisionUVNoSupport", "Calling FindCollisionUV but 'Support UV From Hit Results' is not enabled in project settings. This is required for finding UV for collision results."));
- }
- else
- {
- UPrimitiveComponent* HitPrimComp = Hit.Component.Get();
- if (HitPrimComp)
- {
- UBodySetup* BodySetup = HitPrimComp->GetBodySetup();
- if (BodySetup)
- {
- const FVector LocalHitPos = HitPrimComp->GetComponentToWorld().InverseTransformPosition(Hit.Location);
- bSuccess = BodySetup->CalcUVAtLocation(LocalHitPos, Hit.FaceIndex, UVChannel, UV);
- }
- }
- }
- return bSuccess;
- }
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