java es8 查询如何打印查询入参 ?(直接执行的json)
es自定义分词器 如何实现?
kibana 监控jvm分子分母是什么 ?
es如何 改索引结构?
分享时需要讲 原理+应用场景
根据笔记总结分享文档,代码截图等 (不要直接拿笔记出来讲)
然后对config下的 elasticsearch.yml 分别进行设置
- #节点 1 的配置信息:
- # ---------------------------------- Cluster -----------------------------------
- # 集群名称,节点之间要保持一致
- cluster.name: my-application
- # ------------------------------------ Node ------------------------------------
- # 节点名称,集群内要唯一
- node.name: node-1
- # 节点角色 [主节点、数据节点]:注意这一点同7.x版本的区别配置
- node.roles: [master,data]
- # ---------------------------------- Network -----------------------------------
- # 发布ip
- network.host: localhost
- # http 端口
- http.port: 9200
- # tcp 监听端口:注意这一点同7.x版本的区别配置
- transport.port: 9301
- # --------------------------------- Discovery ----------------------------------
- # 初始主节点
- cluster.initial_master_nodes: ["node-1", "node-2", "node-3"]
- # ---------------------------------- Various -----------------------------------
- # 删除索引是否需要指定索引全名(false就是可以用正则)
- #action.destructive_requires_name: false
- # 跨域配置
- http.cors.enabled: true
- http.cors.allow-origin: "*"
- # 节点 2 的配置信息:
- # ---------------------------------- Cluster -----------------------------------
- # 集群名称,节点之间要保持一致
- cluster.name: my-application
- # ------------------------------------ Node ------------------------------------
- # 节点名称,集群内要唯一
- node.name: node-2
- # 节点角色 [主节点、数据节点]
- node.roles: [master,data]
- # ---------------------------------- Network -----------------------------------
- # 发布ip
- network.host: localhost
- # http 端口
- http.port: 9201
- # tcp 监听端口
- transport.port: 9302
- # --------------------------------- Discovery ----------------------------------
- # 自动发现集群节点ip
- discovery.seed_hosts: ["localhost:9301"]
- # discovery.zen.fd.ping_timeout: 1m
- # discovery.zen.fd.ping_retries: 5
- # 集群内的可以被选为主节点的节点列表
- cluster.initial_master_nodes: ["node-1", "node-2","node-3"]
- # ---------------------------------- Various -----------------------------------
- # 跨域配置
- http.cors.enabled: true
- http.cors.allow-origin: "*"
- #节点 3 的配置信息:
- # ---------------------------------- Cluster -----------------------------------
- # 集群名称,节点之间要保持一致
- cluster.name: my-application
- # ------------------------------------ Node ------------------------------------
- # 节点名称,集群内要唯一
- node.name: node-3
- # 节点角色 [主节点、数据节点]
- node.roles: [master,data]
- # ---------------------------------- Network -----------------------------------
- # 发布ip
- network.host: localhost
- # http 端口
- http.port: 9203
- # tcp 监听端口
- transport.port: 9303
- # --------------------------------- Discovery ----------------------------------
- # 自动发现集群节点ip
- discovery.seed_hosts: ["localhost:9301", "localhost:9302"]
- # discovery.zen.fd.ping_timeout: 1m
- # discovery.zen.fd.ping_retries: 5
- # 集群内的可以被选为主节点的节点列表
- cluster.initial_master_nodes: ["node-1", "node-2","node-3"]
- # ---------------------------------- Various -----------------------------------
- # 跨域配置
- http.cors.enabled: true
- http.cors.allow-origin: "*"
- cd E:\es\node\node-1\bin
- .\elasticsearch.bat
- cd E:\es\node\node-2\bin
- .\elasticsearch.bat
- cd E:\es\node\node-3\bin
- .\elasticsearch.bat
- # 随机密码
- ./elasticsearch-reset-password -u elastic
在config的 kibana.yml 中新增
i18n.locale: "zh-CN"
xpack.security.enabled: false
- cd E:\es\kibana-8.7.0-windows-x86_64\kibana-8.7.0\bin
- .\kibana.bat
- 在bin目录下执行命令,生成证书
- ./elasticsearch-certutil ca
- ./elasticsearch-certutil cert --ca elastic-stack-ca.p12
- # 开启https协议
- xpack.security.enabled: true
- # 这行似乎不需要,测试环境copy过来的,先加上
- xpack.license.self_generated.type: basic
- xpack.security.transport.ssl.enabled: true
- xpack.security.transport.ssl.verification_mode: certificate
- xpack.security.transport.ssl.keystore.path: certs/elastic-certificates.p12
- xpack.security.transport.ssl.truststore.path: certs/elastic-certificates.p12
修改 kibana_system 的密码
- 在node1节点的bin目录下执行
- ./elasticsearch-reset-password -u kibana_system
修改 kibana_admin 的密码
- ./elasticsearch-reset-password -u kibana_admin
- 密码:
config目录下的 kibana.yml 添加如下配置
- server.port: 5601
- server.host: "localhost"
- server.name: "node-1"
- elasticsearch.hosts: ["http://localhost:9200","http://localhost:9201","http://localhost:9203"]
- elasticsearch.ssl.verificationMode: none
- elasticsearch.requestTimeout: 90000
- elasticsearch.username: "kibana_system"
- # elasticsearch.password: "Mvwm@n12nal"
- elasticsearch.password: "Ql2e3HvwXUL9QfBlb+06"
在浏览器输入网址 http://localhost:5601/
使用 elastic账户登录
注意:es8的时候,已经默认不支持* 或者 _all了
- # 查询所有节点
- GET /_cat/nodes?v
- # 查询所有索引
- GET /_cat/indices?v
- GET /_cat/indices?v&h=health,status,index
- # 获取所有的索引mapping信息
- GET _all/_mapping
- #获取当前索引信息
- GET /community_encyclopedia
- GET /community_encyclopedia/_settings
- GET /community_encyclopedia/_mapping
- # 查询当前索引总数
- GET /community_encyclopedia/_count
- # 查询当前索引数据
- GET /community_encyclopedia/_search
- # 查询当前索引单条数据
- GET /community_encyclopedia/_doc/100
- #只获取字段name,age
- GET /bamboo/_doc/1?_source=name,age
- #查询参数
- GET /community_encyclopedia/_search
- {
- "query":{
- "bool":{
- "must":[
- {
- "match_phrase": {
- "type":1
- }
- },{
- "match_phrase": {
- "status":1
- }
- }
- ]
- }
- },
- "sort":[
- {
- "normalIndex":"asc"
- },
- {
- "createTime.keyword":"desc"
- }
- ]
- }
- # 范围查询
- #查询参数
- GET /t_car_order/_search
- {
- "query":{
- "range": {
- "create_time": {
- "gte": "2017-07-24T21:26:21.000Z",
- "lte": "2017-07-25T00:26:21.000Z"
- }
- }
- }
- }
- # 聚集查询 id为1,2的数据
- GET /bamboo/_doc/_mget
- {
- "docs":[
- {
- "_id": 2
- },
- {
- "_id": 1
- }
- ]
- }
- GET /bamboo/_doc/_search
- {"query":{"bool":{"must":[{"match_all":{}}],"must_not":[],"should":[]}},"from":0,"size":10,"sort":[],"aggs":{}}
- # 模糊查询
- GET /community_encyclopedia/_search
- {
- "query":{
- "bool": {
- "must": [
- {"wildcard": {"managerQuestion.keyword": "*汽车保险包括*"}}
- ]
- }
- }
- }
- # 多条件查询
- GET /t_car_policy/_search
- {
- "query":{
- "bool":{
- "must":[
- {
- "match": {
- "orderNo":"DCARRxFyaf000060147"
- }
- },{
- "match": {
- "appPolicyNo":"0106003202023026408"
- }
- }
- ],
- "filter": [
- {
- "range": {
- "createTime": {
- "lt": "2023-10-23 00:00:00"
- }
- }
- }
- ]
- }
- }
- }
- 上面的语法中,filter不参与评分,也可以直接放在must中:
- GET /t_car_policy/_search
- {
- "query":{
- "bool":{
- "must":[
- {
- "match": {
- "orderNo":"DCARRxFyaf000060147"
- }
- },
- {
- "match": {
- "appPolicyNo":"0106003202023026408"
- }
- },
- {
- "range": {
- "createTime": {
- "lt": "2023-10-23 00:00:00"
- }
- }
- }
- ]
- }
- }
- }
- 以上是匹配查询,更建议使用 .keyword 精确查询
- #查询参数
- GET /t_car_policy/_search
- {
- "query":{
- "bool":{
- "must":[
- {
- "term": {
- "orderNo.keyword":"DCARRxFyaf000060147"
- }
- },
- {
- "term": {
- "appPolicyNo.keyword":"0106003202023026408"
- }
- },
- {
- "range": {
- "createTime": {
- "lt": "2023-10-23 00:00:00"
- }
- }
- }
- ]
- }
- }
- }
- # 删除所有索引
- # DELETE /_all
- # 删除部分索引
- # DELETE /test-*
- # 删除单个索引
- # DELETE /bamboo
- # 删除某条数据
- # DELETE /bamboo/_doc/1
- # 创建空索引
- PUT /bamboo
- # 创建索引和对应的mapping和setting
- PUT /bamboo
- {
- "mappings": {
- "properties": {
- "title": { "type": "text" },
- "name": { "type": "text" },
- "age": { "type": "integer" },
- "created": {
- "type": "date",
- "format": "strict_date_optional_time||epoch_millis"
- }
- }
- },
- "settings":{
- "index":{
- "number_of_shards": 5,
- "number_of_replicas": 1
- }
- }
- }
- #添加一条数据
- PUT /bamboo/_doc/1
- {
- "name":"zs",
- "title":"张三",
- "age":18,
- "created":"2018-12-25"
- }
- # 修改一条数据的某个属性值
- PUT /bamboo/_doc/1
- {
- "name":"lxs",
- "title":"李小四"
- }
- # 批量插入多个document,_id不指定则系统生成字符串
- POST /bamboo/_doc/_bulk
- {"index":{"_id":2}}
- {"name":"ww","title":"王五","age":18,"created":"2018-12-27"}
- {"index":{}}
- {"name":"zl","title":"赵六","age":25,"created":"2018-12-27"}
- # 批量操作(包含修改和删除)
- POST /bamboo/_doc/_bulk
- {"update":{"_id":"1"}}
- {"doc":{"title":"王小五"}}
- {"delete":{"_id":"2"}}
and or
should:其查询子句应该被满足,也就是不一定都满足,逻辑相当于 or。
must:其查询子句必须全部被满足,逻辑相当于 and ,并且会计算分数。
filter:与 must 作用一样,但是不会计算分数。在 filter context 下的查询子句不会计算分数且会被缓存。
must_not:其查询子句必须都不被满足。当子句是在 filter context 下时,不会计算分数且会被缓存。
Elasticsearch 中 must, filter, should, must_not, constant_score 的区别
被混淆的概念是,一个 Lucene 索引我们在 Elasticsearch 称作分片 。 而在Elasticsearch中索引是分片的集合。 当 Elasticsearch 在索引中搜索的时候, 他发送查询到每一个属于索引的分片(Lucene 索引),然后合并每个分片的结果到一个全局的结果集。
- logging:
- config: classpath:logback-spring.xml
- elasticsearch:
- # 多个IP逗号隔开
- hosts:,,
- username: elastic
- password: Mvwm@n12nal
- private void createIndexDetail(String indexName) throws IOException {
- // 3.创建索引
- CreateIndexResponse response = elasticsearchClient
- .indices()
- .create(c -> c
- .index(indexName)
- .settings(sBuilder -> sBuilder
- .index(iBuilder -> iBuilder
- // 5️个分片
- .numberOfShards("5")
- // 一个副本
- .numberOfReplicas("1")))
- .mappings(mBuilder -> mBuilder
- .properties(OrderDetail.ORDER_NO, pBuilder -> pBuilder.keyword(keywordPropertyBuilder -> keywordPropertyBuilder.ignoreAbove(30)))
- .properties(OrderDetail.MESSAGE, pBuilder -> pBuilder.text(textPropertyBuilder -> textPropertyBuilder.analyzer("ik_max_word").searchAnalyzer("ik_smart")))
- )
- );
- log.info("createIndexDetail方法,acknowledged={}", response.acknowledged());
- }
然后100备份数据放在副本分片上。 相当于主从mysql库
采用方式:spring Data Elasticsearch 方式
由于集团使用的是es7.1.1版本,所以我们对应使用spring Data Elasticsearch 4.0.x
由于升级spring boot成本过大,为了和其他微服务的spring boot版本保持一致,故采用此方式
Elasticsearch Java API Client官方文档
Springboot整合ES8(Java API Client)
springboo整合elasticSearch8 java client api
- package com.djbx.dh.search.controller.dhwiki;
- import co.elastic.clients.elasticsearch.ElasticsearchClient;
- import co.elastic.clients.elasticsearch._types.FieldSort;
- import co.elastic.clients.elasticsearch._types.SortOptions;
- import co.elastic.clients.elasticsearch._types.SortOrder;
- import co.elastic.clients.elasticsearch._types.query_dsl.BoolQuery;
- import co.elastic.clients.elasticsearch._types.query_dsl.QueryBuilders;
- import co.elastic.clients.elasticsearch._types.query_dsl.TermQuery;
- import co.elastic.clients.elasticsearch._types.query_dsl.WildcardQuery;
- import co.elastic.clients.elasticsearch.core.GetResponse;
- import co.elastic.clients.elasticsearch.core.SearchResponse;
- import co.elastic.clients.elasticsearch.core.search.Hit;
- import co.elastic.clients.elasticsearch.indices.CreateIndexResponse;
- import com.alibaba.nacos.client.naming.utils.CollectionUtils;
- import com.djbx.dh.common.exception.BusinessException;
- import com.djbx.dh.common.model.po.ResultCode;
- import com.djbx.dh.common.model.vo.ResultEntity;
- import com.djbx.dh.search.common.constants.CommonConstants;
- import com.djbx.dh.search.common.enums.ValidOrInvalidEnum;
- import com.djbx.dh.search.common.enums.YesOrNoEnum;
- import com.djbx.dh.search.common.util.UUIDUtil;
- import com.djbx.dh.search.entity.dto.IdDTO;
- import com.djbx.dh.search.entity.dto.dhwiki.CommunityEncyclopediaQuestionAnswerDTO;
- import com.djbx.dh.search.entity.dto.dhwiki.ProductLibraryDTO;
- import com.djbx.dh.search.entity.dto.dhwiki.QuestionAnswerUpdateDTO;
- import com.djbx.dh.search.entity.po.dhwiki.CommunityEncyclopediaQuestionAnswer;
- import com.djbx.dh.search.entity.po.dhwiki.CommunityEncyclopediaQuestionCategory;
- import com.djbx.dh.search.entity.vo.dhwiki.CommunityEncyclopediaQuestionAnswerVO;
- import com.djbx.dh.search.service.dhwiki.CommunityEncyclopediaQuestionCategoryService;
- import io.swagger.annotations.Api;
- import io.swagger.annotations.ApiOperation;
- import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j;
- import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
- import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.PostMapping;
- import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestBody;
- import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping;
- import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestController;
- import javax.annotation.Resource;
- import java.io.IOException;
- import java.util.ArrayList;
- import java.util.Date;
- import java.util.HashMap;
- import java.util.List;
- import java.util.Map;
- import java.util.Objects;
- import java.util.stream.Collectors;
- /**
- * @author DJ033979
- */
- @Slf4j
- @RestController
- @RequestMapping("/encyclopedia")
- @Api(tags = "搭伙百科")
- public class CommunityEncyclopediaController {
- @Resource
- private CommunityEncyclopediaQuestionCategoryService communityEncyclopediaQuestionCategoryService;
- @Resource
- private ElasticsearchClient elasticsearchClient;
- /**
- * 保存数据
- *
- * @param questionAnswer 问答数据
- * @return ResultEntity
- */
- @PostMapping("/saveOrUpdate")
- @ApiOperation(value = "问答数据保存OR更新")
- public ResultEntity<?> saveOrUpdate(@RequestBody CommunityEncyclopediaQuestionAnswer questionAnswer) throws BusinessException, IOException {
- //前置校验,判断索引是否存在
- if (!elasticsearchClient.indices().exists(e -> e.index(CommonConstants.WIKI_INDEX)).value()) {
- // 创建索引
- createIndexDetail();
- }
- // 置顶或推荐判断排序值是否可用
- if (YesOrNoEnum.isYes(questionAnswer.getIsCategoryTop()) && findValidOneByTypeAndStatusAndCategoryAndTopIndex(
- ValidOrInvalidEnum.VALID.getValue(), YesOrNoEnum.YES.getValue(), questionAnswer.getCategory(), questionAnswer.getTopIndex())) {
- log.error("有效的置顶顺序被占用,不能使用");
- return ResultEntity.error("有效的置顶顺序被占用,不能使用");
- }
- if (YesOrNoEnum.isYes(questionAnswer.getIsHotRecommendTop()) && findValidOneByTypeAndStatusAndCategoryAndTopIndex(
- ValidOrInvalidEnum.VALID.getValue(), YesOrNoEnum.YES.getValue(), questionAnswer.getCategory(), questionAnswer.getTopIndex())) {
- log.error("有效的推荐顺序被占用,不能使用");
- return ResultEntity.error("有效的推荐顺序被占用,不能使用");
- }
- // 此字段用于管理后台like查询
- questionAnswer.setManagerQuestion(questionAnswer.getQuestion());
- // 保存
- if (StringUtils.isBlank(questionAnswer.getId())) {
- //设置创建时间
- questionAnswer.setId(UUIDUtil.uuid());
- questionAnswer.setType(YesOrNoEnum.YES.getValue());
- questionAnswer.setCreateTime(new Date());
- } else {// 更新
- // 根据id获取es的数据
- CommunityEncyclopediaQuestionAnswer encyclopediaQuestionAnswer = getCommunityEncyclopediaQuestionAnswerById(questionAnswer.getId());
- // 设置更新数据
- questionAnswer.setCreateTime(encyclopediaQuestionAnswer.getCreateTime());
- questionAnswer.setType(encyclopediaQuestionAnswer.getType());
- questionAnswer.setUpdateTime(new Date());
- }
- try {
- elasticsearchClient.index(s ->
- s.index(CommonConstants.WIKI_INDEX)
- .id(questionAnswer.getId())
- .document(questionAnswer)
- );
- } catch (Exception e) {
- log.error("问答数据保存OR更新至ES报错:{}", e.getMessage());
- return ResultEntity.error("问答数据保存OR更新至ES报错");
- }
- return ResultEntity.success("问答数据保存OR更新至ES成功");
- }
- /**
- * 根据问答ID查询问答数据记录
- *
- * @param dto 问答ID
- * @return CommunityEncyclopediaQuestionAnswer
- */
- @PostMapping("/getById")
- @ApiOperation(value = "根据ID查询")
- public ResultEntity<?> getById(@RequestBody IdDTO dto) throws BusinessException {
- if (null == dto || StringUtils.isBlank(dto.getId())) {
- log.error("百科问答ID不能为NULL");
- return ResultEntity.error("百科问答ID不能为空和NULL");
- }
- return ResultEntity.success(getCommunityEncyclopediaQuestionAnswerById(dto.getId()));
- }
- /**
- * 百科问答上下线操作
- */
- @PostMapping("/updateStatus")
- @ApiOperation(value = "百科问答上下线操作")
- public ResultEntity<?> updateStatus(@RequestBody QuestionAnswerUpdateDTO dto) throws BusinessException, IOException {
- if (null == dto || StringUtils.isBlank(dto.getId()) || null == dto.getStatus()) {
- log.error("百科问答ID或发布状态不能为空和NULL");
- return ResultEntity.error("百科问答ID或发布状态不能为空和NULL");
- }
- String id = dto.getId();
- Integer status = dto.getStatus();
- CommunityEncyclopediaQuestionAnswer encyclopediaQuestionAnswer = getCommunityEncyclopediaQuestionAnswerById(id);
- if (status.equals(encyclopediaQuestionAnswer.getStatus())) {
- log.error("百科问答当前状态已为上下线的操作状态");
- return ResultEntity.error("百科问答当前状态已为上下线的操作状态");
- }
- // 上线时,判断置顶排序和推荐顺序是否占用
- if (YesOrNoEnum.isYes(status) && null != encyclopediaQuestionAnswer.getTopIndex() && findValidOneByTypeAndStatusAndCategoryAndTopIndex(
- ValidOrInvalidEnum.VALID.getValue(), status, encyclopediaQuestionAnswer.getCategory(), encyclopediaQuestionAnswer.getTopIndex())) {
- log.error("有效的置顶顺序被占用,不能使用");
- return ResultEntity.error("有效的置顶顺序被占用,不能使用");
- }
- if (YesOrNoEnum.isYes(status) && null != encyclopediaQuestionAnswer.getRecommendIndex() && findValidOneByTypeAndStatusAndRecommendIndex(
- ValidOrInvalidEnum.VALID.getValue(), status, encyclopediaQuestionAnswer.getRecommendIndex())) {
- log.error("有效的推荐顺序被占用,不能使用");
- return ResultEntity.error("有效的推荐顺序被占用,不能使用");
- }
- // 更新上下线状态
- encyclopediaQuestionAnswer.setStatus(status);
- encyclopediaQuestionAnswer.setUpdateTime(new Date());
- try {
- elasticsearchClient.update(e -> e
- .index(CommonConstants.WIKI_INDEX)
- .id(id)
- .doc(encyclopediaQuestionAnswer), CommunityEncyclopediaQuestionAnswer.class
- );
- } catch (Exception e) {
- log.error("百科问答上下线操作失败:{}", e.getMessage());
- return ResultEntity.error("百科问答上下线操作失败");
- }
- return ResultEntity.success("百科问答上下线操作成功");
- }
- /**
- * 问题分类上下线而更新该分类下所有问答的上下线状态
- */
- @PostMapping("/updateStatusByCategory")
- @ApiOperation(value = "问题分类上下线同步百科问答上下线状态")
- public ResultEntity<?> updateStatusByCategory(@RequestBody Map<String, Object> map) throws BusinessException, IOException {
- Integer category = (Integer) map.get("category");
- Integer status = (Integer) map.get("status");
- List<CommunityEncyclopediaQuestionAnswer> encyclopediaQuestionAnswers = findValidListByTypeAndCategory(
- ValidOrInvalidEnum.VALID.getValue(), category);
- try {
- if (!CollectionUtils.isEmpty(encyclopediaQuestionAnswers)) {
- for (CommunityEncyclopediaQuestionAnswer encyclopediaQuestionAnswer : encyclopediaQuestionAnswers) {
- // 上线时,判断推荐顺序是否占用,如占用设置为不是热门推荐
- if (YesOrNoEnum.isYes(status) && null != encyclopediaQuestionAnswer.getRecommendIndex() && findValidOneByTypeAndStatusAndRecommendIndex(
- ValidOrInvalidEnum.VALID.getValue(), status, encyclopediaQuestionAnswer.getRecommendIndex())) {
- encyclopediaQuestionAnswer.setIsHotRecommend(YesOrNoEnum.NO.getValue());
- encyclopediaQuestionAnswer.setIsHotRecommendTop(YesOrNoEnum.NO.getValue());
- encyclopediaQuestionAnswer.setRecommendIndex(null);
- }
- // 更新上下线状态
- encyclopediaQuestionAnswer.setStatus(status);
- encyclopediaQuestionAnswer.setUpdateTime(new Date());
- elasticsearchClient.update(e -> e
- .index(CommonConstants.WIKI_INDEX)
- .id(encyclopediaQuestionAnswer.getId())
- .doc(encyclopediaQuestionAnswer), CommunityEncyclopediaQuestionAnswer.class
- );
- }
- }
- } catch (Exception e) {
- log.error("该问题分类下的百科问答上下线操作失败:{}", e.getMessage());
- return ResultEntity.error("该问题分类下的百科问答上下线操作失败");
- }
- return ResultEntity.success("该问题分类下的百科问答上下线操作成功");
- }
- /**
- * 根据问答ID删除问答数据记录
- */
- @PostMapping("/delete")
- @ApiOperation(value = "根据ID删除百科问答")
- public ResultEntity<?> delete(@RequestBody IdDTO dto) throws BusinessException {
- if (null == dto || StringUtils.isBlank(dto.getId())) {
- log.error("百科问答ID不能为空和NULL");
- return ResultEntity.error("百科问答ID不能为空和NULL");
- }
- CommunityEncyclopediaQuestionAnswer encyclopediaQuestionAnswer = getCommunityEncyclopediaQuestionAnswerById(dto.getId());
- // 更新有效无效,逻辑删除
- encyclopediaQuestionAnswer.setType(ValidOrInvalidEnum.INVALID.getValue());
- // 去除占用的排序值,设置为默认255
- encyclopediaQuestionAnswer.setTopIndex(null);
- encyclopediaQuestionAnswer.setRecommendIndex(null);
- encyclopediaQuestionAnswer.setUpdateTime(new Date());
- try {
- elasticsearchClient.update(e -> e
- .index(CommonConstants.WIKI_INDEX)
- .id(dto.getId())
- .doc(encyclopediaQuestionAnswer), CommunityEncyclopediaQuestionAnswer.class
- );
- } catch (Exception e) {
- log.error("删除百科问答操作失败:{}", e.getMessage());
- return ResultEntity.error("删除百科问答操作失败");
- }
- return ResultEntity.success("删除百科问答操作成功");
- }
- /**
- * 取消推荐
- */
- @PostMapping("/cancelRecommend")
- @ApiOperation(value = "取消推荐")
- public ResultEntity<?> cancelRecommend(@RequestBody IdDTO dto) throws BusinessException {
- if (null == dto || StringUtils.isBlank(dto.getId())) {
- log.error("百科问答ID不能为空和NULL");
- return ResultEntity.error("百科问答ID不能为空和NULL");
- }
- CommunityEncyclopediaQuestionAnswer encyclopediaQuestionAnswer = getCommunityEncyclopediaQuestionAnswerById(dto.getId());
- // 取消推荐
- encyclopediaQuestionAnswer.setIsHotRecommend(YesOrNoEnum.NO.getValue());
- encyclopediaQuestionAnswer.setIsHotRecommendTop(YesOrNoEnum.NO.getValue());
- encyclopediaQuestionAnswer.setRecommendIndex(null);
- encyclopediaQuestionAnswer.setUpdateTime(new Date());
- try {
- elasticsearchClient.update(e -> e
- .index(CommonConstants.WIKI_INDEX)
- .id(dto.getId())
- .doc(encyclopediaQuestionAnswer), CommunityEncyclopediaQuestionAnswer.class
- );
- } catch (Exception e) {
- log.error("取消推荐操作失败:{}", e.getMessage());
- return ResultEntity.error("取消推荐操作失败");
- }
- return ResultEntity.success("取消推荐操作成功");
- }
- // todo user服务接口指向有问题,应该是 user服务的接口写错了,应和search服务保持一致,待修改
- /**
- * 管理后台查询
- * 多条件查询,分页,过滤,排序
- */
- @PostMapping("/listEncyclopediaQuestionAnswer")
- @ApiOperation(value = "分页查询百科问答列表")
- public ResultEntity<?> listEncyclopediaQuestionAnswer(@RequestBody CommunityEncyclopediaQuestionAnswerDTO questionAnswerDTO) throws IOException {
- BoolQuery.Builder boolQuery = QueryBuilders.bool()
- .must(TermQuery.of(t -> t.field(CommunityEncyclopediaQuestionAnswer.FIELD_TYPE).value(1))._toQuery());
- if (!StringUtils.isBlank(questionAnswerDTO.getQuestion())) {
- boolQuery.must(WildcardQuery.of(w -> w.field(CommunityEncyclopediaQuestionAnswer.FIELD_MANAGER_QUESTION).value("*" + questionAnswerDTO.getQuestion() + "*"))._toQuery());
- }
- if (null != questionAnswerDTO.getCategory()) {
- boolQuery.must(TermQuery.of(t -> t.field(CommunityEncyclopediaQuestionAnswer.FIELD_CATEGORY).value(questionAnswerDTO.getCategory()))._toQuery());
- }
- if (null != questionAnswerDTO.getIsCategoryTop()) {
- boolQuery.must(TermQuery.of(t -> t.field(CommunityEncyclopediaQuestionAnswer.FIELD_IS_CATEGORY_TOP).value(questionAnswerDTO.getIsCategoryTop()))._toQuery());
- }
- if (null != questionAnswerDTO.getIsHotRecommend()) {
- boolQuery.must(TermQuery.of(t -> t.field(CommunityEncyclopediaQuestionAnswer.FIELD_IS_HOT_RECOMMEND).value(questionAnswerDTO.getIsHotRecommend()))._toQuery());
- }
- if (null != questionAnswerDTO.getStatus()) {
- boolQuery.must(TermQuery.of(t -> t.field(CommunityEncyclopediaQuestionAnswer.FIELD_STATUS).value(questionAnswerDTO.getStatus()))._toQuery());
- }
- SearchResponse<CommunityEncyclopediaQuestionAnswer> search = elasticsearchClient.search(s -> s
- .index(CommonConstants.WIKI_INDEX)
- .query(q -> q
- .bool(boolQuery.build())
- )
- .from(questionAnswerDTO.getPageNo() - 1)
- .size(questionAnswerDTO.getPageSize())
- .sort(sortOptionsBuilder -> sortOptionsBuilder
- .field(fieldSortBuilder -> fieldSortBuilder
- .field(CommunityEncyclopediaQuestionAnswer.FIELD_TOP_INDEX).order(SortOrder.Asc)
- .field(CommunityEncyclopediaQuestionAnswer.FIELD_NORMAL_INDEX).order(SortOrder.Asc)
- .field(CommunityEncyclopediaQuestionAnswer.FIELD_CREATE_TIME).order(SortOrder.Desc)))
- , CommunityEncyclopediaQuestionAnswer.class);
- List<CommunityEncyclopediaQuestionAnswer> questionAnswerList = search.hits().hits().stream().map(Hit::source).collect(Collectors.toList());
- List<CommunityEncyclopediaQuestionCategory> questionCategoryList = communityEncyclopediaQuestionCategoryService.listCommunityEncyclopediaQuestionCategory();
- if (null != questionCategoryList && !questionCategoryList.isEmpty()) {
- List<Integer> questionCategoryIdList = questionCategoryList.stream().map(CommunityEncyclopediaQuestionCategory::getId).collect(Collectors.toList());
- questionAnswerList = questionAnswerList.stream()
- .filter(questionAnswer -> questionCategoryIdList.contains(questionAnswer.getCategory()))
- .collect(Collectors.toList());
- } else {
- questionAnswerList = new ArrayList<>();
- }
- Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<>(16);
- map.put("total", Objects.requireNonNull(search.hits().total()).value());
- map.put("dataList", questionAnswerList);
- return ResultEntity.success(map);
- }
- /**
- * APP查询
- * 根据问题关键词和问题类别查询问答列表
- */
- @PostMapping(value = "/listCommunityEncyclopediaQuestionAnswer")
- @ApiOperation(value = "APP百科问答搜索")
- public ResultEntity<?> listCommunityEncyclopediaQuestionAnswer(@RequestBody CommunityEncyclopediaQuestionAnswerDTO questionAnswerDTO) throws IOException {
- // 设置多条件
- BoolQuery.Builder boolQuery = QueryBuilders.bool()
- .must(TermQuery.of(t -> t.field(CommunityEncyclopediaQuestionAnswer.FIELD_TYPE).value(YesOrNoEnum.YES.getValue()))._toQuery())
- .must(TermQuery.of(t -> t.field(CommunityEncyclopediaQuestionAnswer.FIELD_STATUS).value(YesOrNoEnum.YES.getValue()))._toQuery());
- if (!StringUtils.isBlank(questionAnswerDTO.getQuestion())) {
- boolQuery.must(WildcardQuery.of(w -> w.field(CommunityEncyclopediaQuestionAnswer.FIELD_QUESTION).value(questionAnswerDTO.getQuestion()))._toQuery());
- }
- SortOptions.Builder sortBuilder = new SortOptions.Builder();
- if (null != questionAnswerDTO.getCategory()) {
- // 热门问答
- if (0 == questionAnswerDTO.getCategory()) {
- boolQuery.must(TermQuery.of(t -> t.field(CommunityEncyclopediaQuestionAnswer.FIELD_IS_HOT_RECOMMEND).value(YesOrNoEnum.YES.getValue()))._toQuery());
- sortBuilder.field(FieldSort.of(f -> f.field(CommunityEncyclopediaQuestionAnswer.FIELD_RECOMMEND_INDEX).order(SortOrder.Asc)));
- // 分类别查询
- } else {
- boolQuery.must(TermQuery.of(t -> t.field(CommunityEncyclopediaQuestionAnswer.FIELD_CATEGORY).value(questionAnswerDTO.getCategory()))._toQuery());
- sortBuilder.field(FieldSort.of(f -> f.field(CommunityEncyclopediaQuestionAnswer.FIELD_TOP_INDEX).order(SortOrder.Asc)));
- }
- }
- // 设置排序字段
- sortBuilder.field(FieldSort.of(f -> f.field(CommunityEncyclopediaQuestionAnswer.FIELD_NORMAL_INDEX).order(SortOrder.Asc)));
- sortBuilder.field(FieldSort.of(f -> f.field(CommunityEncyclopediaQuestionAnswer.FIELD_CREATE_TIME).order(SortOrder.Desc)));
- SearchResponse<CommunityEncyclopediaQuestionAnswer> search = elasticsearchClient.search(s -> s
- .index(CommonConstants.WIKI_INDEX)
- .query(q -> q
- .bool(boolQuery.build())
- )
- .from(questionAnswerDTO.getPageNo() - 1)
- .size(questionAnswerDTO.getPageSize())
- .sort(sortBuilder.build())
- , CommunityEncyclopediaQuestionAnswer.class);
- List<CommunityEncyclopediaQuestionCategory> categoryList = communityEncyclopediaQuestionCategoryService.getAllList();
- List<CommunityEncyclopediaQuestionAnswer> questionAnswerList = search.hits().hits().stream().map(Hit::source).collect(Collectors.toList());
- List<CommunityEncyclopediaQuestionAnswerVO> questionAnswerVOList = questionAnswerList.stream()
- .map(questionAnswer -> {
- CommunityEncyclopediaQuestionAnswerVO questionAnswerVO = new CommunityEncyclopediaQuestionAnswerVO();
- questionAnswerVO.setId(questionAnswer.getId());
- questionAnswerVO.setQuestion(questionAnswer.getQuestion());
- questionAnswerVO.setAnswer(questionAnswer.getAnswer());
- if (categoryList != null && !categoryList.isEmpty()) {
- for (CommunityEncyclopediaQuestionCategory communityEncyclopediaQuestionCategory : categoryList) {
- if (communityEncyclopediaQuestionCategory.getId().equals(questionAnswer.getCategory())) {
- questionAnswerVO.setCategoryTitle(communityEncyclopediaQuestionCategory.getTitle());
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- return questionAnswerVO;
- }).collect(Collectors.toList());
- Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<>(16);
- map.put("total", Objects.requireNonNull(search.hits().total()).value());
- map.put("dataList", questionAnswerVOList);
- return ResultEntity.success(map);
- }
- private CommunityEncyclopediaQuestionAnswer getCommunityEncyclopediaQuestionAnswerById(String id) throws BusinessException {
- if (null == id) {
- log.error("问答ID不能为NULL");
- throw new BusinessException(ResultCode.ERROR.getCode(), "问答ID不能为NULL");
- }
- GetResponse<CommunityEncyclopediaQuestionAnswer> optionalById;
- try {
- // 根据问答ID查询到问答数据记录
- optionalById = elasticsearchClient.get(s -> s.index(CommonConstants.WIKI_INDEX).id(id), CommunityEncyclopediaQuestionAnswer.class);
- } catch (Exception e) {
- log.error("es服务异常,请联系管理员:{}", e.getMessage());
- throw new BusinessException(ResultCode.ERROR.getCode(), "es服务异常,请联系管理员");
- }
- if (!optionalById.found()) {
- log.error("根据ID未查询到对应问答数据记录");
- throw new BusinessException(ResultCode.ERROR.getCode(), "根据问答ID未查询到问答数据记录");
- }
- CommunityEncyclopediaQuestionAnswer communityEncyclopediaQuestionAnswer = optionalById.source();
- assert communityEncyclopediaQuestionAnswer != null;
- if (!ValidOrInvalidEnum.isValid(communityEncyclopediaQuestionAnswer.getType())) {
- log.error("根据ID查询的问答数据无效");
- throw new BusinessException(ResultCode.ERROR.getCode(), "根据ID查询的问答数据无效");
- }
- return communityEncyclopediaQuestionAnswer;
- }
- /**
- * 查询有效的百科问答列表
- */
- @PostMapping("/findValidListByType")
- @ApiOperation(value = "查询有效的百科问答列表")
- public ResultEntity<?> findValidList() throws BusinessException {
- try {
- // 根据问答ID查询到问答数据记录
- List<CommunityEncyclopediaQuestionAnswer> encyclopediaQuestionAnswerList = findValidListByType(ValidOrInvalidEnum.VALID.getValue());
- return ResultEntity.success(encyclopediaQuestionAnswerList);
- } catch (Exception e) {
- log.error("es服务异常,请联系管理员:{}", e.getMessage());
- return ResultEntity.error("es服务异常,请联系管理员");
- }
- }
- /**
- * 根据问答分类查询有效上线置顶的百科问答
- */
- @PostMapping("/findValidListByCategory")
- @ApiOperation(value = "根据问答分类查询有效上线置顶的百科问答")
- public ResultEntity<?> findValidListByCategory(@RequestBody CommunityEncyclopediaQuestionAnswerDTO dto) throws BusinessException {
- if (null == dto || null == dto.getCategory()) {
- log.error("百科问答类别不能为NULL");
- return ResultEntity.error("百科问答类别不能为NULL");
- }
- try {
- // 根据问答ID查询到问答数据记录
- List<CommunityEncyclopediaQuestionAnswer> questionAnswerList = findValidListByTypeAndStatusAndCategoryAndIsCategoryTop(ValidOrInvalidEnum.VALID.getValue(),
- YesOrNoEnum.YES.getValue(), dto.getCategory(), YesOrNoEnum.YES.getValue());
- return ResultEntity.success(questionAnswerList);
- } catch (Exception e) {
- log.error("es服务异常,请联系管理员:{}", e.getMessage());
- return ResultEntity.error("es服务异常,请联系管理员");
- }
- }
- /**
- * 查询有效上线推荐的百科问答
- */
- @PostMapping("/findValidListByRecommend")
- @ApiOperation(value = "查询有效上线推荐的百科问答")
- public ResultEntity<?> findValidListByRecommend() throws BusinessException {
- try {
- List<CommunityEncyclopediaQuestionAnswer> questionAnswerList =
- findValidListByTypeAndStatusAndIsHotRecommend(ValidOrInvalidEnum.VALID.getValue(),
- YesOrNoEnum.YES.getValue(), YesOrNoEnum.YES.getValue());
- return ResultEntity.success(questionAnswerList);
- } catch (Exception e) {
- log.error("es服务异常,请联系管理员:{}", e.getMessage());
- return ResultEntity.error("es服务异常,请联系管理员");
- }
- }
- /**
- * 查询有效上线关联产品productCode的百科问答
- */
- @PostMapping("/findValidListByProductCode")
- @ApiOperation(value = "查询有效上线关联产品productCode的百科问答")
- public ResultEntity<?> findValidListByProductCode(@RequestBody ProductLibraryDTO dto) throws BusinessException {
- try {
- List<CommunityEncyclopediaQuestionAnswer> questionAnswerList =
- findValidListByTypeAndStatusAndProductCode(ValidOrInvalidEnum.VALID.getValue(),
- YesOrNoEnum.YES.getValue(), dto.getProductCode());
- return ResultEntity.success(questionAnswerList);
- } catch (Exception e) {
- log.error("es服务异常,请联系管理员:{}", e.getMessage());
- return ResultEntity.error("es服务异常,请联系管理员");
- }
- }
- private boolean findValidOneByTypeAndStatusAndCategoryAndTopIndex(Integer type, Integer status, Integer category, Integer topIndex) throws IOException {
- return Objects.requireNonNull(elasticsearchClient.search(s -> s
- .index(CommonConstants.WIKI_INDEX)
- .query(q -> q
- .bool(b -> b
- .must(m -> m.term(t -> t.field(CommunityEncyclopediaQuestionAnswer.FIELD_TYPE).value(type)))
- .must(m -> m.term(t -> t.field(CommunityEncyclopediaQuestionAnswer.FIELD_STATUS).value(status)))
- .must(m -> m.term(t -> t.field(CommunityEncyclopediaQuestionAnswer.FIELD_CATEGORY).value(category)))
- .must(m -> m.term(t -> t.field(CommunityEncyclopediaQuestionAnswer.FIELD_TOP_INDEX).value(topIndex)))
- )
- ), CommunityEncyclopediaQuestionAnswer.class).hits().total()).value() > 0;
- }
- private boolean findValidOneByTypeAndStatusAndRecommendIndex(Integer type, Integer status, Integer recommendIndex) throws IOException {
- return Objects.requireNonNull(elasticsearchClient.search(s -> s
- .index(CommonConstants.WIKI_INDEX)
- .query(q -> q
- .bool(b -> b
- .must(m -> m.term(t -> t.field(CommunityEncyclopediaQuestionAnswer.FIELD_TYPE).value(type)))
- .must(m -> m.term(t -> t.field(CommunityEncyclopediaQuestionAnswer.FIELD_STATUS).value(status)))
- .must(m -> m.term(t -> t.field(CommunityEncyclopediaQuestionAnswer.FIELD_RECOMMEND_INDEX).value(recommendIndex)))
- )
- ), CommunityEncyclopediaQuestionAnswer.class).hits().total()).value() > 0;
- }
- private List<CommunityEncyclopediaQuestionAnswer> findValidListByTypeAndCategory(Integer type, Integer category) throws IOException {
- return elasticsearchClient.search(s -> s
- .index(CommonConstants.WIKI_INDEX)
- .query(q -> q
- .bool(b -> b
- .must(m -> m.term(t -> t.field(CommunityEncyclopediaQuestionAnswer.FIELD_TYPE).value(type)))
- .must(m -> m.term(t -> t.field(CommunityEncyclopediaQuestionAnswer.FIELD_CATEGORY).value(category)))
- )
- ), CommunityEncyclopediaQuestionAnswer.class).hits().hits().stream().map(Hit::source).collect(Collectors.toList());
- }
- private List<CommunityEncyclopediaQuestionAnswer> findValidListByType(Integer type) throws IOException {
- return elasticsearchClient.search(s -> s
- .index(CommonConstants.WIKI_INDEX)
- .query(q -> q
- .bool(b -> b
- .must(m -> m.term(t -> t.field(CommunityEncyclopediaQuestionAnswer.FIELD_TYPE).value(type)))
- )
- ), CommunityEncyclopediaQuestionAnswer.class).hits().hits().stream().map(Hit::source).collect(Collectors.toList());
- }
- private List<CommunityEncyclopediaQuestionAnswer> findValidListByTypeAndStatusAndCategoryAndIsCategoryTop(Integer type, Integer status, Integer category, Integer categoryTop) throws IOException {
- return elasticsearchClient.search(s -> s
- .index(CommonConstants.WIKI_INDEX)
- .query(q -> q
- .bool(b -> b
- .must(m -> m.term(t -> t.field(CommunityEncyclopediaQuestionAnswer.FIELD_TYPE).value(type)))
- .must(m -> m.term(t -> t.field(CommunityEncyclopediaQuestionAnswer.FIELD_STATUS).value(status)))
- .must(m -> m.term(t -> t.field(CommunityEncyclopediaQuestionAnswer.FIELD_CATEGORY).value(category)))
- .must(m -> m.term(t -> t.field(CommunityEncyclopediaQuestionAnswer.FIELD_IS_CATEGORY_TOP).value(categoryTop)))
- )
- ), CommunityEncyclopediaQuestionAnswer.class).hits().hits().stream().map(Hit::source).collect(Collectors.toList());
- }
- private List<CommunityEncyclopediaQuestionAnswer> findValidListByTypeAndStatusAndIsHotRecommend(Integer type, Integer status, Integer isHotRecommend) throws IOException {
- return elasticsearchClient.search(s -> s
- .index(CommonConstants.WIKI_INDEX)
- .query(q -> q
- .bool(b -> b
- .must(m -> m.term(t -> t.field(CommunityEncyclopediaQuestionAnswer.FIELD_TYPE).value(type)))
- .must(m -> m.term(t -> t.field(CommunityEncyclopediaQuestionAnswer.FIELD_STATUS).value(status)))
- .must(m -> m.term(t -> t.field(CommunityEncyclopediaQuestionAnswer.FIELD_IS_HOT_RECOMMEND).value(isHotRecommend)))
- )
- ), CommunityEncyclopediaQuestionAnswer.class).hits().hits().stream().map(Hit::source).collect(Collectors.toList());
- }
- private List<CommunityEncyclopediaQuestionAnswer> findValidListByTypeAndStatusAndProductCode(Integer type, Integer status, String productCode) throws IOException {
- return elasticsearchClient.search(s -> s
- .index(CommonConstants.WIKI_INDEX)
- .query(q -> q
- .bool(b -> b
- .must(m -> m.term(t -> t.field(CommunityEncyclopediaQuestionAnswer.FIELD_TYPE).value(type)))
- .must(m -> m.term(t -> t.field(CommunityEncyclopediaQuestionAnswer.FIELD_STATUS).value(status)))
- .must(m -> m.term(t -> t.field(CommunityEncyclopediaQuestionAnswer.FIELD_PRODUCT_CODE).value(productCode)))
- )
- ), CommunityEncyclopediaQuestionAnswer.class).hits().hits().stream().map(Hit::source).collect(Collectors.toList());
- }
- private void createIndexDetail() throws IOException {
- CreateIndexResponse response = elasticsearchClient
- .indices()
- .create(c -> c
- .index(CommonConstants.WIKI_INDEX)
- .settings(sBuilder -> sBuilder
- .index(iBuilder -> iBuilder
- // 三个分片
- .numberOfShards("5")
- // 一个副本
- .numberOfReplicas("1")))
- .mappings(mBuilder -> mBuilder
- .properties(CommunityEncyclopediaQuestionAnswer.FIELD_ID, pBuilder -> pBuilder.keyword(keywordPropertyBuilder -> keywordPropertyBuilder.ignoreAbove(256)))
- .properties(CommunityEncyclopediaQuestionAnswer.FIELD_QUESTION, pBuilder -> pBuilder.text(tBuilder -> tBuilder.analyzer("ik_max_word").searchAnalyzer("ik_smart")))
- .properties(CommunityEncyclopediaQuestionAnswer.FIELD_MANAGER_QUESTION, pBuilder -> pBuilder.keyword(keywordPropertyBuilder -> keywordPropertyBuilder.ignoreAbove(256)))
- .properties(CommunityEncyclopediaQuestionAnswer.FIELD_ANSWER, pBuilder -> pBuilder.text(tBuilder -> tBuilder.analyzer("ik_max_word").searchAnalyzer("ik_smart")))
- .properties(CommunityEncyclopediaQuestionAnswer.FIELD_CATEGORY, pBuilder -> pBuilder.integer(integerNumberPropertyBuilder -> integerNumberPropertyBuilder))
- .properties(CommunityEncyclopediaQuestionAnswer.FIELD_STATUS, pBuilder -> pBuilder.integer(integerNumberPropertyBuilder -> integerNumberPropertyBuilder))
- .properties(CommunityEncyclopediaQuestionAnswer.FIELD_NORMAL_INDEX, pBuilder -> pBuilder.integer(integerNumberPropertyBuilder -> integerNumberPropertyBuilder))
- .properties(CommunityEncyclopediaQuestionAnswer.FIELD_IS_CATEGORY_TOP, pBuilder -> pBuilder.integer(integerNumberPropertyBuilder -> integerNumberPropertyBuilder))
- .properties(CommunityEncyclopediaQuestionAnswer.FIELD_TOP_INDEX, pBuilder -> pBuilder.integer(integerNumberPropertyBuilder -> integerNumberPropertyBuilder))
- .properties(CommunityEncyclopediaQuestionAnswer.FIELD_IS_HOT_RECOMMEND, pBuilder -> pBuilder.integer(integerNumberPropertyBuilder -> integerNumberPropertyBuilder))
- .properties(CommunityEncyclopediaQuestionAnswer.FIELD_IS_HOT_RECOMMEND_TOP, pBuilder -> pBuilder.integer(integerNumberPropertyBuilder -> integerNumberPropertyBuilder))
- .properties(CommunityEncyclopediaQuestionAnswer.FIELD_RECOMMEND_INDEX, pBuilder -> pBuilder.integer(integerNumberPropertyBuilder -> integerNumberPropertyBuilder))
- .properties(CommunityEncyclopediaQuestionAnswer.FIELD_TYPE, pBuilder -> pBuilder.integer(integerNumberPropertyBuilder -> integerNumberPropertyBuilder))
- .properties(CommunityEncyclopediaQuestionAnswer.FIELD_OPERATE_REAL_NAME, pBuilder -> pBuilder.keyword(keywordPropertyBuilder -> keywordPropertyBuilder.ignoreAbove(256)))
- .properties(CommunityEncyclopediaQuestionAnswer.FIELD_OPERATE_DJ_CODE, pBuilder -> pBuilder.keyword(keywordPropertyBuilder -> keywordPropertyBuilder.ignoreAbove(256)))
- .properties(CommunityEncyclopediaQuestionAnswer.FIELD_CREATE_TIME, pBuilder -> pBuilder.date(datePropertyBuilder -> datePropertyBuilder.format("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")))
- .properties(CommunityEncyclopediaQuestionAnswer.FIELD_UPDATE_TIME, pBuilder -> pBuilder.date(datePropertyBuilder -> datePropertyBuilder.format("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")))
- .properties(CommunityEncyclopediaQuestionAnswer.FIELD_PRODUCT_CODE, pBuilder -> pBuilder.keyword(keywordPropertyBuilder -> keywordPropertyBuilder.ignoreAbove(256)))
- )
- );
- log.info("createIndexDetail方法,acknowledged={}", response.acknowledged());
- }
- }
- <dependency>
- <groupId>com.fasterxml.jackson.core</groupId>
- <artifactId>jackson-databind</artifactId>
- <version>2.13.3</version>
- </dependency>
mvn dependency:tree
观察依赖树发现,可能是 jackson 2.13版本下其他依赖可能和已有版本存在冲突
将 依赖保持和已有依赖一致
- <dependency>
- <groupId>com.fasterxml.jackson.core</groupId>
- <artifactId>jackson-databind</artifactId>
- <version>2.11.4</version>
- </dependency>
重新导入es数据,删除version、timestamp 两个额外字段即可
- Query wildcardQuery = WildcardQuery.of(w -> w.field("managerQuestion").value("*" + questionAnswerDTO.getQuestion() + "*"))._toQuery();
- SearchResponse<CommunityEncyclopediaQuestionAnswer> search = elasticsearchClient.search(s -> s
- .index("community_encyclopedia")
- .query(q -> q
- .bool(b -> b
- .must(type)
- .must(wildcardQuery)
- )
- ), CommunityEncyclopediaQuestionAnswer.class);
将字段 managerQuestion 改为 managerQuestion.keyword
参考链接:三种常用的 Elasticsearch 数据迁移方案
- npm install elasticdump -g
- 在 D:\environment\nodejs\node_global\node_modules\elasticdump\bin 目录下运行命令
- 在线迁移单个索引
- elasticdump --input=http://"elastic:pB0@uI"@ --output=http://localhost:9200/community_encyclopedia --type=mapping
- elasticdump --input=http://"elastic:pB0@uI"@ --output=http://localhost:9200/community_encyclopedia --type=data
- elasticdump --input=http://"elastic:pB0@uI"@ --output=http://localhost:9200/orgnization --type=mapping
- elasticdump --input=http://"elastic:pB0@uI"@ --output=http://localhost:9200/orgnization --type=data
- elasticdump --input=http://localhost:9200/dragon --output=http://"elastic:pB0@uI"@ --type=mapping
- elasticdump --input=http://localhost:9200/dragon --output=http://"elastic:pB0@uI"@ --type=data
- elasticdump --input=http://"elastic:pB0@uI"@ --output=http://"elastic:pB0@uI"@localhost:9200/community_encyclopedia --type=mapping
- elasticdump --input=http://"elastic:pB0@uI"@ --output=https://"elastic:pB0@uI"@localhost:9200/community_encyclopedia --type=data
- elasticdump --input=http://"elastic:pB0@uI"@ --output=http://"elastic:pB0@uI"@ --type=mapping
- dragon
- 离线迁移全部索引(需要手动创建目录) -- 未测试
- # 导出
- multielasticdump --direction=dump --match='^.*$' --input=http://"elastic:pB0@uI"@ --output=/tmp/es_backup --includeType='data,mapping' --limit=2000
- # 导入
- multielasticdump --direction=load --match='^.*$' --input=/tmp/es_backup --output=http://localhost:9200 --includeType='data,mapping' --limit=2000
- multielasticdump --direction=dump --match='^.*$' --input=http://"elastic:pB0@uI"@ --output=E:\file\back_test --includeType='data,mapping' --limit=2000
- multielasticdump --direction=load --match='^.*$' --input=E:\file\back_test --output=http://localhost:9200 --includeType='data,mapping' --limit=2000
elasticsearch-dump工具:GitHub - elasticsearch-dump/elasticsearch-dump: Import and export tools for elasticsearch & opensearch
使用该工具迁移文档:使用ElasticSearch-dump进行数据迁移、备份_elasticsearchdump 大于4g_刘李404not found的博客-CSDN博客
在logstash新建 mysql/logstash-es.conf 文件
bin\logstash.bat -f mysql\logstash-es.conf
- #logstash输入配置
- input {
- elasticsearch {
- hosts => [""]
- index => "community_encyclopedia"
- user => "elastic"
- password => "pB0@uI"
- #设置为true,将会提取ES文档的元数据信息,例如index、type和id。貌似没用
- # docinfo => true
- }
- }
- #logstash输出配置
- output {
- # stdout { codec => json_lines}
- stdout { codec => rubydebug}
- elasticsearch {
- hosts => ["localhost:9200"]
- user => "elastic"
- password => "pB0@uI"
- ssl => true
- ssl_certificate_verification => false
- index => "community_encyclopedia"
- document_id => "%{id}"
- }
- }
为保证es中索引结构相同,请先在代码端/页面 运行下保存相关接口,在es中创建索引后再进行数据迁移
在logstash新建 mysql/logstash-es.conf 文件
- bin\logstash.bat -f mysql\logstash-es.conf
- [linux]:
- sudo ./bin/logstash -f mysql_test/logstash-es.conf
- # sudo 加不加都可
- ./bin/logstash -f extend/job/logstash-t_settle_order_info.conf
- #logstash输入配置
- input {
- elasticsearch {
- hosts => [""]
- index => "community_encyclopedia"
- user => "elastic"
- password => "pB0@uI"
- #设置为true,将会提取ES文档的元数据信息,例如index、type和id。貌似没用
- # docinfo => true
- }
- }
- filter {
- mutate {
- remove_field => ["@version", "@timestamp"]
- }
- }
- #logstash输出配置
- output {
- # stdout { codec => json_lines}
- stdout { codec => rubydebug}
- elasticsearch {
- # hosts => [""]
- hosts => ["","",""]
- # hosts => [""]
- user => "elastic"
- # password => "pB0@uI"
- password => "Mvwm@n12nal"
- # ssl => true
- # ssl_certificate_verification => false
- index => "community_encyclopedia"
- document_id => "%{id}"
- }
- }
- url:https://agentd.djbx.com/order/orderInfo/orderInfoList
- method:POST
- requestTime:2023.06.28-14:02:56:820
- responseTime:2023.06.28-14:02:57:31
- duration:211ms
- body:{
- "pageNo": "1",
- "pageSize": "10",
- "param": {
- "memberId": "4OnzMs73",
- "productType": [],
- "status": "3",
- "policyStatus": null,
- "startDate": null,
- "endDate": null,
- "appntName": null,
- "lcnNo": null
- }
- }
- params:{}
- header:{content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8, systemType: android, systemVersion: 9, deviceID: PQ3A.190705.003, bundleId: com.djcx.dahuo, appVersion: 4.3.10, phoneModel: Xiaomi 2203121C, token: 7pyvLZQfD6UUP0d4yPTgkXTgdq8, content-length: 174}
- 【windows】bin\logstash.bat -f mysql\logstash-db-sync.conf
- 【linux】nohup ./bin/logstash -f mysql_test/logstash-es.conf & (后台)
- sudo ./bin/logstash -f mysql_test/logstash-es.conf
从mysql:dh.order 的 t_car_order 中迁移已支付和已取消的订单到es
条件:ORDER_STATUS in (3,4)
- #logstash输入配置
- input {
- #jdbc输入配置,用来指定mysql中需要同步的数据查询SQL及同步周期
- jdbc {
- type => "jdbc"
- jdbc_connection_string => "jdbc:mysql://"
- # 数据库连接账号密码;
- jdbc_user => "dh_test"
- jdbc_password => "Y2017dh123"
- # MySQL依赖包路径;
- jdbc_driver_library => "mysql/mysql-connector-java-5.1.49.jar"
- jdbc_driver_class => "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"
- # 数据库重连尝试次数
- connection_retry_attempts => "3"
- # 判断数据库连接是否可用,默认false不开启
- jdbc_validate_connection => "true"
- # 数据库连接可用校验超时时间,默认3600S
- jdbc_validation_timeout => "3600"
- # 是否开启分页
- jdbc_paging_enabled => true
- # statement => "SELECT *, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(modification_time) AS unix_ts_in_secs FROM es_table WHERE (UNIX_TIMESTAMP(modification_time) > :sql_last_value AND modification_time < NOW()) ORDER BY modification_time ASC"
- # statement => "SELECT * FROM `t_car_order`"
- # statement => "SELECT DATE_FORMAT(tco.create_time, '%Y.%m') index_date, tco.* FROM t_car_order tco limit 200"
- statement => "SELECT DATE_FORMAT(tco.create_time, '%Y') index_year, tco.* FROM t_car_order tco"
- # statement => "SELECT ID, order_no, order_type, MEMBER_ID, owner_id, team_id, CHANNEL_CODE, pay_type, PAY_NO, TOTAL_AMOUNT, PAY_AMOUNT, DISCOUNT_AMOUNT, DISCOUNT_RATE, ROLE_TYPE, PRODUCT_VALUE, ORDER_STATUS, SUB_ORDER_STATUS, step_url, total_annual_prem, paidTime, subject, transfer, identity, msg, date_format(update_time,'%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s') update_time, date_format(create_time,'%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s') create_time, uuid, renewal_redis_key, clue_id, union_type, system_type, operation_code, cx_order_no, fin_typ
- # FROM t_car_order limit 10"
- # statement => "SELECT * FROM t_car_order limit 1"
- # 是否将字段名转换为小写,默认true(如果有数据序列化、反序列化需求,建议改为false);
- # lowercase_column_names => false
- # Value can be any of: fatal,error,warn,info,debug,默认info;
- # sql_log_level => warn
- sql_log_level => debug
- # 是否记录上次执行结果,true表示会将上次执行结果的tracking_column字段的值保存到last_run_metadata_path指定的文件中;
- # record_last_run => true
- # 需要记录查询结果某字段的值时,此字段为true,否则默认tracking_column为timestamp的值;
- # use_column_value => true
- # 需要记录的字段,用于增量同步,需是数据库字段
- # tracking_column => "ModifyTime"
- # Value can be any of: numeric,timestamp,Default value is "numeric"
- # tracking_column_type => timestamp
- # record_last_run上次数据存放位置;
- # last_run_metadata_path => "mysql/last_id.txt"
- # 是否清除last_run_metadata_path的记录,需要增量同步时此字段必须为false;
- # clean_run => false
- # 设置定时任务间隔 含义:分、时、天、月、年,全部为*默认含义为每分钟跑一次任务,这里设置为每5分钟同步一次
- # schedule => "*/5 * * * * *"
- # 用来控制增量更新的字段,一般是自增id或者创建、更新时间,注意这里要采用sql语句中select采用的字段别名
- # tracking_column => "unix_ts_in_secs"
- # tracking_column 对应字段的类型
- # tracking_column_type => "numeric"
- # timezone => "Asia/Shanghai" # 你的时区
- }
- }
- #logstash输入数据的字段匹配和数据过滤
- # filter {
- # mutate {
- # copy => { "id" => "[@metadata][_id]"}
- # remove_field => ["id", "@version", "unix_ts_in_secs"]
- # }
- # }
- filter {
- # date {
- # match => ["update_time", "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"]
- # target => "update_time"
- # }
- # grok {
- # match => {"message" => "(?<create_time>(?:%{YEAR}-%{MONTHNUM2}-%{MONTHDAY} %{HOUR}:%{MINUTE}:%{SECOND}))"}
- # }
- # mutate {
- # add_field => {"temp_ts" => "%{create_time}"}
- # }
- # date {
- # match => ["temp_ts", "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"]
- # target => "@timestamp"
- # }
- # date {
- # match => ["create_time", "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"]
- # target => "create_time"
- # }
- # ruby {
- # code => 'event.set("create_time", event.get("create_time").strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"))'
- # }
- # date {
- # # match => ["create_time", "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"]
- # match => ["create_time", "ISO8601"]
- # target => "create_time"
- # timezone => "Asia/Shanghai" # 你的时区
- # # timezone => "America/New_York" # 你的时区
- # }
- # mutate {
- # add_field => { "index_date" => "%{create_time}" }
- # }
- # mutate {
- # rename => { "create_time_string" => "index_date" }
- # }
- # date {
- # # match => ["index_date", "ISO8601"]
- # match => ["index_date", "ISO8601"]
- # # target => "index_date"
- # }
- # }
- # date {
- # match => ["index_date", "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"]
- # # target => "index_date"
- # # target => "index_date"
- # }
- # mutate {
- # add_field => {
- # "index_date1" => "%{index_date}"
- # }
- # mutate {
- # remove_field => ["@version","index_date"]
- # }
- ruby {
- code => "event.set('@timestamp', event.get('@timestamp').time.localtime + 8*60*60)"
- }
- ruby {
- code => "event.set('update_time', event.get('update_time').time.localtime + 8*60*60)"
- }
- ruby {
- code => "event.set('create_time', event.get('create_time').time.localtime + 8*60*60)"
- }
- # ruby {
- # code => "event.set('create_time',event.get('timestamp'))"
- # }
- # mutate {
- # add_field => { "[@metadata][index_date]" => "%{index_date}" }
- # remove_field => ["@version", "index_date"]
- # }
- mutate {
- add_field => { "[@metadata][index_year]" => "%{index_year}" }
- remove_field => ["@version", "index_year"]
- }
- }
- #logstash输出配置
- output {
- # 采用stdout可以将同步数据输出到控制台,主要是调试阶段使用
- # stdout { codec => json_lines}
- stdout { codec => rubydebug}
- # 指定输出到ES的具体索引
- # elasticsearch {
- # index => "rdbms_sync_idx"
- # document_id => "%{[@metadata][_id]}"
- # }
- elasticsearch {
- # host => ""
- # port => "9200"
- # 配置ES集群地址
- # hosts => ["", "", ""]
- hosts => ["localhost:9200"]
- # 索引名字,必须小写
- # index => "t_car_order-%{+YYYY.MM.dd}"
- # index => "t_car_order-%{index_date}"
- # index => "t_car_order-%{[@metadata][index_date]}"
- # index => "t_car_order_@timestamp"
- index => "t_car_order"
- # index => "t_car_order-%{[@metadata][index_year]}"
- # 数据唯一索引(建议使用数据库KeyID)
- # document_id => "%{KeyId}"
- document_id => "%{id}"
- # document_id => "ID"
- }
- }
通过Logstash将RDS MySQL数据同步至Elasticsearch
日期格式问题,暂缓。。。 心累了,估计是日期插件问题,全网没有找到解决方案,走sql修改吧
提了个bug:无法将date类型进行格式化操作 · Issue #158 · logstash-plugins/logstash-filter-date · GitHub
Elasticsearch 滞后8个小时等时区问题,一网打尽!
logstash 7.x 中时间问题,@timestamp 与本地时间相差 8个小时
java与es8实战之六:用JSON创建请求对象(比builder pattern更加直观简洁)
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