在Amazon Bedrock的AI模型中,Anthropic Claude 3系列现在新增了图像识别功能。特别是最新的Anthropic Claude 3.5 Sonnet,图像识别能力得到了显著提升。我进行了一些简单的试验和比较,深入探索了这些Claude模型在OCR(光学字符识别)方面的表现。
本文将展示如何充分利用Anthropic Claude 3.5 Sonnet的图像识别功能,通过Amazon Bedrock对Stability AI的Stable Diffusion XL (SDXL) 生成的图像进行验证和再生成。我们的目标是通过自动判定生成图像是否符合要求,从而减少人工目视确认的工作量。
Using Amazon Bedrock to repeatedly generate images with Stable Diffusion XL via Claude 3.5 Sonnet until requirements are met
- 输入包含提示词和参数的事件。
2-1. 使用输入的提示词在Amazon Bedrock上运行SDXL模型以生成图像。
2-2. 将生成的图像保存到Amazon S3中。
2-3. 对保存到Amazon S3中的图像,使用Amazon Bedrock上的Claude 3.5 Sonnet模型进行验证,检查图像是否符合生成图像时的提示词要求。
3.如果未超过修正提示词的执行次数,并且图像未满足提示词要求的次数超过了指定的执行次数,则使用Amazon Bedrock上的Claude 3.5 Sonnet模型对生成图像的提示词进行修正,使其更可能满足要求,并重新开始2-1的处理。
- 如果修正提示词的执行次数超过了规定次数,则将处理视为错误并终止。
在这个处理流程中,关键点是使用Claude 3.5 Sonnet模型对图像生成提示词的修正。
因此,当超过指定的相同提示词执行次数后,我们会使用Amazon Bedrock上的Claude 3.5 Sonnet模型对图像生成提示词进行优化和修正,以提高生成满足要求图像的可能性。
- {
- "prompt": "<用于生成图像的初始提示>",
- "max_retry_attempts": <每个提示尝试生成图像的最大次数>,
- "max_prompt_revisions": <修正提示的最大次数>,
- "output_s3_bucket_name": "<保存生成图像的S3桶的名称>",
- "output_s3_key_prefix": "<生成图像的S3键前缀>",
- "claude_validate_temperature": <图像验证时Claude模型的temperature参数(0.0〜1.0)>,
- "claude_validate_top_p": <图像验证时Claude模型的top-p参数(0.0〜1.0)>,
- "claude_validate_top_k": <图像验证时Claude模型的top-k参数>,
- "claude_validate_max_tokens": <图像验证时Claude模型生成的最大token数>,
- "claude_revise_temperature": <修正提示时Claude模型的temperature参数(0.0〜1.0)>,
- "claude_revise_top_p": <修正提示时Claude模型的top-p参数(0.0〜1.0)>,
- "claude_revise_top_k": <修正提示时Claude模型的top-k参数>,
- "claude_revise_max_tokens": <修正提示时Claude模型生成的最大token数>,
- "sdxl_cfg_scale": <SDXL模型的CFG比例>,
- "sdxl_steps": <SDXL模型的步骤数>,
- "sdxl_width": <SDXL模型生成图像的宽度>,
- "sdxl_height": <SDXL模型生成图像的高度>,
- "sdxl_seed": <SDXL模型的随机种子>
- }

- {
- "prompt": "A serene landscape with mountains and a lake",
- "max_retry_attempts": 5,
- "max_prompt_revisions": 3,
- "output_s3_bucket_name": "your-output-bucket-name",
- "output_s3_key_prefix": "generated-images",
- "claude_validate_temperature": 1.0,
- "claude_validate_top_p": 0.999,
- "claude_validate_top_k": 250,
- "claude_validate_max_tokens": 4096,
- "claude_revise_temperature": 1.0,
- "claude_revise_top_p": 0.999,
- "claude_revise_top_k": 250,
- "claude_revise_max_tokens": 4096,
- "sdxl_cfg_scale": 30,
- "sdxl_steps": 150,
- "sdxl_width": 1024,
- "sdxl_height": 1024,
- "sdxl_seed": 0
- }

- # #Event Sample
- # {
- # "prompt": "A serene landscape with mountains and a lake",
- # "max_retry_attempts": 5,
- # "max_prompt_revisions": 3,
- # "output_s3_bucket_name": "your-output-bucket-name",
- # "output_s3_key_prefix": "generated-images",
- # "claude_validate_temperature": 1.0,
- # "claude_validate_top_p": 0.999,
- # "claude_validate_top_k": 250,
- # "claude_validate_max_tokens": 4096,
- # "claude_revise_temperature": 1.0,
- # "claude_revise_top_p": 0.999,
- # "claude_revise_top_k": 250,
- # "claude_revise_max_tokens": 4096,
- # "sdxl_cfg_scale": 30,
- # "sdxl_steps": 150,
- # "sdxl_width": 1024,
- # "sdxl_height": 1024,
- # "sdxl_seed": 0
- # }
- import boto3
- import json
- import base64
- import os
- import sys
- from io import BytesIO
- import datetime
- import random
- region = os.environ.get('AWS_REGION')
- bedrock_runtime_client = boto3.client('bedrock-runtime', region_name=region)
- s3_client = boto3.client('s3', region_name=region)
- def claude3_5_invoke_model(input_prompt, image_media_type=None, image_data_base64=None, model_params={}):
- messages = [
- {
- "role": "user",
- "content": [
- {
- "type": "text",
- "text": input_prompt
- }
- ]
- }
- ]
- if image_media_type and image_data_base64:
- messages[0]["content"].insert(0, {
- "type": "image",
- "source": {
- "type": "base64",
- "media_type": image_media_type,
- "data": image_data_base64
- }
- })
- body = {
- "anthropic_version": "bedrock-2023-05-31",
- "max_tokens": model_params.get('max_tokens', 4096),
- "messages": messages,
- "temperature": model_params.get('temperature', 1.0),
- "top_p": model_params.get('top_p', 0.999),
- "top_k": model_params.get('top_k', 250),
- "stop_sequences": ["\n\nHuman:"]
- }
- response = bedrock_runtime_client.invoke_model(
- modelId='anthropic.claude-3-5-sonnet-20240620-v1:0',
- contentType='application/json',
- accept='application/json',
- body=json.dumps(body)
- )
- response_body = json.loads(response.get('body').read())
- response_text = response_body["content"][0]["text"]
- return response_text
- def sdxl_invoke_model(prompt, model_params={}):
- seed = model_params.get('sdxl_seed', 0)
- if seed == 0:
- seed = random.randint(0, 4294967295)
- body = {
- "text_prompts": [{"text": prompt}],
- "cfg_scale": model_params.get('cfg_scale', 10),
- "steps": model_params.get('steps', 50),
- "width": model_params.get('sdxl_width', 1024),
- "height": model_params.get('sdxl_height', 1024),
- "seed": seed
- }
- print(f"SDXL model parameters: {body}")
- response = bedrock_runtime_client.invoke_model(
- body=json.dumps(body),
- modelId="stability.stable-diffusion-xl-v1",
- contentType="application/json",
- accept="application/json"
- )
- response_body = json.loads(response['body'].read())
- image_data = base64.b64decode(response_body['artifacts'][0]['base64'])
- print(f"Image generated successfully with seed: {seed}")
- return image_data
- def save_image_to_s3(image_data, bucket, key):
- s3_client.put_object(
- Bucket=bucket,
- Key=key,
- Body=image_data
- )
- print(f"Image saved to S3: s3://{bucket}/{key}")
- def validate_image(image_data, prompt, claude_validate_params):
- image_base64 = base64.b64encode(image_data).decode('utf-8')
- input_prompt = f"""Does this image match the following prompt? Prompt: {prompt}.
- Please answer in the following JSON format:
- {{"result":"", "reason":""}}
- Ensure your response can be parsed as valid JSON. Do not include any explanations, comments, or additional text outside of the JSON structure."""
- validation_result = claude3_5_invoke_model(input_prompt, "image/png", image_base64, claude_validate_params)
- try:
- print(f"validation Result: {validation_result}")
- parsed_result = json.loads(validation_result)
- is_valid = parsed_result['result'].upper() == 'YES'
- print(f"Image validation result: {is_valid}")
- print(f"Validation reason: {parsed_result['reason']}")
- return is_valid
- except json.JSONDecodeError:
- print(f"Error parsing validation result: {validation_result}")
- return False
- def revise_prompt(original_prompt, claude_revise_params):
- input_prompt = f"""Revise the following image generation prompt to optimize it for Stable Diffusion, incorporating best practices:
- {original_prompt}
- Please consider the following guidelines in your revision:
- 1. Be specific and descriptive, using vivid adjectives and clear nouns.
- 2. Include details about composition, lighting, style, and mood.
- 3. Mention specific artists or art styles if relevant.
- 4. Use keywords like "highly detailed", "4k", "8k", or "photorealistic" if appropriate.
- 5. Separate different concepts with commas.
- 6. Place more important elements at the beginning of the prompt.
- 7. Use weights (e.g., (keyword:1.2)) for emphasizing certain elements if necessary.
- 8. If the original prompt is not in English, translate it to English.
- Your goal is to create a clear, detailed prompt that will result in a high-quality image generation with Stable Diffusion.
- Please provide your response in the following JSON format:
- {{"revised_prompt":""}}
- Ensure your response can be parsed as valid JSON. Do not include any explanations, comments, or additional text outside of the JSON structure."""
- revised_prompt_json = claude3_5_invoke_model(input_prompt, model_params=claude_revise_params)
- print(f"Original prompt: {original_prompt}")
- print(f"Revised prompt JSON: {revised_prompt_json.strip()}")
- try:
- parsed_result = json.loads(revised_prompt_json)
- revised_prompt = parsed_result['revised_prompt']
- print(f"Parsed revised prompt: {revised_prompt}")
- return revised_prompt
- except json.JSONDecodeError:
- print(f"Error parsing revised prompt result: {revised_prompt_json}")
- return original_prompt
- def lambda_handler(event, context):
- try:
- initial_prompt = event['prompt']
- prompt = initial_prompt
- max_retry_attempts = max(0, event.get('max_retry_attempts', 5) - 1)
- max_prompt_revisions = max(0, event.get('max_prompt_revisions', 3) - 1)
- output_s3_bucket_name = event['output_s3_bucket_name']
- output_s3_key_prefix = event.get('output_s3_key_prefix', 'generated-images')
- print(f"Initial prompt: {initial_prompt}")
- print(f"Max retry attempts: {max_retry_attempts}")
- print(f"Max prompt revisions: {max_prompt_revisions}")
- # Model parameters
- claude_validate_params = {
- 'temperature': event.get('claude_validate_temperature', 1.0),
- 'top_p': event.get('claude_validate_top_p', 0.999),
- 'top_k': event.get('claude_validate_top_k', 250),
- 'max_tokens': event.get('claude_validate_max_tokens', 4096)
- }
- claude_revise_params = {
- 'temperature': event.get('claude_revise_temperature', 1.0),
- 'top_p': event.get('claude_revise_top_p', 0.999),
- 'top_k': event.get('claude_revise_top_k', 250),
- 'max_tokens': event.get('claude_revise_max_tokens', 4096)
- }
- sdxl_params = {
- 'cfg_scale': event.get('sdxl_cfg_scale', 7),
- 'steps': event.get('sdxl_steps', 50),
- "width": event.get('sdxl_width', 1024),
- "height": event.get('sdxl_height', 1024),
- "seed": event.get('sdxl_seed', 0)
- }
- print(f"Claude validate params: {claude_validate_params}")
- print(f"Claude revise params: {claude_revise_params}")
- print(f"SDXL params: {sdxl_params}")
- # Generate start timestamp and S3 key
- start_timestamp = datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S")
- for revision in range(max_prompt_revisions + 1):
- print(f"Starting revision {revision}")
- for attempt in range(max_retry_attempts + 1):
- print(f"Attempt {attempt} for generating image")
- # Generate image with SDXL
- image_data = sdxl_invoke_model(prompt, sdxl_params)
- image_key = f"{output_s3_key_prefix}-{start_timestamp}-{revision:03d}-{attempt:03d}.png"
- # Save image to S3
- save_image_to_s3(image_data, output_s3_bucket_name, image_key)
- # Validate image with Claude
- is_valid = validate_image(image_data, initial_prompt, claude_validate_params)
- if is_valid:
- print("Valid image generated successfully")
- return {
- 'statusCode': 200,
- 'body': json.dumps({
- 'status': 'SUCCESS',
- 'message': 'Image generated successfully',
- 'output_s3_bucket_url': f'https://s3.console.aws.amazon.com/s3/buckets/{output_s3_bucket_name}',
- 'output_s3_object_url': f'https://s3.console.aws.amazon.com/s3/object/{output_s3_bucket_name}?region={region}&prefix={image_key}'
- })
- }
- # If max retry attempts reached and not the last revision, revise prompt
- if revision < max_prompt_revisions:
- print("Revising prompt")
- prompt = revise_prompt(initial_prompt, claude_revise_params)
- print("Failed to generate a valid image after all attempts and revisions")
- return {
- 'statusCode': 400,
- 'body': json.dumps({
- 'status': 'FAIL',
- 'error': 'Failed to generate a valid image after all attempts and revisions'
- })
- }
- except Exception as ex:
- print(f'Exception: {ex}')
- tb = sys.exc_info()[2]
- err_message = f'Exception: {str(ex.with_traceback(tb))}'
- print(err_message)
- return {
- 'statusCode': 500,
- 'body': json.dumps({
- 'status': 'FAIL',
- 'error': err_message
- })
- }

- {
- "prompt": "从大自然中看到的夜景,天空中有极光、月亮和流星雨,地面上是广阔的海洋,漂浮着流冰,地平线上升起太阳的无人照片。",
- "max_retry_attempts": 5,
- "max_prompt_revisions": 5,
- "output_s3_bucket_name": "ho2k.com",
- "output_s3_key_prefix": "generated-images",
- "claude_validate_temperature": 1,
- "claude_validate_top_p": 0.999,
- "claude_validate_top_k": 250,
- "claude_validate_max_tokens": 4096,
- "claude_revise_temperature": 1,
- "claude_revise_top_p": 0.999,
- "claude_revise_top_k": 250,
- "claude_revise_max_tokens": 4096,
- "sdxl_cfg_scale": 30,
- "sdxl_steps": 150,
- "sdxl_width": 1024,
- "sdxl_height": 1024,
- "sdxl_seed": 0
- }

Breathtaking night landscape, vibrant aurora borealis (aurora:1.2) dancing across the starry sky, crescent moon illuminating the scene, meteor shower streaking through the atmosphere, vast arctic ocean with floating ice floes, midnight sun peeking over the horizon, ethereal glow, long exposure photography, ultra high resolution 8k, photorealistic, highly detailed, dramatic lighting, panoramic composition, inspired by Aurora Borealis paintings of Frederic Edwin Church
Breathtaking Arctic night landscape, vibrant green aurora borealis dancing across the starry sky, full moon illuminating the scene, meteor shower streaking through the atmosphere, vast icy ocean with floating ice floes, midnight sun peeking over the horizon, ultra-high resolution 8K, photorealistic, highly detailed, dramatic lighting, panoramic composition, inspired by Albert Bierstadt and Frederic Edwin Church, (aurora borealis:1.3), (meteor shower:1.2), serene and majestic atmosphere
Breathtaking nightscape from nature's perspective, vibrant aurora borealis (aurora:1.2) dancing across the starry sky, crescent moon illuminating the scene, meteor shower streaking through the atmosphere, vast ocean with floating ice floes, sun peeking over the horizon creating a golden glow, no human presence, photorealistic, highly detailed, 8k resolution, dramatic lighting, wide-angle composition, inspired by Thomas Kinkade and Aurora HDR style, serene and awe-inspiring mood
特别是与上述“生成的图像列表”对比来看,最初输入的日文提示词并未针对图像生成进行优化,因此输出的图像与要求相差较大。而从修正第一次开始,通过Claude 3.5 Sonnet模型进行优化后的提示词生成的图像更接近要求。
这次我们介绍了使用Anthropic Claude 3.5 Sonnet的图像识别功能,通过Amazon Bedrock对Stability AI的Stable Diffusion XL (SDXL)生成的图像进行验证,并在满足要求前不断重新生成的实际应用。
本次试验的结果表明,Claude 3.5 Sonnet不仅具备OCR功能,还能够识别图像中的内容及其表达的含义,从而用于验证图像是否满足要求。此外,我们还确认了Claude 3.5 Sonnet能够优化和修正提示词内容。
未来,我们将继续关注包括Anthropic Claude模型在内的Amazon Bedrock支持的AI模型的更新、实现方法及其与其他服务的组合应用。
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