五、之前我们已经实现了小图标的切割,初始化游戏界面等基本内容,下面是连连看的核心逻辑内容。首先连连看里面判断两个小图标能不能消除,一般有以下三种类型(当然前提是两个小图标是一样的):直连 --- ,单拐连 !--,双拐连!---!,而单拐连本质就是两个直连,双拐连本质是两个单拐连。
- def main():
- ...
- NONE_LINK = 0 #不连 #新增
- DIRECT_LINK = 1 #直连 --- #新增
- ONE_CORNER_LINK = 5 #单拐连 !_
- TWO_CORNER_LINK = 8 #双拐连 !_! #新增
- ...
2、新增方法 :getTwoIconsLinkType,参数是两个小图标,返回就是上述定义的枚举常量。
- def main():
- ...
- '''
- 获得两个点连通类型
- '''
- def getTwoIconsLinkType(Cell0, Cell8):
- #第一步:两个cell里面的图片是否相同,不同就不谈
- if cur_game[Cell0[0]][Cell0[1]] != cur_game[Cell8[0]][Cell8[1]]:
- return {'type':NONE_LINK}
- if isDirectLink(Cell0,Cell8):
- return {'type':DIRECT_LINK}
- if isOneCornerLink(Cell0,Cell8):
- return {'type':ONE_CORNER_LINK}
- if isTwoCornerLink(Cell0,Cell8):
- return {'type':TWO_CORNER_LINK}
- return {'type':NONE_LINK}
- ...
- def main():
- ...
- '''
- DIRECT_LINK = 1 #直连 ---
- '''
- def isDirectLink(C1, C2):
- start = -1
- end = -1
- # Y方向
- if C1[1] == C2[1]:
- # 大小判断
- if C2[0] < C1[0]:
- start = C2[0]
- end = C1[0]
- else:
- start = C1[0]
- end = C2[0]
- for x in range(start + 1, end):
- if cur_game[x][C1[1]] != EMPTYCELL:
- return False
- return True
- # X方向
- elif C1[0] == C2[0]:
- if C1[1] > C2[1]:
- start = C2[1]
- end = C1[1]
- else:
- start = C1[1]
- end = C2[1]
- for y in range(start + 1, end):
- if cur_game[C1[0]][y] != EMPTYCELL:
- return False
- return True
- return False
- ...
- def main():
- ...
- '''
- ONE_CORNER_LINK = 5 #单拐连 !_
- '''
- def isOneCornerLink(C1, C2):
- corner = (C1[0], C2[1])
- if isDirectLink(C1, corner) and isDirectLink(corner, C2) and isEmptyCell(corner[0],corner[1]):
- return True
- corner = (C2[0], C1[1])
- if isDirectLink(C1, corner) and isDirectLink(corner, C2) and isEmptyCell(corner[0],corner[1]):
- return True
- return False
- def main():
- ...
- '''
- TWO_CORNER_LINK = 8 #双拐连 !_!
- '''
- def isTwoCornerLink(C1, C2):
- # Y方向
- for y in range(-1, game_rows + 1):
- corner1 = (C1[0], y)
- corner2 = (C2[0], y)
- if y == C1[1] or y == C2[1]:
- continue
- if y == -1 or y == game_rows:
- if isDirectLink(C1, corner1) and isDirectLink(corner2, C2):
- return True
- else:
- if isDirectLink(C1, corner1) and isDirectLink(corner1, corner2) and isDirectLink(corner2, C2) and isEmptyCell(corner1[0],corner2[1]) and isEmptyCell(corner2[0],corner2[1]):
- return True
- # X方向
- for x in range(-1, game_cols + 1):
- corner1 = (x, C1[1])
- corner2 = (x, C2[1])
- if x == C1[0] or x == C2[0]:
- continue
- if x == -1 or x == game_cols:
- if isDirectLink(C1, corner1) and isDirectLink(corner2, C2):
- return True
- else:
- if isDirectLink(C1, corner1) and isDirectLink(corner1, corner2) and isDirectLink(corner2, C2) and isEmptyCell(corner1[0],corner2[1]) and isEmptyCell(corner2[0],corner2[1]):
- return True
- return False
- ...
- def main():
- ...
- '''
- 鼠标点击响应
- '''
- def mouseClick(posX,posY):
- nonlocal isFirst
- nonlocal compareCell
- nonlocal isStart
- if isStart:
- curCell = getPoint(posX,posY)
- # print (curCell)
- if isUseful(curCell[0],curCell[1]) and not isEmptyCell(curCell[0],curCell[1]):
- if isFirst :
- drawRedRect(curCell[0],curCell[1])
- isFirst = False
- compareCell = curCell
- else:
- if compareCell[0] == curCell[0] and compareCell[1] == curCell[1]:
- isFirst = True
- delRedRectangle(curCell[0],curCell[1])
- else:
- linkType = getTwoIconsLinkType(compareCell, curCell) #新增
- if linkType['type'] != NONE_LINK: #新增
- pass
- #消掉匹配的小图标
- #删除红色的首次选中框
- #设置isFirst为True
- #if 游戏结束:
- '''
- 通关后重置isStart,isFirst参数
- '''
- else: #新增 无法消掉的时候,去掉首个选中的红框,将第二个赋值为首个选中,给它画红框
- delRedRectangle(compareCell[0],compareCell[1]) #新增
- compareCell = curCell #新增
- drawRedRect(curCell[0],curCell[1]) #新增
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