DBN是2006年提出的一种概率生成模型, 由多个限制玻尔兹曼机(RBM)[3]堆栈而成:
在训练时, Hinton采用了逐层无监督的方法来学习参数。首先把数据向量x和第一层隐藏层作为一个RBM, 训练出这个RBM的参数(连接x和h1的权重, x和h1各个节点的偏置等等), 然后固定这个RBM的参数, 把h1视作可见向量, 把h2视作隐藏向量, 训练第二个RBM, 得到其参数, 然后固定这些参数, 训练h2和h3构成的RBM, 具体的训练算法如下:
3. 利用DBN进行有监督学习
在使用上述的逐层无监督方法学得节点之间的权重以及节点的偏置之后(亦即初始化), 可以在DBN的最顶层再加一层, 来表示我们希望得到的输出, 然后计算模型得到的输出和希望得到的输出之间的误差, 利用后向反馈的方法来进一步优化之前设置的初始权重。因为我们已经使用逐层无监督方法来初始化了权重值, 使其比较接近最优值, 解决了之前多层神经网络训练时存在的问题, 能够得到很好的效果。
[Hinton06] showed that RBMs can be stacked and trained in a greedy manner to form so-called Deep Belief Networks (DBN). DBNs are graphical models which learn to extract a deep hierarchical representation of the training data. They model the joint distribution between observed vector and the hidden layers as follows:
where , is a conditional distribution for the visible units conditioned on the hidden units of the RBM at level , and is the visible-hidden joint distribution in the top-level RBM. This is illustrated in the figure below.
The principle of greedy layer-wise unsupervised training can be applied to DBNs with RBMs as the building blocks for each layer[Hinton06], [Bengio07]. The process is as follows:
1. Train the first layer as an RBM that models the raw input as its visible layer.
2. Use that first layer to obtain a representation of the input that will be used as data for the second layer. Two common solutions exist. This representation can be chosen as being the mean activations or samples of .
3. Train the second layer as an RBM, taking the transformed data (samples or mean activations) as training examples (for the visible layer of that RBM).
4. Iterate (2 and 3) for the desired number of layers, each time propagating upward either samples or mean values.
5. Fine-tune all the parameters of this deep architecture with respect to a proxy for the DBN log- likelihood, or with respect to a supervised training criterion (after adding extra learning machinery to convert the learned representation into supervised predictions, e.g. a linear classifier).
In this tutorial, we focus on fine-tuning via supervised gradient descent. Specifically, we use a logistic regression classifier to classify the input based on the output of the last hidden layer of the DBN. Fine-tuning is then performed via supervised gradient descent of the negative log-likelihood cost function. Since the supervised gradient is only non-null for the weights and hidden layer biases of each layer (i.e. null for the visible biases of each RBM), this procedure is equivalent to initializing the parameters of a deep MLP with the weights and hidden layer biases obtained with the unsupervised training strategy.
Why does such an algorithm work ? Taking as example a 2-layer DBN with hidden layers and (with respective weight parameters and ), [Hinton06] established (see also Bengio09]_ for a detailed derivation) that can be rewritten as,
represents the KL divergence between the posterior of the first RBM if it were standalone, and the probability for the same layer but defined by the entire DBN (i.e. taking into account the prior defined by the top-level RBM). is the entropy of the distribution .
It can be shown that if we initialize both hidden layers such that , and the KL divergence term is null. If we learn the first level RBM and then keep its parameters fixed, optimizing Eq. (2) with respect to can thus only increase the likelihood .
Also, notice that if we isolate the terms which depend only on , we get:
Optimizing this with respect to amounts to training a second-stage RBM, using the output of as the training distribution, when is sampled from the training distribution for the first RBM.
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