function [tfr] = RS(x,hlength); % Reassignment transform % x : Signal. % hlength : Window length. % tfr : Time-Frequency Representation. % This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of % MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. % % Written by YuGang in Shandong University at 2016.05.13, for my girlfriend. [xrow,xcol] = size(x); N=xrow; if (xcol~=1), error('X must be column vector'); end; if (nargin < 2), hlength=round(xrow/8); end; t=1:N; ft = 1:round(N/2); [trow,tcol] = size(t); hlength=hlength+1-rem(hlength,2); ht = linspace(-0.5,0.5,hlength);ht=ht'; % Gaussian window h = exp(-pi/0.32^2*ht.^2); % derivative of window dh = -2*pi/0.32^2*ht .* h; % g' % th=h.*ht; [hrow,hcol]=size(h); Lh=(hrow-1)/2; tfr1= zeros (N,tcol); tfr2= zeros (N,tcol); tfr3= zeros (N,tcol); va=N/hlength; for icol=1:tcol, ti= t(icol); tau=-min([round(N/2)-1,Lh,ti-1]):min([round(N/2)-1,Lh,xrow-ti]); indices= rem(N+tau,N)+1; rSig = x(ti+tau,1); tfr1(indices,icol)=rSig.*conj(h(Lh+1+tau)); tfr2(indices,icol)=rSig.*conj(dh(Lh+1+tau)); tfr3(indices,icol)=rSig.*conj(th(Lh+1+tau)); end; tfr1=fft(tfr1); tfr2=fft(tfr2); tfr3=fft(tfr3); tfr1=tfr1(1:round(N/2),:); tfr2=tfr2(1:round(N/2),:); tfr3=tfr3(1:round(N/2),:); omega = zeros(round(N/2),tcol); omega2= zeros(round(N/2),tcol); for b=1:N omega1(:,b) = (ft-1)'+real(va*1i*tfr2(ft,b)/2/pi./tfr1(ft,b)); end for a=1:round(N/2) omega2(a,:) = t+(hlength-1)*real(tfr3(a,t)./tfr1(a,t)); end omega1=round(omega1); omega2=round(omega2); Ts = zeros(round(N/2),tcol); % Reassignment step for b=1:N%time for eta=1:round(N/2)%frequency if abs(tfr1(eta,b))>0.0001 k1 = omega1(eta,b); k2 = omega2(eta,b); if k1>=1 && k1<=round(N/2) && k2>=1 && k2<=N Ts(k1,k2) = Ts(k1,k2) + abs(tfr1(eta,b)); end end end end tfr=Ts/(xrow/2); end
[1] Auger F , Flandrin P . Improving the readability of time-frequency and time-scale representation by the reassignment method.
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