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LevelStream 实现超大无缝地图--官方文档学习

The Level Streaming feature makes it possible to load and unload map files into memory as well as toggle their visibility all during play. This makes it possible to have worlds broken up into smaller chunks so that only the relevant parts of the world are taking up resources and being rendered at any point. If done properly, this allows for the creation of very large, seamless levels that can make the player feel as if they are playing within a world that dwarfs them in size.  


World Composition User Guide  世界组合使用指南

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Overview 概述:

World Composition has been designed to simplify managing large worlds. One of the goals is to avoid using a persistent level to store streaming information as it becomes a bottleneck when a team of level designers want to work on levels simultaneously. The persistent level does not store any streaming information and instead scans a folder and treats all found levels as streaming levels. Each streaming level has information stored in the package header, which World Composition can read without loading the level into memory. Initially, all levels except the persistent level are unloaded in World Composition. You can load or unload any part of the world manually at any time.

World Composition relies on a world origin shifting feature which, when used with distance based level streaming, allows you to create worlds which are not limited to the WORLD_MAX constant value hard-coded into the engine.

世界组合( World Composition )这个功能的设计是为了简化对大地图管理。 目标之一是,不至于因为只能使用一个持续的关卡来存储流数据,而使得“当关卡设计团队想要水平工作同时设计关卡“这样的想法成为瓶颈、不可能的想法。持续的关卡不存储任何信息流,相反,只会一次性扫描整个文件夹并且找到所有的关卡作为关卡流。每个关卡流的信息存储在包的头部,这些信息可以被世界组合(World Composition)功能来直接读取而不用提前把这些蓝图存放到内存中。最开始的时候,除了持续关卡其他所有的关卡都会存储在世界组合(World Composition)中,你可以在任何时刻加载或者卸载世界任何的一部分。
世界的组成(World Composition)依赖于世界原始的转移特性,当通过使用基于距离的关卡流,允许你可以创建出不局限于引擎中设定好的世界最大值 WORLD_MAX constant这个常量。

Activating World Composition 激活“世界组合”功能

World Composition managed worlds can be activated by switching on Enable World Composition flag in World Settings.

You can also disable world origin shifting by switching off Enable World Origin Rebasing flag in World Settings.

被”世界组合“(World Composition)管理的世界可以通过勾选在世界设置中的Enable World Composition布尔值。

当然你也可以通过不勾选世界设置中的Enable World Origin Rebasing 布尔值来不使用世界原始转移特性。 

(1)勾选 Enable World Composition时,系统会自动扫描大地图所在文件夹,如果当大地图所在文件夹存在有其他地图的时候,系统会提示


Levels Hierarchy 关卡的层次

After you have activated World Composition, all the levels in your project will be visible in the Levels window. To open this window, click on theWindows menu, and then select Levels.

The entries in the Levels window represent your world hierarchy.



