read_image (XYZ, '3d_machine_vision/segmentation/3d_primitives_xyz_01.tif')
- access_channel (XYZ, X, 1)
- access_channel (XYZ, Y, 2)
- access_channel (XYZ, Z, 3)
- xyz_to_object_model_3d (X, Y, Z, ObjectModel3DID)
- prepare_object_model_3d (ObjectModel3DID, 'segmentation', 'false', 'max_area_holes', 100)
- ParSegmentation := ['max_orientation_diff','max_curvature_diff','output_xyz_mapping','min_area']
- ValSegmentation := [0.13,0.11,'true',150]
- ParFitting := ['primitive_type','fitting_algorithm']
- ValFitting := ['all','least_squares_huber']
- * Segmentation and fitting is done in one step,
- * because the parameter 'fitting' is set to 'true' by default
- segment_object_model_3d (ObjectModel3DID, [ParSegmentation,ParFitting], [ValSegmentation,ValFitting], ObjectModel3DOutID)
然后,Primitive Tpye应该为基本的3D模型,【大概,因为不同的角度,有不同的识别类型】
- * ***********************************************************************
- * This example program shows how to use the operator
- * segment_object_model_3d in HALCON. First, the 2.5D
- * input image is segmented. Additionally, with the same
- * operator, a fitting is performed. The result of the
- * 3D segmentation is converted to a region and is
- * displayed. Finally, the values of the fitted radii
- * for the cylinders and spheres are visualized.
- * ***********************************************************************
- dev_update_off ()
- dev_close_window ()
- * Input: 2.5D image
- read_image (XYZ, '3d_machine_vision/segmentation/3d_primitives_xyz_01.tif')
- dev_open_window_fit_image (XYZ, 0, 0, -1, -1, WindowHandle)
- set_display_font (WindowHandle, 16, 'mono', 'true', 'false')
- * Access to (x-, y-, z-)coordinates
- access_channel (XYZ, X, 1)
- access_channel (XYZ, Y, 2)
- access_channel (XYZ, Z, 3)
- *
- Message := 'Generate a 3D object model from an'
- Message[1] := 'XYZ image and segment primitives'
- Message[2] := '(spheres, cylinders, planes) in it:'
- dev_display (Z)
- disp_message (WindowHandle, Message, 'window', 12, 12, 'black', 'true')
- disp_continue_message (WindowHandle, 'black', 'true')
- stop ()
- * Prepare the segmentation
- xyz_to_object_model_3d (X, Y, Z, ObjectModel3DID)
- prepare_object_model_3d (ObjectModel3DID, 'segmentation', 'false', 'max_area_holes', 100)
- ParSegmentation := ['max_orientation_diff','max_curvature_diff','output_xyz_mapping','min_area']
- ValSegmentation := [0.13,0.11,'true',150]
- ParFitting := ['primitive_type','fitting_algorithm']
- ValFitting := ['all','least_squares_huber']
- * Segmentation and fitting is done in one step,
- * because the parameter 'fitting' is set to 'true' by default
- segment_object_model_3d (ObjectModel3DID, [ParSegmentation,ParFitting], [ValSegmentation,ValFitting], ObjectModel3DOutID)
- * Show the result of the segmentation
- dev_set_colored (12)
- for Index := 0 to |ObjectModel3DOutID| - 1 by 1
- object_model_3d_to_xyz (XTmp, YTmp, ZTmp, ObjectModel3DOutID[Index], 'from_xyz_map', [], [])
- get_domain (ZTmp, DomainTmp)
- if (Index == 0)
- copy_obj (DomainTmp, Domain, 1, 1)
- else
- concat_obj (Domain, DomainTmp, Domain)
- endif
- endfor
- dev_display (Domain)
- disp_message (WindowHandle, '3D Segmentation', 'window', 12, 12, 'black', 'true')
- disp_message (WindowHandle, 'Segmented objects: ' + |ObjectModel3DOutID|, 'window', 40, 12, 'black', 'true')
- disp_continue_message (WindowHandle, 'black', 'true')
- stop ()
- * Show the result of the fitting
- dev_clear_window ()
- dev_display_fitting_results (RegionCylinder, RegionSphere, RegionPlane, RegionNone, ObjectModel3DOutID, WindowHandle, [])
- *
- * Example code, if further inspections should be made:
- *
- * Store only the data of the primitive to save memory
- for Index := 0 to |ObjectModel3DOutID| - 1 by 1
- * Copy only the data of the primitive
- copy_object_model_3d (ObjectModel3DOutID[Index], 'primitives_all', CopiedObjectModel3DID)
- * Further inspections
- * .....
- * .....
- endfor
- dev_update_on ()
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