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Lstm 长短时记忆  


这个参数也是需要去训练 逐渐优化 得到的


ft 遗忘门   it 保留门


选择性的遗忘和保留  是随时更新ct的状态的 从开始更新到结束


Classification and Location 分类与回归

分类就是 输入图像 输出类别

回归就是 输入图像 输出这个图像的(x,y,w,h) 就是定位,找到坐标和长宽高

将回归的任务  加在哪里


L2 distance 欧式距离

L2 regularliaztion  L2正则化惩罚项   

L2 loss  均方误差 常用来做回归任务  MSE


用活动窗口的做法  去进行回归任务


其他深度神经网络  在达到一定的层数后,层数越深,不一定效果越好

但是ResNet 是层数越深,效果越好
















 Data augmentation 数据增强


  1. Horizontal flips  水平翻转  镜面操作

  1. 随机裁剪

Translation 平移变换

Rotation  角度变换

Stretching 拉伸

Shearing  修剪

Lens distortions












 详细参考  ComputerVision ---->  Neural_NetWorks ---->  RNN-easy-àrnn_full_code.py


  1. # View more python learning tutorial on my Youtube and Youku channel!!!
  2. # Youtube video tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdyjiB5H8Pu7aDTNVXTTpcg
  3. # Youku video tutorial: http://i.youku.com/pythontutorial
  4. """
  5. Please note, this code is only for python 3+. If you are using python 2+, please modify the code accordingly.
  6. Run this script on tensorflow r0.10. Errors appear when using lower versions.
  7. lstm  回归问题的预测
  8. """
  9. import tensorflow as tf
  10. import numpy as np
  11. import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
  12. BATCH_START = 0 #
  13. TIME_STEPS = 20 #每20个作为一个有上下文的时间序列
  14. BATCH_SIZE = 50 #50个一组训练
  15. INPUT_SIZE = 1 #
  16. OUTPUT_SIZE = 1 #
  17. CELL_SIZE = 10 #10个cell
  18. LR = 0.006 #学习率
  19. #生成数据
  20. def get_batch():
  21.     global BATCH_START, TIME_STEPS
  22.     # xs shape (50batch, 20steps)
  23.     xs = np.arange(BATCH_START, BATCH_START+TIME_STEPS*BATCH_SIZE).reshape((BATCH_SIZE, TIME_STEPS)) / (10*np.pi)
  24.     seq = np.sin(xs)  # b
  25.     res = np.cos(xs)  # r
  27.     # plt.plot(xs[0, :], res[0, :], 'r', xs[0, :], seq[0, :], 'b--')
  28.     # plt.show()
  29.     # returned seq, res and xs: shape (batch, step, input)
  30.     return [seq[:, :, np.newaxis], res[:, :, np.newaxis], xs] # 返回生成的数据  seq res xs
  31. class LSTMRNN(object):
  32.     def __init__(self, n_steps, input_size, output_size, cell_size, batch_size):
  33.         self.n_steps = n_steps
  34.         self.input_size = input_size
  35.         self.output_size = output_size
  36.         self.cell_size = cell_size
  37.         self.batch_size = batch_size
  38.         with tf.name_scope('inputs'):
  39.             self.xs = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, n_steps, input_size], name='xs') # 定义占位符是3维 [batch_size, time_step, word_dim]
  40.             self.ys = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, n_steps, output_size], name='ys') #
  41.         with tf.variable_scope('in_hidden'):
  42.             self.add_input_layer()
  43.         with tf.variable_scope('LSTM_cell'):
  44.             self.add_cell()
  45.         with tf.variable_scope('out_hidden'):
  46.             self.add_output_layer()
  47.         with tf.name_scope('cost'):
  48.             self.compute_cost()
  49.         with tf.name_scope('train'):
  50.             self.train_op = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(LR).minimize(self.cost)
  51.     def add_input_layer(self,):
  52.         l_in_x = tf.reshape(self.xs, [-1, self.input_size], name='2_2D')  # (batch*n_step, in_size)  将三维的数据reshape成二维
  53.         # Ws (in_size, cell_size)
  54.         Ws_in = self._weight_variable([self.input_size, self.cell_size])
  55.         # bs (cell_size, )
  56.         bs_in = self._bias_variable([self.cell_size,])
  57.         # l_in_y = (batch * n_steps, cell_size)
  58.         with tf.name_scope('Wx_plus_b'):
  59.             l_in_y = tf.matmul(l_in_x, Ws_in) + bs_in
  60.         # reshape l_in_y ==> (batch, n_steps, cell_size)
  61.         self.l_in_y = tf.reshape(l_in_y, [-1, self.n_steps, self.cell_size], name='2_3D') #再将二维的结果 reshape 成三维
  62.     def add_cell(self):
  63.         lstm_cell = tf.contrib.rnn.BasicLSTMCell(self.cell_size, forget_bias=1.0, state_is_tuple=True)
  64.         with tf.name_scope('initial_state'):
  65.             self.cell_init_state = lstm_cell.zero_state(self.batch_size, dtype=tf.float32)
  66.         self.cell_outputs, self.cell_final_state = tf.nn.dynamic_rnn(
  67.             lstm_cell, self.l_in_y, initial_state=self.cell_init_state, time_major=False)
  68.     def add_output_layer(self):
  69.         # shape = (batch * steps, cell_size)
  70.         l_out_x = tf.reshape(self.cell_outputs, [-1, self.cell_size], name='2_2D')
  71.         Ws_out = self._weight_variable([self.cell_size, self.output_size])
  72.         bs_out = self._bias_variable([self.output_size, ])
  73.         # shape = (batch * steps, output_size)
  74.         with tf.name_scope('Wx_plus_b'):
  75.             self.pred = tf.matmul(l_out_x, Ws_out) + bs_out
  76.     def compute_cost(self):
  77.         losses = tf.contrib.legacy_seq2seq.sequence_loss_by_example(
  78.             [tf.reshape(self.pred, [-1], name='reshape_pred')],
  79.             [tf.reshape(self.ys, [-1], name='reshape_target')],
  80.             [tf.ones([self.batch_size * self.n_steps], dtype=tf.float32)],
  81.             average_across_timesteps=True,
  82.             softmax_loss_function=self.ms_error,
  83.             name='losses'
  84.         )
  85.         with tf.name_scope('average_cost'):
  86.             self.cost = tf.div(
  87.                 tf.reduce_sum(losses, name='losses_sum'),
  88.                 self.batch_size,
  89.                 name='average_cost')
  90.             tf.summary.scalar('cost', self.cost)
  91.     @staticmethod
  92.     def ms_error(labels, logits):
  93.         return tf.square(tf.subtract(labels, logits))
  94.     def _weight_variable(self, shape, name='weights'):
  95.         initializer = tf.random_normal_initializer(mean=0., stddev=1.,) #均方误差为1
  96.         return tf.get_variable(shape=shape, initializer=initializer, name=name)
  97.     def _bias_variable(self, shape, name='biases'):
  98.         initializer = tf.constant_initializer(0.1) #常量初始化
  99.         return tf.get_variable(name=name, shape=shape, initializer=initializer)
  100. if __name__ == '__main__':
  102.     sess = tf.Session()
  103.     merged = tf.summary.merge_all()  #用来 tensorbord可视化
  104.     writer = tf.summary.FileWriter("./logs/", sess.graph) #保存到log文件夹
  105.     # tf.initialize_all_variables() no long valid from
  106.     # 2017-03-02 if using tensorflow >= 0.12
  107.     if int((tf.__version__).split('.')[1]) < 12 and int((tf.__version__).split('.')[0]) < 1:
  108.         init = tf.initialize_all_variables()
  109.     else:
  110.         init = tf.global_variables_initializer()
  111.     sess.run(init)
  112.     # relocate to the local dir and run this line to view it on Chrome (
  113.     # $ tensorboard --logdir='logs'
  114.     plt.ion() #启动交互模式 实现动图
  115.     plt.show()
  116.     for i in range(200):
  117.         seq, res, xs = get_batch()
  118.         if i == 0:
  119.             feed_dict = {
  120.                     model.xs: seq,
  121.                     model.ys: res,
  122.                     # create initial state
  123.             }
  124.         else:
  125.             feed_dict = {
  126.                 model.xs: seq,
  127.                 model.ys: res,
  128.                 model.cell_init_state: state    # use last state as the initial state for this run
  129.             }
  130.         _, cost, state, pred = sess.run(
  131.             [model.train_op, model.cost, model.cell_final_state, model.pred],
  132.             feed_dict=feed_dict)
  133.         # plotting
  134.         plt.plot(xs[0, :], res[0].flatten(), 'r', xs[0, :], pred.flatten()[:TIME_STEPS], 'b--')
  135.         plt.ylim((-1.2, 1.2))
  136.         plt.draw()
  137.         plt.pause(0.3)
  138.         if i % 20 == 0:
  139.             print('cost: ', round(cost, 4))
  140.             result = sess.run(merged, feed_dict)
  141.             writer.add_summary(result, i)






Autoencoder 自编码  非监督学习

类似PCA主成分分析   可以达到降维的目的 拿更优质特征更多的来代替原来图像中无用的信息



Batch Normalization --------------BN


