AWS is the dominant cloud-based service provider. We don’t endorse the idea that their dominance is a reason to use their services. Instead, we present an AWS solution that will be the easiest to adopt by the largest group of people. We believe that this method will generalize to other cloud-based offerings such as DigitalOcean or Google Cloud Platform provided that the reader has Secure Shell (ssh) access to these systems and that they are running a Linux variant.
AWS是主要的基于云的服务提供商。 我们不赞成他们的优势是使用他们的服务的理由。 相反,我们提出了一种AWS解决方案,该解决方案将被大多数人最容易采用。 我们相信,只要读者具有对这些系统的Secure Shell(ssh)访问权限,并且它们正在运行Linux变体,则该方法将推广到其他基于云的产品,例如DigitalOcean或Google Cloud Platform。
If you are interested in learning more about developing Data Science applications using Docker, Jupyter, and AWS, please have a look at my book, Docker for Data Science.
如果您想了解有关使用Docker,Jupyter和AWS开发数据科学应用程序的更多信息,请阅读我的书Docker for Data Science 。
We present instructions for configuring a system using Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2). New users receive 750 hours of free usage on their T2.micro platform and we believe that this should be more than enough for the typical reader’s journey through this text.
我们介绍了有关使用Elastic Compute Cloud(EC2)配置系统的说明。 新用户可以在其T2.micro平台上获得750小时的免费使用时间,我们认为这对于普通读者阅读本文而言应该绰绰有余。
Let’s outline the process of configuring an AWS EC2 system for the purposes of working through this text. This process consists of:
为了概述本文,我们概述配置AWS EC2系统的过程。 该过程包括:
- Configuring a Key Pair 配置密钥对
- Creating a New Security Group 创建一个新的安全组
- Creating a New EC2 Instance 创建一个新的EC2实例
- Configuring the new Instance to use Docker 配置新实例以使用Docker
设置新的AWS账户 (Set up a New AWS Account)
To begin, set up an AWS account if you do not already have one.