语法:class 类名{访问权限:属性/ 行为};
- #include<iostream>
- using namespace std;
- const double PI = 3.14;
- class circle
- {
- //访问权限
- // 公共权限
- public:
- //属性:半径
- int m_r;
- // 行为
- //获取圆的周长
- double calculateZC()
- {
- return 2 * PI * m_r;
- }
- };
- int main()
- {
- //通过circle类创建一个具体的circle对象
- circle c1;
- c1.m_r = 10;
- cout << "圆的周长为:" << c1.calculateZC()<<endl;
- return 0;
- }

- #include<iostream>
- #include<string>
- using namespace std;
- class student {
- public://公共权限
- //类中的属性和形为,统一称为成员
- //属性:成员属性,成员变量
- //行为:成员函数,成员方法
- //
- string name;
- string student_id;
- void showiinfo()
- {
- cout<<"学生姓名为:" << name << endl;
- cout<<"学生学号是:" << student_id << endl;
- }
- };
- int main()
- {
- //创建一个具体的学生,实例化
- student a;
- a.name = "张三";
- a.student_id = "TS20060190P31";
- a.showiinfo();
- return 0;
- }

- #include<iostream>
- #include<string>
- using namespace std;
- class person {
- // 公共权限
- public:
- string name;
- //保护权限
- protected:
- string m_car;
- // 私有权限
- private:
- int password;
- public:
- void func()
- {
- name = "张三";
- m_car = "拖拉机";
- password = 123457;
- }
- };
- int main()
- {
- person p1;
- p1.name = "李四";
- //不可以被访问
- //p1.m_car = "车";
- return 0;
- }

struct 和class的区别
- #include<iostream>
- using namespace std;
- //构造函数的分类及调用
- //分类
- //按照参数分类:有参构造,无参构造(默认构造)
- //按照类型分:普通构造函数,拷贝构造函数
- //构造函数的名称和类名一样
- class person {
- public:
- person()
- {
- cout<<"无参构造函数的调用" << endl;
- }
- person(int a)
- {
- age = a;
- cout << "有参构造函数的调用" << endl;
- }
- //拷贝构造函数
- person(const person &p)
- {
- //将传入的人身上的所有属性传到我身上
- age=p.age;
- cout << "拷贝构造函数的调用" << endl;
- }
- ~person()
- {
- cout<<"析构函数的调用" << endl;
- }
- int age;
- };

- //第一种: 使用创建好的对象创建一个新对象
- void test1()
- {
- Person p1(10);
- //使用已经创建好的p1对象创建p2
- Person p2(p1);
- }
- //第二种:将对象作为参数传递给函数
- void test2()
- {
- Person p1(10);
- //将p1作为函数参数传递给dowork函数
- dowork(p1);
- }
- // 第三种:返回局部对象
- Person _dowork()
- {
- Person p1(10);
- return p1;//将局部对象当做返回值返回
- }
- void test3()
- {
- Person p = _dowork();
- }

浅拷贝指的是拷贝函数在进行对象初始化时进行的一个简单的赋值拷贝操作,复制的指向对象的指针,比如说我们用拷贝构造的方式创建了一个对象p2 ,Peroson p2(p1),虽然p2和p1的对象名不一样,但是他们指向同一块内存。
- #include<iostream>
- using namespace std;
- class Person {
- public:
- int m_age;
- int* m_height;
- Person(int age, int height) {
- cout << "Person类的有参数构造函数" << endl;
- m_age = age;
- m_height = new int(height);// 用new在堆区开辟了一块新的变量空间,需要在析构函数中释放
- }
- ~Person()
- {
- if (m_height != NULL)
- {
- delete m_height;//释放掉
- m_height = NULL;//预防野指针出现
- }
- }
- };
- void test()
- {
- Person p1(18, 180);
- Person p2(p1);//利用拷贝函数创建新对象
- }

- #include<iostream>
- using namespace std;
- class Person {
- public:
- int m_age;
- int* m_height;
- Person(int age, int height) {
- cout << "Person类的有参数构造函数" << endl;
- m_age = age;
- m_height = new int(height);// 用new在堆区开辟了一块新的变量空间,需要在析构函数中释放
- }
- Person(const Person &p)
- {
- m_age = p.m_age;
- m_height = new int(*p.m_height); //在堆区重新申请空间
- }
- ~Person()
- {
- if (m_height != NULL)
- {
- delete m_height;//释放掉
- m_height = NULL;//预防野指针出现
- }
- }
- };
- void test()
- {
- Person p1(18, 180);
- Person p2(p1);//利用拷贝函数创建新对象
- }
- int main()
- {
- test();
- return 0;
- }

- // 显示法
- person p2 = person(10);
- 显示法拷贝构造
- person p3 = person(p2);
- //隐式转换法
- person p4 = 10;//person p4 = person(10);
- //显示拷贝构造
- person p5 = p4;
- //隐式拷贝构造
- person p5(p4);
类名():变量1(初始值),变量2(初始值) {}
- class Example {
- public:
- int a;
- int b;
- //构造函数内部赋值
- Example()
- {
- a = 0;
- b = 1;
- }
- //构造函数初始化列表
- Example():a(0),b(1)
- { }
- };
- class Phone {
- public:
- Phone(string name)
- {
- m_pname = name;
- }
- string m_pname;
- };
- class Person {
- public:
- //Phone类没有默认构造函数,只能用初始化列表构造函数
- Person(string name, string pname):m_name(name),m_phone(pname)
- {
- }
- string m_name;
- Phone m_phone;
- };

- #include<iostream>
- #include<string>
- using namespace std;
- class Person {
- public:
- static string name;// 类内声明
- };
- string Person::name = "张三"; //类外初始化
- int main()
- {
- Person p;
- cout << p.name << endl;
- Person p2;
- p2.name = "李四"; //当p2改变了变量的时候,所有的类对象相应的数据都被改了
- cout << p.name << endl;
- cout << p2.name << endl;
- }

- #include<iostream>
- #include<string>
- using namespace std;
- class Person {
- public:
- static string name;// 类内声明
- int age;
- static void func()
- {
- name = "张三";
- //age = 100; 不可以访问非静态成员变量
- cout << "静态成员函数的调用" << endl;
- }
- };
- string Person::name = "张三"; //类外初始化
- int main()
- {
- Person p;
- //两种静态成员函数的访问方式
- //第一种根据类名访问
- Person::func();
- //第二种根据对象访问
- p.func();
- }

- #include<iostream>
- using namespace std;
- class Perosn {
- public:
- int age;
- Perosn(int age)
- {
- age = age;
- }
- };
- void test01()
- {
- Perosn p1(18);
- cout << "p1的年龄:" << p1.age << endl;
- }
- int main()
- {
- test01();
- return 0;
- }

- #include<iostream>
- using namespace std;
- class Perosn {
- public:
- int age;
- Perosn(int age)
- {
- this->age = age;
- }
- };
- void test01()
- {
- Perosn p1(18);
- cout << "p1的年龄:" << p1.age << endl;
- }
- int main()
- {
- test01();
- return 0;
- }

- #include<iostream>
- using namespace std;
- class Perosn {
- public:
- int age;
- Perosn(int age)
- {
- this->age = age;
- }
- Perosn& addage(const Perosn& p)
- {
- this->age += p.age;
- return *this; //这里返回的是一个类对象
- }
- };
- void test01()
- {
- Perosn p1(18);
- Perosn p2(10);
- //由于函数返回的是对象,因此我们可以链式编程
- p2.addage(p1).addage(p1).addage(p1);
- cout << "p1的年龄:" << p2.age << endl;
- }
- int main()
- {
- test01();
- return 0;
- }

- #include<iostream>
- #include<string>
- using namespace std;
- class Building{
- //友元函数的声明 Goodfriend是全局部函数
- friend void Goodfriend(Building& p);
- public:
- string m_sittingroom;//公有属性
- //构造函数初始化
- Building(string sittingroom, string bedroom)
- {
- m_sittingroom = sittingroom;
- m_bedroom = bedroom;
- }
- private:
- string m_bedroom; //私有属性
- };
- //引用传递
- void Goodfriend(Building &p)
- {
- cout << "有人正在访问你的" << p.m_sittingroom << endl;
- cout << "有人正在访问你的" << p.m_bedroom << endl;
- }
- void test()
- {
- Building b("客厅","卧室");
- Goodfriend(b);
- }
- int main()
- {
- test();
- return 0;
- }

- #include<iostream>
- #include<string>
- using namespace std;
- class Building {
- friend class Goodfriend; //声明友元类
- public:
- string m_sittingroom;//公有属性
- //构造函数初始化
- Building(string sittingroom, string bedroom);
- private:
- string m_bedroom; //私有属性
- };
- class Goodfriend {
- public:
- void visit();
- Goodfriend(Building p);//这是拷贝构造函数
- Building building;//指针形式:可能是new或者是指针传递
- };
- //类外实现成员函数
- Building::Building(string sittingroom, string bedroom)
- {
- m_bedroom = bedroom;
- m_sittingroom = sittingroom;
- }
- Goodfriend::Goodfriend(Building p):building(p)
- {
- }
- void Goodfriend::visit()
- {
- cout << "有人正在访问你的" << building.m_sittingroom << endl;
- cout << "有人正在访问你的" << building.m_bedroom << endl;
- }
- void test()
- {
- Building p("客厅", "卧室");
- Goodfriend gg(p);
- gg.visit();
- }
- int main()
- {
- test();
- return 0;
- }

- #include<iostream>
- using namespace std;
- class Building;
- class Goodfriend {
- public:
- void visit();//可以访问buliding的私有属性
- void visit2();//不可以访问building的私有属性
- Goodfriend(Building& p);//这是拷贝构造函数
- Building* building;//指针形式:可能是new或者是指针传递
- };
- class Building {
- friend void Goodfriend::visit();//Goodfriend下的成员函数visit作为友元
- public:
- string m_sittingroom;//公有属性
- //构造函数初始化
- Building(string sittingroom, string bedroom);
- private:
- string m_bedroom; //私有属性
- };
- //类外实现成员函数
- Building::Building(string sittingroom, string bedroom)
- {
- m_bedroom = bedroom;
- m_sittingroom = sittingroom;
- }
- Goodfriend::Goodfriend(Building& p) :building(&p)
- {
- }
- void Goodfriend::visit()
- {
- cout << "有人正在访问你的" << building->m_sittingroom << endl;
- cout << "有人正在访问你的" << building->m_bedroom << endl;
- }
- void Goodfriend::visit2()
- {
- cout << "有人正在访问你的" << building->m_sittingroom << endl;
- //cout << "有人正在访问你的" << building->m_bedroom << endl;// 此时作为非友元的visit2不能访问私有属性
- }
- void test()
- {
- Building p("客厅", "卧室");
- Goodfriend gg(p);
- gg.visit();
- gg.visit2();
- }
- int main()
- {
- test();
- return 0;
- }

- #include<iostream>
- using namespace std;
- class person
- {
- public:
- person();
- person(int a,int b);
- person operator+(person& p);
- ~person();
- int m_age;
- int m_number;
- private:
- };
- person::person()
- {
- }
- person::person(int a,int b)
- {
- m_age = a;
- m_number = b;
- }
- person::~person()
- {
- }
- //成员函数重载
- person person::operator+(person& p)
- {
- person temp;
- //这里的this指针指的是调用成员函数的对象
- this->m_age = this->m_age + p.m_age;
- this->m_number = this->m_number + p.m_number;
- return *this;
- }
- void test()
- {
- person p1(10, 20);
- person p2(20, 30);
- person p3 = p1 + p2;
- cout << p3.m_age << "," << p3.m_number;
- }
- int main()
- {
- test();
- return 0;
- }

- #include<iostream>
- using namespace std;
- class person
- {
- public:
- person();
- person(int a,int b);
- person operator+(person& p);
- ~person();
- int m_age;
- int m_number;
- private:
- };
- person::person()
- {
- }
- person::person(int a,int b)
- {
- m_age = a;
- m_number = b;
- }
- person::~person()
- {
- }
- //全局函数实现重载
- person operator+(person& p1, person& p2)
- {
- person temp;
- temp.m_age = p1.m_age + p2.m_age;
- temp.m_number = p1.m_number + p2.m_number;
- return temp;
- }
- void test()
- {
- person p1(10, 20);
- person p2(20, 30);
- person p3 = p1 + p2;
- cout << p3.m_age << "," << p3.m_number;
- }
- int main()
- {
- test();
- return 0;
- }

- #include<iostream>
- using namespace std;
- #include<string>
- class Person
- {
- public:
- Person();
- ~Person();
- int m_age;
- string m_name;
- private:
- };
- Person::Person()
- {
- m_name = "张三";
- m_age = 26;
- }
- Person::~Person()
- {
- }
- //怎么解释这段代码 ostream是个类,cout是ostream类对象
- ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, Person& p)
- {
- out << p.m_age << " " << p.m_name;
- return out;
- }
- int main()
- {
- Person p;
- cout << p<<endl;
- }

- #include<iostream>
- using namespace std;
- #include<string>
- class Person
- {
- friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, Person& p);
- public:
- Person();
- ~Person();
- private:
- int m_age;
- string m_name;
- };
- Person::Person()
- {
- m_name = "张三";
- m_age = 26;
- }
- Person::~Person()
- {
- }
- //怎么解释这段代码 ostream是个类,cout是ostream类对象
- ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, Person& p)
- {
- out << p.m_age << " " << p.m_name;
- return out;
- }
- int main()
- {
- Person p;
- cout << p<<endl;
- }

语法:class 子类(派生类):继承方式 父类(基类)
- #include<iostream>
- using namespace std;
- class BasePage {
- public:
- void header()
- {
- cout << "首页、公开课、登录、注册...(公共头部)" << endl;
- }
- void Bottom()
- {
- cout << "帮助、交流合作、站内地图...(公共底部)" << endl;
- }
- void left()
- {
- cout << "Java、Python、C++、...(公共分类列表)" << endl;
- }
- };
- //类继承的写法
- //语法:class 子类(派生类):继承方式 父类(基类)
- class CPP :public BasePage
- {
- public:
- void content()
- {
- cout << "C++学科视频" << endl;
- }
- };
- class JAVA :public BasePage
- {
- public:
- void content()
- {
- cout << "JAVA学科视频" << endl;
- }
- };
- class Python:public BasePage
- {
- public:
- void content()
- {
- cout << "Python学科视频" << endl;
- }
- };
- void test()
- {
- CPP cpp;
- cpp.content();
- cpp.left();
- cpp.Bottom();
- cpp.header();
- Python py;
- py.content();
- py.left();
- py.Bottom();
- py.header();
- JAVA ja;
- ja.Bottom();
- ja.content();
- ja.header();
- ja.left();
- }
- int main()
- {
- test();
- }

- #include<iostream>
- using namespace std;
- class Base1 {
- public:
- int m_a;
- protected:
- int m_b;
- private:
- int m_c;
- };
- //公共继承
- class Son1 :public Base1 {
- public:
- void func()
- {
- m_a = 100; //父类中公共权限成员 在子类中依然是公共的
- m_b = 10;
- //m_c = 30; //父类中的私有权限成员,不可以访问
- }
- };
- void test01()
- {
- Son1 s;
- //s.m_b = 100;//这行代码会报错,因为父类中的保护权限仍然是保护的 类外不可以访问
- s.m_a = 10;
- }
- // 私有继承
- class Son2 :private Base1 {
- public:
- void func()
- {
- m_a = 100;
- m_b = 10;
- }
- };
- //可以创建一个子类来验证Son2中的成员属性
- class grandson :public Son2 {
- public:
- void func()
- {
- /*m_a = 100;
- m_b = 10;*/
- }
- };
- void test02()
- {
- Son2 s2;
- //cout << s2.m_a<<endl;//在Son2 中,m_a是私有权限,不能访问
- //cout << s2.m_b << endl;//在Son2 中,m_b是私有权限,不能访问
- }
- //保护继承
- class Son3 :protected Base1 {
- public:
- void func()
- {
- m_a = 100;
- m_b = 10;
- }
- };
- void test02()
- {
- Son3 s2;
- //cout << s2.m_a<<endl;//在Son2 中,m_a是保护权限,不能访问
- //cout << s2.m_b << endl;//在Son2 中,m_b是保护权限,不能访问
- }

- #include<iostream>
- using namespace std;
- class Base {
- public:
- Base()
- {
- cout << "这是Base类的构造函数" << endl;
- }
- ~Base()
- {
- cout << "这是Base类的析构函数" << endl;
- }
- };
- class Son :public Base {
- public:
- Son()
- {
- cout << "这是Son类的构造函数" << endl;
- }
- ~Son()
- {
- cout<<"这是Son类的析构函数" << endl;
- }
- };
- void test()
- {
- Son s1;
- }
- int main()
- {
- test();
- }

为了加深对继承的理解,参考了书籍“C++ Primer Plus”,照着书敲了一遍代码,主要是在构造函数这块儿加深了一下理解。那么就按照书中的顺序来捋一遍。
程序清单 tablepayer.h
- #pragma once
- #ifndef TABLEPLAYER_H_
- #define TABLEPLAYER_H_
- #include<string>
- #include<iostream>
- using namespace std;
- class TablePlayer
- {
- public:
- TablePlayer(const string &fn,const string& ln,bool ht);
- void name() const;//只读函数
- bool HasTable() const { return hastable; };
- void ResetTable(bool v) { hastable = v; };
- private:
- string firstname;
- string lastname;
- bool hastable;
- };
- #endif // !

程序清单 tableplayer.cpp
- #include"tableplayer.h"
- TablePlayer::TablePlayer(const string& fn, const string& ln, bool ht) :firstname(fn), lastname(ln), hastable(ht)
- {
- }
- void TablePlayer::name() const
- {
- cout << lastname << "," << firstname;
- }
程序清单 RatePlayer.h
- #pragma once
- #ifndef RATEPLAYER_H_
- #define RATEPLAYER_H_
- #include "tableplayer.h"
- class RatePlayer:public TablePlayer
- {
- public:
- //构造函数
- RatePlayer(const int& r,const string&fn,const string&ln,bool ht);
- RatePlayer(const int& r, const TablePlayer& tp);
- unsigned int Rating() const { return rating; };
- void resetrating(unsigned int r) { rating = r; };
- private:
- unsigned int rating;
- };
- #endif // !RATEPLAYER_H_

程序清单 RatePlayer.cpp
- #include "RatePlayer.h"
- //为什么要把TablePlayer构造函数放在前面 因为先构造基类,首选的是默认构造函数
- RatePlayer::RatePlayer(const int& r, const string& fn, const string& ln, bool ht) :TablePlayer(fn, ln, ht), rating(r)
- {
- }
- //调用了基类的拷贝构造函数
- RatePlayer::RatePlayer(const int& r, const TablePlayer& tp) : TablePlayer(tp),rating(r)
- {
- }
程序清单 main.cpp
- #include"RatePlayer.h"
- //RatePlayer类继承tableplayer类,但是多了一个打分的1功能
- int main()
- {
- TablePlayer player1("Chunk", "Blizzard", true);
- //TablePlayer player2("Tara", "Boomdea", false);
- RatePlayer rateplayer2(1140, "Tara", "Boomdea", false);
- player1.name();
- if (player1.HasTable())
- cout << ": has a table.\n";
- else
- cout << ": hasn't a table.\n";
- rateplayer2.name();
- if (rateplayer2.HasTable())
- cout << ": has a table.\n";
- else
- cout << ": hasn't a table.\n";
- //用拷贝构造函数的方式构造一个类对象
- cout << "Name:";
- rateplayer2.name();
- cout << "Rating: " << rateplayer2.Rating() << endl;
- RatePlayer rateplayer3(1212, player1);
- cout << "Name:";
- rateplayer3.name();
- cout << " Rating: " << rateplayer3.Rating() << endl;
- }

- RatePlayer rp1={1124,"Chunk","Boomdea",false};
- TablePlayer* rt1=&rp1; //创建一个基类指针指向派生类对象
- TablePlayer& rt2=rp1; //创建一个基类引用指向派生类对象
- #include<iostream>
- using namespace std;
- class Base {
- public:
- int m_age;
- Base()
- {
- m_age = 10;
- }
- void func()
- {
- cout<<"这是父类的同名成员函数" << endl;
- }
- void func(int a)
- {
- cout << "这是子类的同名成员有参函数" << endl;
- }
- };
- class Son :public Base {
- public:
- int m_age;
- Son()
- {
- m_age = 20;
- }
- void func()
- {
- cout<<"这是子类的同名成员函数" << endl;
- }
- };
- //同名成员属性的处理方式
- void test()
- {
- Son s1;
- cout << s1.m_age << endl;//此时输出的是20,访问的是子类中的成员
- cout << s1.Base::m_age << endl;//此时输出的是10,访问的是父类中的成员
- }
- //同名成员函数的处理方式
- /*
- 如果子类中出现和父类中同名的成员函数,子类中的同名成员函数会隐藏掉父类中的所有同名成员函数
- 包括重载函数,如果想访问的话,需要加上作用域。
- */
- void test01()
- {
- Son s2;
- s2.func();//子类成员函数的调用
- //s2.func(10);//这种访问方式是不允许的
- s2.Base::func();//加上父类作用域后,访问父类作用域下的同名成员函数
- s2.Base::func(10);
- }
- int main()
- {
- //test();
- test01();
- }

- #include<iostream>
- using namespace std;
- class Base {
- public:
- static int m_a;//类内声明
- static void func()
- {
- cout << "父类下的同名静态成员函数" << endl;
- }
- };
- //类外初始化
- int Base::m_a = 100;
- class Son :public Base {
- public:
- static int m_a;//类内声明
- static void func()
- {
- cout << "子类下的同名静态成员函数" << endl;
- }
- };
- int Son::m_a = 20;//类外初始化
- //同名静态成员函数的访问方式
- void test()
- {
- //通过对象访问
- cout<<"通过对象访问" << endl;
- Son s1;
- cout << "Son 下 m_a= "<<s1.m_a<<endl;
- cout << "Base 下 m_a= " << s1.Base::m_a << endl;
- //通过类名访问
- cout<<"通过类名访问" << endl;
- cout << "Son 下 m_a= " << Son::m_a << endl;
- //这段代码的解释是:通过Son类名的方式访问Base作用域下的m_a
- cout << "Base 下 m_a= " << Son::Base::m_a<<endl;
- }
- //同名静态成员函数访问方式
- void test1()
- {
- //通过对象访问
- cout << "通过对象访问" << endl;
- Son s1;
- cout << "Son 下 的静态成员函数 ";
- s1.func();
- cout<<endl;
- cout << "Base 下 的静态成员函数 ";
- s1.Base::func();
- cout<< endl;
- //通过类名访问
- cout << "通过类名访问" << endl;
- cout << "Son 下 的静态成员函数 ";
- Son::func();
- cout<< endl;
- //这段代码的解释是:通过Son类名的方式访问Base作用域下的m_a
- cout << "Base 下 的静态成员函数 ";
- Son::Base::func();
- cout<< endl;
- }
- int main()
- {
- test1();
- }

语法:class 父类:继承方式 父类1,继承方式:父类2
- #include<iostream>
- using namespace std;
- //虚继承解决菱形继承的问题
- class Person {
- public:
- int m_age=45;
- };
- class Father :public Person
- {
- };
- class Mother :public Person
- {
- };
- class Son :public Father,public Mother {
- };
- void test()
- {
- Son s1;
- //s1.m_age = 10;
- }
- int main()
- {
- test();
- }

- #include<iostream>
- using namespace std;
- class Person {
- public:
- int m_age=45;
- };
- //虚继承解决菱形继承的问题,
- //继承之前加上virtual 变成虚继承
- //此时的Person类称为虚基类
- class Father : virtual public Person {};
- class Mother :virtual public Person {};
- class Son :public Father,public Mother {};
- void test()
- {
- Son s1;
- s1.m_age = 10;//加上虚继承以后,这行代码不报错
- }
- int main()
- {
- test();
- }

编译器是怎么处理虚函数的呢?编译器在处理虚函数的时候,给每个对象添加了一个隐藏成员vfptr,隐藏成员中保存了一个指向存储函数指针的数组的指针,这个指针数组叫做虚函数列表vtbl(virtual function table)。
现在看《C++ Primer Plus》中的例子,开发两个类,一个类用于表示基本支票账户--Brass Account,一个类用于Brass Plus支票账户,添加了透支保护性。
Brass Plus账户包含了Brass账户的所有信息以及透支上限、透支贷款利率,当前透支总额,对于取款操作,考虑透支保护和显示操作必须显示plus账户的其他信息。
程序清单 Brass.h
- #pragma once
- #ifndef BRASS_H_
- #define BRASS_H_
- #include<iostream>
- #include<string>
- using namespace std;
- class Brass
- {
- public:
- Brass(const string& s="Nullbody",long an=-1,double bal=0.0);
- void Deposit(double amt);
- virtual void Withdraw(double amt);
- double Balance() const;
- virtual void ViewAcct() const;
- ~Brass() {};
- private:
- string fullname; //客户姓名
- long acctNum; //账号
- double balance; //当前结余
- };
- class BrassPlus :public Brass
- {
- public:
- //两种构造函数
- BrassPlus(const string& s = "Nullbody", long an = -1, double bal = 0.0, double ml = 500, double r = 0.11125);
- BrassPlus(const Brass& ba, double ml = 500, double r = 0.11125);
- void Withdraw(double amt);
- void ViewAcct() const;
- void ResetMax(double m) { maxLoan = m; };
- void ResetRate(double r) { rate = r; };
- void ResetOwes() { owesbank = 0; };
- ~BrassPlus() {};
- private:
- double maxLoan; //透支上限
- double rate; //透支贷款利率
- double owesbank; //当前的透支总额
- };
- #endif // !BRASS_H_

程序清单 Brass.cpp
- #include "Brass.h"
- Brass::Brass(const string& s, long an, double bal ) :fullname(s), acctNum(an), balance(bal)
- {
- }
- //存款
- void Brass::Deposit(double amt)
- {
- if (amt < 0)
- cout << "Negative deposit is not allowed;"
- << "deposit is canceled.\n";
- else
- balance += amt;
- }
- //取款
- void Brass::Withdraw(double amt)
- {
- if (amt < 0)
- cout << "Wtihdrawal amount must be positive; "
- << "withdrawal canceled.\n";
- else if (amt > balance)
- cout << "Withdrawal amount of $" << amt
- << "exceeds your balance.\n"
- << "withdrawal is canceled.\n";
- else
- balance -= amt;
- }
- //查看余额
- double Brass::Balance() const
- {
- return balance;
- }
- void Brass::ViewAcct() const
- {
- cout << "Client: " << fullname << endl;
- cout << "Account Number: " << acctNum << endl;
- cout << "Blance: $" << balance << endl;
- }
- BrassPlus::BrassPlus(const string& s , long an, double bal, double ml , double r) :Brass(s, an, bal)
- {
- maxLoan = ml;
- rate = r;
- owesbank = 0.0;
- }
- BrassPlus::BrassPlus(const Brass& ba, double ml , double r ) :Brass(ba), maxLoan(ml), rate(r),owesbank(0)
- {
- }
- void BrassPlus::ViewAcct() const
- {
- Brass::ViewAcct();
- cout << "Maximum loan: $" << maxLoan << endl;
- cout << "Owed to bank: $" << owesbank << endl;
- cout << "Loan rate: " << rate << "%.\n";
- }
- void BrassPlus::Withdraw(double amt)
- {
- double bal = Balance();
- if (amt <= bal)
- Brass::Withdraw(amt);
- else if (amt <= bal + maxLoan - owesbank)
- {
- double advance = amt - bal;
- owesbank += advance * (1 - rate);
- cout << "Bank advance: $" << advance * rate << endl;
- cout << "Finance charge: $" << advance * rate << endl;
- Deposit(advance);
- Brass::Withdraw(amt);
- }
- else
- cout << "Credit limit exceed. Transanction canceled.\n";
- }

程序清单 main.cpp
- #include"Brass.h"
- int main()
- {
- Brass dom("Domeic Banker", 11224, 4183.85);
- BrassPlus dot("Dorothy Banker", 12118, 2592.00);
- //Brass和BrassPlus中都有ViewAcct()函数,但是行为是不一样的,输出的结果也不一样
- //通过对象调用方法
- dom.ViewAcct();
- dot.ViewAcct();
- }
- Client: Domeic Banker
- Account Number: 11224
- Blance: $4183.85
- Client: Dorothy Banker
- Account Number: 12118
- Blance: $2592
- Maximum loan: $500
- Owed to bank: $0
- Loan rate: 0.11125%.
- #include"Brass.h"
- int main()
- {
- Brass dom("Domeic Banker", 11224, 4183.85);
- BrassPlus dot("Dorothy Banker", 12118, 2592.00);
- //Brass和BrassPlus中都有ViewAcct()函数,但是行为是不一样的,输出的结果也不一样
- //通过对象调用方法
- /*dom.ViewAcct();
- dot.ViewAcct();*/
- Brass& b1_ref = dom; //引用类型是Brass类,指向的Brass类对象
- Brass& b2_ref = dot; // 引用类型是Brass类,指向的是BrassPlus类对象
- b1_ref.ViewAcct();
- b2_ref.ViewAcct();
- }
Client: Domeic Banker
Account Number: 11224
Blance: $4183.85
Client: Dorothy Banker
Account Number: 12118
Blance: $2592
Client: Domeic Banker
Account Number: 11224
Blance: $4183.85
Client: Dorothy Banker
Account Number: 12118
Blance: $2592
Maximum loan: $500
Owed to bank: $0
Loan rate: 0.11125%.
来看一下百度百科的解释:联编是指一个计算机程序自身彼此关联(使一个 源程序 经过编译、连接,成为一个可执行程序)的过程,在这个联编过程中,需要确定程序中的操作调用(函数调用)与执行该操作(函数)的代码段之间的映射关系。在C++中,由于函数的重载,编译器必须根据函数的参数列表和函数名才能确定使用哪个函数。
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