@Composable @NonRestartableComposable fun DisposableEffect( key1: Any?, effect: DisposableEffectScope.() -> DisposableEffectResult ) { remember(key1) { DisposableEffectImpl(effect) } } interface DisposableEffectResult { fun dispose() } private val InternalDisposableEffectScope = DisposableEffectScope() private class DisposableEffectImpl( private val effect: DisposableEffectScope.() -> DisposableEffectResult ) : RememberObserver { private var onDispose: DisposableEffectResult? = null //Called when this object is successfully remembered by a composition. //This method is called on the composition's apply thread. override fun onRemembered() { onDispose = InternalDisposableEffectScope.effect() } //Called when this object is forgotten by a composition. //This method is called on the composition's apply thread. override fun onForgotten() { onDispose?.dispose() onDispose = null } //Called when this object is returned by the callback to remember //but is not successfully remembered by a composition. override fun onAbandoned() { // Nothing to do as [onRemembered] was not called. } } /** * Receiver scope for [DisposableEffect] that offers the [onDispose] clause that should be * the last statement in any call to [DisposableEffect]. */ class DisposableEffectScope { /** * Provide [onDisposeEffect] to the [DisposableEffect] to run when it leaves the composition * or its key changes. */ //【方法3】:这个方法必须实现啦啦啦啦 inline fun onDispose( crossinline onDisposeEffect: () -> Unit ): DisposableEffectResult = object : DisposableEffectResult { override fun dispose() { onDisposeEffect() } } }
/** * DisposableEffect 对于需要在键发生变化或可组合项退出组合后进行清理的附带效应 */ @Composable fun onObserverLifecycleScreen( lifecycleOwner: LifecycleOwner = LocalLifecycleOwner.current, onStart: () -> Unit, onStop: () -> Unit ) { //为了确保 onStart lambda 始终包含重组 onObserverLifecycleScreen 时使用的最新值 val currentOnStart by rememberUpdatedState(newValue = onStart) //可监听组合项退出组合时的回调,及控件销毁使的挂起销毁的回调操作 val currentOnStop by rememberUpdatedState(newValue = onStop) DisposableEffect(key1 = lifecycleOwner) { val observer = LifecycleEventObserver { source, event -> if (event == Lifecycle.Event.ON_START) { currentOnStart() } else if (event == Lifecycle.Event.ON_STOP) { currentOnStop() } } Log.i("SideEffect","onObserverLifecycleScreen DisposableEffect addObserver $observer") lifecycleOwner.lifecycle.addObserver(observer) onDispose { Log.i("SideEffect","onObserverLifecycleScreen DisposableEffect onDispose") lifecycleOwner.lifecycle.removeObserver(observer) } } }
fun SideEffect(
effect: () -> Unit
) {
/* A Compose internal function. DO NOT call directly.
Record a function to call when changes to the corresponding tree are applied to the applier.
This is used to implement SideEffect.
如需与非 Compose 管理的对象共享 Compose 状态,请使用 SideEffect 可组合项。
fun rememberFirebaseAnalytics(user: User): FirebaseAnalytics {
val analytics: FirebaseAnalytics = remember {
// On every successful composition, update FirebaseAnalytics with
// the userType from the current User, ensuring that future analytics
// events have this metadata attached
SideEffect {
analytics.setUserProperty("userType", user.userType)
return analytics
@Composable @NonRestartableComposable @OptIn(InternalComposeApi::class) fun LaunchedEffect( key1: Any?, block: suspend CoroutineScope.() -> Unit ) { val applyContext = currentComposer.applyCoroutineContext remember(key1) { LaunchedEffectImpl(applyContext, block) } } internal class LaunchedEffectImpl( parentCoroutineContext: CoroutineContext, private val task: suspend CoroutineScope.() -> Unit ) : RememberObserver { private val scope = CoroutineScope(parentCoroutineContext) private var job: Job? = null override fun onRemembered() { // This should never happen but is left here for safety job?.cancel("Old job was still running!") job = scope.launch(block = task) } override fun onForgotten() { job?.cancel(LeftCompositionCancellationException()) job = null } override fun onAbandoned() { job?.cancel(LeftCompositionCancellationException()) job = null } }
@Composable fun MyScreen( state: UiState<List<Movie>>, snackbarHostState: SnackbarHostState ) { // If the UI state contains an error, show snackbar if (state.hasError) { // `LaunchedEffect` will cancel and re-launch if // `scaffoldState.snackbarHostState` changes LaunchedEffect(snackbarHostState) { // Show snackbar using a coroutine, when the coroutine is cancelled the // snackbar will automatically dismiss. This coroutine will cancel whenever // `state.hasError` is false, and only start when `state.hasError` is true // (due to the above if-check), or if `scaffoldState.snackbarHostState` changes. snackbarHostState.showSnackbar( message = "Error message", actionLabel = "Retry message" ) } } Scaffold( snackbarHost = { SnackbarHost(hostState = snackbarHostState) } ) { contentPadding -> // ... } }
当state hasError为 true时,显示一个SnackBar(属于挂起函数),当snackbarHostState变化时,将启动一个新协程,SnackBar重新显示一次内容,当state hasError 为false时,副作用会被移除组合,协程会被取消
@Composable inline fun rememberCoroutineScope( crossinline getContext: @DisallowComposableCalls () -> CoroutineContext = { EmptyCoroutineContext } ): CoroutineScope { val composer = currentComposer val wrapper = remember { CompositionScopedCoroutineScopeCanceller( createCompositionCoroutineScope(getContext(), composer) ) } return wrapper.coroutineScope } @PublishedApi internal class CompositionScopedCoroutineScopeCanceller( val coroutineScope: CoroutineScope ) : RememberObserver { override fun onRemembered() { // Nothing to do } override fun onForgotten() { coroutineScope.cancel(LeftCompositionCancellationException()) } override fun onAbandoned() { coroutineScope.cancel(LeftCompositionCancellationException()) } } @PublishedApi @OptIn(InternalComposeApi::class) internal fun createCompositionCoroutineScope( coroutineContext: CoroutineContext, composer: Composer ) = if (coroutineContext[Job] != null) { CoroutineScope( Job().apply { completeExceptionally( IllegalArgumentException( "CoroutineContext supplied to " + "rememberCoroutineScope may not include a parent job" ) ) } ) } else { val applyContext = composer.applyCoroutineContext CoroutineScope(applyContext + Job(applyContext[Job]) + coroutineContext) }
@Composable fun onRememberCoroutineScope() { val scope = rememberCoroutineScope() Button(onClick = { scope.launch { flow { delay(5000) emit("rememberCoroutineScope") } .flowOn(Dispatchers.IO) .collect { Logger.i("onRememberCoroutineScope scope launch $it") } } }) { Text(text = "rememberCoroutineScope") } }
fun <T> rememberUpdatedState(newValue: T): State<T> = remember {
}.apply { value = newValue }
fun OnRememberUpdatedSate(lastClickColor: String = "UNKNOW") {
val lastClickColorUpdate by rememberUpdatedState(newValue = lastClickColor)
LaunchedEffect(key1 = Unit) {
Logger.i("OnRememberUpdatedSate lastClickColorUpdate= $lastClickColorUpdate")
我们可以通过snapshotFlow实现将 Compose 的 State 转换为 Flow
fun <T> snapshotFlow( block: () -> T ): Flow<T> = flow { // Objects read the last time block was run val readSet = MutableScatterSet<Any>() val readObserver: (Any) -> Unit = { if (it is StateObjectImpl) { it.recordReadIn(ReaderKind.SnapshotFlow) } readSet.add(it) } // This channel may not block or lose data on a trySend call. val appliedChanges = Channel<Set<Any>>(Channel.UNLIMITED) // Register the apply observer before running for the first time // so that we don't miss updates. val unregisterApplyObserver = Snapshot.registerApplyObserver { changed, _ -> val maybeObserved = changed.any { it !is StateObjectImpl || it.isReadIn(ReaderKind.SnapshotFlow) } if (maybeObserved) { appliedChanges.trySend(changed) } } try { var lastValue = Snapshot.takeSnapshot(readObserver).run { try { enter(block) } finally { dispose() } } emit(lastValue) while (true) { var found = false var changedObjects = appliedChanges.receive() // Poll for any other changes before running block to minimize the number of // additional times it runs for the same data while (true) { // Assumption: readSet will typically be smaller than changed set found = found || readSet.intersects(changedObjects) changedObjects = appliedChanges.tryReceive().getOrNull() ?: break } if (found) { readSet.clear() val newValue = Snapshot.takeSnapshot(readObserver).run { try { enter(block) } finally { dispose() } } if (newValue != lastValue) { lastValue = newValue emit(newValue) } } } } finally { unregisterApplyObserver.dispose() } }
val listState = rememberLazyListState()
LazyColumn(state = listState) {
// ...
LaunchedEffect(listState) {
snapshotFlow { listState.firstVisibleItemIndex }
.map { index -> index > 0 }
.filter { it == true }
.collect {
@Composable fun <T> produceState( initialValue: T, producer: suspend ProduceStateScope<T>.() -> Unit ): State<T> { val result = remember { mutableStateOf(initialValue) } LaunchedEffect(Unit) { ProduceStateScopeImpl(result, coroutineContext).producer() } return result } private class ProduceStateScopeImpl<T>( state: MutableState<T>, override val coroutineContext: CoroutineContext ) : ProduceStateScope<T>, MutableState<T> by state { override suspend fun awaitDispose(onDispose: () -> Unit): Nothing { try { suspendCancellableCoroutine<Nothing> { } } finally { onDispose() } } }
官方示例:使用 produceState 从网络加载图像。loadNetworkImage 可组合函数会返回可以在其他可组合项中使用的 State。
@Composable fun loadNetworkImage( url: String, imageRepository: ImageRepository = ImageRepository() ): State<Result<Image>> { // Creates a State<T> with Result.Loading as initial value // If either `url` or `imageRepository` changes, the running producer // will cancel and will be re-launched with the new inputs. return produceState<Result<Image>>(initialValue = Result.Loading, url, imageRepository) { // In a coroutine, can make suspend calls val image = imageRepository.load(url) // Update State with either an Error or Success result. // This will trigger a recomposition where this State is read value = if (image == null) { Result.Error } else { Result.Success(image) } } }
可以实现将一个或者多个State转换成另一个State,derivedStateOf 中的block可以依赖其它State创建并返回一个新的State,当block中的state发生改变时,也会同时更新,并实现相关的组合进行重组
/** * DisposableEffect 对于需要在键发生变化或可组合项退出组合后进行清理的附带效应 */ @Composable fun onObserverLifecycleScreen( lifecycleOwner: LifecycleOwner = LocalLifecycleOwner.current, onStart: () -> Unit, onStop: () -> Unit ) { //为了确保 onStart lambda 始终包含重组 onObserverLifecycleScreen 时使用的最新值 val currentOnStart by rememberUpdatedState(newValue = onStart) //可监听组合项退出组合时的回调,及控件销毁使的挂起销毁的回调操作 val currentOnStop by rememberUpdatedState(newValue = onStop) DisposableEffect(key1 = lifecycleOwner) { val observer = LifecycleEventObserver { source, event -> if (event == Lifecycle.Event.ON_START) { currentOnStart() } else if (event == Lifecycle.Event.ON_STOP) { currentOnStop() } } Log.i("SideEffect","onObserverLifecycleScreen DisposableEffect addObserver $observer") lifecycleOwner.lifecycle.addObserver(observer) onDispose { Log.i("SideEffect","onObserverLifecycleScreen DisposableEffect onDispose") lifecycleOwner.lifecycle.removeObserver(observer) } } }
——note end———枯燥
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