ggraph 是 ggplot2 的扩展,用于绘制关系型数据结构,如网络、图和树等。
ggraph 包含 3 个核心概念:
nodes:定义节点图形属性,使用 geom_node_*() 函数来控制
edges:定义边的图形属性,使用 geom_edge_*() 函数来控制
- # install.packages('ggraph')
- # install.packages('tidygraph')
- library(ggraph)
- library(tidygraph)
- # help(package=ggraph)
- ###1. 读入数据
- m_data <- read.csv("/test/test.csv")
- colnames(m_data) # [1] "from" "to" "Spearman_R" "P_value" "weight"
- #节点数据
- nodes <- data.frame(name = unique(union(m_data$from, m_data$to)))
- nodes$survival_impact <- runif(23,0.0001,0.05)
- nodes$cluster <- c(rep("cluster A",5),rep("cluster B",10),rep("cluster c",8))
- nodes$role_type <- c(rep("Risk factors for OS",10),
- rep("Favorable factors for OS",13))
- #边数据
- edges <- m_data[c("from","to","Spearman_R")]
- edges$class <- ifelse(edges$Spearman_R>0, "Positive correlation with P < 0.0001",
- "Negative correlation with P < 0.0001")
- g <- tbl_graph(nodes = nodes, edges = edges)
- class(g) #[1] "tbl_graph" "igraph"
- ###2. 绘制图形
- # 自定义颜色映射
- colors <- colorRampPalette(c("red", "orange", "blue"),space = "rgb")(3)
- ggraph(g,layout='linear',circular = TRUE) +
- #ggraph(g,layout='linear',circular = FALSE) +
- #ggraph(g,layout='circle') +
- geom_node_point(aes(size=survival_impact,colour = cluster),
- alpha = 0.5) +
- geom_node_text(aes(x = x*1.06, y=y*1.06, label=name,color=cluster),
- angle=0,hjust=0, fontface="bold",size=3,family="Times") + # 设置点的注释
- scale_size_continuous(range = c(20, 1)) + #设置点大小范围,可以设置值越小,点越大
- geom_node_point(size = 2,aes(colour = role_type))+
- scale_color_manual(values = c(colors,"green","black")) +
- #geom_edge_link(aes(colour = class,width=abs(Spearman_R)),alpha = 0.5) +
- #geom_edge_arc(alpha = 0.5) + #设置链接线为曲线,
- # geom_edge_link(mapping = aes(edge_width = abs(Spearman_R),
- # edge_color = class),
- # #arrow = arrow(length = unit(4, "mm")),
- # #start_cap = circle(3, "mm"),
- # #end_cap = circle(3, "mm"),
- # alpha = 0.5) +
- geom_edge_bend(mapping = aes(edge_width = abs(Spearman_R),
- edge_color = class),
- strength = 0.02,alpha = 0.5) +
- scale_edge_colour_manual(values = c("lightblue","pink")) +
- scale_edge_width_continuous(range = c(0.5,5)) +
- theme_graph()
- #theme(legend.position="bottom")
- ##注:ggplot2关于点大小,形状,颜色的映射
- ## 离散数据:scale_colour_manual,scale_fill_manual,scale_size_manual等
- ## 连续数据:scale_size,scale_radius,scale_size_continuous,scale_colour_continuous,
- # scale_colour_gradient,scale_fill_gradient等

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