Retinex由两个单词合成的一个词语,他们分别是retina 和cortex,即:视网膜和皮层。Land的retinex模式是建立在以下三个假设之上的:
def single_scale_retinex(img, sigma):
"""Single Scale Retinex
img {np.ndarray} -- process image
sigma {int} -- [description]
retinex {np.ndarray} -- float64, needs to rescale to 0~255
retinex = np.log10(img) - np.log10(cv2.GaussianBlur(img, (0, 0), sigma))
return retinex
#SSR def replaceZeroes(data): min_nonzero = min(data[nonzero(data)]) data[data == 0] = min_nonzero return data def SSR(img,size): L_blur = cv2.GaussianBlur(img,(size,size),0) eps = float(1e-10) h,w = img.shape[:2] dst_img = zeros((h,w),dtype = float32) dst_Lblur = zeros((h, w),dtype=float32) dst_R = zeros((h, w), dtype=float32) img = replaceZeroes(img) L_blur = replaceZeroes(L_blur) cv2.log(img,dst_img) cv2.log(L_blur,dst_Lblur) log_R = cv2.subtract(dst_img,dst_Lblur)#减法,两个图作差 cv2.normalize(log_R,dst_R,0,255,cv2.NORM_MINMAX) log_uint8 = cv2.convertScaleAbs(dst_R)#将像素点进行绝对值计算, src表示当前图片 minvalue,maxvalue,minloc,maxloc = cv2.minMaxLoc(log_R)#返回矩阵的最小值,最大值,并得到最大值,最小值的索引 for i in range(h): for j in range(w): log_R[i,j] = (log_R[i,j]-minvalue)*255.0/(maxvalue-minvalue) log_uint8 = cv2.convertScaleAbs(log_R) return log_uint8
为了得到更好的效果,人们又开发出所谓的多尺度视网膜增强算法(MSR, Multi-Scale Retinex),最为经典的就是3尺度的,大、中、小,既能实现图像动态范围的压缩,又能保持色感的一致性较好。同单尺度相比,该算法有在计算Log[R(x,y)]的值时步骤有所不同:
(2) 对每个尺度下进行累加计算
Log[R(x,y)] = Log[R(x,y)] + Weight(i)* ( Log[Ii(x,y)]-Log[Li(x,y)]);
上式中,I为原始输入图像,F是滤波函数,一般为高斯函数,N为尺度的数量,W为每个尺度的权重,一般都为1/N, R表示在对数域的图像的输出。
def multi_scale_retinex(img, sigma_list):
"""Multi Scale Retinex
img {np.ndarray} -- process image
sigma_list {list of int} -- list of sigma for SSR
retinex {np.ndarray} -- float64, needs to rescale to 0~255
retinex = np.zeros_like(img)
for sigma in sigma_list:
retinex += single_scale_retinex(img, sigma)
retinex = retinex / len(sigma_list)
return retinex
#MSR def replaceZeroes(data): min_nonzero = min(data[nonzero(data)]) data[data == 0] = min_nonzero return data def MSR(img, scales): weight = 1/3.0 scales_size = 3 h, w = img.shape[:2] dst_img = zeros((h, w), dtype=float32) dst_Lblur = zeros((h, w), dtype=float32) dst_R = zeros((h, w), dtype=float32) log_R = zeros((h, w), dtype=float32) for i in range(0,scales_size): img = replaceZeroes(img) L_blur = cv2.GaussianBlur(img, (scales[i], scales[i]), 0) L_blur = replaceZeroes(L_blur) cv2.log(img, dst_img) cv2.log(L_blur, dst_Lblur) log_R += weight*cv2.subtract(dst_img, dst_Lblur) cv2.normalize(log_R, dst_R, 0, 255, cv2.NORM_MINMAX) log_uint8 = cv2.convertScaleAbs(dst_R) return log_uint8
第二种,就是在经典的MSRCR文章《A Multiscale Retinex for Bridging the Gap Between Color Images and the Human Observation of Scenes》中提出的Canonical Gain/set 算法。计算公式如:
第三种,实在上述文章中提到的Simplest Color Balance(我简写为SCR)方式,这种方式的处理类似于Photoshop中的自动色阶,他把数据按照一定的百分比去除最小和最大的部分,然后中间的部分重新线性量化到0和255之间。
在用第二种或第三种方式处理时,最好还需要有个Color Restoration的过程,因为如果直接对MSR处理的结果进行量化,得到的图像往往整体偏灰度,这是由于原始的彩色值经过log处理后的数据范围就比较小了,这样各通道之间的差异也很小,而之后的线性量化比log曲线要平滑很多,因此整体就丧失了彩色。
def multi_scale_retinex(img, sigma_list): """Multi Scale Retinex Arguments: img {np.ndarray} -- process image sigma_list {list of int} -- list of sigma for SSR Returns: retinex {np.ndarray} -- float64, needs to rescale to 0~255 """ retinex = np.zeros_like(img) for sigma in sigma_list: retinex += single_scale_retinex(img, sigma) retinex = retinex / len(sigma_list) return retinex def color_restoration(img, alpha, beta): """color restoration Arguments: img {np.ndarray} -- process image alpha {float} -- [description] beta {float} -- [description] Returns: img_color_restoration {np.ndarray} -- float64 """ img_sum = np.sum(img, axis=2, keepdims=True) img_color_restoration = beta * (np.log10(alpha * img) - np.log10(img_sum)) return img_color_restoration def simple_color_balance(img, low_clip, high_clip): """simple color balance Arguments: img {np.ndarray} -- process image low_clip {float} -- [description] high_clip {float} -- [description] Returns: img {np.ndarray} -- same dtype with input img """ total = img.shape[0] * img.shape[1] for i in range(img.shape[2]): unique, counts = np.unique(img[:, :, i], return_counts=True) current = 0 for uni, count in zip(unique, counts): if float(current) / total < low_clip: low_val = uni if float(current) / total < high_clip: high_val = uni current += count img[:, :, i] = np.maximum(np.minimum(img[:, :, i], high_val), low_val) return img def multi_scale_retinex_color_restoration(img, \ sigma_list, \ gain, bias, \ alpha, beta, \ low_clip, high_clip): """multi_scale_retinex_color_restoration Arguments: img {np.ndarray} -- process image sigma_list {list of int} -- list of sigma for SSR gain {float} -- gain bias {float} -- bias alpha {float} -- parameter for color restoration beta {float} -- parameter for color restoration low_clip {float} -- parameter for color balance high_clip {float} -- parameter for color balance Returns: [type] -- [description] """ img = np.float64(img) + 1.0 img_retinex = multi_scale_retinex(img, sigma_list) img_color = color_restoration(img, alpha, beta) img_msrcr = gain * (img_retinex * img_color + bias) # basic MSRCR formula for i in range(img_msrcr.shape[2]): img_msrcr[:, :, i] = (img_msrcr[:, :, i] - np.min(img_msrcr[:, :, i])) / \ (np.max(img_msrcr[:, :, i]) - np.min(img_msrcr[:, :, i])) * \ 255 img_msrcr = np.uint8(np.minimum(np.maximum(img_msrcr, 0), 255)) img_msrcr = simple_color_balance(img_msrcr, low_clip, high_clip) return img_msrcr
#MSRCR def replaceZeroes(data): min_nonzero = min(data[nonzero(data)]) data[data == 0] = min_nonzero return data #simple color balance def simple_color_balance(input_img,out_img,s1,s2): h,w = input_img.shape[:2] sort_img = input_img.copy() one_dim_array = sort_img.flatten()#转化为一维数组 sort_array = sorted(one_dim_array)#对一维数组按升序排序 per1 = int((h*w)*s1/100) minvalue = sort_array[per1] per2 = int((h*w)*s2/100) maxvalue = sort_array[(h*w)-1-per2] #实施简单白平衡算法 if(maxvalue<=minvalue): for i in range(h): for j in range(w): out_img[i,j] = maxvalue else: scale = 255.0/(maxvalue-minvalue) for m in range(h): for n in range(w): if(input_img[m,n] < minvalue): out_img[m,n] = 0 elif(input_img[m,n] > maxvalue): out_img[m, n] = 255 else: out_img[m, n] = scale*(input_img[m,n]-minvalue)#映射中间段的图像像素 out_img= cv2.convertScaleAbs(out_img) def MSRCR(img,MSRCR_Out,scles,s1,s2): h,w = img.shape[:2] scles_size = 3 epc = float(1e-4) B = img[:,:,0] G = img[:, :, 1] R = img[:, :, 2] dst_img = zeros((h, w), dtype=float32) dst_Lblur = zeros((h, w), dtype=float32) log_R = zeros((h, w), dtype=float32) I = zeros((h, w), dtype=float32) I = (B+G+R) I = replaceZeroes(I) for j in range(3): img[:, :, j] = replaceZeroes(img[:, :, j]) for i in range(0, scles_size): L_blur = cv2.GaussianBlur(img[:, :, j], (scales[i], scales[i]), 0) L_blur = replaceZeroes(L_blur) cv2.log(img[:, :, j], dst_img) cv2.log(L_blur, dst_Lblur) log_R += cv2.subtract(dst_img, dst_Lblur) MSR = log_R / 3.0 MSRCR = MSR*(cv2.log(125.0*img[:, :, j]) - cv2.log(I)) simple_color_balance(MSRCR,MSRCR_Out[:,:,j],s1,s2)
def multi_scale_retinex_chromaticity_preservation(img, sigma_list, low_clip, high_clip): """multi_scale_retinex_chromaticity_preservation based on original channel to refine Arguments: img {np.ndarray} -- process image sigma_list {list of int} -- list of sigma for SSR low_clip {float} -- [description] high_clip {float} -- [description] Returns: [type] -- [description] """ img = np.float64(img) + 1.0 intensity = np.sum(img, axis=2) / img.shape[2] retinex = multi_scale_retinex(intensity, sigma_list) intensity = np.expand_dims(intensity, 2) retinex = np.expand_dims(retinex, 2) intensity1 = simple_color_balance(retinex, low_clip, high_clip) intensity1 = (intensity1 - np.min(intensity1)) / \ (np.max(intensity1) - np.min(intensity1)) * \ 255.0 + 1.0 img_msrcp = np.zeros_like(img) for axis_y in range(img_msrcp.shape[0]): for axis_x in range(img_msrcp.shape[1]): max_pixel = np.max(img[axis_y, axis_x]) min_pixel = np.minimum(256.0 / max_pixel, \ intensity1[axis_y, axis_x, 0] / intensity[axis_y, axis_x, 0]) img_msrcp[axis_y, axis_x, 0] = min_pixel * img[axis_y, axis_x, 0] img_msrcp[axis_y, axis_x, 1] = min_pixel * img[axis_y, axis_x, 1] img_msrcp[axis_y, axis_x, 2] = min_pixel * img[axis_y, axis_x, 2] img_msrcp = np.uint8(img_msrcp - 1.0) return img_msrcp
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