以黑金的开发板EP4CE6F17C8为例,外部的flash芯片为M25P16,存储大小为16Mbite,内部共有32个扇区,每个扇区为512K,而每个扇区内部又有256页,每页为256个字节。即16Mbite=(256*8)*256*32 = 16Mbite
- module flash_all(
- input sclk,
- input rst_n,
- input key_flag,
- output reg cs_n,
- output reg sck,
- output reg sdi
- );
- //定义状态机的四个状态
- parameter IDLE = 4'b0001;
- parameter WREN = 4'b0010;
- parameter DELAT= 4'b0100;
- parameter BE = 4'b1000;
- parameter WREN_ORDER = 8'h06;//写允许的命令字
- parameter BE_ORDER = 8'hc7;//扇区擦除的命令字
- //parameter SE_ADDR = 24'h00_01_02;//擦除扇区的地址
- reg [ 3:0] state;//状态机的状态
- reg [ 4:0] cnt_32;//对系统时钟计数,两次命令字之间的延迟时间
- reg [ 2:0] cnt_state;//WREN计数三次,中间一次进行数据传输,SE状态计数6次,中间4次进行数据传输
- reg [ 1:0] cnt_4;//生成sck的时钟计数器,sck=12.5M
- reg [ 4:0] bit_cnt;
- always @(posedge sclk or negedge rst_n)
- if(rst_n == 1'b0)
- cs_n <= 1'b1;
- else if(key_flag == 1'b1)
- cs_n <= 1'b0;
- else if(state == WREN && cnt_32 == 'd31 && cnt_state == 'd2)
- cs_n <= 1'b1;
- else if(state == DELAT && cnt_32 == 'd31)
- cs_n <= 1'b0;
- else if(state == BE && cnt_32 == 'd31 && cnt_state == 'd2)
- cs_n <= 1'b1;
- else
- cs_n <= cs_n;
- always @(posedge sclk or negedge rst_n)
- if(rst_n == 1'b0)
- state <= IDLE;
- else case(state)
- IDLE:if(key_flag == 1'b1)
- state <= WREN;
- else
- state <= state;
- WREN:if(cnt_32 == 'd31 && cnt_state == 'd2)
- state <= DELAT;
- else
- state <= state;
- DELAT:if(cnt_32 == 'd31)
- state <= BE;
- else
- state <= state;
- BE :if(cnt_32 == 'd31 && cnt_state == 'd2)
- state <= IDLE;
- else
- state <= state;
- default :state <= IDLE;
- endcase
- always @(posedge sclk or negedge rst_n)
- if(rst_n == 1'b0)
- cnt_32 <= 5'd0;
- else if(cnt_32 == 'd31)
- cnt_32 <= 5'd0;
- else if(state != IDLE)
- cnt_32 <= cnt_32 + 1'b1;
- else
- cnt_32 <= 5'd0;
- always @(posedge sclk or negedge rst_n)
- if(rst_n == 1'b0)
- cnt_state <= 3'd0;
- else if(state == IDLE)
- cnt_state <= 3'd0;
- else if(state == WREN && cnt_32 == 'd31 && cnt_state == 'd2)
- cnt_state <= 3'd0;
- else if(state == DELAT && cnt_32 == 'd31)
- cnt_state <= 3'd0;
- else if(state == BE && cnt_32 == 'd31 && cnt_state == 'd2)
- cnt_state <= 3'd0;
- else if(cnt_32 == 'd31)
- cnt_state <= cnt_state + 1'b1;
- else
- cnt_state <= cnt_state;
- always @(posedge sclk or negedge rst_n)
- if(rst_n == 1'b0)
- cnt_4 <= 'd0;
- else if(state == WREN && cnt_state == 'd1)
- cnt_4 <= cnt_4 + 1'b1;
- else if(state == BE && cnt_state == 'd1)
- cnt_4 <= cnt_4 + 1'b1;
- always @(posedge sclk or negedge rst_n)
- if(rst_n == 1'b0)
- sck <= 1'b0;
- else if(cnt_4 == 'd0)
- sck <= 1'b0;
- else if(cnt_4 == 'd2)
- sck <= 1'b1;
- else
- sck <= sck;
- always @(posedge sclk or negedge rst_n)
- if(rst_n == 1'b0)
- sdi <= 1'b0;
- else if(state == WREN && cnt_state == 'd1 && cnt_4 == 'd0)
- sdi <= WREN_ORDER[7-bit_cnt];
- else if(state == BE && cnt_state == 'd1 && cnt_4 == 'd0)
- sdi <= BE_ORDER[7-bit_cnt];
- else if(state == BE && cnt_32 == 'd31 && cnt_state == 'd1)
- sdi <= 1'b0;
- else
- sdi <= sdi;
- always @(posedge sclk or negedge rst_n)
- if(rst_n == 1'b0)
- bit_cnt <= 5'd0;
- else if(state == WREN && bit_cnt == 'd7 && cnt_4 == 'd2)
- bit_cnt <= 5'd0;
- else if(state == BE && bit_cnt == 'd7 && cnt_4 == 'd2)
- bit_cnt <= 5'd0;
- else if(cnt_4 == 'd2)
- bit_cnt <= bit_cnt + 1'b1;
- else
- bit_cnt <= bit_cnt;
- endmodule
- `timescale 1ns/1ns
- module tb_flash_all();
- reg sys_clk ;
- reg sys_res ;
- reg key ;
- wire cs_n ;
- wire sck ;
- wire sdi ;
- //时钟、复位信号、模拟按键信号
- initial
- begin
- sys_clk <= 1'b1;
- sys_res <= 1'b0;
- key <= 1'b0;
- #100
- sys_res <= 1'b1;
- #1000
- key <= 1'b1;
- #20
- key <= 1'b0;
- end
- always #10 sys_clk <= ~sys_clk;
- flash_all tb_flash_all
- (
- .sclk (sys_clk ),
- .rst_n (sys_res ),
- .key_flag (key ),
- .sck (sck ),
- .cs_n (cs_n ),
- .sdi (sdi )
- );
- endmodule
- module flash_earse(
- input sclk,
- input rst_n,
- input key_flag,
- output reg cs_n,
- output reg sck,
- output reg sdi
- );
- //定义状态机的四个状态
- parameter IDLE = 4'b0001;
- parameter WREN = 4'b0010;
- parameter DELAT= 4'b0100;
- parameter SE = 4'b1000;
- parameter WREN_ORDER = 8'h06;//写允许的命令字
- parameter SE_ORDER = 8'hd8;//扇区擦除的命令字
- parameter SE_ADDR = 24'h00_01_02;//擦除扇区的地址
- reg [ 3:0] state;//状态机的状态
- reg [ 4:0] cnt_32;//对系统时钟计数,两次命令字之间的延迟时间
- reg [ 2:0] cnt_state;//WREN计数三次,中间一次进行数据传输,SE状态计数6次,中间4次进行数据传输
- reg [ 1:0] cnt_4;//生成sck的时钟计数器,sck=12.5M
- reg [ 4:0] bit_cnt;
- always @(posedge sclk or negedge rst_n)
- if(rst_n == 1'b0)
- cs_n <= 1'b1;
- else if(key_flag == 1'b1)
- cs_n <= 1'b0;
- else if(state == WREN && cnt_32 == 'd31 && cnt_state == 'd2)
- cs_n <= 1'b1;
- else if(state == DELAT && cnt_32 == 'd31)
- cs_n <= 1'b0;
- else if(state == SE && cnt_32 == 'd31 && cnt_state == 'd5)
- cs_n <= 1'b1;
- else
- cs_n <= cs_n;
- always @(posedge sclk or negedge rst_n)
- if(rst_n == 1'b0)
- state <= IDLE;
- else case(state)
- IDLE:if(key_flag == 1'b1)
- state <= WREN;
- else
- state <= state;
- WREN:if(cnt_32 == 'd31 && cnt_state == 'd2)
- state <= DELAT;
- else
- state <= state;
- DELAT:if(cnt_32 == 'd31)
- state <= SE;
- else
- state <= state;
- SE :if(cnt_32 == 'd31 && cnt_state == 'd5)
- state <= IDLE;
- else
- state <= state;
- default :state <= IDLE;
- endcase
- always @(posedge sclk or negedge rst_n)
- if(rst_n == 1'b0)
- cnt_32 <= 5'd0;
- else if(cnt_32 == 'd31)
- cnt_32 <= 5'd0;
- else if(state != IDLE)
- cnt_32 <= cnt_32 + 1'b1;
- else
- cnt_32 <= 5'd0;
- always @(posedge sclk or negedge rst_n)
- if(rst_n == 1'b0)
- cnt_state <= 3'd0;
- else if(state == IDLE)
- cnt_state <= 3'd0;
- else if(state == WREN && cnt_32 == 'd31 && cnt_state == 'd2)
- cnt_state <= 3'd0;
- else if(state == DELAT && cnt_32 == 'd31)
- cnt_state <= 3'd0;
- else if(state == SE && cnt_32 == 'd31 && cnt_state == 'd5)
- cnt_state <= 3'd0;
- else if(cnt_32 == 'd31)
- cnt_state <= cnt_state + 1'b1;
- else
- cnt_state <= cnt_state;
- always @(posedge sclk or negedge rst_n)
- if(rst_n == 1'b0)
- cnt_4 <= 'd0;
- else if(state == WREN && cnt_state == 'd1)
- cnt_4 <= cnt_4 + 1'b1;
- else if(state == SE && cnt_state >= 'd1 && cnt_state <= 'd4)
- cnt_4 <= cnt_4 + 1'b1;
- always @(posedge sclk or negedge rst_n)
- if(rst_n == 1'b0)
- sck <= 1'b0;
- else if(cnt_4 == 'd0)
- sck <= 1'b0;
- else if(cnt_4 == 'd2)
- sck <= 1'b1;
- else
- sck <= sck;
- always @(posedge sclk or negedge rst_n)
- if(rst_n == 1'b0)
- sdi <= 1'b0;
- else if(state == WREN && cnt_state == 'd1 && cnt_4 == 'd0)
- sdi <= WREN_ORDER[7-bit_cnt];
- else if(state == SE && cnt_state == 'd1 && cnt_4 == 'd0)
- sdi <= SE_ORDER[7-bit_cnt];
- else if(state == SE && cnt_4 == 'd0 && cnt_state > 'd1 && cnt_state <= 'd4)
- sdi <= SE_ADDR[31-bit_cnt];
- else if(state == SE && cnt_32 == 'd31 && cnt_state == 'd4)
- sdi <= 1'b0;
- else
- sdi <= sdi;
- always @(posedge sclk or negedge rst_n)
- if(rst_n == 1'b0)
- bit_cnt <= 5'd0;
- else if(state == WREN && bit_cnt == 'd7 && cnt_4 == 'd2)
- bit_cnt <= 5'd0;
- else if(state == SE && bit_cnt == 'd31 && cnt_4 == 'd2)
- bit_cnt <= 5'd0;
- else if(cnt_4 == 'd2)
- bit_cnt <= bit_cnt + 1'b1;
- else
- bit_cnt <= bit_cnt;
- endmodule
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