2、FLASH 单个存储位只能从1变为0,而不能从0变成1;
4、FLASH 擦写次数是有限,一般是 10W 次;
#ifndef __FLASH_H__ #define __FLASH_H__ /* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include "stdint.h" /* public define ------------------------------------------------------------*/ #define D_PAGE_SIZE (uint32_t)FLASH_PAGE_SIZE #define D_PAGE_ADDR(PageNum) (FLASH_BASE + (D_PAGE_SIZE * (PageNum))) #define D_FLASH_START_ADDR D_PAGE_ADDR(20) //Flash起始地址 #define D_PARA_NUM 10 //参数个数必须小于255 /* public typedef -----------------------------------------------------------*/ /* public constants --------------------------------------------------------*/ /* public variables ---------------------------------------------------------*/ /* public functions prototypes ---------------------------------------------*/ void FlashInitPara(uint16_t aDefVal[D_PARA_NUM]); uint8_t FlashReadPara(uint8_t Key,uint16_t *pVal); void FlashWritePara(uint8_t Key,uint16_t Val); #endif
/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include "flash.h" #include "stm32f1xx_hal.h" #include "debug.h" extern void FLASH_PageErase(uint32_t PageAddress); /* Private define ------------------------------------------------------------*/ #define D_PARA_KAY_NULL 0XFF /* Private typedef -----------------------------------------------------------*/ #pragma pack(1) typedef struct { uint8_t Key; uint16_t Val; uint8_t Sum; } ST_DATA_PACK, *PST_DATA_PACK; #pragma pack() typedef struct { uint8_t Exist; uint16_t Val; } ST_PARA_INFO, *PST_PARA_INFO; /* Private constants --------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Private variables ---------------------------------------------------------*/ static ST_PARA_INFO s_aParaTbl[D_PARA_NUM] = {0}; static uint16_t s_NewWriteIdx = 0; /* Private function prototypes -----------------------------------------------*/ static void FlashEaserPage(void); static void CreateRecord(uint8_t Key); static uint8_t CalcCheckSum(const uint8_t *pData, uint32_t Len); /* public constants --------------------------------------------------------*/ /* public variables ---------------------------------------------------------*/ /* public function -----------------------------------------------*/ /******************************************************************** * name : FlashInitPara * description : 初始化保存参数 * Input : * Output : none * Return : none ********************************************************************/ void FlashInitPara(uint16_t aDefVal[D_PARA_NUM]) { for(uint16_t i = 0; i < D_PAGE_SIZE / sizeof(ST_DATA_PACK); i++) { uint32_t ReadAddr = D_FLASH_START_ADDR + sizeof(ST_DATA_PACK) * i; PST_DATA_PACK pstPack = (PST_DATA_PACK)ReadAddr; if(pstPack->Key != D_PARA_KAY_NULL) { uint8_t Sum = CalcCheckSum((uint8_t *)pstPack,3); if(pstPack->Sum == Sum) { if(pstPack->Key < D_PARA_NUM) { s_aParaTbl[pstPack->Key].Exist = 1; s_aParaTbl[pstPack->Key].Val = pstPack->Val; } } } else { s_NewWriteIdx = i; DebugPrintf("init s_NewWriteIdx = %d\n", s_NewWriteIdx); break; } } for(uint16_t i = 0; i < D_PARA_NUM; i++) { //flash找不到参数,使用默认值 if(!s_aParaTbl[i].Exist) { s_aParaTbl[i].Exist = 1; s_aParaTbl[i].Val = aDefVal[i]; CreateRecord(i); } else { DebugPrintf("init key:%d,Val:0x%x\n", i, s_aParaTbl[i].Val); } } } /******************************************************************** * name : FlashEaserPage * description : Flash擦除页 * Input : * Output : none * Return : none ********************************************************************/ static void FlashEaserPage(void) { DebugPrintf("%s\n", __func__); /* -1- Unlock the Flash Bank Program Erase controller */ HAL_FLASH_Unlock(); /* -2- Clear All pending flags */ __HAL_FLASH_CLEAR_FLAG(FLASH_FLAG_EOP | FLASH_FLAG_WRPERR | FLASH_FLAG_PGERR); /* -3- erase the FLASH pages */ FLASH_PageErase(D_FLASH_START_ADDR); FLASH_WaitForLastOperation(FLASH_TIMEOUT_VALUE); CLEAR_BIT(FLASH->CR, FLASH_CR_PER); /* -4- Lock the Flash Bank Program Erase controller */ HAL_FLASH_Lock(); } /******************************************************************** * name : CreateRecord * description : 备份最新参数 * Input : * Output : none * Return : none ********************************************************************/ static void CreateRecord(uint8_t Key) { ST_DATA_PACK stPack = {0}; if(s_NewWriteIdx == D_PAGE_SIZE / sizeof(ST_DATA_PACK)) { FlashEaserPage(); s_NewWriteIdx = 0; HAL_FLASH_Unlock(); for(uint16_t j = 0; j < D_PARA_NUM; j++) { if(s_aParaTbl[j].Exist) { stPack.Key = j; stPack.Val = s_aParaTbl[j].Val; stPack.Sum = CalcCheckSum((uint8_t *)&stPack,3); uint32_t Addr = D_FLASH_START_ADDR + sizeof(ST_DATA_PACK) * j; HAL_FLASH_Program(FLASH_TYPEPROGRAM_WORD, Addr, *(uint32_t *)&stPack); s_NewWriteIdx += 1; DebugPrintf("s_NewWriteIdx = %d\n", s_NewWriteIdx); } } HAL_FLASH_Lock(); } else { stPack.Key = Key; stPack.Val = s_aParaTbl[Key].Val; stPack.Sum = CalcCheckSum((uint8_t *)&stPack,3); uint32_t Addr = D_FLASH_START_ADDR + sizeof(ST_DATA_PACK) * s_NewWriteIdx; HAL_FLASH_Unlock(); HAL_FLASH_Program(FLASH_TYPEPROGRAM_WORD, Addr, *(uint32_t *)&stPack); HAL_FLASH_Lock(); s_NewWriteIdx += 1; DebugPrintf("s_NewWriteIdx = %d\n", s_NewWriteIdx); } } /******************************************************************** * name : FlashReadPara * description : 读取指定参数 * Input : * Output : none * Return : none ********************************************************************/ uint8_t FlashReadPara(uint8_t Key, uint16_t *pVal) { if(Key < D_PARA_NUM) { if(s_aParaTbl[Key].Exist) { *pVal = s_aParaTbl[Key].Val; return 1; } } return 0; } /******************************************************************** * name : FlashWritePara * description : 写入指定参数 * Input : * Output : none * Return : none ********************************************************************/ void FlashWritePara(uint8_t Key, uint16_t Val) { if(Key < D_PARA_NUM) { s_aParaTbl[Key].Val = Val; s_aParaTbl[Key].Exist = 1; CreateRecord(Key); } } /******************************************************************** * name : CalcCheckSum * description : 计算校验和 * Input : * Output : none * Return : none ********************************************************************/ static uint8_t CalcCheckSum(const uint8_t *pData, uint32_t Len) { uint32_t Sum = 0; const uint8_t *pDataEnd = pData + Len; while(pData < pDataEnd) { Sum += *pData++; } return (Sum & 0xFF); } /******************************************************************** * name : FlashTest * description : 测试代码 * Input : * Output : none * Return : none ********************************************************************/ void FlashTest(void) { uint16_t aDefPara[D_PARA_NUM] = {0x0000, 0x1111, 0x2222, 0x3333, 0x4444, 0x5555, 0x6666, 0x7777, 0x8888, 0x9999}; //FlashEaserPage(); FlashInitPara(aDefPara); for(uint16_t i = 0; i < 100; i++) { uint16_t Key = i % D_PARA_NUM; if(Key % 2 == 0) { continue; } uint16_t Val = 0; if(FlashReadPara(Key, &Val) > 0) { // DebugPrintf("before i:%d,key:%d,Val:0x%x\n", i, Key, Val); // write data into flash FlashWritePara(Key, Val + 1); //read from flash and print if(FlashReadPara(Key, &Val) > 0) { DebugPrintf("after i:%d,key:%d,Val:0x%x\n", i, Key, Val); } else { DebugPrintf("i = %d,read fail\n", i); } } } }
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