Netronhttps://netron.app/ 将模型拖入,界面上就会显示网络结构,以下是padim的onnx模型的输入和输出部分的结构:
- for filename in filenames:
- image = read_image(filename, (256, 256))
- predictions = inferencer.predict(image=image)
- output = visualizer.visualize_image(predictions)
- processed_image = self.pre_process(image_arr) # 预处理
- predictions = self.forward(processed_image) # 预测
- output = self.post_process(predictions, metadata=metadata) # 后处理
- return ImageResult(
- image=image_arr,
- pred_score=output["pred_score"],
- pred_label=output["pred_label"],
- anomaly_map=output["anomaly_map"],
- pred_mask=output["pred_mask"],
- pred_boxes=output["pred_boxes"],
- box_labels=output["box_labels"], # 返回的各项参数
- def pre_process(self, image: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
- """Pre process the input image by applying transformations.
- Args:
- image (np.ndarray): Input image.
- Returns:
- np.ndarray: pre-processed image.
- """
- transform = A.from_dict(self.metadata["transform"])
- processed_image = transform(image=image)["image"]
- if len(processed_image.shape) == 3:
- processed_image = np.expand_dims(processed_image, axis=0)
- if processed_image.shape[-1] == 3:
- processed_image = processed_image.transpose(0, 3, 1, 2)
- return processed_image

该方法的核心在于transform,通过查看metadata部分代码,可以认为图片经过了与ImageNet相同的标准化预处理,即RGB的均值为[0.406, 0.456, 0.485],方差为[0.225, 0.224, 0.229]。标准化后需要将其尺寸按照Python代码所示进行修改。
- def forward(self, image: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
- """Forward-Pass input tensor to the model.
- Args:
- image (np.ndarray): Input tensor.
- Returns:
- np.ndarray: Output predictions.
- """
- return self.network.infer(inputs={self.input_blob: image})
- def post_process(self, predictions: np.ndarray, metadata: dict | DictConfig | None = None) -> dict[str, Any]:
- """Post process the output predictions.
- Args:
- predictions (np.ndarray): Raw output predicted by the model.
- metadata (Dict, optional): Meta data. Post-processing step sometimes requires
- additional meta data such as image shape. This variable comprises such info.
- Defaults to None.
- Returns:
- dict[str, Any]: Post processed prediction results.
- """
- if metadata is None:
- metadata = self.metadata
- predictions = predictions[self.output_blob]
- # Initialize the result variables.
- anomaly_map: np.ndarray | None = None
- pred_label: float | None = None
- pred_mask: float | None = None
- # If predictions returns a single value, this means that the task is
- # classification, and the value is the classification prediction score.
- if len(predictions.shape) == 1:
- task = TaskType.CLASSIFICATION
- pred_score = predictions
- else:
- task = TaskType.SEGMENTATION
- anomaly_map = predictions.squeeze()
- pred_score = anomaly_map.reshape(-1).max()
- # Common practice in anomaly detection is to assign anomalous
- # label to the prediction if the prediction score is greater
- # than the image threshold.
- if "image_threshold" in metadata:
- pred_label = pred_score >= metadata["image_threshold"]
- if task == TaskType.CLASSIFICATION:
- _, pred_score = self._normalize(pred_scores=pred_score, metadata=metadata)
- elif task in (TaskType.SEGMENTATION, TaskType.DETECTION):
- if "pixel_threshold" in metadata:
- pred_mask = (anomaly_map >= metadata["pixel_threshold"]).astype(np.uint8)
- anomaly_map, pred_score = self._normalize(
- pred_scores=pred_score, anomaly_maps=anomaly_map, metadata=metadata
- )
- assert anomaly_map is not None
- if "image_shape" in metadata and anomaly_map.shape != metadata["image_shape"]:
- image_height = metadata["image_shape"][0]
- image_width = metadata["image_shape"][1]
- anomaly_map = cv2.resize(anomaly_map, (image_width, image_height))
- if pred_mask is not None:
- pred_mask = cv2.resize(pred_mask, (image_width, image_height))
- else:
- raise ValueError(f"Unknown task type: {task}")
- if self.task == TaskType.DETECTION:
- pred_boxes = self._get_boxes(pred_mask)
- box_labels = np.ones(pred_boxes.shape[0])
- else:
- pred_boxes = None
- box_labels = None
- return {
- "anomaly_map": anomaly_map,
- "pred_label": pred_label,
- "pred_score": pred_score,
- "pred_mask": pred_mask,
- "pred_boxes": pred_boxes,
- "box_labels": box_labels,
- }

- def post_process(self, predictions: np.ndarray, metadata: dict | DictConfig | None = None) -> dict[str, Any]:
- """Post process the output predictions.
- Args:
- predictions (np.ndarray): Raw output predicted by the model.
- metadata (Dict, optional): Meta data. Post-processing step sometimes requires
- additional meta data such as image shape. This variable comprises such info.
- Defaults to None.
- Returns:
- dict[str, Any]: Post processed prediction results.
- """
- if metadata is None:
- metadata = self.metadata
- predictions = predictions[self.output_blob]
- # Initialize the result variables.
- anomaly_map: np.ndarray | None = None
- pred_label: float | None = None
- pred_mask: float | None = None
- # If predictions returns a single value, this means that the task is
- # classification, and the value is the classification prediction score.
- if len(predictions.shape) == 1:
- task = TaskType.CLASSIFICATION
- pred_score = predictions
- # Common practice in anomaly detection is to assign anomalous
- # label to the prediction if the prediction score is greater
- # than the image threshold.
- if "image_threshold" in metadata:
- pred_label = pred_score >= metadata["image_threshold"]
- if task == TaskType.CLASSIFICATION:
- _, pred_score = self._normalize(pred_scores=pred_score, metadata=metadata)
- pred_boxes = None
- box_labels = None
- return {
- "anomaly_map": anomaly_map,
- "pred_label": pred_label,
- "pred_score": pred_score,
- "pred_mask": pred_mask,
- "pred_boxes": pred_boxes,
- "box_labels": box_labels,
- }

_, pred_score = self._normalize(pred_scores=pred_score, metadata=metadata)
- pred_scores = normalize_min_max(
- pred_scores,
- metadata["image_threshold"],
- metadata["min"],
- metadata["max"],
- )
normalized = ((targets - threshold) / (max_val - min_val)) + 0.5
- "image_threshold": 13.702226638793945,
- "pixel_threshold": 13.702226638793945,
- "min": 5.296699047088623,
- "max": 22.767864227294922
- for filename in filenames:
- image = read_image(filename, (256, 256))
- predictions = inferencer.predict(image=image)
- output = visualizer.visualize_image(predictions)
- if args.output is None and args.show is False:
- warnings.warn(
- "Neither output path is provided nor show flag is set. Inferencer will run but return nothing."
- )
- if args.output:
- file_path = generate_output_image_filename(input_path=filename, output_path=args.output)
- visualizer.save(file_path=file_path, image=output)
- # Show the image in case the flag is set by the user.
- if args.show:
- visualizer.show(title="Output Image", image=output)

- if self.mode == "full":
- return self._visualize_full(image_result)
- elif self.task == TaskType.CLASSIFICATION:
- visualization.add_image(image_result.image, title="Image")
- if hasattr(image_result, "heat_map"):
- visualization.add_image(image_result.heat_map, "Predicted Heat Map")
- if image_result.pred_label:
- image_classified = add_anomalous_label(image_result.image, image_result.pred_score)
- else:
- image_classified = add_normal_label(image_result.image, 1 - image_result.pred_score)
- visualization.add_image(image=image_classified, title="Prediction")
visualization.add_image的作用实际上就是往results/padim/tube/run/images的结果中添加图片,添加的三张图片分别为“Image”“Predicted Heat Map”“Prediction”,恰好对应输出的1*3结果图:
这里最关注的还是Predicted Heat Map是怎么画出来的。进入image_result.heat_map,发现它是调用了superimpose_anomaly_map函数生成的:
self.heat_map = superimpose_anomaly_map(self.anomaly_map, self.image, normalize=False)
- def superimpose_anomaly_map(
- anomaly_map: np.ndarray, image: np.ndarray, alpha: float = 0.4, gamma: int = 0, normalize: bool = False
- ) -> np.ndarray:
- """Superimpose anomaly map on top of in the input image.
- Args:
- anomaly_map (np.ndarray): Anomaly map
- image (np.ndarray): Input image
- alpha (float, optional): Weight to overlay anomaly map
- on the input image. Defaults to 0.4.
- gamma (int, optional): Value to add to the blended image
- to smooth the processing. Defaults to 0. Overall,
- the formula to compute the blended image is
- I' = (alpha*I1 + (1-alpha)*I2) + gamma
- normalize: whether or not the anomaly maps should
- be normalized to image min-max
- Returns:
- np.ndarray: Image with anomaly map superimposed on top of it.
- """
- anomaly_map = anomaly_map_to_color_map(anomaly_map.squeeze(), normalize=normalize)
- superimposed_map = cv2.addWeighted(anomaly_map, alpha, image, (1 - alpha), gamma)
- return superimposed_map

anomaly_map = cv2.applyColorMap(anomaly_map, cv2.COLORMAP_JET)
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