MySQL 5.7引入Generated Column(生成列、虚拟列、虚拟生成列、索引函数):根据列定义中包含的表达式计算得出
Virtual Generated Column(虚拟):当从表中读取记录时,将动态计算该列。保存在数据字典中(表的元数据),并不会将这一列数据持久化到磁盘上。(MySQL 5.7中默认是Virtual Generated Column)
Stored Generated Column(存储):当向表中写入新记录时,将计算该列并将其存储为常规列。
- drop TABLE triangle;
- CREATE TABLE triangle
- (
- sidea DOUBLE,
- sideb DOUBLE,
- sidec DOUBLE AS (SQRT(sidea * sidea + sideb * sideb))
- );
- select * from triangle;
- INSERT INTO triangle (sidea, sideb) VALUES(1,1),(3,4),(6,8);
一般情况下,都使用Virtual Generated Column,这也是MySQL默认的方式,如果使用Stored Generated Column,前面的建表语句将会是下面这样,即多了一个STORED关键字.
- CREATE TABLE `triangle`
- (
- `sidea` double DEFAULT NULL,
- `sideb` double DEFAULT NULL,
- `sidec` double GENERATED ALWAYS AS (SQRT(sidea * sidea + sideb * sideb)) STORED
- );
- col_name data_type [GENERATED ALWAYS] AS (expr)
- [COMMENT 'string']
AS (expr) 指示生成列并定义用于计算列值的表达式。AS 可以在前面加上GENERATED ALWAYS以使生成的列的性质更加明确(区分其他列)。
VIRTUALor关键字指示如何存储列值, 这STORED 对列的使用有影响:
允许在同一个表中混合VIRTUAL列 STORED。
-> MySQL 5.7.9 及更高版本支持 该 运算符。->> 从 MySQL 5.7.13 开始支持 该 运算符。
请参阅 -> and ->> 运算符以及 JSON_EXTRACT()and JSON_UNQUOTE()函数的说明
- -- json_extract和->>的区别 ,json_extract解析出的带双引号 两种解析中文和数字貌似都需要带双引号
- select json_extract(params,'$."联系方式"') as tel from execute_log;
- select json_extract(params,'$.name') from execute_log;
- SELECT params->>'$."联系方式"' AS tel from execute_log;
- -- 英文不用双引号
- SELECT params->>'$.name' AS tel from execute_log;
- -- 删除虚拟列
- ALTER TABLE execute_log DROP COLUMN `mobile`;
- -- 添加联系方式的虚拟列
- alter table execute_log add mobile varchar(20) generated always as (params->>'$."联系方式"') stored after params;
- -- 新增索引
- alter table execute_log add index idx_mobile(mobile);
- -- 新增公司和手机号索引
- alter table execute_log add index idx_company_mobile(company_id,mobile);
- -- 添加联系方式后4位的虚拟列
- alter table test_table add right4Mobile varchar(20) generated always as (RIGHT (mobile,4)) stored after mobile ;
- -- 删除虚拟列
- ALTER TABLE test_table DROP COLUMN `right4Mobile`;
- -- 添加联合索引
- alter table test_table add index idx_company_right4Mobile(company_id,right4Mobile);
性能对比 数据集:1004177(百万)
是否添加虚拟列 | 执行sql | 耗时 |
否 | select * from test_table where company_id = 6 and mobile like '%1800'; | 109 rows retrieved starting from 1 in 5 s 83 ms (execution: 2 s 911 ms, fetching: 2 s 172 ms) |
是 | select * from test_table where company_id = 6 and right4Mobile = '1800'; | 109 rows retrieved starting from 1 in 160 ms (execution: 72 ms, fetching: 88 ms) |
- demo> alter table test_table add right4Mobile varchar(10) generated always as (RIGHT (mobile,4)) after mobile [2022-01-19 20:22:07]
- completed in 3 s 101 ms
- demo> alter table test_table add index idx_company_right4Mobile(company_id,right4Mobile) [2022-01-19 20:22:26]
- completed in 6 s 91 ms
在虚拟生成列上创建二级索引时,生成的列值会在索引的记录中具体化。如果索引是 覆盖索引(包括查询检索到的所有列),则从索引结构中的物化值中检索生成的列值,而不是“即时”计算。
When a secondary index is created on a virtual generated column, generated column values are materialized in the records of the index. If the index is a covering index (one that includes all the columns retrieved by a query), generated column values are retrieved from materialized values in the index structure instead of computed “on the fly”.
covering index(不回表)
An index that includes all the columns retrieved by a query. Instead of using the index values as pointers to find the full table rows, the query returns values from the index structure, saving disk I/O. InnoDB can apply this optimization technique to more indexes than MyISAM can, because InnoDB secondary indexes also include the primary key columns. InnoDB cannot apply this technique for queries against tables modified by a transaction, until that transaction ends.
Any column index or composite index could act as a covering index, given the right query. Design your indexes and queries to take advantage of this optimization technique wherever possible.
See Also column index, composite index, index, primary key, secondary index.
INSERT由于在和 UPDATE操作 期间实现二级索引记录中的虚拟列值时执行的计算,在虚拟列上使用二级索引时需要考虑额外的写入成本。即使有额外的写入成本,虚拟列上的二级索引也可能比生成的存储列更可取,后者在聚集索引中具体化,从而导致需要更多磁盘空间和内存的更大表。如果未在虚拟列上定义二级索引,则读取会产生额外成本,因为每次检查列的行时都必须计算虚拟列值。
索引虚拟列的值是 MVCC 记录的,以避免在回滚或清除操作期间对生成的列值进行不必要的重新计算。记录值的数据长度受索引键的限制,对于和行格式为 767 字节,对于 和 COMPACT行REDUNDANT格式为 3072 字节。 DYNAMICCOMPRESSED
在虚拟列上添加或删除二级索引是就地操作。( Adding or dropping a secondary index on a virtual column is an in-place operation.)
在 5.7.16 之前,外键约束不能引用在虚拟生成列上定义的二级索引。
在 MySQL 5.7.13 和更早版本中,InnoDB不允许在索引生成的虚拟列的基列上定义具有级联引用操作的外键约束。MySQL 5.7.14 中取消了此限制。
- create table t1(a int, b int , c int GENERATED ALWAYS AS (a / b), primary key(c))
- [HY000][3106] 'Defining a virtual generated column as primary key' is not supported for generated columns.
- -- STORED 可以
- create table t1(a int, b int , c int GENERATED ALWAYS AS (a / b) STORED, primary key(c))
- completed in 168 ms
创建generated column(包括virtual generated column 和stored generated column)时不能使用非确定性的(不可重复的)函数,如下curtime()
- create table t1(a int, b int , c int GENERATED ALWAYS AS (a / b) STORED, primary key(c));
- [HY000][3763] Expression of generated column 'p3' contains a disallowed function: curtime.
- ALTER TABLE `t1` ADD p3 DATE GENERATED ALWAYS AS (curtime()) stored;
- [HY000][3763] Expression of generated column 'p3' contains a disallowed function: curtime.
1、MySQL :: MySQL 5.7 Reference Manual :: CREATE TABLE and Generated Columns
2、RDS MySQL AliSQL内核小版本发布记录_云数据库 RDS(RDS)-阿里云帮助中心
文章写于2022年01月19日 语雀
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