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本文是领英上的文章《Why Deep Learning is Radically Different from Machine Learning》译文,原文地址:

AI is the all encompassing umbrella that covers everything from Good Old Fashion AI (GOFAI) all the way to connectionist architectures like Deep Learning.

ML is a sub-field of AI that covers anything that has to do with the study of learning algorithms by training with data.

There are a whole swaths (not swatches) of techniques that have been developed over the years like Linear Regression, K-means, Decision Trees, Random Forest, PCA, SVM and finally Artificial Neural Networks (ANN).

Artificial Neural Networks is where the field of Deep Learning had its genesis from.

Some ML practitioners who have had previous exposure to Neural Networks (ANN), after all it was invented in the early 60’s, would have the first impression that Deep Learning is nothing more than ANN with multiple layers.
Furthermore, the success of DL is more due to the availability of more data and the availability of more powerful computational engines like Graphic Processing Units (GPU).
This of course is true, the emergence of DL is essentially due to these two advances, however the conclusion that DL is just a better algorithm than SVM or Decision Trees is akin to focusing only on the trees and not seeing the forest.

To coin Andreesen who said “Software is eating the world”, “Deep Learning is eating ML”.
引用安德里森的话:“Software is eating the world”, “Deep Learning is eating ML”。
Two publications by practitioners of different machine learning fields have summarized it best as to why DL is taking over the world.
Chris Manning an expert in NLP writes about the “Deep Learning Tsunami“:
Deep Learning waves have lapped at the shores of computational linguistics for several years now, but 2015 seems like the year when the full force of the tsunami hit the major Natural Language Processing (NLP) conferences. However, some pundits are predicting that the final damage will be even worse.

NLP专家Chris Manning写了一篇关于“深度学习海啸”的文章: 

Nicholas Paragios writes about the “Computer Vision Research: the Deep Depression“:
It might be simply because deep learning on highly complex, hugely determined in terms of degrees of freedom graphs once endowed with massive amount of annotated data and unthinkable — until very recently — computing power can solve all computer vision problems. If this is the case, well it is simply a matter of time that industry (which seems to be already the case) takes over, research in computer vision becomes a marginal academic objective and the field follows the path of computer graphics (in terms of activity and volume of academic research). 

Nicholas Paragios写的“计算机视觉研究:the deep depression”:

These two articles do highlight how the field of Deep Learning are fundamentally disruptive to conventional ML practices. 

Certainly is should be equally disruptive in the business world.

 I am however stunned and perplexed that even Gartner fails to recognize the difference between ML and DL. Here is their August 2016 Hype Cycle and Deep Learning isn’t even mentioned on the slide:
然而,我甚至惊愕不已,甚至连加特纳都没有意识到ML和dl之间的区别。这是他们2016年8月的Hype Cycle ,幻灯片上甚至没有提到深度学习:

What a travesty!这是多么悲剧啊!
Anyway, despite being ignored, DL continues to by hyped. 

The current DL hype tends to be that we have these commoditized machinery, that given enough data and enough training time, is able to learn on its own.
目前DL的炒作往往是 ,一旦我们有了这些商品化的机械, 如果有足够的数据和足够的训练时间,深度学习就可以自己学习。 

This of course either an exaggeration of what the state-of-the-art is capable of or an over simplification of the actual practice of DL.

DL has over the past few years given rise to a massive collection of ideas and techniques that were previously either unknown or known to be untenable.

At first this collection of concepts, seems to be fragmented and disparate. However over time patterns and methodologies begin to emerge and we are frantically attempting to cover this space in “Design Patterns of Deep Learning“.



Deep Learning today goes beyond just multi-level perceptrons but instead is a collection of techniques and methods that are used to building composable differentiable architectures. 

These are extremely capable machine learning systems that we are only right now seeing just the tip of the iceberg. 

The key take away from this is that, Deep Learning may look like alchemy today, but we eventually will learn to practice it like chemistry. 关键在于,今天的深度学习可能看起来像炼金术,但我们最终将学会像化学一样去实践它。

That is, we would have a more solid foundation so as to be able to build our learning machines with greater predictability of its capabilities.


本文来自 haimianjie2012 的CSDN 博客 ,


