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  1. <!--设计者:uruseibest-->
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  5. <html>
  6. <head>
  7. <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" Content="text/html; Charset=gb2312">
  8. <title>备忘录</title>
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  94. <script language=vbscript>
  95. dim wFileName
  96. dim intMemcount
  97. dim strMem
  98. dim ClockWav
  99. dim ShowCnTime
  100. dim PlayWav
  101. dim ShowNot
  102. sub loadsys()
  103. LoadSetup
  104. Getmem
  105. SetSystime
  106. end sub
  107. sub LoadSetup()
  108. ShowCnTime="0"
  109. PlayWav="1"
  110. ShowNot="1"
  111. if ShowCnTime="1" then chkSet1.checked=true else chkSet1.checked =false
  112. if PlayWav="1" then chkSet2.checked=true else chkSet2.checked =false
  113. if ShowNot="1" then chkSet3.checked=true else chkSet3.checked =false
  114. end sub
  115. sub sysSet1()
  116. if ChkSet1.checked=true then
  117. ShowCnTime="1"
  118. else
  119. ShowCnTime="0"
  120. end if
  121. showsystime
  122. end sub
  123. sub sysSet2()
  124. if ChkSet2.checked=true then
  125. PlayWav="1"
  126. else
  127. PlayWav="0"
  128. end if
  129. end sub
  130. sub sysSet3()
  131. if ChkSet3.checked=true then
  132. ShowNot="1"
  133. else
  134. ShowNot="0"
  135. end if
  136. end sub
  137. sub Getmem()
  138. dim fs
  139. dim sysPath
  140. set fs=createobject("scripting.filesystemobject")
  141. sysPath=fs.GetSpecialFolder(WindowsFolder)
  142. wFileName=syspath & "\Mem.txt"
  143. if fs.FileExists(wFileName)=false then
  144. intmemcount=0
  145. else
  146. dim Wf
  147. set Wf=fs.OpenTextFile(wFileName,1)
  148. dim strAll
  149. strAll=Wf.readall
  150. wf.close
  151. strMem=split(strAll,"*")
  152. intMemCount=0
  153. if ubound(strMem)>=0 then
  154. dim intI
  155. for intI=0 to ubound(strMem)
  156. if (left(strMem(intI),2)="&%") and (right(strMem(intI),2)="&%") then
  157. intMemCount=intMemCount+1
  158. strMem(intI)=replace(strMem(intI),"&%","")
  159. strMem(intI)=strMem(intI) & ",0"
  160. end if
  161. next
  162. end if
  163. end if
  164. GetWav(sysPath)
  165. ShowTimeoutMem
  166. end sub
  167. sub GetWav(path)
  168. dim fs
  169. set fs=createobject("scripting.filesystemobject")
  170. if fs.FileExists(path & "\media\notify.wav")=true then
  171. ClockWav=path & "\media\notify.wav"
  172. ChkSet2.disabled=false
  173. else
  174. ClockWav=""
  175. ChkSet2.disabled=true
  176. divset2.innerHTML="(不可用,请查看帮助)"
  177. end if
  178. end sub
  179. sub ShowTimeoutMem()
  180. if ShowNot="0" then
  181. dim intI
  182. if intMemcount>0 then
  183. for intI=0 to ubound(strMem)
  184. dim substrMem
  185. dim MemTime,nowTime
  186. substrMem=split(strMem(intI),",")
  187. MemTime=strFormatTime(substrMem(0))
  188. nowTime=GetCurrentF
  189. if (datediff("n",Memtime,nowTime)>=0) and (substrMem(3)="0") then
  190. substrMem(3)="1"
  191. end if
  192. strMem(intI)=join(substrMem,",")
  193. next
  194. end if
  195. WMemFile(1)
  196. end if
  197. end sub
  198. sub SetSystime()
  199. showsystime
  200. getMeminfo
  201. Mem_show
  202. window.setTimeout "setsystime",1000
  203. end sub
  204. sub showsystime()
  205. dim y,m,d,hh,mm,ss,w,ww,systime
  206. if ShowCnTime="0" then
  207. y=year(now)
  208. m=right("00" & month(now) ,2)
  209. d=right("00" & day(now) ,2)
  210. hh=right("00" & hour(now) ,2)
  211. mm=right("00" & minute(now) ,2)
  212. ss=right("00" & second(now) ,2)
  213. w=weekday(now,vbMonday)
  214. ww=GetCnW(w)
  215. systime= y & "-" & m & "-" & d & " " & hh & ":" & mm & ":" & ss & " " & ww
  216. else
  217. y=GetCn(year(now))
  218. m=GetCn(month(now))
  219. d=GetCn(day(now))
  220. hh=GetCn(hour(now))
  221. mm=GetCn(minute(now))
  222. ss=GetCn(second(now))
  223. w=weekday(now,vbMonday)
  224. ww=GetCnW(w)
  225. systime= y & "年" & m & "月" & d & "日 " & "<br>" & hh & "时" & mm & "分" & ss & "秒 " & ww
  226. end if
  227. showtime.innerHTML =systime
  228. end sub
  229. function NumToCn(intNum)
  230. select case intNum
  231. case 0:ww="零"
  232. case 1:ww="一"
  233. case 2:ww="二"
  234. case 3:ww="三"
  235. case 4:ww="四"
  236. case 5:ww="五"
  237. case 6:ww="六"
  238. case 7:ww="七"
  239. case 8:ww="八"
  240. case 9:ww="九"
  241. end select
  242. NumToCn=ww
  243. end function
  244. function GetCn(intNum)
  245. dim strNum,strCn
  246. dim i
  247. strNum=cstr(intNum)
  248. select case len(strNum)
  249. case 1
  250. strCn=NumToCn(intNum)
  251. case 2
  252. if intnum<20 then
  253. strCn="十" & _
  254. NumToCn(cint(mid(strNum,2,1)))
  255. else
  256. strCn=NumToCn(cint(mid(strNum,1,1))) & _
  257. "十" & _
  258. NumToCn(cint(mid(strNum,2,1)))
  259. end if
  260. case 4
  261. strCn=NumToCn(cint(mid(strNum,1,1))) & _
  262. NumToCn(cint(mid(strNum,2,1))) & _
  263. NumToCn(cint(mid(strNum,3,1))) & _
  264. NumToCn(cint(mid(strNum,4,1)))
  265. end select
  266. if strNum="10" then strCn="十"
  267. GetCn=strCn
  268. end function
  269. function GetCnW(intNum)
  270. dim ww
  271. select case intNum
  272. case 1,2,3,4,5,6
  273. ww="星期" & NumToCn(intNum)
  274. case 7
  275. ww="星期日"
  276. case else
  277. ww="星期?"
  278. end select
  279. GetCnW=ww
  280. end function
  281. function strFormatTime(strFormated)
  282. strFormatTime=mid(strFormated,1,4) & "-" & _
  283. mid(strFormated,5,2) & "-" & _
  284. mid(strFormated,7,2) & " " & _
  285. mid(strFormated,9,2) & ":" & _
  286. mid(strFormated,11,2)
  287. end function
  288. sub ShowDiv(intIndex)
  289. showsetdiv.style.display="none"
  290. showadddiv.style.display="none"
  291. showviewdiv.style.display="none"
  292. showhelpdiv.style.display="none"
  293. select case intIndex
  294. case 1
  295. showsetdiv.style.display="block"
  296. case 2
  297. memaddinfo.innerHTML=""
  298. txtMemTime.value=GetCurrentF
  299. showadddiv.style.display="block"
  300. case 3
  301. ShowMem
  302. showviewdiv.style.display="block"
  303. case 4
  304. showhelpdiv.style.display="block"
  305. end select
  306. menuclose.style.visibility ="visible"
  307. end sub
  308. sub Mem_show()
  309. dim intI
  310. if intMemcount>0 then
  311. for intI=0 to ubound(strMem)
  312. dim substrMem
  313. dim MemTime,MemDone,MemShow
  314. dim nowTime
  315. substrMem=split(strMem(intI),",")
  316. MemTime=strFormatTime(substrMem(0))
  317. MemDone=substrMem(3)
  318. MemShow=substrMem(4)
  319. nowTime=GetCurrentF
  320. if (datediff("n",Memtime,nowTime)>=0) and (MemDone="0") then
  321. substrMem(4)="1"
  322. strMem(intI)=join(substrMem,",")
  323. end if
  324. next
  325. ShowMemInDiv
  326. end if
  327. end sub
  328. sub AddMem()
  329. dim s1,s2,s3
  330. s1=txtMemTime.value
  331. s2=txtMemTitle.value
  332. s3=txtMemContent.value
  333. if(mid(s1,5,1)<>"-") or (mid(s1,8,1)<>"-") or (mid(s1,11,1)<>" ") or (mid(s1,14,1)<>":") or (len(s1)<>16) then
  334. memaddinfo.innerHTML ="<font color='red'>错误:</font>时间格式错误,请重新填写。"
  335. exit sub
  336. end if
  337. if not isdate(s1) then
  338. memaddinfo.innerHTML ="<font color='red'>错误:</font>输入了错误的时间,请重新填写。"
  339. exit sub
  340. end if
  341. if trim(s2)="" then
  342. memaddinfo.innerHTML ="<font color='red'>错误:</font>标题不允许为空。"
  343. exit sub
  344. end if
  345. if len(trim(s3))>50 then
  346. memaddinfo.innerHTML ="<font color='red'>错误:</font>内容的长度限制在50字以内。"
  347. exit sub
  348. end if
  349. dim MemTime,MemTitle,MemContent
  350. MemTime=mid(s1,1,4) & _
  351. mid(s1,6,2) & _
  352. mid(s1,9,2) & _
  353. mid(s1,12,2) & _
  354. mid(s1,15,2)
  355. MemTitle=replaceTxt(trim(s2))
  356. MemContent=replaceTxt(trim(s3))
  357. if intMemcount=0 then
  358. redim strMem(0)
  359. strMem(0)=MemTime & "," & MemTitle & "," & MemContent & ",0,0"
  360. else
  361. dim intTemp
  362. intTemp=ubound(strMem)+1
  363. redim Preserve strMem(intTemp)
  364. strMem(intTemp)=MemTime & "," & MemTitle & "," & MemContent & ",0,0"
  365. end if
  366. intMemCount=ubound(strMem)+1
  367. dim Fso
  368. set Fso=createobject("scripting.filesystemobject")
  369. dim AppendFs
  370. set AppendFs=fso.OpenTextFile(wFileName,8,true)
  371. if intMemcount=1 then
  372. AppendFs.write "&%" & MemTime & "," & MemTitle & "," & MemContent & ",0&%"
  373. else
  374. AppendFs.write "*&%" & MemTime & "," & MemTitle & "," & MemContent & ",0&%"
  375. end if
  376. AppendFs.close
  377. set Fso=nothing
  378. txtMemTime.value=GetCurrentF
  379. txtMemTitle.value=""
  380. txtMemContent.value=""
  381. memaddinfo.innerHTML ="<font color='red'>成功:</font>添加新备忘 " & MemTitle & "成功。"
  382. getMeminfo
  383. end sub
  384. function replaceTxt(strReplace)
  385. dim s
  386. s=strReplace
  387. s=replace(s,"<","<")
  388. s=replace(s,">",">")
  389. s=replace(s,",",",")
  390. s=replace(s,"*","*")
  391. s=replace(s,vbcrlf,"<br>")
  392. s=replace(s,"%","%")
  393. s=replace(s,"&","&")
  394. replaceTxt=s
  395. end function
  396. function GetCurrentF()
  397. dim strTemp
  398. strTemp=year(now) & "-" & _
  399. right("00" & month(now) ,2) & "-" & _
  400. right("00" & day(now) ,2) & " " & _
  401. right("00" & hour(now) ,2) & ":" & _
  402. right("00" & minute(now) ,2)
  403. GetCurrentF=strTemp
  404. end function
  405. sub ShowMem()
  406. dim intI
  407. dim strOut
  408. dim i
  409. strOut="<table width='100%' border='0' class='viewtable'>"
  410. strOut=strOut & "<tr>"
  411. strOut=strOut & "<td width='10'> </td>"
  412. strOut=strOut & "<td width='100'>时间</td>"
  413. strOut=strOut & "<td width='*'>标题</td>"
  414. strOut=strOut & "<td align='center' width='24'>到时</td>"
  415. strOut=strOut & "<td align='center' width='24'>显示</td>"
  416. strOut=strOut & "<td align='center'>删除</td>"
  417. strOut=strOut & "</tr>"
  418. if intMemcount>0 then
  419. for i=0 to ubound(strMem)
  420. dim substrMem
  421. dim MemTime,MemTitle,MemTimeout,MemShow,MemDone
  422. dim nowTime
  423. substrMem=split(strMem(i),",")
  424. MemTime=strFormatTime(substrMem(0))
  425. MemTitle=substrMem(1)
  426. nowTime=GetCurrentF
  427. if datediff("n",Memtime,nowTime)<0 then
  428. MemTimeout="否"
  429. else
  430. MemTimeout="是"
  431. end if
  432. if substrMem(4)=0 then
  433. MemShow="<input type='checkbox' id='chkshowmem" & i & "' name='chkshowmem" & i & "' onclick='memshowed(" & i & ")'>"
  434. else
  435. MemShow="<input type='checkbox' id='chkshowmem" & i & "' name='chkshowmem" & i & "' checked='checked' onclick='memshowed(" & i & ")'>"
  436. end if
  437. strOut=strOut & "<tr>"
  438. strOut=strOut & "<td>" & cstr(i+1) & "</td>"
  439. strOut=strOut & "<td>" & MemTime & "</td>"
  440. strOut=strOut & "<td>" & MemTitle & "</td>"
  441. strOut=strOut & "<td align='center'>" & MemTimeout & "</td>"
  442. strOut=strOut & "<td align='center'>" & MemShow & "</td>"
  443. strOut=strOut & "<td align='center'><input type='button' value='删除' name='btnmemdel(" & i & ")' id='btndel' onclick='memdel(" & i & ")'></td>"
  444. strOut=strOut & "</tr>"
  445. next
  446. else
  447. strOut=strOut & "<tr><td colspan='7'>目前没有设置备忘</td></tr>"
  448. end if
  449. strOut=strOut & "</table>"
  450. showviewdiv.innerHTML =strOut
  451. end sub
  452. sub closeMenu()
  453. showsetdiv.style.display="none"
  454. showadddiv.style.display="none"
  455. showviewdiv.style.display="none"
  456. showhelpdiv.style.display="none"
  457. menuclose.style.visibility ="hidden"
  458. end sub
  459. sub memshowed(intIndex)
  460. dim substrMem
  461. substrMem=split(strMem(intIndex),",")
  462. if document.all("chkshowmem" & intIndex).checked=true then
  463. substrMem(4)="1"
  464. else
  465. substrMem(4)="0"
  466. end if
  467. strMem(intIndex)=join(substrMem,",")
  468. ShowMemInDiv
  469. end sub
  470. sub ShowMemInDiv()
  471. showmemdiv.innerHTML =""
  472. dim intPlaysound
  473. dim intI
  474. dim strShowmem
  475. strShowmem=""
  476. intPlaysound=0
  477. if intMemcount=0 then exit sub
  478. for intI=0 to Ubound(strMem)
  479. dim substrMem
  480. substrMem=split(strMem(intI),",")
  481. dim MemTime
  482. MemTime=strFormatTime(substrMem(0))
  483. if substrMem(4)="1" then
  484. strShowmem=strShowmem & "<table class='viewtable' width='100%'>"
  485. strShowmem=strShowmem & "<tr>"
  486. strShowmem=strShowmem & "<td colspan='2' align='right' class='showtop' height='10' background='bar.jpg'>"
  487. strShowmem=strShowmem & "</td>"
  488. strShowmem=strShowmem & "</tr>"
  489. strShowmem=strShowmem & "<tr>"
  490. strShowmem=strShowmem & "<td rowspan ='2' width='64'>"
  491. if substrMem(3)="0" then
  492. strShowmem=strShowmem & "<img src='clock.gif' width='64' height='64'/>"
  493. intPlaysound=intPlaysound+1
  494. else
  495. strShowmem=strShowmem & "<img src='icon64.gif' width='64' height='64'/>"
  496. end if
  497. strShowmem=strShowmem & "</td>"
  498. strShowmem=strShowmem & "<td style='font-weight :bolder;'>"
  499. strShowmem=strShowmem & "<font color=red>★</font> " & substrMem(1) & "(" & MemTime & ")"
  500. strShowmem=strShowmem & "</td>"
  501. strShowmem=strShowmem & "</tr>"
  502. strShowmem=strShowmem & "<tr>"
  503. strShowmem=strShowmem & "<td class='showtop'>"
  504. strShowmem=strShowmem & "<textarea cols='25' rows='2' readonly='readOnly' class='tastyle'>"
  505. strShowmem=strShowmem & replace(substrMem(2),"<br>",vbcrlf)
  506. strShowmem=strShowmem & "</textarea>"
  507. strShowmem=strShowmem & "</td>"
  508. strShowmem=strShowmem & "</tr>"
  509. strShowmem=strShowmem & "<tr> "
  510. strShowmem=strShowmem & "<td colspan='2' align='right' class='showtop'>"
  511. if substrMem(3)="0" then
  512. strShowmem=strShowmem & "<input type='button' value='知道' id='btnmemknow" & intI & "' name='btnmemknow" & intI & "' onclick='Memknow(" & intI & ")'/>"
  513. end if
  514. strShowmem=strShowmem & "<input type='button' value='删除' id='btnmemdel" & intI & "' name='btnmemdel" & intI & "' onclick='Memdel(" & intI & ")'/>"
  515. strShowmem=strShowmem & "<input type='button' value='关闭' id='btnmemclose" & intI & "' name='btnmemclose" & intI & "' onclick='Memclose(" & intI & ")'/>"
  516. strShowmem=strShowmem & "</td>"
  517. strShowmem=strShowmem & "</tr>"
  518. strShowmem=strShowmem & "</table>"
  519. end if
  520. next
  521. showmemdiv.innerHTML =strShowmem
  522. showmemdiv.style.display="block"
  523. end sub
  524. sub Memknow(intIndex)
  525. dim substrMem
  526. substrMem=split(strMem(intIndex),",")
  527. substrMem(3)="1"
  528. strMem(intIndex)=join(substrMem,",")
  529. document.all("btnmemknow" & intIndex).style.visibility="hidden"
  530. WMemFile(1)
  531. getMeminfo
  532. end sub
  533. sub Memdel(intIndex)
  534. if ubound(strMem)=0 then
  535. if intIndex=0 then
  536. WMemFile(0)
  537. else
  538. exit sub
  539. end if
  540. else
  541. if intIndex<>ubound(strMem) then
  542. dim loopI
  543. for loopI=intIndex to ubound(strMem)-1
  544. strMem(loopI)=strmem(loopI+1)
  545. next
  546. end if
  547. redim Preserve strMem(ubound(strMem)-1)
  548. WMemFile(1)
  549. end if
  550. intMemcount=intMemcount-1
  551. getMeminfo
  552. if showviewdiv.innerHTML<>"" and showviewdiv.style.display="block" then
  553. ShowMem
  554. end if
  555. end sub
  556. sub WMemFile(intFlag)
  557. dim fs
  558. set fs=createobject("scripting.filesystemobject")
  559. select case intFlag
  560. case 0
  561. if fs.FileExists(wFileName)=true then
  562. fs.DeleteFile(wFileName)
  563. end if
  564. case 1
  565. dim intI
  566. dim strForW
  567. for intI=0 to Ubound(strMem)
  568. strForW=strForW & "&%" & left(strMem(intI),len(strMem(intI))-2) & "&%" & "*"
  569. next
  570. strForW=left(strForW,len(strForW)-1)
  571. dim WF
  572. set WF=fs.CreateTextFile(wFileName, True)
  573. WF.write strForW
  574. end select
  575. end sub
  576. sub Memclose(intIndex)
  577. dim substrMem
  578. substrMem=split(strMem(intIndex),",")
  579. substrMem(3)="1"
  580. substrMem(4)="0"
  581. strMem(intIndex)=join(substrMem,",")
  582. getMeminfo
  583. if showviewdiv.innerHTML<>"" and showviewdiv.style.display="block" then
  584. ShowMem
  585. end if
  586. end sub
  587. sub getMeminfo()
  588. dim intDoneyes
  589. dim intDonenot
  590. intDoneyes=0
  591. intDonenot=0
  592. if intMemcount>0 then
  593. dim intI
  594. for intI=0 to ubound(strMem)
  595. dim substrMem
  596. substrMem=split(strMem(intI),",")
  597. if substrMem(3)="1" then intDoneyes=intDoneyes+1
  598. next
  599. intDonenot=intMemcount-intDoneyes
  600. end if
  601. lblall.innerHTML =intMemcount
  602. lblDoneyes.innerHTML =intDoneyes
  603. lblDonenot.innerHTML =intdonenot
  604. end sub
  605. </script>
  606. </head>
  607. <body onload="loadsys">
  608. <div style="width:300px; height: 18px;vertical-align:bottom;" id="showtime" name="showtime" class="stylesystime">
  609. </div>
  610. <div style="width:300px; height: 18px;vertical-align:bottom;" id="showmeminfo" name="showmeminfo" class="stylesystime">
  611. 目前备忘总数:<label id="lblAll" name="lblAll"></label>  
  612. 已处理:<label id="lblDoneyes" name="lblDoneyes"></label>  
  613. 待处理:<label id="lblDonenot" name="lblDonenot"></label>
  614. </div>
  615. <div style="width: 300px; height: 18px;padding-top:0px;" id="menu" name="menu">
  616. <table border="0" width="100%">
  617. <tr>
  618. <td align ="left" width="80%">
  619. <font color=white>[</font>
  620. <a href="#" onclick="ShowDiv(1)" class="menu">设置</a>
  621. <font color=white>]</font>  
  622. <font color=white>[</font>
  623. <a href="#" onclick="ShowDiv(2)" class="menu">添加</a>
  624. <font color=white>]</font>
  625. <font color=white>[</font>
  626. <a href="#" onclick="ShowDiv(3)" class="menu">查看</a>
  627. <font color=white>]</font>
  628. <font color=white>[</font>
  629. <a href="#" onclick="ShowDiv(4)" class="menu">帮助</a>
  630. <font color=white>]</font>
  631. </td>
  632. <td align ="right">
  633. <div style="width:40px; height:18px;text-align:left;padding-top:6px;visibility:hidden;font-size:12px;" id="menuclose" name="menuclose">
  634. <font color=white>[</font>
  635. <a href="#" class="menu" onclick="closeMenu">关闭</a>
  636. <font color=white>]</font>
  637. </div>
  638. </td>
  639. </tr>
  640. </table>
  641. </div>
  642. <div style="width: 400px; height: 56px;color:White;display:none;" id="showsetdiv" name="showsetdiv">
  643. <input id="ChkSet1" name="ChkSet1" type="checkbox" onclick="sysSet1" />显示中文时间<br />
  644. <input id="ChkSet2" name="ChkSet2" type="checkbox" onclick="sysSet2" />播放声音
  645. <div id="divset2" name="divset2" style="width: auto;color:red;display:inline;"> </div>
  646. <br />
  647. <input id="ChkSet3" name="ChkSet3" type="checkbox" onclick="sysSet3" />显示上次关闭时未处理的备忘(即使已经超时)
  648. </div>
  649. <div style="width: 300px; height:auto;color:White;display:none;" id="showadddiv" name="showadddiv">
  650. <table width="100%" border="0" class="viewtable">
  651. <tr>
  652. <td width="40" align ="center">标题 </td>
  653. <td>
  654. <input id="txtMemTitle" name="txtMemTitle" type="text" class="inputtype" maxlength="10"/>
  655. </td>
  656. </tr>
  657. <tr>
  658. <td align ="center">时间 </td>
  659. <td>
  660. <input id="txtMemTime" name="txtMemTime" type="text" class="inputtype" maxlength="16"/>
  661. </td>
  662. </tr>
  663. <tr>
  664. <td align ="center" valign="top">内容 </td>
  665. <td>
  666. <textarea id="txtMemContent" name="txtMemContent" cols="25" rows="2" style="width:250px;"></textarea>
  667. </td>
  668. </tr>
  669. <tr>
  670. <td>
  671. <input type="button" id="btnAdd" name="btnAdd" onclick="AddMem" value="增加"/>
  672. </td>
  673. <td>
  674. <div style="width: 300px; height: 20px;text-align:left;padding-top:6px;" id="MemAddInfo" name="MemAddInfo"></div>
  675. </td>
  676. </tr>
  677. </table>
  678. </div>
  679. <div style="width: 300px; height: 56px;color:White;display:none;" id="showviewdiv" name="showviewdiv">
  680. </div>
  681. <div style="width: 300px; height: 56px;color:White;display:none;" id="showhelpdiv" name="showhelpdiv">
  682. <textarea style="border:none;color:white;background-color:transparent;width:300px;" rows="7" readonly="readOnly">
  683. ★ 设置——备忘录系统设置
  684. 播放声音:备忘到时,声音提示。
  685. 默认声音为 Win$\media\notify.wav
  686. 如果没有该文件,将不能选择。
  687. ★ 增加——增加新的备忘录
  688. 标题:最长10个字符;
  689. 时间:格式如:2008-09-10 10:02;
  690. 内容:最长50个字符,换行最好不超过2次。
  691. ★ 查看——查看现在已有的备忘录:
  692. 显示:将备忘显示在提示窗口;
  693. 删除:删除备忘。
  694. ★ 帮助——您现在看到的信息
  695. 提供了本系统的操作说明。
  696. ★ 备忘提示窗口
  697. 知道:标记为处理,但不关闭提示窗口;
  698. 关闭:标记为处理,并关闭提示窗口;
  699. 删除:关闭备忘提示窗口,并删除备忘。
  700. ---------------------------
  701. 感谢使用本备忘录系统!
  702. 详细说明请查看readme.txt!
  703. 希望能够对您有所帮助!
  704. --uruseibest
  705. ---------------------------
  706. </textarea>
  707. </div>
  708. <div style="width:300px; height:auto;color:White;display:none;" id="showmemdiv" name="showmemdiv">
  709. </div>
  710. </body>
  711. </html>




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