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论文中有关DEAP数据库介绍,自己写论文时可调用!_deap 论文 附录数据

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孙中皋等 基于脑电信号的情感识别方法综述

以研究文献中使用较多的DEAP数据库为例,该数据库通过音乐视频诱发记录了 32名参与者的脑电信号和外周生理信号。 通过观看 40段1 min长的音乐视频片段,参与者根据唤醒度、效价、喜欢程度、支配程度和熟悉程度对每个视频进行评分。实验还对32名参与者中的22名进行了面部表情记录,以便研究者对面部表情进行研究分析。 另外,研究者提出了一种新的刺激选择方法,该方法利用来自 last.fm网站的情感标记、视频亮点检测和在线评估工具进行视频检索。

DEAP数据文件包含32个.mat文件,每一个文件包含两部分:一部分是名称为 data的文件夹,内含每名被试者的脑电实验数据,数据采用频率为128Hz;另一部分是名称为labels的文件夹,大小为40×4的矩阵,四列分别代表效价、唤醒度、支配和喜欢的值,其值由被试者在观看40段视频后进行打分得到。 在具体研究中,可采用图4中的 MATLAB代码读取指定时间段内(本例为34~42s)的数据,并将数据进行保存备用。 代码中选取平均功率谱密度最高的两个通道F3 和C4进行分析,对应通道号为3和25,变量i代表实验人员数,j代表视频数,k代表通道数。


赵国政等 基于生理大数据的情绪识别研究进展

Koelstra等 在情绪维度模型的基础上选取了40段音乐视频作为刺激材料,并采集了32名被试在观看40段音乐视频时的生理信号和脸部录像.生理信号共 40导,其中脑电信号32导,外周生理信号(皮肤电、血压、呼吸、皮肤温度、肌电、眼电)8导,组成了DEAP数据库,且为公开共享资源.DEAP数据库还包含每名被试在观看每段视频后在效价、唤醒度、优势度和喜欢度4个维度上的主观评分。


陈沙利 等 基于多种生理信号的情绪识别研究

DEAP是一个用于人类情绪分析的多模态数据库 。数据库共有32名参与者,每人观看40个情绪内容不同的音乐视频,其中17个视频具有来自last.fm网站的情感标签,每个视频持续1 min。采用512 Hz的采样率采集脑电、肌电、呼吸、皮肤电反应、眼电、脉搏波和皮肤温度等生理信号,同时记录了1~22号参与者观看视频时的面部表情。参与者在每次试验后对视频进行Valence(愉悦度,范围从消极到积极,表明情绪从令人不愉快到愉快)、Arousal(唤醒度,范围从被动到活跃,表明情绪的激烈程度)、Dominance(优势度,范围从受控到自主,反映了人在某种情绪中的控制能力)几个维度的评分,范围为1~9。每位被试的生理数据按照观看不同视频时的状态被分为40段,每段包含3 s基线状态和60 s测试状态 (观看情绪视频时的状态)。对于采集了面部表情视频数据的参与者,选取观看带有情感标签的视频时采集的脉搏波、皮肤电反应、呼吸和皮肤温度4种信号的数据构建子数据集,便于由人工判断受试者是否被激发了相应的情绪。分别使用参与者所打出的Valence、Arousal、Dominance评分作为分类标准,将1~3分和7~9分分为两类,使用0和1进行标记。


H. Huang et al.: Multimodal Emotion Recognition Based on ECNN

In this paper, we use the DEAP dataset to validate our proposed approach, which is an open source dataset based on physiological signal of emotion recognition. In this dataset, 32 subjects were selected. Each subject wore a data acquisition device to watch video, which could collect his/her EEG signals from 32 different channels of the brain and 8 kinds of peripheral physiological characteristics. They selected 60 seconds of EEG signals for downsampling to 128Hz, and each channel  generated 8064 discrete sampling points.After watching videos,subjects gave feedback on their emotions, and finally we obtained the evaluation values ofdifferent emotions on the four metrics of arousal,valence,liking and dominance.


Lee et al. Emotion Recognition Using Convolutional Neural Network with Selected Statistical Photoplethysmogram Features

We used the DEAP dataset, which is widely used in emotion recognition research. It is available
for download upon authorization from the homepage [ 41 ]. The DEAP dataset consists of two parts,
namely the online ratings and the participant ratings. The online self-assessment contained the ratings
of 120 1 min music videos by 14–16 volunteers with respect to arousal, valence, dominance, and liking
the videos. Secondly, the other 32 participants watched a subset of 40 videos while recording various
physiological signals; they also rated the videos in terms of arousal, valence, dominance, and liking
from one to nine. The DEAP dataset contained various physiological signals, such as PPG, EMG, EEG,
and EDA, and we only used the PPG signal. As arousal and valence were rated from one to nine and
our purpose was a binary classification, we divided the arousal and valence classes according to the
median value of five (low/high).

