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SE2 Representation of 2D rigid-body motion
  This subclasss of RTBPose is an object that represents rigid-body motion in 2D. 
  Internally this is a 3x3 homogeneous transformation matrix (3x3) belonging to 
  the group SE(2).
  Constructor methods::
   SE2          general constructor
   SE2.exp      exponentiate an se(2) matrix  
   SE2.rand     random transformation
   new          new SE2 object
  Display and print methods::
   animate          ^graphically animate coordinate frame for pose
   display          ^print the pose in human readable matrix form
   plot             ^graphically display coordinate frame for pose
   print            ^print the pose in single line format
  Group operations::
   *            ^mtimes: multiplication (group operator, transform point)
   /            ^mrdivide: multiply by inverse
   ^            ^mpower: exponentiate (integer only): 
   inv          inverse
   prod         ^product of elements
   det          determinant of matrix component
   eig          eigenvalues of matrix component
   log          logarithm of rotation matrix
   inv          inverse
   simplify*    apply symbolic simplication to all elements
   interp       interpolate between poses
   theta        rotation angle
  Information and test methods::
   dim          ^returns 2
   isSE         ^returns true
   issym        ^test if rotation matrix has symbolic elements
   SE2.isa      test if matrix is SE(2)
  Conversion methods::
   char*         convert to human readable matrix as a string
   SE2.convert   convert SE2 object or SE(2) matrix to SE2 object
   double        convert to rotation matrix
   R             convert to rotation matrix
   SE3           convert to SE3 object with zero translation
   SO2           convert rotational part to SO2 object
   T             convert to homogeneous transformation matrix
   Twist         convert to Twist object
   t             get.t: convert to translation column vector
  Compatibility methods::
   isrot2       ^returns false
   ishomog2     ^returns true
   tr2rt        ^convert to rotation matrix and translation vector
   t2r          ^convert to rotation matrix
   transl2      ^translation as a row vector  
   trprint2     ^print single line representation
   trplot2      ^plot coordinate frame
   tranimate2   ^animate coordinate frame
  ^ inherited from RTBPose class.

【机器人工具箱学习笔记】第二章 位置与姿态描述_tr2angvec-CSDN博客文章浏览阅读752次,点赞4次,收藏11次。二维{B}相对于A的相对位姿/对{A}施加平移和旋转使它转化为{B}2.2矩阵指数由【3B1B笔记】e的矩阵指数——怎么算?为什么?知:,即R = expm(skew(θ) ),也即2.4旋转RX绕原点旋转,而XR绕X点旋转。而对于绕C旋转的XC,从右向左读,先将C点转换到原点,绕C旋转,然后再将坐标系平移回C二维twist的中心思想即为:任何坐标变换均为绕某点的旋转?欧拉角:ZYZ序列 eul2r横滚-俯仰-偏航角(卡尔丹角/泰特-布莱恩角/导航角): XYZ序列 rpy2r双向_tr2angvechttps://blog.csdn.net/qq_46142162/article/details/129547023

