- module my_first_fpga(
- input wire clk, // 50MHz input clock
- output wire LED // LED ouput
- );
- // create a binary counter
- reg [31:0] cnt; // 32-bit counter
- initial begin
- cnt <= 32'h00000000; // start at zero
- end
- always @(posedge clk) begin
- cnt <= cnt + 1; // count up
- end
- //assign LED to 25th bit of the counter to blink the LED at a few Hz
- assign LED = cnt[24];
- endmodule

- # inform quartus that the clk port brings a 50MHz clock into our design so
- # that timing closure on our design can be analyzed
- create_clock -name clk -period "50MHz" [get_ports clk]
- # inform quartus that the LED output port has no critical timing requirements
- # its a single output port driving an LED, there are no timing relationships
- # that are critical for this
- set_false_path -from * -to [get_ports LED]
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