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NiFi流处理引擎_nifi consumemqtt

nifi consumemqtt


流处理不止有flink、storm、spark streaming,今天介绍一个大家不一定用得很多,但是却很有特点的东西,NiFi。

前面写了flink的文章,其实流处理不止有flink、storm、spark streaming,说实话这些其实都是比较传统的流处理框架。今天介绍一个大家不一定用得很多,但是却很有特点的东西,NiFi。


Apache NiFi项目,它是一种实时数据流处理 系统,在去年由美国安全局(NSA)开源并进入Apache社区,NiFi初始的项目名称是Niagarafiles。当NiFi项目开源之后,一些早先在NSA的开发者们创立了初创公司Onyara,Onyara随之继续NiFi项目的开发并提供相关的支持。Hortonworks公司收购了Onyara并将其开发者整合到自己的团队中,形成HDF(Hortonworks Data Flow)平台。



Apache NiFi supports powerful and scalable directed graphs of data routing, transformation, and system mediation logic. Some of the high-level capabilities and objectives of Apache NiFi include:

  • Web-based user interface
  • Seamless experience between design, control, feedback, and monitoring
  • Highly configurable
  • Loss tolerant vs guaranteed delivery
  • Low latency vs high throughput
  • Dynamic prioritization
  • Flow can be modified at runtime
  • Back pressure
  • Data Provenance
  • Track dataflow from beginning to end
  • Designed for extension
  • Build your own processors and more
  • Enables rapid development and effective testing
  • Secure
  • SSL, SSH, HTTPS, encrypted content, etc...
  • Multi-tenant authorization and internal authorization/policy management






  • AttributeRollingWindow 1.3.0
  • AttributesToJSON 1.3.0
  • Base64EncodeContent 1.3.0
  • CaptureChangeMySQL 1.3.0
  • CompareFuzzyHash 1.3.0
  • CompressContent 1.3.0
  • ConnectWebSocket 1.3.0
  • ConsumeAMQP 1.3.0
  • ConsumeEWS 1.3.0
  • ConsumeIMAP 1.3.0
  • ConsumeJMS 1.3.0
  • ConsumeKafka 1.3.0
  • ConsumeKafka_0_10 1.3.0
  • ConsumeKafkaRecord_0_10 1.3.0
  • ConsumeMQTT 1.3.0
  • ConsumePOP3 1.3.0
  • ConsumeWindowsEventLog 1.3.0
  • ControlRate 1.3.0
  • ConvertAvroSchema 1.3.0
  • ConvertAvroToJSON 1.3.0
  • ConvertAvroToORC 1.3.0
  • ConvertCharacterSet 1.3.0
  • ConvertCSVToAvro 1.3.0
  • ConvertExcelToCSVProcessor 1.3.0
  • ConvertJSONToAvro 1.3.0
  • ConvertJSONToSQL 1.3.0
  • ConvertRecord 1.3.0
  • CreateHadoopSequenceFile 1.3.0
  • DebugFlow 1.3.0
  • DeleteDynamoDB 1.3.0
  • DeleteGCSObject 1.3.0
  • DeleteHDFS 1.3.0
  • DeleteS3Object 1.3.0
  • DeleteSQS 1.3.0
  • DetectDuplicate 1.3.0
  • DistributeLoad 1.3.0
  • DuplicateFlowFile 1.3.0
  • EncryptContent 1.3.0
  • EnforceOrder 1.3.0
  • EvaluateJsonPath 1.3.0
  • EvaluateXPath 1.3.0
  • EvaluateXQuery 1.3.0
  • ExecuteFlumeSink 1.3.0
  • ExecuteFlumeSource 1.3.0
  • ExecuteProcess 1.3.0
  • ExecuteScript 1.3.0
  • ExecuteSQL 1.3.0
  • ExecuteStreamCommand 1.3.0
  • ExtractAvroMetadata 1.3.0
  • ExtractCCDAAttributes 1.3.0
  • ExtractEmailAttachments 1.3.0
  • ExtractEmailHeaders 1.3.0
  • ExtractGrok 1.3.0
  • ExtractHL7Attributes 1.3.0
  • ExtractImageMetadata 1.3.0
  • ExtractMediaMetadata 1.3.0
  • ExtractText 1.3.0
  • ExtractTNEFAttachments 1.3.0
  • FetchAzureBlobStorage 1.3.0
  • FetchDistributedMapCache 1.3.0
  • FetchElasticsearch 1.3.0
  • FetchElasticsearch5 1.3.0
  • FetchElasticsearchHttp 1.3.0
  • FetchFile 1.3.0
  • FetchFTP 1.3.0
  • FetchGCSObject 1.3.0
  • FetchHBaseRow 1.3.0
  • FetchHDFS 1.3.0
  • FetchParquet 1.3.0
  • FetchS3Object 1.3.0
  • FetchSFTP 1.3.0
  • FuzzyHashContent 1.3.0
  • GenerateFlowFile 1.3.0
  • GenerateTableFetch 1.3.0
  • GeoEnrichIP 1.3.0
  • GetAzureEventHub 1.3.0
  • GetCouchbaseKey 1.3.0
  • GetDynamoDB 1.3.0
  • GetFile 1.3.0
  • GetFTP 1.3.0
  • GetHBase 1.3.0
  • GetHDFS 1.3.0
  • GetHDFSEvents 1.3.0
  • GetHDFSSequenceFile 1.3.0
  • GetHTMLElement 1.3.0
  • GetHTTP 1.3.0
  • GetIgniteCache 1.3.0
  • GetJMSQueue 1.3.0
  • GetJMSTopic 1.3.0
  • GetKafka 1.3.0
  • GetMongo 1.3.0
  • GetSFTP 1.3.0
  • GetSNMP 1.3.0
  • GetSolr 1.3.0
  • GetSplunk 1.3.0
  • GetSQS 1.3.0
  • GetTCP 1.3.0
  • GetTwitter 1.3.0
  • HandleHttpRequest 1.3.0
  • HandleHttpResponse 1.3.0
  • HashAttribute 1.3.0
  • HashContent 1.3.0
  • IdentifyMimeType 1.3.0
  • InferAvroSchema 1.3.0
  • InvokeHTTP 1.3.0
  • InvokeScriptedProcessor 1.3.0
  • ISPEnrichIP 1.3.0
  • JoltTransformJSON 1.3.0
  • ListAzureBlobStorage 1.3.0
  • ListDatabaseTables 1.3.0
  • ListenBeats 1.3.0
  • ListenHTTP 1.3.0
  • ListenLumberjack 1.3.0
  • ListenRELP 1.3.0
  • ListenSMTP 1.3.0
  • ListenSyslog 1.3.0
  • ListenTCP 1.3.0
  • ListenUDP 1.3.0
  • ListenWebSocket 1.3.0
  • ListFile 1.3.0
  • ListFTP 1.3.0
  • ListGCSBucket 1.3.0
  • ListHDFS 1.3.0
  • ListS3 1.3.0
  • ListSFTP 1.3.0
  • LogAttribute 1.3.0
  • LogMessage 1.3.0
  • LookupAttribute 1.3.0
  • LookupRecord 1.3.0
  • MergeContent 1.3.0
  • ModifyBytes 1.3.0
  • ModifyHTMLElement 1.3.0
  • MonitorActivity 1.3.0
  • Notify 1.3.0
  • ParseCEF 1.3.0
  • ParseEvtx 1.3.0
  • ParseSyslog 1.3.0
  • PartitionRecord 1.3.0
  • PostHTTP 1.3.0
  • PublishAMQP 1.3.0
  • PublishJMS 1.3.0
  • PublishKafka 1.3.0
  • PublishKafka_0_10 1.3.0
  • PublishKafkaRecord_0_10 1.3.0
  • PublishMQTT 1.3.0
  • PutAzureBlobStorage 1.3.0
  • PutAzureEventHub 1.3.0
  • PutCassandraQL 1.3.0
  • PutCloudWatchMetric 1.3.0
  • PutCouchbaseKey 1.3.0
  • PutDatabaseRecord 1.3.0
  • PutDistributedMapCache 1.3.0
  • PutDynamoDB 1.3.0
  • PutElasticsearch 1.3.0
  • PutElasticsearch5 1.3.0
  • PutElasticsearchHttp 1.3.0
  • PutElasticsearchHttpRecord 1.3.0
  • PutEmail 1.3.0
  • PutFile 1.3.0
  • PutFTP 1.3.0
  • PutGCSObject 1.3.0
  • PutHBaseCell 1.3.0
  • PutHBaseJSON 1.3.0
  • PutHDFS 1.3.0
  • PutHiveQL 1.3.0
  • PutHiveStreaming 1.3.0
  • PutHTMLElement 1.3.0
  • PutIgniteCache 1.3.0
  • PutJMS 1.3.0
  • PutKafka 1.3.0
  • PutKinesisFirehose 1.3.0
  • PutKinesisStream 1.3.0
  • PutLambda 1.3.0
  • PutMongo 1.3.0
  • PutParquet 1.3.0
  • PutRiemann 1.3.0
  • PutS3Object 1.3.0
  • PutSFTP 1.3.0
  • PutSlack 1.3.0
  • PutSNS 1.3.0
  • PutSolrContentStream 1.3.0
  • PutSplunk 1.3.0
  • PutSQL 1.3.0
  • PutSQS 1.3.0
  • PutSyslog 1.3.0
  • PutTCP 1.3.0
  • PutUDP 1.3.0
  • PutWebSocket 1.3.0
  • QueryCassandra 1.3.0
  • QueryDatabaseTable 1.3.0
  • QueryDNS 1.3.0
  • QueryElasticsearchHttp 1.3.0
  • QueryRecord 1.3.0
  • QueryWhois 1.3.0
  • ReplaceText 1.3.0
  • ReplaceTextWithMapping 1.3.0
  • ResizeImage 1.3.0
  • RouteHL7 1.3.0
  • RouteOnAttribute 1.3.0
  • RouteOnContent 1.3.0
  • RouteText 1.3.0
  • ScanAttribute 1.3.0
  • ScanContent 1.3.0
  • ScrollElasticsearchHttp 1.3.0
  • SegmentContent 1.3.0
  • SelectHiveQL 1.3.0
  • SetSNMP 1.3.0
  • SplitAvro 1.3.0
  • SplitContent 1.3.0
  • SplitJson 1.3.0
  • SplitRecord 1.3.0
  • SplitText 1.3.0
  • SplitXml 1.3.0
  • SpringContextProcessor 1.3.0
  • StoreInKiteDataset 1.3.0
  • TailFile 1.3.0
  • TransformXml 1.3.0
  • UnpackContent 1.3.0
  • UpdateAttribute 1.3.0
  • UpdateCounter 1.3.0
  • UpdateRecord 1.3.0
  • ValidateCsv 1.3.0
  • ValidateXml 1.3.0
  • Wait 1.3.0
  • YandexTranslate 1.3.0

Controller Services

  • AvroReader 1.3.0
  • AvroRecordSetWriter 1.3.0
  • AvroSchemaRegistry 1.3.0
  • AWSCredentialsProviderControllerService 1.3.0
  • CouchbaseClusterService 1.3.0
  • CSVReader 1.3.0
  • CSVRecordSetWriter 1.3.0
  • DBCPConnectionPool 1.3.0
  • DistributedMapCacheClientService 1.3.0
  • DistributedMapCacheServer 1.3.0
  • DistributedSetCacheClientService 1.3.0
  • DistributedSetCacheServer 1.3.0
  • FreeFormTextRecordSetWriter 1.3.0
  • GCPCredentialsControllerService 1.3.0
  • GrokReader 1.3.0
  • HBase_1_1_2_ClientMapCacheService 1.3.0
  • HBase_1_1_2_ClientService 1.3.0
  • HiveConnectionPool 1.3.0
  • HortonworksSchemaRegistry 1.3.0
  • IPLookupService 1.3.0
  • JettyWebSocketClient 1.3.0
  • JettyWebSocketServer 1.3.0
  • JMSConnectionFactoryProvider 1.3.0
  • JsonPathReader 1.3.0
  • JsonRecordSetWriter 1.3.0
  • JsonTreeReader 1.3.0
  • PropertiesFileLookupService 1.3.0
  • ScriptedLookupService 1.3.0
  • ScriptedReader 1.3.0
  • ScriptedRecordSetWriter 1.3.0
  • SimpleCsvFileLookupService 1.3.0
  • SimpleKeyValueLookupService 1.3.0
  • StandardHttpContextMap 1.3.0
  • StandardSSLContextService 1.3.0
  • XMLFileLookupService 1.3.0

Reporting Tasks

  • AmbariReportingTask 1.3.0
  • ControllerStatusReportingTask 1.3.0
  • DataDogReportingTask 1.3.0
  • MonitorDiskUsage 1.3.0
  • MonitorMemory 1.3.0
  • ScriptedReportingTask 1.3.0
  • SiteToSiteBulletinReportingTask 1.3.0
  • SiteToSiteProvenanceReportingTask 1.3.0
  • SiteToSiteStatusReportingTask 1.3.0
  • StandardGangliaReporter 1.3.0





因为NiFi可以对来自多种数据源的流数据进行处理,Hortonworks认为HDF平台非常适合用于物联网 (IoAT)的数据处理。HDF中的数据流动可以是多个方向,甚至是点对点的,用户可以同收集到的数据流进行交互,这种交互甚至可以延伸到数据源,比如一些传感器或是设备。按照Hortonworks公司的说法,HDF产品是对HDP产品的补充,前者主要处理移动中的数据,而后者基于Hadoop技术,主要负责从静止的数据中获取洞察。可以看一看Hortonworks官方宣传对HDF的定位,已经号称是端到端流数据处理分析。

Hortonworks DataFlow (HDF) provides the only end-to-end platform that collects, curates, analyzes and acts on data in real-time, on-premises or in the cloud, with a drag-and-drop visual interface. HDF is an integrated solution with Apache Nifi/MiNifi, Apache Kafka, Apache Storm and Druid.


上图是概要介绍HDF三大部分,The HDF streaming data analytics platform includes data Flow Management, Stream Processing, and Enterprise Services.Nifi是作为数据管理和接入,可以延伸部署到边缘网关的重要能力。



