大家好,2024年4月,Meta公司开源了Llama 3 AI模型,迅速在AI社区引起轰动。紧接着,Ollama工具宣布支持Llama 3,为本地部署大型模型提供了极大的便利。
本文将介绍如何利用Ollama工具,实现Llama 3–8B模型的本地部署与应用,以及通过Open WebUI进行模型交互的方法。
使用“curl | sh”,可以一键下载并安装到本地:
- $curl -fsSL https://ollama.com/install.sh | sh
- >>> Downloading ollama...
- ######################################################################## 100.0%
- >>> Installing ollama to /usr/local/bin...
- >>> Creating ollama user...
- >>> Adding ollama user to video group...
- >>> Adding current user to ollama group...
- >>> Creating ollama systemd service...
- >>> Enabling and starting ollama service...
- Created symlink from /etc/systemd/system/default.target.wants/ollama.service to /etc/systemd/system/ollama.service.
- >>> The Ollama API is now available at
- >>> Install complete. Run "ollama" from the command line.
- WARNING: No NVIDIA/AMD GPU detected. Ollama will run in CPU-only mode.
- $systemctl status ollama
- ● ollama.service - Ollama Service
- Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/ollama.service; enabled; vendor preset: disabled)
- Active: active (running) since 一 2024-04-22 17:51:18 CST; 11h ago
- Main PID: 9576 (ollama)
- Tasks: 22
- Memory: 463.5M
- CGroup: /system.slice/ollama.service
- └─9576 /usr/local/bin/ollama serve
另外,这里对Ollama的systemd单元文件做了一些修改。修改了Environment的值,并添加了“OLLAMA_HOST=”,以便在容器中运行的OpenWebUI能够访问Ollama API服务:
- # cat /etc/systemd/system/ollama.service
- [Unit]
- Description=Ollama Service
- After=network-online.target
- [Service]
- ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/ollama serve
- User=ollama
- Group=ollama
- Restart=always
- RestartSec=3
- Environment="PATH=/root/.cargo/bin:/usr/local/cmake/bin:/usr/local/bin:.:/root/.bin/go1.21.4/bin:/root/go/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/root/bin" "OLLAMA_HOST="
- [Install]
- WantedBy=default.target
- $systemctl daemon-reload
- $systemctl restart ollama
- $ollama run llama3
- pulling manifest
- pulling 00e1317cbf74... 0% ▕ ▏ 0 B/4.7 GB
- pulling 00e1317cbf74... 7% ▕█ ▏ 331 MB/4.7 GB 34 MB/s 2m3s^C
- pulling manifest
- pulling manifest
- pulling manifest
- pulling manifest
- pulling 00e1317cbf74... 61% ▕█████████ ▏ 2.8 GB/4.7 GB 21 MB/s 1m23s^C
- ... ...
- $ollama run llama3
- >>> could you tell me something about golang language?
- Go!
- Here are some interesting facts and features about the Go programming language:
- **What is Go?**
- Go, also known as Golang, is a statically typed, compiled, and designed to be concurrent and garbage-collected language. It
- was developed by Google in 2009.
- **Key Features:**
- 1. **Concurrency**: Go has built-in concurrency support through goroutines (lightweight threads) and channels (communication
- mechanisms). This makes it easy to write concurrent programs.
- 2. **Garbage Collection**: Go has a automatic garbage collector, which frees developers from worrying about memory
- management.
- 3. **Static Typing**: Go is statically typed, meaning that the type system checks the types of variables at compile time,
- preventing type-related errors at runtime.
- 4. **Simple Syntax**: Go's syntax is designed to be simple and easy to read. It has a minimalistic approach to programming
- language design.
- ... ...

除了可以通过命令行与Ollama API服务交互外,还可以使用Ollama的RESTful API:
- $curl http://localhost:11434/api/generate -d '{
- > "model": "llama3",
- > "prompt":"Why is the sky blue?"
- > }'
- {"model":"llama3","created_at":"2024-04-22T07:02:36.394785618Z","response":"The","done":false}
- {"model":"llama3","created_at":"2024-04-22T07:02:36.564938841Z","response":" color","done":false}
- {"model":"llama3","created_at":"2024-04-22T07:02:36.745215652Z","response":" of","done":false}
- {"model":"llama3","created_at":"2024-04-22T07:02:36.926111842Z","response":" the","done":false}
- {"model":"llama3","created_at":"2024-04-22T07:02:37.107460031Z","response":" sky","done":false}
- {"model":"llama3","created_at":"2024-04-22T07:02:37.287201658Z","response":" can","done":false}
- {"model":"llama3","created_at":"2024-04-22T07:02:37.468517901Z","response":" vary","done":false}
- {"model":"llama3","created_at":"2024-04-22T07:02:37.649011829Z","response":" depending","done":false}
- {"model":"llama3","created_at":"2024-04-22T07:02:37.789353456Z","response":" on","done":false}
- {"model":"llama3","created_at":"2024-04-22T07:02:37.969236546Z","response":" the","done":false}
- {"model":"llama3","created_at":"2024-04-22T07:02:38.15172159Z","response":" time","done":false}
- {"model":"llama3","created_at":"2024-04-22T07:02:38.333323271Z","response":" of","done":false}
- {"model":"llama3","created_at":"2024-04-22T07:02:38.514564929Z","response":" day","done":false}
- {"model":"llama3","created_at":"2024-04-22T07:02:38.693824676Z","response":",","done":false}
- ... ...

此外,可以在日常生活中使用大型模型的方式还有通过Web UI进行交互,有许多Web和桌面项目支持Ollama API。在这里选择了Open WebUI,它是从Ollama WebUI发展而来的。
体验Open WebUI最快的方式当然是使用容器安装,但是官方镜像站点ghcr.io/open-webui/open-webui:main下载速度太慢,这里在Docker Hub上找到了一个个人镜像。以下是在本地安装Open WebUI的命令:
$docker run -d -p 13000:8080 --add-host=host.docker.internal:host-gateway -v open-webui:/app/backend/data -e OLLAMA_BASE_URL=http://host.docker.internal:11434 --name open-webui --restart always dyrnq/open-webui:main
容器启动后,通过访问主机上的13000端口来打开Open WebUI页面:
Open WebUI会把第一个注册的用户视为管理员用户。注册并登录后,进入首页,在选择模型后,可以输入问题并与由Ollama部署的Llama3模型进行对话:
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