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<header> <h1>3D Carousel Using TweenMax.js & jQuery</h1> <h3>A pen by <a href="https://www.twitter.com/johnblazek" target="_blank">@johnblazek</a></h3> <div id="fps">Framerate: 0/60 FPS</div> </header> <div id="contentContainer" class="trans3d"> <section id="carouselContainer" class="trans3d"> <figure id="item1" class="carouselItem trans3d"><div class="carouselItemInner trans3d">1</div></figure> <figure id="item2" class="carouselItem trans3d"><div class="carouselItemInner trans3d">2</div></figure> <figure id="item3" class="carouselItem trans3d"><div class="carouselItemInner trans3d">3</div></figure> <figure id="item4" class="carouselItem trans3d"><div class="carouselItemInner trans3d">4</div></figure> <figure id="item5" class="carouselItem trans3d"><div class="carouselItemInner trans3d">5</div></figure> <figure id="item6" class="carouselItem trans3d"><div class="carouselItemInner trans3d">6</div></figure> <figure id="item7" class="carouselItem trans3d"><div class="carouselItemInner trans3d">7</div></figure> <figure id="item8" class="carouselItem trans3d"><div class="carouselItemInner trans3d">8</div></figure> <figure id="item9" class="carouselItem trans3d"><div class="carouselItemInner trans3d">9</div></figure> <figure id="item10" class="carouselItem trans3d"><div class="carouselItemInner trans3d">10</div></figure> <figure id="item11" class="carouselItem trans3d"><div class="carouselItemInner trans3d">11</div></figure> <figure id="item12" class="carouselItem trans3d"><div class="carouselItemInner trans3d">12</div></figure> </section> </div>css
html, body{ background-color:#1a948d; } body { background-image: url('../images/background.jpg'); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: top center; width:100%; background-size:cover; height:100%; min-height:1000px; overflow:hidden; font-family: 'quicksandlight', Helvetica, Arial; color:#FFFFFF; text-shadow: -1px -1px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, .35); filter: dropshadow(color=#000000, offx=1, offy=1); } header { margin-top:30px; position:absolute; z-index:5; width:420px; padding-top:10px; padding-bottom:10px; } h1{ font-size:36px; letter-spacing:-2.5px; margin-left:30px; } h3{ font-size:16px; letter-spacing:-1.5px; margin-top:5px; margin-left:35px; } #fps { margin-top:5px; margin-left:35px; } a { color:rgba( 255, 255, 255, .65 ); text-decoration: none; } a:hover { color:rgba( 255, 255, 255, 1 ); } /* hardware accelatator class */ .trans3d { -webkit-transform-style: preserve-3d; -webkit-transform: translate3d(0, 0, 0); -moz-transform-style: preserve-3d; -moz-transform: translate3d(0, 0, 0); -ms-transform-style:preserve-3d; -ms-transform: translate3d(0, 0, 0); transform-style:preserve-3d; transform: translate3d(0, 0, 0); /*-webkit-backface-visibility: hidden; -moz-backface-visibility: hidden; -ms-backface-visibility:hidden; backface-visibility:hidden;*/ } #contentContainer { position:absolute; margin-left:-500px; margin-top:-500px; left:50%; top:50%; width:1000px; height:1000px; } #carouselContainer { position:absolute; margin-left:-500px; margin-top:-500px; left:50%; top:50%; width:1000px; height:1000px; } .carouselItem { width:320px; height:130px; position:absolute; left:50%; top:50%; margin-left:-160px; margin-top:-90px; visibility:hidden; } .carouselItemInner { width:320px; height:130px; position:absolute; background-color:rgba(255, 255, 255, .75); border:10px solid rgba(255, 255, 255, .5); color:aqua; font-size:72px; left:50%; top:50%; margin-left:-160px; margin-top:-90px; text-align:center; padding-top:50px; }js
// set and cache variables var w, container, carousel, item, radius, itemLength, rY, ticker, fps; var mouseX = 0; var mouseY = 0; var mouseZ = 0; var addX = 0; // fps counter created by: https://gist.github.com/sharkbrainguy/1156092, // no need to create my own :) var fps_counter = { tick: function () { // this has to clone the array every tick so that // separate instances won't share state this.times = this.times.concat(+new Date()); var seconds, times = this.times; if (times.length > this.span + 1) { times.shift(); // ditch the oldest time seconds = (times[times.length - 1] - times[0]) / 1000; return Math.round(this.span / seconds); } else return null; }, times: [], span: 20 }; var counter = Object.create(fps_counter); $(document).ready( init ) function init() { w = $(window); container = $( '#contentContainer' ); carousel = $( '#carouselContainer' ); item = $( '.carouselItem' ); itemLength = $( '.carouselItem' ).length; fps = $('#fps'); rY = 360 / itemLength; radius = Math.round( (250) / Math.tan( Math.PI / itemLength ) ); // set container 3d props TweenMax.set(container, {perspective:600}) TweenMax.set(carousel, {z:-(radius)}) // create carousel item props for ( var i = 0; i < itemLength; i++ ) { var $item = item.eq(i); var $block = $item.find('.carouselItemInner'); //thanks @chrisgannon! TweenMax.set($item, {rotationY:rY * i, z:radius, transformOrigin:"50% 50% " + -radius + "px"}); animateIn( $item, $block ) } // set mouse x and y props and looper ticker window.addEventListener( "mousemove", onMouseMove, false ); ticker = setInterval( looper, 1000/60 ); } function animateIn( $item, $block ) { var $nrX = 360 * getRandomInt(2); var $nrY = 360 * getRandomInt(2); var $nx = -(2000) + getRandomInt( 4000 ) var $ny = -(2000) + getRandomInt( 4000 ) var $nz = -4000 + getRandomInt( 4000 ) var $s = 1.5 + (getRandomInt( 10 ) * .1) var $d = 1 - (getRandomInt( 8 ) * .1) TweenMax.set( $item, { autoAlpha:1, delay:$d } ) TweenMax.set( $block, { z:$nz, rotationY:$nrY, rotationX:$nrX, x:$nx, y:$ny, autoAlpha:0} ) TweenMax.to( $block, $s, { delay:$d, rotationY:0, rotationX:0, z:0, ease:Expo.easeInOut} ) TweenMax.to( $block, $s-.5, { delay:$d, x:0, y:0, autoAlpha:1, ease:Expo.easeInOut} ) } function onMouseMove(event) { mouseX = -(-(window.innerWidth * .5) + event.pageX) * .0025; mouseY = -(-(window.innerHeight * .5) + event.pageY ) * .01; mouseZ = -(radius) - (Math.abs(-(window.innerHeight * .5) + event.pageY ) - 200); } // loops and sets the carousel 3d properties function looper() { addX += mouseX TweenMax.to( carousel, 1, { rotationY:addX, rotationX:mouseY, ease:Quint.easeOut } ) TweenMax.set( carousel, {z:mouseZ } ) fps.text( 'Framerate: ' + counter.tick() + '/60 FPS' ) } function getRandomInt( $n ) { return Math.floor((Math.random()*$n)+1); }
- <html lang="en">
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- filter: hue-rotate(0deg);
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- filter: hue-rotate(360deg);
- }
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- html
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- <div class="menu__icon" >
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- </div>
- <strong class="menu__text active">home</strong>
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- <div class="menu__icon" >
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- h81.6c3.9,0,7.3-2.6,8.5-6.3l21.5-61.4c0.9-3-1.7-6-4.9-5.4l-38.3,6.7c-3,0.6-6.2-0.5-8.2-2.8L97.4,50.2
- C93.8,46.3,87.6,46.3,84.1,50.4z"/>
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- <path stroke-linecap="round" d="M66.8,112.5h49.5"/>
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- </svg>
- </div>
- <strong class="menu__text">strategy</strong>
- </button>
- <button class="menu__item">
- <div class="menu__icon" >
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- </g>
- </g>
- </svg>
- </div>
- <strong class="menu__text">period</strong>
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- <div class="menu__icon" >
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- c0.7,0.2,1.1,0.8,1.1,1.5v29.7"/>
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- </div>
- <strong class="menu__text">security</strong>
- </button>
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- <div class="menu__icon" >
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- c-5.4,0-10,3.9-10.9,9.2L73.1,42c-1.5,0.6-3,1.2-4.5,1.9l-5-3.6c-1.9-1.4-4.1-2.1-6.5-2.1c-3,0-5.8,1.2-7.8,3.3l-7.4,7.4
- c-3.8,3.8-4.3,9.8-1.2,14.3l3.7,5.2c-0.7,1.5-1.3,3-1.8,4.5l-6.1,1c-5.4,0.9-9.3,5.5-9.3,10.9v10.5c0,5.4,3.9,10,9.2,10.9l6.3,1.1
- c0.6,1.5,1.2,3,1.9,4.5l-3.6,5c-3.2,4.4-2.7,10.5,1.2,14.3l7.4,7.4c2.1,2.1,4.9,3.3,7.8,3.3c2.3,0,4.5-0.7,6.4-2.1L69,136
- c1.4,0.6,2.8,1.2,4.2,1.7l1,6.2c0.9,5.4,5.5,9.3,10.9,9.3h10.5c5.4,0,10-3.9,10.9-9.2l1-6.2c1.5-0.6,3-1.2,4.5-1.9l5.1,3.6
- c1.9,1.4,4.1,2.1,6.5,2.1c3,0,5.7-1.2,7.8-3.3l7.4-7.4c3.8-3.8,4.3-9.8,1.2-14.3l-3.6-5.1c0.7-1.5,1.3-3,1.9-4.5l6.2-1
- c5.4-0.9,9.3-5.5,9.3-10.9V84.8C153.9,79.3,150.1,74.7,144.7,73.8z"/>
- </g>
- </svg>
- </div>
- <strong class="menu__text">settings</strong>
- </button>
- </menu>
- css
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- box-sizing: border-box ;
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- all: unset ;
- flex-grow: 1 ;
- display: flex ;
- cursor: pointer ;
- overflow: hidden ;
- padding-top: 0.5em ;
- position: relative ;
- align-items: center ;
- color: var(--color-1) ;
- justify-content: center ;
- transition: flex-grow var(--duration) var(--cubic) ;
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- stroke: currentColor ;
- transition: transform var(--duration) var(--cubic) ;
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- left: 18.4% ;
- width: 1.5em ;
- height: 1.5em ;
- content: " ";
- position: absolute ;
- border-radius: 50% ;
- transform: scale(0) ;
- transform-origin: center ;
- background-color: #fdecef ;
- transition: transform var(--duration) var(--cubic) ;
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- bottom: 0 ;
- content: " " ;
- height: 0.25em ;
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- transform-origin: left center ;
- background-color: currentColor ;
- width: calc( var(--lineWidth) + 5px ) ;
- transform: translate3d(3em , 0, 0) scaleX(0) ;
- transition: transform calc( var(--duration) + .2s) var(--cubic) ;
- }
- .menu__text {
- left: 4.15em ;
- font-size: 1.5em ;
- position: absolute ;
- text-transform: capitalize ;
- letter-spacing: .01em ;
- transform: translate3d(0, 109%, 0) ;
- transition: transform calc( var(--duration) / 3.7 ) ;
- }
- .menu__item.active {
- flex-grow: 2.7 ;
- color: var(--color-2) ;
- }
- .menu__item.active .menu__icon {
- transform: translate3d(-95% , 0, 0) ;
- }
- .menu__item.active::before {
- transform: scale(1) ;
- }
- .menu__item.active::after {
- transform: translate3d(6.3em , 0, 0) scaleX(1) ;
- transition: transform var(--duration) var(--cubic) ;
- }
- .menu__text.active {
- transform: translate3d(0 , 0, 0) ;
- transition: transform calc(var(--duration) / 1.5) ;
- }
- .icon {
- --duration-icon: 1s ;
- fill: none ;
- width: 2.5em ;
- height: 2.5em ;
- display: block ;
- stroke-width: 15 ;
- stroke-miterlimit: 10 ;
- }
- .active #home-anm {
- animation: home var(--duration-icon) ;
- }
- @keyframes home {
- 25% {
- transform: translate3d(0, -.8em , 0) ;
- }
- 50% {
- transform: translate3d(0, .5em , 0) ;
- }
- }
- #strategy-anm {
- transform: scaleX(.85) ;
- transform-origin: center ;
- }
- .active #strategy-anm {
- animation: strategy var(--duration-icon) ;
- }
- @keyframes strategy {
- 50% {
- transform: scaleX(1) ;
- }
- 100%{
- transform: scaleX(.85) ;
- }
- }
- .active #strategy-cir1 {
- animation: strategy-cir1 var(--duration-icon);
- }
- .active #strategy-cir2 {
- animation: strategy-cir2 var(--duration-icon) .1s;
- }
- .active #strategy-cir3 {
- animation: strategy-cir3 var(--duration-icon) .2s;
- }
- @keyframes strategy-cir1 {
- 50% {
- transform: translate3d(-.7em,-0.7em,0);
- }
- 100%{
- transform: translate3d(0,0,0);
- }
- }
- @keyframes strategy-cir2 {
- 35% {
- transform: translate3d(0,-0.7em,0);
- }
- 100%{
- transform: translate3d(0,0,0);
- }
- }
- @keyframes strategy-cir3 {
- 35% {
- transform: translate3d(.7em,-0.7em,0);
- }
- 100%{
- transform: translate3d(0,0,0);
- }
- }
- .active #period-anm {
- transform-origin: center 100% ;
- animation: period var(--duration-icon) ;
- }
- .active #period-cir {
- transform-origin: center ;
- animation: period-cir var(--duration-icon) ;
- }
- .active #period-line {
- stroke-dasharray: 66 ;
- animation: period-line calc( var(--duration-icon) / 2.5 ) reverse ;
- }
- @keyframes period {
- 35% {
- transform: scaleY(.85) ;
- }
- 60% , 70% {
- transform: scaleY(1.2) ;
- }
- 100% {
- transform: scaleY(1) ;
- }
- }
- @keyframes period-cir {
- 0%{
- opacity: 0 ;
- }
- 35% {
- opacity: 1 ;
- transform: translate3d(15%, -55%, 0) ;
- }
- 60%{
- opacity: 0 ;
- transform: translate3d(-8%, -50%, 0) ;
- }
- }
- @keyframes period-line {
- 100% {
- stroke-dashoffset: 66 ;
- }
- }
- .active #security-cir {
- transform-box: fill-box ;
- transform-origin: center ;
- animation: security-cir calc( var(--duration-icon) / 1.5 ) ;
- }
- @keyframes security-cir {
- 0% {
- transform: scale(0) ;
- }
- 100% {
- transform: scale(1) ;
- }
- }
- .active #security-strok {
- stroke-dasharray: 96;
- animation: security-strok calc( var(--duration-icon) / 1.2 ) ;
- }
- @keyframes security-strok {
- 0% {
- stroke-dashoffset: 60 ;
- }
- 100% {
- stroke-dashoffset: 230 ;
- }
- }
- .active #settings-anm {
- transform-box: fill-box ;
- transform-origin: center ;
- animation: settings-anm calc( var(--duration-icon) / 1.5 ) ;
- }
- @keyframes settings-anm {
- 0% {
- transform: rotate(-60deg);
- }
- 50% {
- transform: rotate(60deg);
- }
- }
- js
- // Designed by: Hoang Nguyen
- // Original image: https://dribbble.com/shots/5919154-Tab-Bar-Label-Micro-Interaction
- const buttons = document.querySelectorAll(".menu__item");
- let activeButton = document.querySelector(".menu__item.active");
- buttons.forEach(item => {
- const text = item.querySelector(".menu__text");
- setLineWidth(text, item);
- window.addEventListener("resize", () => {
- setLineWidth(text, item);
- })
- item.addEventListener("click", function() {
- if (this.classList.contains("active")) return;
- this.classList.add("active");
- if (activeButton) {
- activeButton.classList.remove("active");
- activeButton.querySelector(".menu__text").classList.remove("active");
- }
- handleTransition(this, text);
- activeButton = this;
- });
- });
- function setLineWidth(text, item) {
- const lineWidth = text.offsetWidth + "px";
- item.style.setProperty("--lineWidth", lineWidth);
- }
- function handleTransition(item, text) {
- item.addEventListener("transitionend", (e) => {
- if (e.propertyName != "flex-grow" ||
- !item.classList.contains("active")) return;
- text.classList.add("active");
- });
- }
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