关于自动编号的知识可以参考《在 Open XML WordprocessingML 中使用编号列表》
from docx import Document
doc = Document(r"编号测试1.docx")
for paragraph in doc.paragraphs:
<w:p ...> <w:pPr> <w:numPr> <w:ilvl w:val="0"/> <w:numId w:val="1"/> </w:numPr> <w:bidi w:val="0"/> <w:ind w:left="0" w:leftChars="0" w:firstLine="0" w:firstLineChars="0"/> <w:rPr> <w:rFonts w:hint="eastAsia"/> <w:lang w:val="en-US" w:eastAsia="zh-CN"/> </w:rPr> </w:pPr> <w:r> <w:rPr> <w:rFonts w:hint="eastAsia"/> <w:lang w:val="en-US" w:eastAsia="zh-CN"/> </w:rPr> <w:t>第一章</w:t> </w:r> </w:p>
w:numPr 元素包含自动编号元素。w:ilvl 元素从零开始表示编号等级,w:numId 元素是编号部件的索引。
w:numId 为 0 值时 ,表示编号已经被删除段落不含列表项。
记录了 每个numId
from docx import Document
doc = Document(r"编号测试1.docx")
numbering_part = doc.part.numbering_part._element
numId2abstractId = {
num.numId: num.abstractNumId.val for num in numbering_part.num_lst
from docx.oxml.ns import qn
abstractNumId2style = {}
for abstractNumIdTag in numbering_part.findall(qn("w:abstractNum")):
abstractNumId = abstractNumIdTag.get(qn("w:abstractNumId"))
for lvlTag in abstractNumIdTag.findall(qn("w:lvl")):
ilvl = lvlTag.get(qn("w:ilvl"))
style = {tag.tag[tag.tag.rfind("}") + 1:]: tag.get(qn("w:val"))
for tag in lvlTag.xpath("./*[@w:val]", namespaces=numbering_part.nsmap)}
abstractNumId2style[(int(abstractNumId), int(ilvl))] = style
def remove_namespace(node): node_tag = node.tag if '}' in node_tag: node.tag = node_tag[node_tag.rfind("}") + 1:] for attr_key in list(node.attrib): if '}' in attr_key: new_attr_key = attr_key[attr_key.rfind("}") + 1:] node.attrib[new_attr_key] = node.attrib.pop(attr_key) for child in node: remove_namespace(child) return node
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5
- 6
- 7
- 8
- 9
- 10
- 11
{(0, 0): {'start': '1', 'numFmt': 'decimal', 'lvlText': '%1.', 'lvlJc': 'left'}, (0, 1): {'start': '1', 'numFmt': 'decimal', 'lvlText': '%1.%2.', 'lvlJc': 'left'}, (0, 2): {'start': '1', 'numFmt': 'decimal', 'lvlText': '%1.%2.%3.', 'lvlJc': 'left'}, (0, 3): {'start': '1', 'numFmt': 'decimal', 'lvlText': '%1.%2.%3.%4.', 'lvlJc': 'left'}, (0, 4): {'start': '1', 'numFmt': 'decimal', 'lvlText': '%1.%2.%3.%4.%5.', 'lvlJc': 'left'}, (0, 5): {'start': '1', 'numFmt': 'decimal', 'lvlText': '%1.%2.%3.%4.%5.%6.', 'lvlJc': 'left'}, (0, 6): {'start': '1', 'numFmt': 'decimal', 'lvlText': '%1.%2.%3.%4.%5.%6.%7.', 'lvlJc': 'left'}, (0, 7): {'start': '1', 'numFmt': 'decimal', 'lvlText': '%1.%2.%3.%4.%5.%6.%7.%8.', 'lvlJc': 'left'}, (0, 8): {'start': '1', 'numFmt': 'decimal', 'lvlText': '%1.%2.%3.%4.%5.%6.%7.%8.%9.', 'lvlJc': 'left'}}
还需要考虑 w:suff
{"space": " ", "nothing": ""}.get(style.get("suff"), "\t")
for paragraph in doc.paragraphs:
numpr = paragraph._element.pPr.numPr
if numpr is not None and numpr.numId.val != 0:
numId = numpr.numId.val
ilvl = numpr.ilvl.val
abstractId = numId2abstractId[numId]
style = abstractNumId2style[(abstractId, ilvl)]
{'start': '1', 'numFmt': 'decimal', 'lvlText': '%1.', 'lvlJc': 'left'}
{'start': '1', 'numFmt': 'decimal', 'lvlText': '%1.%2.', 'lvlJc': 'left'}
{'start': '1', 'numFmt': 'decimal', 'lvlText': '%1.%2.', 'lvlJc': 'left'}
{'start': '1', 'numFmt': 'decimal', 'lvlText': '%1.%2.%3.', 'lvlJc': 'left'}
{'start': '1', 'numFmt': 'decimal', 'lvlText': '%1.%2.%3.', 'lvlJc': 'left'}
{'start': '1', 'numFmt': 'decimal', 'lvlText': '%1.', 'lvlJc': 'left'}
{'start': '1', 'numFmt': 'decimal', 'lvlText': '%1.', 'lvlJc': 'left'}
cache = {} for paragraph in doc.paragraphs: numpr = paragraph._element.pPr.numPr lvlText = "" if numpr is not None and numpr.numId.val != 0: numId = numpr.numId.val ilvl = numpr.ilvl.val abstractId = numId2abstractId[numId] style = abstractNumId2style[(abstractId, ilvl)] if (abstractId, ilvl) in cache: cache[(abstractId, ilvl)] += 1 else: cache[(abstractId, ilvl)] = int(style["start"]) lvlText = style.get("lvlText") for i in range(0, ilvl + 1): lvlText = lvlText.replace(f'%{i + 1}', str(cache[(abstractId, i)])) suff_text = {"space": " ", "nothing": ""}.get(style.get("suff"), "\t") lvlText += suff_text print(lvlText + paragraph.text)
1. 第一章
1.1. 第一节
1.2. 第二节
1.2.1. 第一条
1.2.2. 第二条
2. 第二章
3. 第三章
<w:lvl> <w:start w:val="1"/> <mc:AlternateContent> <mc:Choice Requires="w14"> <w:numFmt w:val="custom" w:format="001, 002, 003, ..."/> </mc:Choice> <mc:Fallback> <w:numFmt w:val="decimal"/> </mc:Fallback> </mc:AlternateContent> <w:suff w:val="space"/> <w:lvlText w:val="%1"/> <w:lvlJc w:val="left"/> <w:pPr> <w:tabs> <w:tab w:val="left" w:pos="0"/> </w:tabs> </w:pPr> <w:rPr> <w:rFonts w:hint="default"/> </w:rPr> </w:lvl>
abstractNumId2style = {} for abstractNumIdTag in numbering_part.findall(qn("w:abstractNum")): abstractNumId = abstractNumIdTag.get(qn("w:abstractNumId")) for lvlTag in abstractNumIdTag.findall(qn("w:lvl")): ilvl = lvlTag.get(qn("w:ilvl")) style = {tag.tag[tag.tag.rfind("}") + 1:]: tag.get(qn("w:val")) for tag in lvlTag.xpath("./*[@w:val]", namespaces=numbering_part.nsmap)} if "numFmt" not in style: numFmtVal = lvlTag.xpath("./mc:AlternateContent/mc:Fallback/w:numFmt/@w:val", namespaces=numbering_part.nsmap) if numFmtVal and numFmtVal[0] == "decimal": numFmt_format = lvlTag.xpath("./mc:AlternateContent/mc:Choice/w:numFmt/@w:format", namespaces=numbering_part.nsmap) if numFmt_format: style["numFmt"] = "decimal" + numFmt_format[0].split(",")[0] if style.get("numFmt") == "decimalZero": style["numFmt"] = "decimal01" abstractNumId2style[(int(abstractNumId), int(ilvl))] = style
def int2upperLetter(num):
result = []
while num > 0:
num -= 1
remainder = num % 26
result.append(chr(remainder + ord('A')))
num //= 26
return "".join(reversed(result))
def int2upperRoman(num): t = [ (1000, 'M'), (900, 'CM'), (500, 'D'), (400, 'CD'), (100, 'C'), (90, 'XC'), (50, 'L'), (40, 'XL'), (10, 'X'), (9, 'IX'), (5, 'V'), (4, 'IV'), (1, 'I') ] roman_num = '' i = 0 while num > 0: val, syb = t[i] for _ in range(num // val): roman_num += syb num -= val i += 1 return roman_num
def int2cardinalText(num): if not isinstance(num, int) or num < 0 or num > 999999999999: raise ValueError( "Invalid number: must be a positive integer within four digits") base = ["Zero", "One", "Two", "Three", "Four", "Five", "Six", "Seven", "Eight", "Nine", "Ten", "Eleven", "Twelve", "Thirteen", "Fourteen", "Fifteen", "Sixteen", "Seventeen", "Eighteen", "Nineteen"] tens = ["", "", "Twenty", "Thirty", "Fourty", "Fifty", "Sixty", "Seventy", "Eighty", "Ninety"] thousands = ["", "Thousand", "Million", "Billion"] def two_digits(n): if n < 20: return base[n] ten, unit = divmod(n, 10) if unit == 0: return f"{tens[ten]}" else: return f"{tens[ten]}-{base[unit]}" def three_digits(n): hundred, rest = divmod(n, 100) if hundred == 0: return two_digits(rest) result = f"{base[hundred]} hundred " if rest > 0: result += two_digits(rest) return result.strip() if num < 99: return two_digits(num) chunks = [] while num > 0: num, remainder = divmod(num, 1000) chunks.append(remainder) words = [] for i in range(len(chunks) - 1, -1, -1): if chunks[i] == 0: continue chunk_word = three_digits(chunks[i]) if thousands[i]: chunk_word += f" {thousands[i]}" words.append(chunk_word) words = " ".join(words).lower() return words[0].upper()+words[1:]
def int2ordinalText(num): if not isinstance(num, int) or num < 0 or num > 999999: raise ValueError( "Invalid number: must be a positive integer within four digits") base = ["Zero", "One", "Two", "Three", "Four", "Five", "Six", "Seven", "Eight", "Nine", "Ten", "Eleven", "Twelve", "Thirteen", "Fourteen", "Fifteen", "Sixteen", "Seventeen", "Eighteen", "Nineteen"] baseth = ['Zeroth', 'First', 'Second', 'Third', 'Fourth', 'Fifth', 'Sixth', 'Seventh', 'Eighth', 'Ninth', 'Tenth', 'Eleventh', 'Twelfth', 'Thirteenth', 'Fourteenth', 'Fifteenth', 'Sixteenth', 'Seventeenth', 'Eighteenth', 'Nineteenth', 'Twentieth'] tens = ["", "", "Twenty", "Thirty", "Fourty", "Fifty", "Sixty", "Seventy", "Eighty", "Ninety"] tensth = ["", "", "Twentieth", "Thirtieth", "Fortieth", "Fiftieth", "Sixtieth", "Seventieth", "Eightieth", "Ninetieth"] def two_digits(n): if n <= 20: return baseth[n] ten, unit = divmod(n, 10) result = tensth[ten] if unit != 0: result = f"{tens[ten]}-{baseth[unit]}" return result thousand, num = divmod(num, 1000) result = [] if thousand > 0: if num == 0: return f"{int2cardinalText(thousand)} thousandth" result.append(f"{int2cardinalText(thousand)} thousand") hundred, num = divmod(num, 100) if hundred > 0: if num == 0: result.append(f"{base[hundred]} hundredth") return " ".join(result) result.append(f"{base[hundred]} hundred") result.append(two_digits(num)) result = " ".join(result).lower() return result[0].upper() + result[1:]
import re def int2Chinese(num, ch_num, units): if not (0 <= num <= 99999999): raise ValueError("仅支持小于一亿以内的正整数") def int2Chinese_in(num, ch_num, units): if not (0 <= num <= 9999): raise ValueError("仅支持小于一万以内的正整数") result = [ch_num[int(i)] + unit for i, unit in zip(reversed(str(num).zfill(4)), units)] result = "".join(reversed(result)) zero_char = ch_num[0] result = re.sub(f"(?:{zero_char}[{units}])+", zero_char, result) result = result.rstrip(units[0]) if result != zero_char: result = result.rstrip(zero_char) if result.lstrip(zero_char).startswith("一十"): result = result.replace("一", "") return result if num < 10000: result = int2Chinese_in(num, ch_num, units) else: left = num // 10000 right = num % 10000 result = int2Chinese_in(left, ch_num, units) + "万" + int2Chinese_in(right, ch_num, units) if result != ch_num[0]: result = result.strip(ch_num[0]) return result def int2ChineseCounting(num): return int2Chinese(num, ch_num='〇一二三四五六七八九', units='个十百千') def int2ChineseLegalSimplified(num): return int2Chinese(num, ch_num='零壹贰叁肆伍陆柒捌玖', units='个拾佰仟')
import logging import re from io import BytesIO from PIL import Image from docx import Document, ImagePart from docx.oxml.ns import qn, nsmap from docx.text.paragraph import Paragraph from functools import lru_cache class WithNumberDocxReader: ideographTraditional = "甲乙丙丁戊己庚辛壬癸" ideographZodiac = "子丑寅卯辰巳午未申酉戌亥" def __init__(self, docx, gap_text="\t"): self.parts = [] self.docx = Document(docx) nsmap.update(self.docx.element.nsmap) self.numId2style = self.get_style_data() self.gap_text = gap_text self.cnt = {} self.cache = {} self.result = [] @property def texts(self): if self.result: return self.result.copy() self.clear() for paragraph in self.paragraphs: number_text = self.get_number_text(paragraph) line = number_text + paragraph.text.strip() if not line: continue self.result.append(line) return self.result.copy() def clear(self): self.result.clear() self.cnt.clear() self.cache.clear() @property @lru_cache def paragraphs(self): body = self.docx.element.body result = [] for p in body.xpath('w:p | w:sdt/w:sdtContent/w:p | w:p//v:textbox//w:p'): result.append(Paragraph(p, body)) return result @property def images(self): if self.parts: return self.parts.copy() related_parts = self.docx.part.related_parts for i, paragraph in enumerate(self.paragraphs, 1): for run in paragraph.runs: for drawing in run.element.drawing_lst: rid = drawing.xpath(".//a:blip/@r:embed") if not rid or rid[0] not in related_parts: continue part = related_parts[rid[0]] if isinstance(part, ImagePart): self.parts.append((i, part.partname, part.blob)) return self.parts def get_style_data(self): try: numbering_part = self.docx.part.numbering_part._element abstractId2numId = {num.abstractNumId.val: num.numId for num in numbering_part.num_lst} numId2style = {} for abstractNumIdTag in numbering_part.findall(qn("w:abstractNum")): abstractNumId = abstractNumIdTag.get(qn("w:abstractNumId")) numId = abstractId2numId[int(abstractNumId)] for lvlTag in abstractNumIdTag.findall(qn("w:lvl")): ilvl = lvlTag.get(qn("w:ilvl")) style = {tag.tag[tag.tag.rfind("}") + 1:]: tag.get(qn("w:val")) for tag in lvlTag.xpath("./*[@w:val]", namespaces=nsmap)} if "numFmt" not in style: numFmtVal = lvlTag.xpath("./mc:AlternateContent/mc:Fallback/w:numFmt/@w:val", namespaces=nsmap) if numFmtVal and numFmtVal[0] == "decimal": numFmt_format = lvlTag.xpath("./mc:AlternateContent/mc:Choice/w:numFmt/@w:format", namespaces=nsmap) if numFmt_format: style["numFmt"] = "decimal" + numFmt_format[0].split(",")[0] if style.get("numFmt") == "decimalZero": style["numFmt"] = "decimal01" numId2style[(numId, int(ilvl))] = style return numId2style except Exception as e: logging.warning("读取自动编号出错:" + e.__class__.__name__) @staticmethod def int2upperLetter(num): result = [] while num > 0: num -= 1 remainder = num % 26 result.append(chr(remainder + ord('A'))) num //= 26 return "".join(reversed(result)) @staticmethod def int2upperRoman(num): t = [ (1000, 'M'), (900, 'CM'), (500, 'D'), (400, 'CD'), (100, 'C'), (90, 'XC'), (50, 'L'), (40, 'XL'), (10, 'X'), (9, 'IX'), (5, 'V'), (4, 'IV'), (1, 'I') ] roman_num = '' i = 0 while num > 0: val, syb = t[i] for _ in range(num // val): roman_num += syb num -= val i += 1 return roman_num @staticmethod def int2cardinalText(num): if not isinstance(num, int) or num < 0 or num > 999999999: raise ValueError( "Invalid number: must be a positive integer within four digits") base = ["Zero", "One", "Two", "Three", "Four", "Five", "Six", "Seven", "Eight", "Nine", "Ten", "Eleven", "Twelve", "Thirteen", "Fourteen", "Fifteen", "Sixteen", "Seventeen", "Eighteen", "Nineteen"] tens = ["", "", "Twenty", "Thirty", "Fourty", "Fifty", "Sixty", "Seventy", "Eighty", "Ninety"] thousands = ["", "Thousand", "Million", "Billion"] def two_digits(n): if n < 20: return base[n] ten, unit = divmod(n, 10) if unit == 0: return f"{tens[ten]}" else: return f"{tens[ten]}-{base[unit]}" def three_digits(n): hundred, rest = divmod(n, 100) if hundred == 0: return two_digits(rest) result = f"{base[hundred]} hundred " if rest > 0: result += two_digits(rest) return result.strip() if num < 99: return two_digits(num) chunks = [] while num > 0: num, remainder = divmod(num, 1000) chunks.append(remainder) words = [] for i in range(len(chunks) - 1, -1, -1): if chunks[i] == 0: continue chunk_word = three_digits(chunks[i]) if thousands[i]: chunk_word += f" {thousands[i]}" words.append(chunk_word) words = " ".join(words).lower() return words[0].upper() + words[1:] @staticmethod def int2ordinalText(num): if not isinstance(num, int) or num < 0 or num > 999999: raise ValueError( "Invalid number: must be a positive integer within four digits") base = ["Zero", "One", "Two", "Three", "Four", "Five", "Six", "Seven", "Eight", "Nine", "Ten", "Eleven", "Twelve", "Thirteen", "Fourteen", "Fifteen", "Sixteen", "Seventeen", "Eighteen", "Nineteen"] baseth = ['Zeroth', 'First', 'Second', 'Third', 'Fourth', 'Fifth', 'Sixth', 'Seventh', 'Eighth', 'Ninth', 'Tenth', 'Eleventh', 'Twelfth', 'Thirteenth', 'Fourteenth', 'Fifteenth', 'Sixteenth', 'Seventeenth', 'Eighteenth', 'Nineteenth', 'Twentieth'] tens = ["", "", "Twenty", "Thirty", "Fourty", "Fifty", "Sixty", "Seventy", "Eighty", "Ninety"] tensth = ["", "", "Twentieth", "Thirtieth", "Fortieth", "Fiftieth", "Sixtieth", "Seventieth", "Eightieth", "Ninetieth"] def two_digits(n): if n <= 20: return baseth[n] ten, unit = divmod(n, 10) result = tensth[ten] if unit != 0: result = f"{tens[ten]}-{baseth[unit]}" return result thousand, num = divmod(num, 1000) result = [] if thousand > 0: if num == 0: return f"{WithNumberDocxReader.int2cardinalText(thousand)} thousandth" result.append(f"{WithNumberDocxReader.int2cardinalText(thousand)} thousand") hundred, num = divmod(num, 100) if hundred > 0: if num == 0: result.append(f"{base[hundred]} hundredth") return " ".join(result) result.append(f"{base[hundred]} hundred") result.append(two_digits(num)) result = " ".join(result).lower() return result[0].upper() + result[1:] @staticmethod def int2Chinese(num, ch_num, units): if not (0 <= num <= 99999999): raise ValueError("仅支持小于一亿以内的正整数") def int2Chinese_in(num, ch_num, units): if not (0 <= num <= 9999): raise ValueError("仅支持小于一万以内的正整数") result = [ch_num[int(i)] + unit for i, unit in zip(reversed(str(num).zfill(4)), units)] result = "".join(reversed(result)) zero_char = ch_num[0] result = re.sub(f"(?:{zero_char}[{units}])+", zero_char, result) result = result.rstrip(units[0]) if result != zero_char: result = result.rstrip(zero_char) if result.lstrip(zero_char).startswith("一十"): result = result.replace("一", "") return result if num < 10000: result = int2Chinese_in(num, ch_num, units) else: left = num // 10000 right = num % 10000 result = int2Chinese_in(left, ch_num, units) + "万" + int2Chinese_in(right, ch_num, units) if result != ch_num[0]: result = result.strip(ch_num[0]) return result @staticmethod def int2ChineseCounting(num): return WithNumberDocxReader.int2Chinese(num, ch_num='〇一二三四五六七八九', units='个十百千') @staticmethod def int2ChineseLegalSimplified(num): return WithNumberDocxReader.int2Chinese(num, ch_num='零壹贰叁肆伍陆柒捌玖', units='个拾佰仟') def get_number_text(self, paragraph): if self.numId2style is None: return "" pr = paragraph._element.pPr if pr is None: return "" numpr = pr.numPr if numpr is None or numpr.numId.val == 0: return "" numId = numpr.numId.val ilvl = numpr.ilvl.val style = self.numId2style[(numId, ilvl)] numFmt: str = style.get("numFmt") lvlText = style.get("lvlText") isTxbxContent = paragraph._element.getparent().tag.endswith("txbxContent") for a, b, c in list(self.cnt.keys()): if a == numId and c == isTxbxContent and b > ilvl: del self.cnt[(a, b, c)] pos_key = (numId, ilvl, isTxbxContent) if pos_key in self.cnt: self.cnt[pos_key] += 1 else: self.cnt[pos_key] = int(style["start"]) pos = self.cnt[pos_key] num_text = str(pos) if numFmt.startswith('decimal'): num_text = num_text.zfill(numFmt.count("0") + 1) elif numFmt == 'upperRoman': num_text = self.int2upperRoman(pos) elif numFmt == 'lowerRoman': num_text = self.int2upperRoman(pos).lower() elif numFmt == 'upperLetter': num_text = self.int2upperLetter(pos) elif numFmt == 'lowerLetter': num_text = self.int2upperLetter(pos).lower() elif numFmt == 'ordinal': num_text = f"{pos}{'th' if 11 <= pos <= 13 else {1: 'st', 2: 'nd', 3: 'rd'}.get(pos % 10, 'th')}" elif numFmt == 'cardinalText': num_text = self.int2cardinalText(pos) elif numFmt == 'ordinalText': num_text = self.int2ordinalText(pos) elif numFmt == 'ideographTraditional': if 1 <= pos <= 10: num_text = self.ideographTraditional[pos - 1] elif numFmt == 'ideographZodiac': if 1 <= pos <= 12: num_text = self.ideographZodiac[pos - 1] elif numFmt == 'chineseCounting': num_text = self.int2ChineseCounting(pos) elif numFmt == 'chineseLegalSimplified': num_text = self.int2ChineseLegalSimplified(pos) elif numFmt == 'decimalEnclosedCircleChinese': pass self.cache[pos_key] = num_text for i in range(0, ilvl + 1): lvlText = lvlText.replace(f'%{i + 1}', self.cache.get((numId, i, isTxbxContent), "")) suff_text = {"space": " ", "nothing": ""}.get(style.get("suff"), self.gap_text) lvlText += suff_text return lvlText if __name__ == '__main__': doc = WithNumberDocxReader(r"编号测试1.docx", " ") for text in doc.texts: print(text) for i, name, image_bytes in doc.images: print(i, name) image = Image.open(BytesIO(image_bytes)) image.show()
if __name__ == '__main__':
doc = WithNumberDocxReader(r"编号测试2.docx", "")
for text in doc.texts:
点符 1.十进制数 01.零加十进制数 001 零零加十进制数 0001 零零零加十进制数 I 大写罗马数字 (I) II 大写罗马数字 (II) i 小写罗马数字 A.大写字母A a 小写字母 (a) 0th 序数 (1st, 2nd, 3rd) Twelve 基数字 (One, Two Three) First 序数字 (First, Second, Third) 癸 甲乙丙丁戊己庚辛壬癸 壹 中文大写数字 10 圆圈数字 子 子丑寅卯辰巳午未申酉戌亥 第一章 中文数字
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