Master-Serial configuration mode
Slave-Serial configuration mode
Master SelectMAP (parallel) configuration mode (x8 and x16)
Slave SelectMAP (parallel) configuration mode (x8, x16, and x32)
JTAG/boundary-scan configuration mode
Master Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) flash configuration mode (x1, x2, x4)
Master Byte Peripheral Interface (BPI) flash configuration mode (x8 and x16) using parallel NOR flash
Configuration Mode M[2:0] Bus Width CCLK Direction
Master Serial 000 x1 Output
Master SPI 001 x1, x2, x4 Output
Master BPI 010 x8, x16 Output
Master SelectMAP 100 x8, x16 Output
JTAG 101 x1 Not Applicable
Slave SelectMAP 110 x8, x16, x32(1) Input
Slave Serial(2) 111 x1 Input
CFGBVS input 1:bank0的Vcco是2.5or3.3 0:1.8or1.5
PROGRAM_B input 0:重新加载FPGA,外部上拉
INIT_B bidir 0:配置过程有错误,外部上拉
DONE bidir 1:配置完成,外部上拉
PUDC_B input 0:配置过程,SelectIO pins内部上拉
EMCCLK External Master Configuration Clock
CCLK Configuration Clock 依据M[2:0] in/out
A 7 series FPGA bitstream consists of three sections:
1 Bus Width Auto Detection
2 Sync Word
3 FPGA configuration
D[24:31] D[16:23] D[8:15] D[0:7] Comments
0xFF 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF
0x00 0x00 0x00 0xBB Bus Width Pattern
0x11 0x22 0x00 0x44 Bus Width Pattern
0xFF 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF
0xFF 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF
0xAA 0x99 0x55 0x66 Sync Word
For the x8 bus, first finds 0xBB on D[0:7] followed by 0x11.
For the x16 bus, first finds 0xBB on D[0:7] followed by 0x22.
For the x32 bus, first finds 0xBB on D[0:7] followed by 0x44.
如果0xBB之后不是0x11, 0x22, or 0x44,状态机将继续监测有效的0xBB,监测到有效0xBB之后再去监测Sync word.
Sync Word
31:24 23:16 15:8 7:0
0xAA 0x99 0x55 0x66
Readback Verify 读回memory
Readback Capture 全集包含当前IO状态,不常用
前提:未加密 & SPI配置管脚保留Persist:Yes
1. 使能双引导
2. 下次启动地址设置为0,不插入IPROG
1. 使能双引导
2. 下次启动地址设置为400000,插入IPROG
要注意WATCHDOG看门狗的时间,看门狗不递减的条件是:启动序列结束&MMCM 锁定&DCI DONE。加入设计里面用外部复位控制PLL的解复位,需要注意。
winbond w25q128bv需要连续下载两次mcs、binwenjain
1. 先在0地址开始放入golden.bit,空闲地址填入FF;
2. 再在400000地址放入multiboot.bit,空闲地址填入FF;
1. 使用jtag将带双引导的bin文件烧写到flash里面后,不拔掉jtag,
2. 看门狗的值设置自太大,导致在主版本损坏情况下加载很久。当把看门狗设置为400ms就ok
看门狗在mult失败跳回golden会disable 看门狗
device id 在UG470找
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