最近在调优的过程中,发现了left outer join比full outer join快很多的情况,
from db.baseTb1 base join db.tb1 a on base.id = a.id full outer join db.tbl2 b on a.id = b.id full outer join db.tbl3 c on b.id = c.id full outer join db.tbl4 d on c.id = d.id full outer join db.tbl5 e on d.id = e.id ----- from db.baseTb1 base left join db.tb1 a on base.id = a.id left outer join db.tbl2 b on a.id = b.id left outer join db.tbl3 c on a.id = c.id left outer join db.tbl4 d on a.id = d.id left outer join db.tbl5 e on a.id = e.id
先说结论:left join中4个join会在同一个Stage执行,也就是说会在同一个Task执行4个join,而full join每个join都是在单独的Stage中执行,是串行的, left join如下:
如果在语意允许的情况下,选择left join可以大大加速任务运行,笔者遇到的情况就是 left join 运行了1个小时,而full join运行了6个小时
对于full outer join的情况,运行的物理计划如下:
对于left outer join的情况,运行的物理计划如下:
因为在RuleEnsureRequirements中,会对于不匹配的计划之间加上shuffle Exchange物理计划,具体代码如下:
private def ensureDistributionAndOrdering(operator: SparkPlan): SparkPlan = { val requiredChildDistributions: Seq[Distribution] = operator.requiredChildDistribution val requiredChildOrderings: Seq[Seq[SortOrder]] = operator.requiredChildOrdering var children: Seq[SparkPlan] = operator.children assert(requiredChildDistributions.length == children.length) assert(requiredChildOrderings.length == children.length) // Ensure that the operator's children satisfy their output distribution requirements. children = children.zip(requiredChildDistributions).map { case (child, distribution) if child.outputPartitioning.satisfies(distribution) => child case (child, BroadcastDistribution(mode)) => BroadcastExchangeExec(mode, child) case (child, distribution) => val numPartitions = distribution.requiredNumPartitions .getOrElse(conf.numShufflePartitions) ShuffleExchangeExec(distribution.createPartitioning(numPartitions), child) }
FileSourceScanExec FileSourceScanExec
\ /
\/ \/
这里SortMergeJoin的requiredChildDistribution为ClusteredDistribution(leftKeys) :: ClusteredDistribution(rightKeys)
FileSourceScanExec FileSourceScanExec
\ /
\/ \/
Exchange Exchange
\ /
FileSourceScanExec FileSourceScanExec
\ /
\/ \/
Exchange Exchange
| |
CustomShuffleReader CustomShuffleReader
\ /
而对于接下来的第二个join,full join和left join的情况就不一样了:
FileSourceScanExec FileSourceScanExec \ / \/ \/ Exchange Exchange | | CustomShuffleReader CustomShuffleReader \ / SortMergeJoin FileSourceScanExec | | Exchange | | | CustomShuffleReader | / SortMergeJoin(left outer join)
因为第二个SortMergeJoin的requiredChildDistribution为ClusteredDistribution(leftKeys) :: ClusteredDistribution(rightKeys)
SortMergeJoin 的child的outputPartitioning为第一个SortMergeJoin.outputPartitioning,具体的代码如下:
override def outputPartitioning: Partitioning = joinType match {
case _: InnerLike =>
PartitioningCollection(Seq(left.outputPartitioning, right.outputPartitioning))
case LeftOuter => left.outputPartitioning
case RightOuter => right.outputPartitioning
case FullOuter => UnknownPartitioning(left.outputPartitioning.numPartitions)
case LeftExistence(_) => left.outputPartitioning
case x =>
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
s"ShuffledJoin should not take $x as the JoinType")
FileSourceScanExec FileSourceScanExec \ / \/ \/ Exchange Exchange | | CustomShuffleReader CustomShuffleReader \ / SortMergeJoin FileSourceScanExec | | Exchange | | | CustomShuffleReader | / SortMergeJoin(full outer join)
其他的都是left outer join一样,唯一不一样的是SortMergeJoin 的child的outputPartitioning是 第一个SortMergeJoin.outputPartitioning ,根据以上代码:
走的就是FullOuter的逻辑,也就是UnknownPartitioning,所以是不满足,得引入shuffle Exchange。
其实从逻辑上来说,full join后如果不重新shuffle,有可能 full join 之后的数据分布不满足下一个join的条件这种情况下会导致join的结果不正确
而对于left join来说就不一样了,task join完后id还是保持原来的就不会变,所以就不必重新shuffle
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