spark源码分析之随机森林(Random Forest)(一)
spark源码分析之随机森林(Random Forest)(二)
spark源码分析之随机森林(Random Forest)(三)
spark源码分析之随机森林(Random Forest)(五)
DecisionTree.findBestSplits(baggedInput, metadata, topNodes, nodesForGroup,
treeToNodeToIndexInfo, splits, bins, nodeQueue, timer, nodeIdCache = nodeIdCache)
val nodeToFeatures = getNodeToFeatures(treeToNodeToIndexInfo)
val nodeToFeaturesBc = input.sparkContext.broadcast(nodeToFeatures)
取出各node的特征子集,如果不需要抽样则为None;否则返回Map[Int, Array[Int]],其实就是将之前treeToNodeToIndexInfo中的NodeIndexInfo转换为map结构,将其作为广播变量nodeToFeaturesBc。
val partitionAggregates : RDD[(Int, DTStatsAggregator)] = if (nodeIdCache.nonEmpty) {
input.zip(nodeIdCache.get.nodeIdsForInstances).mapPartitions { points =>
// Construct a nodeStatsAggregators array to hold node aggregate stats,
// each node will have a nodeStatsAggregator
val nodeStatsAggregators = Array.tabulate(numNodes) { nodeIndex =>
val featuresForNode = nodeToFeaturesBc.value.flatMap { nodeToFeatures =>
new DTStatsAggregator(metadata, featuresForNode)
// iterator all instances in current partition and update aggregate stats
points.foreach(binSeqOpWithNodeIdCache(nodeStatsAggregators, _))
// transform nodeStatsAggregators array to (nodeIndex, nodeAggregateStats) pairs,
// which can be combined with other partition using `reduceByKey`
} else {
input.mapPartitions { points =>
// Construct a nodeStatsAggregators array to hold node aggregate stats,
// each node will have a nodeStatsAggregator
val nodeStatsAggregators = Array.tabulate(numNodes) { nodeIndex =>
val featuresForNode = nodeToFeaturesBc.value.flatMap { nodeToFeatures =>
new DTStatsAggregator(metadata, featuresForNode)
// iterator all instances in current partition and update aggregate stats
points.foreach(binSeqOp(nodeStatsAggregators, _))
// transform nodeStatsAggregators array to (nodeIndex, nodeAggregateStats) pairs,
// which can be combined with other partition using `reduceByKey`

* Performs a sequential aggregation over a partition.
* Each data point contributes to one node. For each feature,
* the aggregate sufficient statistics are updated for the relevant bins.
* @param agg Array storing aggregate calculation, with a set of sufficient statistics for
* each (node, feature, bin).
* @param baggedPoint Data point being aggregated.
* @return agg
def binSeqOp(
agg: Array[DTStatsAggregator],
baggedPoint: BaggedPoint[TreePoint]): Array[DTStatsAggregator] = {
treeToNodeToIndexInfo.foreach { case (treeIndex, nodeIndexToInfo) =>
val nodeIndex = predictNodeIndex(topNodes(treeIndex), baggedPoint.datum.binnedFeatures,
bins, metadata.unorderedFeatures)
nodeBinSeqOp(treeIndex, nodeIndexToInfo.getOrElse(nodeIndex, null), agg, baggedPoint)

首先调用函数predictNodeIndex计算nodeIndex,如果是首轮或者叶子节点,直接返回node.id;如果不是首轮,因为传入的是每棵树的root node,就从root node开始,逐渐往下判断该point应该是属于哪个node的,因为我们已经对node进行了分裂,这里其实实现了样本的划分。举个栗子,当前node如果是root的左孩子节点,而point预测节点应该属于右孩子,则调用nodeBinSepOp时就直接返回了,不会将这个point统计进去,用不大的时间换取样本集划分的空间,还是比较巧妙的。
* Get the node index corresponding to this data point.
* Thi
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