MongoDB 数据库默认是没有用户名及密码的,即无权限访问限制。为了方便数据库的管理和安全,需创建数据库用户。
权限 | 说明 |
Read | 允许用户读取指定数据库 |
readWrite | 允许用户读写指定数据库 |
dbAdmin | 允许用户在指定数据库中执行管理函数,如索引创建、删除,查看统计或访问 system.profile |
userAdmin | 允许用户向 system.users 集合写入,可以找指定数据库里创建、删除和管理用户 |
clusterAdmin | 只在 admin 数据库中可用,赋予用户所有分片和复制集相关函数的管理权限。 |
readAnyDatabase | 只在 admin 数据库中可用,赋予用户所有数据库的读权限 |
readWriteAnyDatabase | 只在 admin 数据库中可用,赋予用户所有数据库的读写权限 |
userAdminAnyDatabase | 只在 admin 数据库中可用,赋予用户所有数据库的 userAdmin 权限 |
dbAdminAnyDatabase | 只在 admin 数据库中可用,赋予用户所有数据库的 dbAdmin 权限。 |
root | 只在 admin 数据库中可用。超级账号,超级权限 |
- {
- user: "<name>",
- pwd: "<cleartext password>",
- customData: { <any information> },
- roles: [
- { role: "<role>",
- db: "<database>" } | "<role>",
- ...
- ]
- }
- [root@mongodb bin]$cat mongodb.conf
- #数据存储目录
- dbpath=/usr/local/mongodb/data/db
- #日志文件目录
- logpath=/usr/local/mongodb/logs/mongodb.log
- #后台运行
- fork=true
- auth=true
- bind_ip=
- [root@mongodb bin]$systemctl restart mongod
- [root@mongodb bin]$systemctl status mongod
- [root@mongodb bin]$mongo
- MongoDB shell version v4.0.10
- connecting to: mongodb://
- Implicit session: session { "id" : UUID("56712ce5-d30a-421f-b447-0eea5294aafb") }
- MongoDB server version: 4.0.10
- > use admin
- > use admin
- switched to db admin
- > db.createUser({user: "root",pwd: "root",roles: [ { role: "root", db: "admin" } ]})
- Successfully added user: {
- "user" : "root",
- "roles" : [
- {
- "role" : "root",
- "db" : "admin"
- }
- ]
- }
创建管理员角色用户的时候,必须到 admin 下创建。
- > db.auth("root","root")
- 1 # 返回 1 即为成功
- > show users
- 2019-07-03T14:33:49.060+0800 E QUERY [js] Error: command usersInfo requires authentication :
- _getErrorWithCode@src/mongo/shell/utils.js:25:13
- DB.prototype.getUsers@src/mongo/shell/db.js:1763:1
- shellHelper.show@src/mongo/shell/utils.js:859:9
- shellHelper@src/mongo/shell/utils.js:766:15
- @(shellhelp2):1:1
这种报错常常出现在没有授权的情况下,刚刚也只是创建了对应的用户名以及角色,但是还没有通过 root 用户进行登陆。
- > db.auth("root","root")
- 1
- > show users
- {
- "_id" : "admin.root",
- "userId" : UUID("fa320150-781c-4a07-b427-c3a42f360133"),
- "user" : "root",
- "db" : "admin",
- "roles" : [
- {
- "role" : "root",
- "db" : "admin"
- }
- ],
- "mechanisms" : [
- "SCRAM-SHA-1",
- "SCRAM-SHA-256"
- ]
- }

注意:用户在哪个数据库下创建的,最后加上什么库,这里自然选择 admin 库。
- [root@mongodb bin]$mongo -uroot -proot admin
- MongoDB shell version v4.0.10
- connecting to: mongodb://
- Implicit session: session { "id" : UUID("3f5eda3b-89da-4ef5-bcb2-022bc0517c11") }
- MongoDB server version: 4.0.10
- Server has startup warnings:
- 2019-07-03T15:39:36.265+0800 I CONTROL [initandlisten] ** WARNING: You are running this process as the root user, which is not recommended.
- 2019-07-03T15:39:36.265+0800 I CONTROL [initandlisten]
- >
- [root@mongodb bin]$ mongo
- MongoDB shell version v4.0.10
- connecting to: mongodb://
- Implicit session: session { "id" : UUID("896ba84c-3127-4ac1-85a9-ca4f4da3e60c") }
- MongoDB server version: 4.0.10
- > use admin
- switched to db admin
- > db.auth("root","root")
- 1
- > show tables
- system.users
- system.version
- > show users
- {
- "_id" : "admin.root",
- "userId" : UUID("fa320150-781c-4a07-b427-c3a42f360133"),
- "user" : "root",
- "db" : "admin",
- "roles" : [
- {
- "role" : "root",
- "db" : "admin"
- }
- ],
- "mechanisms" : [
- "SCRAM-SHA-1",
- "SCRAM-SHA-256"
- ]
- }

如果连用户名都忘记了,那么我们首先需要更改 MongoDB 的配置,去掉用户名密码认证的功能,然后重启。
- [root@mongodb bin]$cat mongodb.conf
- #数据存储目录
- dbpath=/usr/local/mongodb/data/db
- #日志文件目录
- logpath=/usr/local/mongodb/logs/mongodb.log
- #后台运行
- fork=true
- auth=false
- bind_ip=
- [root@mongodb bin]$systemctl restart mongod
- [root@mongodb bin]$systemctl status mongod
然后使用 mongo 命令进入到数据库,进行简单查询:
- [root@localhost bin]$mongo
- MongoDB shell version v4.0.10
- connecting to: mongodb://
- Implicit session: session { "id" : UUID("3e0268c2-7e34-4a61-947d-f8e2368640f5") }
- MongoDB server version: 4.0.10
- Server has startup warnings:
- 2019-07-04T17:54:54.016+0800 I CONTROL [initandlisten] ** WARNING: You are running this process as the root user, which is not recommended.
- 2019-07-04T17:54:54.016+0800 I CONTROL [initandlisten]
- > use admin
- switched to db admin
- > show users
- {
- "_id" : "admin.root",
- "userId" : UUID("c8514da6-4484-4036-9c13-b5deeb449575"),
- "user" : "root",
- "db" : "admin",
- "roles" : [
- {
- "role" : "root", #这里就可以判断角色为root的账号名字也是root
- "db" : "admin"
- }
- ],
- "mechanisms" : [
- "SCRAM-SHA-1",
- "SCRAM-SHA-256"
- ]
- }
- > show tables #或者通过查询表来得知
- system.users
- system.version
- > db.system.users.find() #查询user表
- { "_id" : "admin.root", "userId" : UUID("c8514da6-4484-4036-9c13-b5deeb449575"), "user" : "root", "db" : "admin", "credentials" : { "SCRAM-SHA-1" : { "iterationCount" : 10000, "salt" : "SxO3kQwjFX8833lnQXQKbw==", "storedKey" : "1LQVQGW3ScF8WC0iCSMUJ5Iokpc=", "serverKey" : "t2PSzcZSE1KFzMXXK4BmxfPno9s=" }, "SCRAM-SHA-256" : { "iterationCount" : 15000, "salt" : "XDCd8GfHOtBiZnC6Eafx37aUV+2lO9EZbWl9rQ==", "storedKey" : "ZYHs6Umf0bVP8uofPGlcAl5uFzzQWovc4oczHjckmBs=", "serverKey" : "apVEilrpFXVAfBMMCwiIHl7H4bdnd6xm6KN88fXYJWo=" } }, "roles" : [ { "role" : "root", "db" : "admin" } ] }

得知管理员用户的名称为 root 之后,就能够进行密码更新的操作了。
- [root@localhost bin]$mongo
- MongoDB shell version v4.0.10
- connecting to: mongodb://
- Implicit session: session { "id" : UUID("3e0268c2-7e34-4a61-947d-f8e2368640f5") }
- MongoDB server version: 4.0.10
- Server has startup warnings:
- 2019-07-04T17:54:54.016+0800 I CONTROL [initandlisten] ** WARNING: You are running this process as the root user, which is not recommended.
- 2019-07-04T17:54:54.016+0800 I CONTROL [initandlisten]
- > use admin
- switched to db admin
- > db.changeUserPassword('root','test1')
- [root@mongodb bin]$cat mongodb.conf
- #数据存储目录
- dbpath=/usr/local/mongodb/data/db
- #日志文件目录
- logpath=/usr/local/mongodb/logs/mongodb.log
- #后台运行
- fork=true
- auth=true
- bind_ip=
- [root@mongodb bin]$systemctl restart mongod
- [root@mongodb bin]$systemctl status mongod
- [root@localhost bin]$mongo -uroot -ptest1 admin
- MongoDB shell version v4.0.10
- connecting to: mongodb://
- Implicit session: session { "id" : UUID("7ebe8a49-a750-46b1-a59e-c95abc0d7401") }
- MongoDB server version: 4.0.10
- Server has startup warnings:
- 2019-07-04T18:06:24.623+0800 I CONTROL [initandlisten] ** WARNING: You are running this process as the root user, which is not recommended.
- 2019-07-04T18:06:24.623+0800 I CONTROL [initandlisten]
- > db
- admin
- > show users
- {
- "_id" : "admin.root",
- "userId" : UUID("c8514da6-4484-4036-9c13-b5deeb449575"),
- "user" : "root",
- "db" : "admin",
- "roles" : [
- {
- "role" : "root",
- "db" : "admin"
- }
- ],
- "mechanisms" : [
- "SCRAM-SHA-1",
- "SCRAM-SHA-256"
- ]
- }

因为目前用户规划都还比较简单,因此创建用户的时候,都是基于 admin 来进行。
- [root@mongodb bin]$mongo -uroot -proot admin #使用admin登陆
- MongoDB shell version v4.0.10
- connecting to: mongodb://
- Implicit session: session { "id" : UUID("3f5eda3b-89da-4ef5-bcb2-022bc0517c11") }
- MongoDB server version: 4.0.10
- Server has startup warnings:
- 2019-07-03T15:39:36.265+0800 I CONTROL [initandlisten] ** WARNING: You are running this process as the root user, which is not recommended.
- 2019-07-03T15:39:36.265+0800 I CONTROL [initandlisten]
- > use eryajf #一定要注意,给哪个库授权就要先切换到对应的库,不然这个用户将无法登陆
- > db.createUser({user: "test",pwd: "test",roles: [ { role: "readWrite", db: "eryajf" } ]}) #创建读写用户
- Successfully added user: {
- "user" : "test",
- "roles" : [
- {
- "role" : "readWrite",
- "db" : "eryajf"
- }
- ]
- }
- > show users #查看用户
- {
- "_id" : "eryajf.test",
- "userId" : UUID("3bd64373-13c5-4a47-95f9-92a2433c0bf4"),
- "user" : "test",
- "db" : "eryajf",
- "roles" : [
- {
- "role" : "readWrite",
- "db" : "eryajf"
- }
- ],
- "mechanisms" : [
- "SCRAM-SHA-1",
- "SCRAM-SHA-256"
- ]
- }

- [root@localhost bin]$mongo -utest -ptest eryajf
- MongoDB shell version v4.0.10
- connecting to: mongodb://
- Implicit session: session { "id" : UUID("dd97a5e3-9226-4a04-8221-dec566edc1c3") }
- MongoDB server version: 4.0.10
- > db.createCollection('d')
- { "ok" : 1 }
- > db.getCollectionNames()
- [ "a", "b", "c", "d" ]
- [root@localhost bin]$mongo -uroot -proot admin
- MongoDB shell version v4.0.10
- connecting to: mongodb://
- Implicit session: session { "id" : UUID("b1d0e8f4-6c13-4c27-abfa-b8035f983453") }
- MongoDB server version: 4.0.10
- Server has startup warnings:
- 2019-07-04T00:16:54.097+0800 I CONTROL [initandlisten] ** WARNING: You are running this process as the root user, which is not recommended.
- 2019-07-04T00:16:54.097+0800 I CONTROL [initandlisten]
- > use eryajf #切换到对应库
- > db.createUser({user: "test1",pwd: "test1",roles: [ { role: "read", db: "eryajf" } ]}) #创建对应用户
- Successfully added user: {
- "user" : "test1",
- "roles" : [
- {
- "role" : "read",
- "db" : "eryajf"
- }
- ]
- }
- > show users #查看用户
- {
- "_id" : "eryajf.test",
- "userId" : UUID("3bd64373-13c5-4a47-95f9-92a2433c0bf4"),
- "user" : "test",
- "db" : "eryajf",
- "roles" : [
- {
- "role" : "readWrite",
- "db" : "eryajf"
- }
- ],
- "mechanisms" : [
- "SCRAM-SHA-1",
- "SCRAM-SHA-256"
- ]
- }
- {
- "_id" : "eryajf.test1",
- "userId" : UUID("eb2e54b8-a036-40a8-b8d4-5c8f5548ad25"),
- "user" : "test1",
- "db" : "eryajf",
- "roles" : [
- {
- "role" : "read",
- "db" : "eryajf"
- }
- ],
- "mechanisms" : [
- "SCRAM-SHA-1",
- "SCRAM-SHA-256"
- ]
- }

- [root@localhost bin]$mongo -utest1 -ptest1 eryajf
- MongoDB shell version v4.0.10
- connecting to: mongodb://
- Implicit session: session { "id" : UUID("cca6f744-47e6-4bcb-8682-8c1af7080108") }
- MongoDB server version: 4.0.10
- > db.getCollectionNames() #可以正常查询
- [ "a", "b", "c", "d" ]
- > db.createCollection('e') #创建报错
- {
- "ok" : 0,
- "errmsg" : "not authorized on eryajf to execute command { create: \"e\", lsid: { id: UUID(\"cca6f744-47e6-4bcb-8682-8c1af7080108\") }, $db: \"eryajf\" }",
- "code" : 13,
- "codeName" : "Unauthorized"
- }
- >
- [root@localhost bin]$mongo -uroot -proot admin
- MongoDB shell version v4.0.10
- connecting to: mongodb://
- Implicit session: session { "id" : UUID("c5e35008-0a1e-4513-9394-947e49f67f81") }
- MongoDB server version: 4.0.10
- Server has startup warnings:
- 2019-07-04T00:16:54.097+0800 I CONTROL [initandlisten] ** WARNING: You are running this process as the root user, which is not recommended.
- 2019-07-04T00:16:54.097+0800 I CONTROL [initandlisten]
- > use test #切换到test库
- switched to db test
- > db.createUser({user: "app",pwd: "app",roles: [ { role: "readWrite", db: "test" },{ role: "read", db: "eryajf" }]}) #创建用户
- Successfully added user: {
- "user" : "app",
- "roles" : [
- {
- "role" : "readWrite",
- "db" : "test"
- },
- {
- "role" : "read",
- "db" : "eryajf"
- }
- ]
- }
- > show users #查看用户
- {
- "_id" : "test.app",
- "userId" : UUID("e25d6c21-190a-44e4-8868-868a474fcf12"),
- "user" : "app",
- "db" : "test",
- "roles" : [
- {
- "role" : "readWrite",
- "db" : "test"
- },
- {
- "role" : "read",
- "db" : "eryajf"
- }
- ],
- "mechanisms" : [
- "SCRAM-SHA-1",
- "SCRAM-SHA-256"
- ]
- }

注意,这个时候创建的用户,是基于 test 库创建的,那么后续登陆等操作,也都需要跟上 test 库,而不能够跟上 eryajf 的库。如果跟上 eryajf 的库,将会报如下错误:
- [root@localhost bin]$mongo -uapp -papp eryajf
- MongoDB shell version v4.0.10
- connecting to: mongodb://
- 2019-07-04T00:54:54.617+0800 E QUERY [js] Error: Authentication failed. :
- connect@src/mongo/shell/mongo.js:344:17
- @(connect):2:6
- exception: connect failed
- [root@localhost bin]$mongo -uapp -papp test
- MongoDB shell version v4.0.10
- connecting to: mongodb://
- Implicit session: session { "id" : UUID("8cef0c4a-3f3d-4802-8926-79aea22db826") }
- MongoDB server version: 4.0.10
- > db.createCollection('a')
- { "ok" : 1 }
- > db.getCollectionNames()
- [ "a" ]
- > use eryajf
- switched to db eryajf
- > db.getCollectionNames()
- [ "a", "b", "c", "d" ]
其实更改权限无非就是更改用户的角色,因为在 MongoDB 中,角色决定了不同用户的不同权限。
- [root@localhost bin]$mongo -uroot -ptest1 admin
- MongoDB shell version v4.0.10
- connecting to: mongodb://
- Implicit session: session { "id" : UUID("dbda85c8-7a90-4143-a31c-7a8ea58b80cc") }
- MongoDB server version: 4.0.10
- Server has startup warnings:
- 2019-07-04T18:06:24.623+0800 I CONTROL [initandlisten] ** WARNING: You are running this process as the root user, which is not recommended.
- 2019-07-04T18:06:24.623+0800 I CONTROL [initandlisten]
- > use eryajf
- switched to db eryajf
- > show users
- {
- "_id" : "eryajf.test",
- "userId" : UUID("3bd64373-13c5-4a47-95f9-92a2433c0bf4"),
- "user" : "test",
- "db" : "eryajf",
- "roles" : [
- {
- "role" : "readWrite", #可以看到test用户是readWrite的角色
- "db" : "eryajf"
- }
- ],
- "mechanisms" : [
- "SCRAM-SHA-1",
- "SCRAM-SHA-256"
- ]
- }
- {
- "_id" : "eryajf.test1",
- "userId" : UUID("eb2e54b8-a036-40a8-b8d4-5c8f5548ad25"),
- "user" : "test1",
- "db" : "eryajf",
- "roles" : [
- {
- "role" : "read", #可以看到test1用户是read的角色
- "db" : "eryajf"
- }
- ],
- "mechanisms" : [
- "SCRAM-SHA-1",
- "SCRAM-SHA-256"
- ]
- }

- [root@localhost bin]$mongo -uroot -ptest1 admin
- MongoDB shell version v4.0.10
- connecting to: mongodb://
- Implicit session: session { "id" : UUID("dbda85c8-7a90-4143-a31c-7a8ea58b80cc") }
- MongoDB server version: 4.0.10
- Server has startup warnings:
- 2019-07-04T18:06:24.623+0800 I CONTROL [initandlisten] ** WARNING: You are running this process as the root user, which is not recommended.
- 2019-07-04T18:06:24.623+0800 I CONTROL [initandlisten]
- > use eryajf
- switched to db eryajf
- > db.updateUser("test",{roles:[{role:"dbAdmin",db:"eryajf"}]})
- > show users
- {
- "_id" : "eryajf.test",
- "userId" : UUID("3bd64373-13c5-4a47-95f9-92a2433c0bf4"),
- "user" : "test",
- "db" : "eryajf",
- "roles" : [
- {
- "role" : "dbAdmin", #可以看到权限已经更新
- "db" : "eryajf"
- }
- ],
- "mechanisms" : [
- "SCRAM-SHA-1",
- "SCRAM-SHA-256"
- ]
- }
- {
- "_id" : "eryajf.test1",
- "userId" : UUID("eb2e54b8-a036-40a8-b8d4-5c8f5548ad25"),
- "user" : "test1",
- "db" : "eryajf",
- "roles" : [
- {
- "role" : "read",
- "db" : "eryajf"
- }
- ],
- "mechanisms" : [
- "SCRAM-SHA-1",
- "SCRAM-SHA-256"
- ]
- }

- [root@localhost bin]$mongo -uroot -proot admin
- MongoDB shell version v4.0.10
- connecting to: mongodb://
- Implicit session: session { "id" : UUID("6edeba63-e2bf-477c-a098-965767d105b6") }
- MongoDB server version: 4.0.10
- Server has startup warnings:
- 2019-07-04T00:16:54.097+0800 I CONTROL [initandlisten] ** WARNING: You are running this process as the root user, which is not recommended.
- 2019-07-04T00:16:54.097+0800 I CONTROL [initandlisten]
- >
- > use test
- switched to db test
- > show users
- {
- "_id" : "test.app",
- "userId" : UUID("e25d6c21-190a-44e4-8868-868a474fcf12"),
- "user" : "app",
- "db" : "test",
- "roles" : [
- {
- "role" : "readWrite",
- "db" : "test"
- },
- {
- "role" : "read",
- "db" : "eryajf"
- }
- ],
- "mechanisms" : [
- "SCRAM-SHA-1",
- "SCRAM-SHA-256"
- ]
- }
- > db.dropUser("app")
- true
- > show users

到这里,基本上能够体会到,MongoDB 当中那些关于角色用户权限规则的定义与配置了,MongoDB 自身已经定义好了许多个角色,这些角色针对全局,而在创建用户的时候,用户,角色,库这三个概念又是分离的,因此要多多体会,去理解三者的关系。
- [root@localhost bin]$mongo -uroot -proot admin
- MongoDB shell version v4.0.10
- connecting to: mongodb://
- Implicit session: session { "id" : UUID("572862cc-456d-4f5f-98ea-e65054411de6") }
- MongoDB server version: 4.0.10
- Server has startup warnings:
- 2019-07-04T00:16:54.097+0800 I CONTROL [initandlisten] ** WARNING: You are running this process as the root user, which is not recommended.
- 2019-07-04T00:16:54.097+0800 I CONTROL [initandlisten]
- > use app
- switched to db app
- > db.createUser({user: "admin",pwd: "admin",roles: [ { role: "dbAdmin", db: "app" } ]})
- Successfully added user: {
- "user" : "admin",
- "roles" : [
- {
- "role" : "dbAdmin",
- "db" : "app"
- }
- ]
- }
- > show users
- {
- "_id" : "app.admin",
- "userId" : UUID("01e196c8-2119-488b-9d11-b969db266aea"),
- "user" : "admin",
- "db" : "app",
- "roles" : [
- {
- "role" : "dbAdmin",
- "db" : "app"
- }
- ],
- "mechanisms" : [
- "SCRAM-SHA-1",
- "SCRAM-SHA-256"
- ]
- }

- [root@localhost bin]$mongo -uroot -proot admin
- MongoDB shell version v4.0.10
- connecting to: mongodb://
- Implicit session: session { "id" : UUID("572862cc-456d-4f5f-98ea-e65054411de6") }
- MongoDB server version: 4.0.10
- Server has startup warnings:
- 2019-07-04T00:16:54.097+0800 I CONTROL [initandlisten] ** WARNING: You are running this process as the root user, which is not recommended.
- 2019-07-04T00:16:54.097+0800 I CONTROL [initandlisten]
- > use app
- switched to db app
- > db.createUser({user: "super-app",pwd: "super-app",roles: [ { role: "readWrite", db: "app" },{ role: "clusterAdmin", db: "admin" }]})
- Successfully added user: {
- "user" : "super-app",
- "roles" : [
- {
- "role" : "readWrite",
- "db" : "app"
- },
- {
- "role" : "clusterAdmin",
- "db" : "admin"
- }
- ]
- }
- > show users
- {
- "_id" : "app.super-app",
- "userId" : UUID("7533af91-3063-4460-8cb5-f77061eb5680"),
- "user" : "super-app",
- "db" : "app",
- "roles" : [
- {
- "role" : "readWrite",
- "db" : "app"
- },
- {
- "role" : "clusterAdmin",
- "db" : "admin"
- }
- ],
- "mechanisms" : [
- "SCRAM-SHA-1",
- "SCRAM-SHA-256"
- ]
- }

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