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With the development of electronic industry, more and more audio electronic equipment are used in daily life, and the failure of basic amplifier circuit often used in audio equipment also increases. In the prospect of rapid development of intelligent equipment, decided to use the anti-interference ability of strong microcontroller to make a simple circuit characteristics tester used to detect the basic amplifier circuit measurement values, so as to find and solve problems faster.

With the rapid development of science and technology, intelligence and convenience have become People's Daily demands. At present, the amplifier circuit often fails in the use process, and the circuit data needs to be tested, but most of the tests are carried out manually, which affects the work efficiency to a certain extent.

In order to measure the data more safe and convenient, aiming at the deficiency of manual test, this design has made a simple circuit characteristic test system based on STC89C51. Its technology uses STC89C51 MCU as the control core, which is composed of MCU central control module, ADC conversion module, display module, switch module, voltage regulator module, filter module and alarm module. The system mainly realizes the function of automatic test for the given amplifying circuit parameters (input impedance, output impedance, magnification ratio) and component fault, which makes up for the deficiency of manual test.

Key words: Circuit characteristic tester; Single chip microcomputer; STC89C51; Peak detection


          ... 3

第一章 绪论... 6

1.1  研究课题背景... 6

1.2  国内外发展概况... 8

1.3  课题研究的目的... 10

1.4  课题的研究内容及章节安排... 11

第二章 智能交通信号灯控制系统的设计方案... 13

2.1  设计任务及要求... 13

2.2  电路特性测试仪总体设计方案... 13

2.3  方案的论证与分析... 14

第三章 基于模糊控制的交通信号控制系统... 17

3.1  基本思路... 17

3.2  输入模糊化... 17

3.3  模糊决策... 19

3.3.1 综合法... 19

3.3.2 并行法... 19

3.4  输出逆模糊化... 20

3.5  交通信号的模糊控制... 21

3.5.1 模糊控制输入量与输出量的确定... 21

3.5.2 模糊控制器的系统框图... 22

3.5.3 模糊控制器的系统框图... 23

第四章 系统硬件部分设计... 27

4.1  总体设计... 27

4.2  主控制器设计... 27

3.2.1  芯片介绍... 28

4.2.2  时钟电路设计... 30

4.2.3  复位电路设计... 31

4.3  显示模块... 31

4.3.1  LED显示... 31

4.3.2  数码管显示... 32

4.4  显示电路... 32

4.5  键盘输入电路... 33

第五章  基于模糊控制的电路特性测试仪控制系统仿真设计... 34

5.1  基于模糊控制的电路特性测试仪控制系统仿真模型... 34

5.2  基于模糊控制的电路特性测试仪控制系统仿真结果分析... 36

第六章  系统软件部分设计... 38

6.1  主程序流程图... 38

6.2  子程序流程图... 39

6.3  显示程序设计... 41

第七章 系统仿真调试部分... 42

7.1  软件研发的背景... 42

7.2  软件程序设计... 43

7.3  基于Proteus电路图绘制... 44

第八章  总结展望... 45

参考文献... 46

致    谢... 48

附录A.. 49

图A1 系统原理图... 49

附录B.. 49

图B1 实物显示图... 49

第一章 绪论

1.1  研究课题背景



(1) 简单电路特性测试的研究有助于改善传统测试方法的缺点。

(2) 它可以开阔人们的视野,促使人们从一个新的角度看待电路特性测试。




