DFS(Deep First Search),即深度优先搜索算法。将棋盘视为N行N列的矩阵(以二维列表的方式存储),从第1行开始放置皇后,然后第2行、第3行、…、第i行(i <= N),如果i=N,则所有皇后放置完毕;如果i != N且棋盘上已经没有可以放置皇后的位置,则当前放置方案不可行,回溯至上一个状态,寻找新的分支并继续求解。
import copy as cp global count count = 0 class State: N = 8 current_grid = [] # 当前棋盘 NewQ = (-1, -1) # 当前棋子的位置 parent_state = None # 父状态 deep = 0 # 状态深度 def __init__(self, parent_state, Q_ij, NQ): if parent_state is None: self.N = NQ self.NewQ = Q_ij # 当前棋子的位置 self.parent_state = parent_state self.deep = 0 self.current_grid = [[0 for i in range(self.N)] for j in range(self.N)] # 当前棋盘 else: self.N = NQ self.NewQ = Q_ij # 当前棋子的位置 self.parent_state = parent_state self.deep = self.parent_state.deep + 1 self.current_grid = self.update_grid() # 当前棋盘 # 根据父状态和当前棋子位置,对当前棋盘的空余位置情况作更新 def update_grid(self): line = self.NewQ[0] column = self.NewQ[1] if line != -1 and column != -1: if self.parent_state is None: next_grid = [[0 for i in range(self.N)] for j in range(self.N)] next_grid[line][column] = 10 else: next_grid = cp.deepcopy(self.parent_state.current_grid) next_grid[line][column] = 10 # 向上占位 while line > 0: next_grid[line - 1][column] = 1 line = line - 1 line = self.NewQ[0] # 向下占位 while line < self.N - 1: next_grid[line + 1][column] = 1 line = line + 1 line = self.NewQ[0] # 向左占位 while column > 0: next_grid[line][column - 1] = 1 column = column - 1 column = self.NewQ[1] # 向右占位 while column < self.N - 1: next_grid[line][column + 1] = 1 column = column + 1 column = self.NewQ[1] # 向左下角占位 while column > 0 and line < self.N - 1: next_grid[line + 1][column - 1] = 1 column = column - 1 line = line + 1 line = self.NewQ[0] column = self.NewQ[1] # 向右下角占位 while column < self.N - 1 and line < self.N - 1: next_grid[line + 1][column + 1] = 1 column = column + 1 line = line + 1 return next_grid else: print("no solution here!") return None # 打印当前棋盘 def show_grid(self): for i in range(len(self.current_grid)): print("|", end="") for j in range(len(self.current_grid[i])): if self.current_grid[i][j] == 1: print(" ", end=" ") else: print("Q", end=" ") print("|") print("*****-----------------*****\n*****-----------------*****") def get_extended_space_list(current_state, NQ): global count res_list = [] if current_state.parent_state is None: line = 0 for column in range(len(current_state.current_grid[line])): if current_state.current_grid[line][column] == 0: res_list.append((line, column)) else: line = current_state.NewQ[0] + 1 column = 0 while column <= NQ - 1: count += 1 if current_state.current_grid[line][column] >= 1: column = column + 1 else: res_list.append((line, column)) column = column + 1 return res_list NQ = 10 start_grid = [[0 for i in range(NQ)] for j in range(NQ)] start_Q_ij = (-1, -1) start_state = State(None, start_Q_ij, NQ) start_space = get_extended_space_list(start_state, NQ) open_list = [] solution = 0 # 记录成功结果的数量 search_sum = 0 # 记录找到单个结果时所用搜索次数 sum_in_total = 0 # 记录所有成功结果的搜索次数和 for i in range(len(start_space)): new = State(start_state, start_space[i], NQ) open_list.insert(0, new) while len(open_list) != 0: # search_sum = search_sum + 1 # print(len(open_list)) current_state = open_list.pop(0) if current_state.deep == NQ: # 如果当前状态的deep为NQ,说明所有棋子都放置完毕,即得到一种解 solution = solution + 1 print("this is solution No.", solution, sep="") current_state.show_grid() sum_in_total = sum_in_total + search_sum print("search_sum = ", search_sum) search_sum = 0 continue new_space = get_extended_space_list(current_state, NQ) # 得到可放置棋子的位置坐标列表 for i in range(len(new_space)): search_sum += 1 new_state = State(current_state, new_space[i], NQ) open_list.insert(0, new_state) print("\n\n******************\nThere are ", solution, " solutions to ", NQ, "-Queens problem in total!", sep="") # print("平均搜索次数为", sum_in_total / solution) print("平均搜索次数为%.3f" % (count / solution))
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