WIDTH = 600
HEIGHT = 640
ROOTDIR = os.getcwd()
FPS = 45
class elimination_block(pygame.sprite.Sprite): def __init__(self, img_path, size, position, downlen, **kwargs): pygame.sprite.Sprite.__init__(self) self.image = pygame.image.load(img_path) self.image = pygame.transform.smoothscale(self.image, size) self.rect = self.image.get_rect() self.rect.left, self.rect.top = position self.down_len = downlen self.target_x = position[0] self.target_y = position[1] + downlen self.type = img_path.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0] self.fixed = False self.speed_x = 10 self.speed_y = 10 self.direction = 'down'
'''拼图块移动''' def move(self): if self.direction == 'down': self.rect.top = min(self.target_y, self.rect.top + self.speed_y) if self.target_y == self.rect.top: self.fixed = True elif self.direction == 'up': self.rect.top = max(self.target_y, self.rect.top - self.speed_y) if self.target_y == self.rect.top: self.fixed = True elif self.direction == 'left': self.rect.left = max(self.target_x, self.rect.left - self.speed_x) if self.target_x == self.rect.left: self.fixed = True elif self.direction == 'right': self.rect.left = min(self.target_x, self.rect.left + self.speed_x) if self.target_x == self.rect.left: self.fixed = True
def get_position(self):
return self.rect.left, self.rect.top
def set_position(self, position):
self.rect.left, self.rect.top = position
'''显示剩余时间''' def show_remained_time(self): remaining_time_render = self.font.render('CountDown: %ss' % str(self.remaining_time), 1, (85, 65, 0)) rect = remaining_time_render.get_rect() rect.left, rect.top = (WIDTH - 201, 6) self.screen.blit(remaining_time_render, rect) '''显示得分''' def show_score(self): score_render = self.font.render('SCORE:' + str(self.score), 1, (85, 65, 0)) rect = score_render.get_rect() rect.left, rect.top = (10, 6) self.screen.blit(score_render, rect) '''显示加分''' def add_score(self, add_score): score_render = self.font.render('+' + str(add_score), 1, (255, 100, 100)) rect = score_render.get_rect() rect.left, rect.top = (250, 250) self.screen.blit(score_render, rect)
'''生成新的拼图块''' def generate_new_blocks(self, res_match): if res_match[0] == 1: start = res_match[2] while start > -2: for each in [res_match[1], res_match[1] + 1, res_match[1] + 2]: block = self.get_block_by_position(*[each, start]) if start == res_match[2]: self.blocks_group.remove(block) self.all_blocks[each][start] = None elif start >= 0: block.target_y += GRIDSIZE block.fixed = False block.direction = 'down' self.all_blocks[each][start + 1] = block else: block = elimination_block(img_path=random.choice(self.block_images), size=(GRIDSIZE, GRIDSIZE), position=[XMARGIN + each * GRIDSIZE, YMARGIN - GRIDSIZE], downlen=GRIDSIZE) self.blocks_group.add(block) self.all_blocks[each][start + 1] = block start -= 1 elif res_match[0] == 2: start = res_match[2] while start > -4: if start == res_match[2]: for each in range(0, 3): block = self.get_block_by_position(*[res_match[1], start + each]) self.blocks_group.remove(block) self.all_blocks[res_match[1]][start + each] = None elif start >= 0: block = self.get_block_by_position(*[res_match[1], start]) block.target_y += GRIDSIZE * 3 block.fixed = False block.direction = 'down' self.all_blocks[res_match[1]][start + 3] = block else: block = elimination_block(img_path=random.choice(self.block_images), size=(GRIDSIZE, GRIDSIZE), position=[XMARGIN + res_match[1] * GRIDSIZE, YMARGIN + start * GRIDSIZE], downlen=GRIDSIZE * 3) self.blocks_group.add(block) self.all_blocks[res_match[1]][start + 3] = block start -= 1
'''移除匹配的block''' def clear_matched_block(self, res_match): if res_match[0] > 0: self.generate_new_blocks(res_match) self.score += self.reward return self.reward return 0 '''游戏界面的网格绘制''' def draw_grids(self): for x in range(NUMGRID): for y in range(NUMGRID): rect = pygame.Rect((XMARGIN + x * GRIDSIZE, YMARGIN + y * GRIDSIZE, GRIDSIZE, GRIDSIZE)) self.draw_block(rect, color=(0, 0, 255), size=1) '''画矩形block框''' def draw_block(self, block, color=(255, 0, 255), size=4): pygame.draw.rect(self.screen, color, block, size) '''下落特效''' def draw_drop_animation(self, x, y): if not self.get_block_by_position(x, y).fixed: self.get_block_by_position(x, y).move() if x < NUMGRID - 1: x += 1 return self.draw_drop_animation(x, y) elif y < NUMGRID - 1: x = 0 y += 1 return self.draw_drop_animation(x, y) else: return self.is_all_full() '''是否每个位置都有拼图块了''' def is_all_full(self): for x in range(NUMGRID): for y in range(NUMGRID): if not self.get_block_by_position(x, y).fixed: return False return True
'''检查有无拼图块被选中''' def check_block_selected(self, position): for x in range(NUMGRID): for y in range(NUMGRID): if self.get_block_by_position(x, y).rect.collidepoint(*position): return [x, y] return None '''是否有连续一样的三个块(无--返回0/水平--返回1/竖直--返回2)''' def is_block_matched(self): for x in range(NUMGRID): for y in range(NUMGRID): if x + 2 < NUMGRID: if self.get_block_by_position(x, y).type == self.get_block_by_position(x + 1, y).type == self.get_block_by_position(x + 2, y).type: return [1, x, y] if y + 2 < NUMGRID: if self.get_block_by_position(x, y).type == self.get_block_by_position(x, y + 1).type == self.get_block_by_position(x, y + 2).type: return [2, x, y] return [0, x, y] '''根据坐标获取对应位置的拼图对象''' def get_block_by_position(self, x, y): return self.all_blocks[x][y] '''交换拼图''' def swap_block(self, block1_pos, block2_pos): margin = block1_pos[0] - block2_pos[0] + block1_pos[1] - block2_pos[1] if abs(margin) != 1: return False block1 = self.get_block_by_position(*block1_pos) block2 = self.get_block_by_position(*block2_pos) if block1_pos[0] - block2_pos[0] == 1: block1.direction = 'left' block2.direction = 'right' elif block1_pos[0] - block2_pos[0] == -1: block2.direction = 'left' block1.direction = 'right' elif block1_pos[1] - block2_pos[1] == 1: block1.direction = 'up' block2.direction = 'down' elif block1_pos[1] - block2_pos[1] == -1: block2.direction = 'up' block1.direction = 'down' block1.target_x = block2.rect.left block1.target_y = block2.rect.top block1.fixed = False block2.target_x = block1.rect.left block2.target_y = block1.rect.top block2.fixed = False self.all_blocks[block2_pos[0]][block2_pos[1]] = block1 self.all_blocks[block1_pos[0]][block1_pos[1]] = block2 return True
def main(): pygame.init() screen = pygame.display.set_mode((WIDTH, HEIGHT)) pygame.display.set_caption('开心消消乐') # 加载背景音乐 pygame.mixer.init() pygame.mixer.music.load(os.path.join(ROOTDIR, "resources/audios/bg.mp3")) pygame.mixer.music.set_volume(0.6) pygame.mixer.music.play(-1) # 加载音效 sounds = {} sounds['mismatch'] = pygame.mixer.Sound(os.path.join(ROOTDIR, 'resources/audios/badswap.wav')) sounds['match'] = [] for i in range(6): sounds['match'].append(pygame.mixer.Sound(os.path.join(ROOTDIR, 'resources/audios/match%s.wav' % i))) # 加载字体 font = pygame.font.Font(os.path.join(ROOTDIR, 'resources/font.TTF'), 25) # 图片加载 block_images = [] for i in range(1, 8): block_images.append(os.path.join(ROOTDIR, 'resources/images/gem%s.png' % i)) # 主循环 game = InitGame(screen, sounds, font, block_images) while True: score = game.start() flag = False # 一轮游戏结束后玩家选择重玩或者退出 while True: for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT or (event.type == pygame.KEYUP and event.key == pygame.K_ESCAPE): pygame.quit() sys.exit() elif event.type == pygame.KEYUP and event.key == pygame.K_r: flag = True if flag: break screen.fill((135, 206, 235)) text0 = 'Final score: %s' % score text1 = 'Press <R> to restart the game.' text2 = 'Press <Esc> to quit the game.' y = 150 for idx, text in enumerate([text0, text1, text2]): text_render = font.render(text, 1, (85, 65, 0)) rect = text_render.get_rect() if idx == 0: rect.left, rect.top = (212, y) elif idx == 1: rect.left, rect.top = (122.5, y) else: rect.left, rect.top = (126.5, y) y += 100 screen.blit(text_render, rect) pygame.display.update() game.reset() '''test''' if __name__ == '__main__': main()
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