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Android abd shell dumpsys命令探究,腾讯架构师深入讲解Android开发_adb dumpsys

adb dumpsys

13: (data_connection) null

14: (phone_evdo_signal) null

15: (phone_signal) null

16: (battery) null

17: (alarm_clock) StatusBarIcon(pkg=com.android.systemuiuser=0 id=0x7f0200ca level=0 visible=false num=0 )

18: (secure) null

19: (clock) null

Notification list:

0: StatusBarNotification(pkg=android user=UserHandle{-1} id=17040500 tag=null score=0: Notification(pri=0 contentView=android/0x1090064 vibrate=null sound=null defaults=0x0 flags=0x2 kind=[null]))

1: StatusBarNotification(pkg=com.android.phone user=UserHandle{0} id=103 tag=null score=0: Notification(pri=0 contentView=com.android.phone/0x1090064 vibrate=null sound=null defaults=0x0 flags=0x10 kind=[null]))

2: StatusBarNotification(pkg=android user=UserHandle{-1} id=17040508 tag=null score=-10: Notification(pri=-1 contentView=android/0x1090064 vibrate=null sound=null defaults=0x0 flags=0x2 kind=[null]))



dumpsys meminfo用法:

root@zms:/ # dumpsys meminfo -h

dumpsys meminfo -h

meminfo dump options: [-a] [-d] [-c] [–oom] [process]

-a: include all available information for each process.

-d: include dalvik details when dumping process details.

-c: dump in a compact machine-parseable representation.

–oom: only show processes organized by oom adj.

–local: only collect details locally, don’t call process.

If [process] is specified it can be the name or

pid of a specific process to dump.


root@zms:/ # dumpsys memoinfo

dumpsys memoinfo

Can’t find service: memoinfo

root@esky82_tb_cn_kk:/ # dumpsys meminfo

dumpsys meminfo

Applications Memory Usage (kB):

Uptime: 5890684 Realtime: 5890684

Total PSS by process:

38821 kB: com.test.speech (pid 1560)

30357 kB: com.test.inputmethod (pid 839)

26352 kB: system (pid 621)

22843 kB: com.test.demoa (pid 781 / activities)

20629 kB: com.android.systemui (pid 709)

13530 kB: com.android.settings (pid 1111)

12954 kB: zygote (pid 129)

12419 kB: com.android.phone (pid 858)

11972 kB: com.test.democ (pid 1367)

11146 kB: mediaserver (pid 131)

9586 kB: android.process.media (pid 997)

9532 kB: com.test.demoa:remote (pid 1080)

6525 kB: com.android.mms (pid 1150)

6497 kB: com.android.contacts (pid 1132)

4858 kB: com.android.browser (pid 1638)

4838 kB: surfaceflinger (pid 128)

4633 kB: com.test.democ:xpush (pid 1543)

3599 kB: drmserver (pid 130)

3540 kB: com.test.bluetooth (pid 872)

2972 kB: com.test.systemupdate (pid 1093)

2659 kB: com.test.videofavorites (pid 1666)

2641 kB: em_svr (pid 152)

2567 kB: com.camera.simplewebcam (pid 1232)

1559 kB: mtkbt (pid 144)

1449 kB: logcat (pid 2400)

1296 kB: gocsdk (pid 140)

1170 kB: wpa_supplicant (pid 820)

1117 kB: gocsdk (pid 568)

1000 kB: mtk_agpsd (pid 135)

726 kB: rild (pid 589)

639 kB: netd (pid 124)

589 kB: vold (pid 115)

436 kB: keystore (pid 134)

384 kB: /init (pid 1)

363 kB: dm_agent_binder (pid 142)

297 kB: debuggerd (pid 122)

284 kB: mdlogger (pid 522)

277 kB: nvram_agent_binder (pid 147)

268 kB: adbd (pid 153)

268 kB: sdcard (pid 764)

266 kB: ppl_agent (pid 143)

266 kB: GoogleOtaBinder (pid 146)

260 kB: gsm0710muxd (pid 523)

259 kB: sh (pid 3019)

254 kB: mobile_log_d (pid 123)

246 kB: ccci_mdinit (pid 119)

246 kB: MtkCodecService (pid 137)

245 kB: netdiag (pid 125)

204 kB: sdcard (pid 945)

187 kB: dumpsys (pid 3028)

174 kB: ueventd (pid 78)

159 kB: drvbd (pid 111)

156 kB: installd (pid 133)

152 kB: healthd (pid 113)

127 kB: 6620_launcher (pid 159)

115 kB: servicemanager (pid 114)

114 kB: thermal (pid 149)

112 kB: logwrapper (pid 117)

107 kB: batterywarning (pid 136)

102 kB: thermald (pid 150)

Total PSS by OOM adjustment:

51051 kB: Native

12954 kB: zygote (pid 129)

11146 kB: mediaserver (pid 131)

4838 kB: surfaceflinger (pid 128)

3599 kB: drmserver (pid 130)

2641 kB: em_svr (pid 152)

1559 kB: mtkbt (pid 144)

1449 kB: logcat (pid 2400)

1296 kB: gocsdk (pid 140)

1170 kB: wpa_supplicant (pid 820)

1117 kB: gocsdk (pid 568)

1000 kB: mtk_agpsd (pid 135)

726 kB: rild (pid 589)

639 kB: netd (pid 124)

589 kB: vold (pid 115)

436 kB: keystore (pid 134)

384 kB: /init (pid 1)

363 kB: dm_agent_binder (pid 142)

297 kB: debuggerd (pid 122)

284 kB: mdlogger (pid 522)

277 kB: nvram_agent_binder (pid 147)

268 kB: adbd (pid 153)

268 kB: sdcard (pid 764)

266 kB: ppl_agent (pid 143)

266 kB: GoogleOtaBinder (pid 146)

260 kB: gsm0710muxd (pid 523)

259 kB: sh (pid 3019)

254 kB: mobile_log_d (pid 123)

246 kB: ccci_mdinit (pid 119)

246 kB: MtkCodecService (pid 137)

245 kB: netdiag (pid 125)

204 kB: sdcard (pid 945)

187 kB: dumpsys (pid 3028)

174 kB: ueventd (pid 78)

159 kB: drvbd (pid 111)

156 kB: installd (pid 133)

152 kB: healthd (pid 113)

127 kB: 6620_launcher (pid 159)

115 kB: servicemanager (pid 114)

114 kB: thermal (pid 149)

112 kB: logwrapper (pid 117)

107 kB: batterywarning (pid 136)

102 kB: thermald (pid 150)

26352 kB: System

26352 kB: system (pid 621)

36588 kB: Persistent

20629 kB: com.android.systemui (pid 709)

12419 kB: com.android.phone (pid 858)

3540 kB: com.test.bluetooth (pid 872)

22843 kB: Foreground

22843 kB: com.test.demoa (pid 781 / activities)

9532 kB: Visible

9532 kB: com.test.demoa:remote (pid 1080)

30357 kB: Perceptible

30357 kB: com.test.inputmethod (pid 839)

4633 kB: A Services

4633 kB: com.test.democ:xpush (pid 1543)

60379 kB: B Services

38821 kB: com.test.speech (pid 1560)

11972 kB: com.test.democ (pid 1367)

