matrix::Vector3f AttitudeControl::update(const Quatf &q) const { Quatf qd = _attitude_setpoint_q; // calculate reduced desired attitude neglecting vehicle's yaw to prioritize roll and pitch const Vector3f e_z = q.dcm_z(); const Vector3f e_z_d = qd.dcm_z(); Quatf qd_red(e_z, e_z_d); if (fabsf(qd_red(1)) > (1.f - 1e-5f) || fabsf(qd_red(2)) > (1.f - 1e-5f)) { // In the infinitesimal corner case where the vehicle and thrust have the completely opposite direction, // full attitude control anyways generates no yaw input and directly takes the combination of // roll and pitch leading to the correct desired yaw. Ignoring this case would still be totally safe and stable. qd_red = qd; } else { // transform rotation from current to desired thrust vector into a world frame reduced desired attitude qd_red *= q; } // mix full and reduced desired attitude Quatf q_mix = qd_red.inversed() * qd; q_mix.canonicalize(); // catch numerical problems with the domain of acosf and asinf q_mix(0) = math::constrain(q_mix(0), -1.f, 1.f); q_mix(3) = math::constrain(q_mix(3), -1.f, 1.f); qd = qd_red * Quatf(cosf(_yaw_w * acosf(q_mix(0))), 0, 0, sinf(_yaw_w * asinf(q_mix(3)))); // quaternion attitude control law, qe is rotation from q to qd const Quatf qe = q.inversed() * qd; // using sin(alpha/2) scaled rotation axis as attitude error (see quaternion definition by axis angle) // also taking care of the antipodal unit quaternion ambiguity const Vector3f eq = 2.f * qe.canonical().imag(); // calculate angular rates setpoint Vector3f rate_setpoint = eq.emult(_proportional_gain); // Feed forward the yaw setpoint rate. // yawspeed_setpoint is the feed forward commanded rotation around the world z-axis, // but we need to apply it in the body frame (because _rates_sp is expressed in the body frame). // Therefore we infer the world z-axis (expressed in the body frame) by taking the last column of R.transposed (== q.inversed) // and multiply it by the yaw setpoint rate (yawspeed_setpoint). // This yields a vector representing the commanded rotatation around the world z-axis expressed in the body frame // such that it can be added to the rates setpoint. if (std::isfinite(_yawspeed_setpoint)) { rate_setpoint += q.inversed().dcm_z() * _yawspeed_setpoint; } // limit rates for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { rate_setpoint(i) = math::constrain(rate_setpoint(i), -_rate_limit(i), _rate_limit(i)); } return rate_setpoint; }
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