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An AI personal assistant is a piece of software that understands verbal or written commands and completes task assigned by the client. It is an example of weak AI that is it can only execute and perform quest designed by the user.

AI个人助理是一种软件,可以理解口头或书面命令并完成客户端分配的任务。 这是弱AI的一个示例,它只能执行和执行用户设计的任务。

Want to build your own personal AI assistant like Apple Siri, Microsoft Cortana and Google assistant?

是否想建立自己的个人AI助手,例如Apple Siri,Microsoft Cortana和Google助手?

You can check out this blog to build one in a few simple steps!


With the python programming language, a script most commonly used by the developers can be used to build your personal AI assistant to perform task designed by the users.


Now, let’s write a script for our personal voice assistant using python.


技能专长 (Skills:)

The implemented voice assistant can perform the following task it can open YouTube, Gmail, Google chrome and stack overflow. Predict current time, take a photo, search Wikipedia to abstract required data, predict weather in different cities, get top headline news from Times of India and can answer computational and geographical questions too.

已实现的语音助手可以执行以下任务,可以打开YouTube,Gmail,Google chrome和堆栈溢出。 预测当前时间,拍照,搜索Wikipedia以提取所需的数据,预测不同城市的天气,从《印度时报》获得头条新闻,还可以回答计算和地理问题。

The following queries of the voice assistant can be manipulated as per the users need.


所需包装: (Packages required:)

To build a personal voice assistant it’s necessary to install the following packages in your system using the pip command.


1) Speech recognition — Speech recognition is an important feature used in house automation and in artificial intelligence devices. The main function of this library is it tries to understand whatever the humans speak and converts the speech to text.

1) 语音识别 -语音识别是房屋自动化和人工智能设备中使用的重要功能。 该库的主要功能是尝试理解人类的讲话并将语音转换为文本。

2) pyttsx3 — pyttxs3 is a text to speech conversion library in python. This package supports text to speech engines on Mac os x, Windows and on Linux.

2) pyttsx3 — pyttxs3是python中的文本到语音转换库。 此软件包在Mac OS X,Windows和Linux上支持文本到语音引擎。

3) wikipedia — Wikipedia is a multilingual online encyclopedia used by many people from academic community ranging from freshmen to students to professors who wants to gain information over a particular topic. This package in python extracts data’s required from Wikipedia.

3) Wikipedia — Wikipedia是一种多语言的在线百科全书,许多学术界人士使用它,从新生,学生到想获取特定主题信息的教授。 python中的此软件包从Wikipedia中提取了所需的数据。

4) ecapture — This module is used to capture images from your camera

4) 捕获 —此模块用于捕获相机中的图像

5) datetime — This is an inbuilt module in python and it works on date and time

5) datetime —这是python中的内置模块,可按日期和时间运行

6) os — This module is a standard library in python and it provides the function to interact with operating system

6) os —该模块是python中的标准库,它提供与操作系统交互的功能

7) time — The time module helps us to display time

7) 时间 -时间模块可帮助我们显示时间

8) Web browser — This is an in-built package in python. It extracts data from the web

8) Web浏览器 -这是python中的内置软件包。 它从网上提取数据

9) Subprocess — This is a standard library use to process various system commands like to log off or to restart your PC.

9) 子进程 —这是一个标准库,用于处理各种系统命令,例如注销或重新启动PC。

10) Json- The json module is used for storing and exchanging data.

10) Json -json模块用于存储和交换数据。

11) request- The request module is used to send all types of HTTP request. Its accepts URL as para

