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rtsp_streaming media download

streaming media download

rtsp.org: Real Time Streaming Protocol (RTSP) Information and Updates

Information about the RTSP and about related protocols for streaming servers, clients and infrastructure. Includes pointers to current specifications, ...
www.rtsp.org/ - 7k - Cached - Similar pages

rtsp.org: RTSP Frequently Asked Questions

Information about the Real Time Streaming Protocol (RTSP), and about protocols for streaming servers, clients and infrastructure.
www.rtsp.org/2001/faq.html - 16k - Cached - Similar pages

RTSP: Real-Time Streaming Protocol

General information about RTSP provided by Dr. Henning Schulzrinne of Columbia University.
www.cs.columbia.edu/~hgs/rtsp/ - 4k - Cached - Similar pages

RTSP: Real-Time Streaming Protocol

Real-Time Stream Control Protocol (RTSP) ... AIX 4.3.3, SDP, C++, available, MPEG-1 System; includes alternative RTSP server for IBM's VideoCharger ...
www.cs.columbia.edu/~hgs/rtsp/implementations.html - 9k - Cached - Similar pages
[ More results from www.cs.columbia.edu ]

RFC 2326

Official RTSP specification, published by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF)
www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2326.txt - 191k - Cached - Similar pages

The following was received from Rob Lanphier <robla@real.com ...

... regards to intellectual property claims on RTSP (Real Time Streaming Protocol, currently draft-ietf-mmusic-rtsp-06.txt), which you may put on the IETF ...
www.ietf.org/ietf/IPR/RTSP - 2k - Cached - Similar pages
[ More results from www.ietf.org ]

What is RTSP? - A Word Definition From the Webopedia Computer ...

This page describes the term RTSP and lists other pages on the Web where you can find additional information.
www.webopedia.com/TERM/R/RTSP.html - 42k - Cached - Similar pages

RTSP Toolkit

IBM's toolkit is based on tools developed for video and other applications in 1995-1996. Their toolkit reflects the Unix philosophy of shells, processes and ...
www.research.ibm.com/rtsptoolkit/ - 4k - Cached - Similar pages

SourceForge.net: Project Info - RTSP Specification

Official issue/errata list for RTSP, from which the future version of the RTSP specification will be made.
sourceforge.net/projects/rtspspec - 39k - Cached - Similar pages

SourceForge.net: Project Info - RTSP Proxy Kit

... The RTSP Proxy Kit contains source code for a reference implementation of an application-level RTSP proxy server for UNIX and Windows environments. ...
sourceforge.net/projects/rtsp - 38k - Cached - Similar pages

QuickTime - Tutorials - RTSP

... RTSP is used when viewers communicate with a unicast server. RTSP allows two-way communication; that is, viewers can communicate with the streaming ...
www.apple.com/quicktime/tools_tips/tutorials/rtp.html - 13k - Cached - Similar pages

QuickTime - Tutorials - Fast start vs streaming

on the best way to deliver your QuickTime movies over the web, which should you choose--Fast Start (HTTP/FTP delivery) or streaming (RTP/RTSP delivery)? ...
www.apple.com/quicktime/ tools_tips/tutorials/httpvsrtsp.html - 15k - Cached - Similar pages

RTSP Monitor

Tool to check the availability of time-based media files and real-time media streams. Written in Java utilizing JMF.
demo.freshwater.com/SiteScope/docs/RTSPMonitor.htm - 22k - Cached - Similar pages

Google Directory - Computers > Internet > Protocols > RTSP ...

... Supports RTSP/RTP delivery of AVI, WAV, MP3, and MOV files, as well as RTSP delivery of RealAudio and RealVideo [Server, Proxy, and SDK; ...
directory.google.com/Top/Computers/ Internet/Protocols/RTSP/Implementations/ - 21k - Cached - Similar pages

Google Directory - Computers > Internet > Protocols > RTSP

... Group promoting the use of RTSP, RTP, and a subset of the MPEG-4 ... Official RTSP specification, published by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF ...
directory.google.com/Top/ Computers/Internet/Protocols/RTSP/ - 11k - Cached - Similar pages

Download Page: RTSP

... The Real Time Streaming Protocol, or RTSP, is an application-level protocol for control ... RTSP provides an extensible framework to enable controlled, ...
www.vovida.org/protocols/downloads/rtsp/ - 5k - Cached - Similar pages

Vovida RTSP Stack

The Vovida Open Communication Application Library (VOCAL) is an open source project targeted at facilitating the adoption of VoIP in the marketplace.
www.vovida.org/applications/downloads/vocal/ - 22k - Cached - Similar pages
[ More results from www.vovida.org ]


package URI::rtsp; require URI::http; @ISA=qw(URI::http); sub ...

package URI::rtsp; require URI::http; @ISA=qw(URI::http); sub default_port { 554 } 1;
search.cpan.org/src/GAAS/URI-1.35/URI/rtsp.pm - 1k - Cached - Similar pages
[ More results from search.cpan.org ]

RTSP, Real Time Streaming Protocol

... RTSP is an application-level protocol for control over the delivery of data with ... RTSP provides an extensible framework to enable controlled, ...
www.networksorcery.com/enp/protocol/rtsp.htm - 5k - Cached - Similar pages

Sentivision::Products::RTSP/RTP Streaming Server::Overview

Provider of MPEG-4 AVC, H.264 IP Set-Top Box solutions.
www.sentivision.com/products/ss/rtsp-en.html - 16k - Cached - Similar pages


Real Time Streaming Protocol - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

... RTSP is the Real Time Streaming Protocol developed by the IETF and ... RTSP servers typically use RTP as the protocol for the actual audio/video data. ...
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Real_time_streaming_protocol - 10k - Cached - Similar pages

RTSP/RTP streaming support for MPlayer

... To see details of the complete RTSP protocol exchange, ... Some RTSP servers require user authentication (via a name and password) before a session can ...
www.live.com/mplayer/ - 9k - Cached - Similar pages

Stream Down - Download RTSP, RM, MMS and ASF

Streaming media download tool that supports HTTP, FTP, RTSP, MMS, MMSU, and MMST.
stream-down.cocsoft.com/ - 6k - Cached - Similar pages

RFC 2326 - Real Time Streaming Protocol (RTSP). H. Schulzrinne, A ...

... 1998 Real Time Streaming Protocol (RTSP) Status of this Memo This document specifies an ... RTSP provides an extensible framework to enable controlled, ...
rfc.sunsite.dk/rfc/rfc2326.html - 101k - 23 Mar 2005 - Cached - Similar pages

Real Time Streaming Protocol from FOLDOC

... RTSP allows users to start playing from a certain position. It does not actually deliver the data, but works alongside existing delivery channels such ...
wwwacs.gantep.edu.tr/foldoc/foldoc.cgi?RTSP - 4k - Cached - Similar pages


File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - View as HTML
... All known RTSP servers to date are TCP-based, though the ... The RTSP protocol is intentionally similar in syntax and operation to. HTTP/1.1. ...
docs.real.com/docs/rtsp.pdf - Similar pages

[PDF] Using RTSP with Firewalls, Proxies, and Other Intermediary Network ...

File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - View as HTML
... incorporation of Real Time Streaming Protocol (RTSP) into firewalls, proxies, ... examined to reallocate or deallocate ports, and the pertinent RTSP ...
docs.real.com/docs/proxykit/rtspd.pdf - Similar pages

Real-Time Streaming Protocol (RTSP)

... Although the full advantage of RTSP can be harnessed only after most of ... Products using RTSP are available today (eg. RealNetworks RealMedia SDK). ...
www.tml.hut.fi/Studies/ Tik-110.300/1998/Essays/rtsp.html - 19k - Cached - Similar pages

RTSP: Real Time Streaming Protocol Overview (RFC 2326)

The Real-Time Streaming Protocol (RTSP) establishes and controls either a single or several time-synchronized streams of continuous media such as audio and ...
www.javvin.com/protocolRTSP.html - 24k - Cached - Similar pages

RFC 2326 (rfc2326) - Real Time Streaming Protocol (RTSP)

Real Time Streaming Protocol (RTSP). H. Schulzrinne, A. Rao, R. Lanphier. April 1998.
www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc2326.html - 182k - Cached - Similar pages

RTSP Support

RTSP support has recently been added to the Java Media Framework. It enables JMF based clients (both applets and applications) to communicate with RTSP ...
java.sun.com/products/java-media/ jmf/2.1.1/support-rtsp.html - 12k - Cached - Similar pages

JEP-01xx: RTSP binding

... This is most useful for audio and video streaming, although RTSP can be used for any ... Normally, RTSP takes place between endpoints addressed by IP. ...
delta.affinix.com/specs/jep-rtsp.html - 20k - Cached - Similar pages

merlimat.net » RTSP Proxy

Matteo Merli home page, blog, software and more... Pixies Desktop Search, RTSP RTP Proxy.
merlimat.net/software/rtsp-proxy/ - 7k - Cached - Similar pages

IPv6 RTSP/RTP streaming video using Java JMF on Solaris and Linux

IPv6 RTSP/RTP streaming with Java and Java Media Framework (JMF) on Solaris and Linux.
www.ctie.monash.edu.au/DSS-IPv6/jmf-ipv6.htm - 12k - Cached - Similar pages

Cisco Systems Glossary Tool

... such as live audio and video, and stored content, such as prerecorded events. RTSP is designed to work with established protocols, such as RTP and HTTP. ...
business.cisco.com/glossary/tree.taf-asset_ id=92887&word=87110&public_view=true&kbns=2&De... - 58k - Cached - Similar pages

freshmeat.net: Project details for RTSP Caching Proxy

freshmeat maintains the Web's largest index of Unix and cross-platform open source software. Thousands of applications are meticulously cataloged in the ...
freshmeat.net/projects/rtspproxy/ - 23k - Cached - Similar pages

LookSmart - Directory - Real Time Streaming Protocol (RTSP)

... Columbia University - rtspd: RTSP server Henning Schulzrinne provides this RTSP streaming media server and includes a description, features, ...
search.looksmart.com/p/browse/ us1/us317831/us53839/us53903/us10058693/ - 12k - Cached - Similar pages

definition: Realtime Transport and Streaming Protocol (RTP), (RTSP ...

... Realtime Transport Protocol (RTP), RealTime Streaming Protocol (RTSP) ... Requires an RTSP server. RTSP uses RTP as the transport protocol. ...
www.motive.co.nz/glossary/rtsp.php - 7k - Cached - Similar pages


... The RTSP parser is responsible for reading data from a socket and converting it into RTSP objects (messages and packets). There are two RTSP parser ...
https://helix-server.helixcommunity.org/ 2003/devdocs/rtspparser.html - 29k - 24 Mar 2005 - Cached - Similar pages

RTSP - definition of RTSP in Computer

RTSP: Real-Time Streaming Protocol RTSP: Real Time Streaming Protocol.
computer.laborlawtalk.com/RTSP - 12k - Cached - Similar pages

Streaming Application Development : Basic Streaming Technology ...

Streaming technology enables to develop entertainment applications that can be viewed on internet; the streaming media components of the Windows Media ...
www.cswl.com/whiteppr/tech/StreamingTechnology.html - 68k - 23 Mar 2005 - Cached - Similar pages

Secunia - Advisories - MPlayer and xine-lib RTSP Handling ...

Secunia - Advisories - MPlayer and xine-lib RTSP Handling Vulnerabilities.
secunia.com/SA11500 - 20k - Cached - Similar pages

Secunia - Advisories - xine-lib PNM and Real RTSP Client ...

Secunia - Advisories - xine-lib PNM and Real RTSP Client Vulnerabilities.
secunia.com/advisories/13496/ - 19k - Cached - Similar pages

Format of RTSP URLs from Rob Lanphier on 1997-07-15 (www-talk@w3 ...

... group is currently working on the Real Time Streaming Protocol (RTSP), ... sure that things are as consistant as possible between RTSP and HTTP because: ...
lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/ www-talk/1997JulAug/0016.html - 14k - Cached - Similar pages

uri@bunyip.com from July 1997: Format of RTSP URLs

... Next message: Bill Simpson-Young: "Re: Format of RTSP URLs"; Next in thread: Bill Simpson-Young: "Re: Format of RTSP URLs" ...
lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/uri/1997Jul/0000.html - 7k - Cached - Similar pages
[ More results from lists.w3.org ]


Canadian Content explores RTSP. ... Multimedia Session Control (mmusic) Working Group Responsible for the creation and maintenance of the RTSP specification ...
www.canadiancontent.net/dir/ Top/Computers/Internet/Protocols/RTSP/ - 18k - Cached - Similar pages

Search Results for: rtsp

flash video, flash videos, flash communication server, flash communication server tutorials, Flash Video Technology, flash video components, ...
www.flashstreamworks.com/search.php?my_search=rtsp - 23k - Cached - Similar pages

Koders - rtsp.c

... useful for modules: set RTSP callback function */ void ... close and free RTSP streams */ static void rtsp_close_streams(RTSPState *rt) { int i; ...
www.koders.com/c/ fid5F513A57FDF10A8061B9B1A45364A9F84F99210A.aspx - 119k - Cached - Similar pages

RTSP on Linux - [ Translate this page ]

After having cancelled our cable televion subscription, we decided that we wanted to continue to watch C-SPAN. C-SPAN broadcasts live on the Internet using ...
www.mcgladrey-family.us/kayne/ archives/2004/01/23/rtsp_on_linux - 20k - Cached - Similar pages


... RADVISION’s RTSP Client Toolkit is IETF RFC 2326 bis 4 D.1 compliant. RTSP Client Toolkit. Applications. Features. Standards Supported ...
www.radvision.com/DeveloperSolutions/ ProtocolToolkitsAndPlatforms/RTSP/ - 81k - Cached - Similar pages

RTSP::Lite - Lightweight RTSP implementation for Perl

... RTSP::Lite is a stand-alone lightweight RTSP/1.0 module for Perl. It is based on Roy Hooper's HTTP::Lite (RTSP protocol is very similar to HTTP protocol ...
www.kosho.org/tools/rtsp-lite/ - 7k - Cached - Similar pages

RTSP -- Security Cameras & Video Surveillance

Security Cameras -- Definition of Real Time Streaming Protocol (RTSP)
www.presidiotechnology.org/ security-cameras/glossary_rtsp.html - 10k - Cached - Similar pages

RTSP - infoAnarchy Wiki

... Conferencing of small groups, where RTSP is designed to broadcast to large groups. ... Retrieved from "http://www.infoanarchy.org/wiki/index.php/RTSP" ...
www.infoanarchy.org/wiki/index.php/RTSP - 8k - Cached - Similar pages

RTSPとは 【Real Time Streaming Protocol】 ─ 意味・解説 : IT用語辞典 - [ Translate this page ]

... RTSPを使うとデータをダウンロードしながらコンテンツを再生する「ストリーミング」 が可能 ... ネットワーク技術 | プロトコル | TCP/IP | RTSP | インターネット ...
e-words.jp/w/RTSP.html - Similar pages


... RTSP. printable version. chaos. The Session Description Protocol, RTP, The Real Time Streaming Protocol, SDP. Y'know, if you login, you can write ...
everything2.com/index.pl?node_id=1533348 - 17k - Cached - Similar pages

Axis Communications - Network Camera Developer pages

... This document specifies the external RTSP-based application programming interface of ... The support for the RTSP API is product and firmware dependent. ...
www.axis.com/techsup/cam_servers/dev/cam_rtsp_api.htm - 32k - 23 Mar 2005 - Cached - Similar pages

Library Reference Search : Computers : Internet : Protocols : RTSP ...

Library Reference Search : Computers : Internet : Protocols : RTSP.
www.libraryreference.org/index. php?c=Computers/Internet/Protocols/RTSP - 7k - Cached - Similar pages

Embedding CCPL in RTSP | Open Media Streaming Project

... Moreover, for the specific case of streaming over IP networks using the IETF Real-Time Streaming Protocol (RTSP), a proposal to exchange the ...
streaming.polito.it/documentation/ccpl-rtsp - 15k - 23 Mar 2005 - Cached - Similar pages

Openwave - Inside the Wave - Streaming Services Need Flexibility ...

As carriers transition towards 3G, the MAG evolves into a multi-protocol gateway, which supports new and emerging services. Openwave introduces optional ...
www.openwave.com/us/openwave_iq/ inside_the_wave/2004/september/rtsp_proxy.htm - 29k - Cached - Similar pages

Queryster Multi Search & Directory - Computers: Internet ...

Queryster directory RTSP listings page. ... RTSP: Real-Time Streaming Protocol - - General information about RTSP provided by Dr. Henning Schulzrinne of ...
www.queryster.com/dir.php/ Computers/Internet/Protocols/RTSP/ - 13k - Cached - Similar pages

WSDOT Research Project Status Report: SS-RTSP Evaluation

... SS-RTSP Evaluation, TRAC/University of Washington, Jul 1, 2004, to Dec 31, 2004. Principal Investigator. Agency Budget No. Agmt./Task No. Wang, Yinhai ...
trac57.trac.washington.edu/projects/ progress.jsp?report=SS-RTSP+Evaluation - 11k - Cached - Similar pages

Alexa Web Search - Subjects > Computers > Internet > Protocols > RTSP

Alexa web search -- a new kind of search engine. With traffic rankings, user reviews and other information about sites, Alexa is a web site discovery tool.
www.alexa.com/browse/categories?catid=5829713 - 21k - Cached - Similar pages

Computers Internet Protocols RTSP

Resources on Computers Internet Protocols RTSP. ... http://www.cs.columbia. edu/~hgs/rtsp/ (Added: Mon May 12 2003 Hits: 3 Rating: 0.00 Votes: 0) ... page.cgi?g=Computers%2FInternet%2FProtocols%2FRTSP%2Findex.html&d=1 - 12k - Cached - Similar pages

XML and Web Service Glossary: RTSP (Real Time Streaming Protocol)

... RTSP is an application-level Protocol for control over the delivery of data with ... RTSP provides an extensible framework to enable controlled, ...
dret.net/glossary/rtsp - 11k - Cached - Similar pages

[PDF] SHAKTI - Performance monitoring tool for RTSP server

File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - View as HTML
... Tool could be used with any RTSP server based on Linux ... RTSP, the Real Time Streaming Protocol, is a communications protocol for control and ...
www.tcs.com/0_service_practices/ ATC_new/Assets/downloads/SHAKTI.pdf - Similar pages

ffmpeg: rtsp.h File Reference

libavformat/rtsp.h File Reference. #include "rtspcodes.h". Go to the source code of this file. ... Definition at line 546 of file rtsp.c. ...
www.mplayerhq.hu/~michael/ffmpeg-doxy/rtsp_8h.html - 30k - 23 Mar 2005 - Cached - Similar pages


... If my understanding is correct, RTSP only initiates the stream. ... With RTSP, the streams don't have to be RTP streams though. ...
bmrc.berkeley.edu/mhonarc/openmash-users/msg00194.html - 5k - Cached - Similar pages


... Hi, I want to save an Unicast RTSP stream. Can I do that with openmash ? -- Regards Stefan Sels --- "I'd like to order one pound of artificial flies ...
bmrc.berkeley.edu/mhonarc/openmash-users/msg00193.html - 3k - Cached - Similar pages
[ More results from bmrc.berkeley.edu ]


... I own that can ostensibly play Real streams yet supports only RTSP rather than ... Anyone stumbled across a public RTSP proxy, RAM-to-RTSP converter of ...
www.mobilewhack.com/mediaplayer/ real/rtsp_proxy_anyone.html - 19k - Cached - Similar pages

Ethereal: [Ethereal-dev] RTSP question.

... I am playing with RTSP (RealOne player) and i receive a DOS prompt with the message "Frame xxx: RTSP: Unknown Transport". It seems to identify RTSP ...
www.ethereal.com/lists/ ethereal-dev/200212/msg00165.html - 7k - Cached - Similar pages

Ethereal: Re: [Ethereal-dev] RTSP question.

... Ninos Fragkiskos wrote: > I am playing with RTSP (RealOne player) and i receive a DOS prompt > with the message "Frame xxx: RTSP: Unknown Transport". ...
www.ethereal.com/lists/ ethereal-dev/200212/msg00173.html - 8k - Cached - Similar pages
[ More results from www.ethereal.com ]

Internet Engineering Task Force Ron Frederick Internet Draft Jay ...

... 2000 Entera, Inc. Caching Support in Standards-based RTSP/RTP Servers Status of this Memo ... A list of RTSP enhancements and open issues are presented. ...
www.web-cache.com/Writings/Internet-Drafts/ draft-periyannan-rtsp-caching-01.txt - 22k - Cached - Similar pages

MacFixIt - QuickTime Streaming Server RTSP stream incompatible ...

... Feedback? Late-breakers@macfixit.com. QuickTime Streaming Server RTSP stream incompatible with RealPlayer | 4 comments | Create New Account ...
www.macfixit.com/article.php?story=20041202081657251 - 26k - Cached - Similar pages

Macworld: News: WebAvalanche supports RTSP/RTP, QuickTime Streaming

... of over 10000 concurrent RTSP/RTP streams to assess the real-world capacity of ... RTSP/RTP is a new protocol addition to WebAvalanche, which currently ...
www.macworld.com/news/2001/12/04/stream/index.php - 32k - Cached - Similar pages

Project info for RTSP Proxy Kit

... The RTSP Proxy Kit contains source code for a reference implementation of an ... RTSP (RFC 2326) proxy server for UNIX and Windows environments. ...
www.advogato.org/proj/RTSP%20Proxy%20Kit/ - 2k - 23 Mar 2005 - Cached - Similar pages

RTSP - Webopedia.com

... RTSP is designed to efficiently broadcast audio-visual data to large groups. RTSP grew out of work done by Columbia University, Netscape and ...
itmanagement.webopedia.com/TERM/R/RTSP.html - 34k - Cached - Similar pages

Open Directory - Computers: Internet: Protocols: RTSP: Implementations

... Columbia University rtspd - Supports serving of .au files via RTSP/RTP for ... as well as RTSP delivery of RealAudio and RealVideo [Server, Proxy, ...
dmoz.org/Computers/Internet/ Protocols/RTSP/Implementations/ - 12k - Cached - Similar pages

Open Directory - Computers: Internet: Protocols: RTSP

... Group - Responsible for the creation and maintenance of the RTSP specification ... the use of RTSP, RTP, and a subset of the MPEG-4 specification. ...
dmoz.org/Computers/Internet/Protocols/RTSP/ - 8k - Cached - Similar pages


... $Header: /usr/mash/src/repository/mash/mash-1/tcl/rtsp/client-rtsp.tcl,v 1.15 ... $rtsp_(version)/nCSeq: $rtsp_(seqno)/nUser-Agent: mash RTSP/0.1alpha ...
www.openmash.org/lxr/source/tcl/rtsp/client-rtsp.tcl - 88k - Cached - Similar pages


... of an archive server which uses RTSP for communication with the client. ... 101 # consists of rtsp commands from the server that we have connected to. ...
www.openmash.org/lxr/source/tcl/rtsp/server-rtsp.tcl - 62k - Cached - Similar pages

VuXML: libxine -- multiple buffer overflows in RTSP

... in the Real-Time Streaming Protocol (RTSP) client for RealNetworks servers, ... under the user ID running the player) when playing Real RTSP streams. ...
www.vuxml.org/freebsd/ 1b70bef4-649f-11d9-a30e-000a95bc6fae.html - 7k - Cached - Similar pages

RTSP - Webopedia.com

Looking to make the most of your Windows business software? WinPlanet is the place to learn about all the latest Windows software products.
winplanet.webopedia.com/TERM/R/RTSP.html - 36k - Cached - Similar pages

cURL - Feedback

... RTSP differs from other protocols slightly, in the fact that the RTSP itself is ... (which work really well) and would like to see RTSP support in cURL. ...
curl.haxx.se/feedback/display. cgi?id=9904672503461&support=yes - 9k - Cached - Similar pages

cURL - Feedback

... any plans to add RTSP to curl? Would be real nice to be able to download and ... 16% of the participants to the recent survey said they wanna see RTSP ...
curl.haxx.se/feedback/display. cgi?id=10140532103687&support=yes - 10k - Cached - Similar pages

Real-Time Streaming Protocol / protocole RTSP - [ Translate this page ]

... RTSP. Français. protocole RTSP nm. Protocole ouvert de communication ... Note(s): Le protocole RTSP fait l'objet d'un accord d'utilisation entre ...
www.olf.gouv.qc.ca/ressources/bibliotheque/ dictionnaires/Internet/fiches/8390737.html - 9k - 24 Mar 2005 - Cached - Similar pages

SKATS RTSP ( Regional Transportation System Plan ) Program Webpage ...

This is the Salem/Keizer Area Transportation Study ( SKATS ) Regional Transportation System Plan ( RTSP ) Program webpage of the Mid-Willamette Valley ...
www.mwvcog.org/transportation/skats/rtsp.asp - 43k - Cached - Similar pages

NETSYS.COM - The Intelligent Hacker's Choice - All about RTSP ...

The Business of Internet, Unix, Internet Security Copyright 1998,1999,2000,2001,2002,2003,2004 by Len Rose <len@netsys.com>
www.netsys.com/cgi-bin/display_article.cgi?924 - 11k - Cached - Similar pages

UNC School of Education | Research Triangle Schools Partnership RTSP

The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hll Research Triangle Schools Partnership. University and schools working together to improve public ...
www.unc.edu/depts/ed/rtsp/ - 9k - 24 Mar 2005 - Cached - Similar pages

RTSP Streaming Sessions

... from Helix Universal Server is the Real Time Streaming Protocol (RTSP). ... In most cases, RTSP uses the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) network ...
https://client.helixcommunity.org/ 2003/devdocs/rtsp/hxclient_stream_session.htm - 22k - Cached - Similar pages
[ More results from https://client.helixcommunity.org ]

RTSP Parsing

... At the time of this writing, RTSP messages are generated all over the place. ... When that is complete, the creation of RTSP packets will be easily ...
komssys.sourceforge.net/html/rtsp_parse.html - 8k - Cached - Similar pages

RTSP - Real Time Streaming Protocol - [ Translate this page ]

... RTSP Real Time Streaming Protocol. Format de contenu audio, vidéo ou d'animation 3D destiné à une diffusion en streaming. ...
www.journaldunet.com/encyclopedie/ definition/168/35/20/rtsp.shtml - 72k - Cached - Similar pages

RTSP based Video on Demand Server

Java-based video server produced by students at Østfold College, Norway.
vod.sourceforge.net/ - 7k - Cached - Similar pages

[Opera-linux] unsupported adresstype rtsp://...

... Previous message: [Opera-linux] unsupported adresstype rtsp://... Next message: [Opera-linux] unsupported adresstype rtsp://. ...
list.opera.com/pipermail/ opera-linux/2003-October/006592.html - 4k - Cached - Similar pages

Real-time Streaming Protocol (RTSP) - RFC 2326 (1998) - [ Translate this page ]

Kefk Network Streaming: Streaming Media, Streaming Audio, Atreaming Video, Internetradio, Webradio und Podcasting.
www.kefk.net/Streaming/ Technik/Protokolle/RTSP/index.asp - 27k - Cached - Similar pages

NAT RTSP Support Using NBAR [Cisco IOS Software Releases 12.3 T ...

... The Real Time Streaming Protocol (RTSP) is a client-server multimedia ... Some of the applications that use RTSP include Windows Media Services (WMS) by ...
www.cisco.com/en/US/products/sw/iosswrel/ ps5207/products_feature_guide09186a00802043f7.html - 56k - Cached - Similar pages

RTSP Monitor

... The Real Time Streaming Protocol (RTSP) Monitor can be used to check the ... Note: The RTSP Monitor does not support Real Media file types (for example: ...
sitescope.tellurian.net/SiteScope/docs/RTSPMonitor.htm - 18k - Cached - Similar pages

IT用語辞典: RTSP 【Real Time Streaming Protocol】 - [ Translate this page ]

... RTSPを使うとデータをダウンロードしながらコンテンツを再生する「ストリーミング」 が可能となる。RealNetworks社、Netscape Communications社、Columbia大学が ...
www.itmedia.co.jp/dict/ network/protocol/tcpip/00946.html - Similar pages

ETH - WCMS - Video-Streaming-rtsp - [ Translate this page ]

... Video-Streaming-rtsp. Weitere Dokumentation ... Dies ist ein rtsp Beispiel eines Quicktime-Streams, eingebettet in einem Silva-Dokument. ...
www.cms.ethz.ch/docs/doc_author/ functions/video_streaming/video_streaming_rtsp - 24k - Cached - Similar pages


... RTSP er en protokoll for å drive fjernstyring av multimedieserver. ... Klienter og tjenere som kommuniserer med RTSP sender tekstmeldinger til hverandre ...
www.nr.no/~emaus/Standarder/IETF/rtsp.html - 19k - Cached - Similar pages

Komssys: RTSP Namespace Reference

Detailed Description. A description of RTSP handling in general, and specifically concerning RTSP parsing, can be found on the page RTSP Parsing. ...
komssys.sourceforge.net/html/namespaceRTSP.html - 17k - Cached - Similar pages
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Q : RTSP support from Ryu Cheol on 1998-11-25 (squid-dev)

... Inktomi web page says it supports RTSP. I just wonder squid people is ... RTSP has somewhat different from HTTP, but based on HTTP. It's file ...
www.squid-cache.org/mail-archive/ squid-dev/199811/0036.html - 6k - Cached - Similar pages

Re: Q : RTSP support from Henrik Nordstrom on 1998-11-25 (squid-dev)

... If RTSP proxying using HTTP (like how FTP or Gopher proxying is done ... RTSP has somewhat different from HTTP, but based on HTTP. ...
www.squid-cache.org/mail-archive/ squid-dev/199811/0037.html - 6k - Cached - Similar pages

RTSP streaming media proxy

RTSP streaming media proxy. Jonathan Hogg jonathan@onegoodidea.com Fri, 30 Jul 99 14:31:00 GMT. Previous message: mxTextTools Package - Version 1.1.0 ...
mail.python.org/pipermail/ python-announce-list/1999-July/000145.html - 5k - Cached - Similar pages

[Patches] RTSP support for urlparse.py

... Previous message: [Patches] RTSP support for urlparse.py; Next message: [Patches] Unicode Patch Set 2000-04-13; Messages sorted by: [ date ] [ thread ...
mail.python.org/pipermail/ patches/2000-April/000439.html - 3k - Cached - Similar pages

QuickTime Streaming Server Modules: Tunneling RTSP and RTP Over HTTP

... Using standard RTSP/RTP, a single TCP connection can be used to stream a ... To reach such clients, QuickTime 4.1 supports the placement of RTSP and RTP ...
developer.apple.com/documentation/ QuickTime/QTSS/Concepts/chapter_2_section_14.html - 27k - Cached - Similar pages

Developer - QuickTime - Letters from the Ice Floe

... This dispatch describes the methods used in QuickTime to tunnel RTSP and RTP ... The addition of RTSP and RTP tunnelled through HTTP allows QuickTime to ...
developer.apple.com/quicktime/icefloe/dispatch028.html - 18k - Cached - Similar pages
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RTSP (Real-Time Streaming Protocol) (Linktionary term)

Description of RTSP (Real-Time Streaming Protocol) from Tom Sheldon's Encyclopedia of Networking and Telecommunications.
www.linktionary.com/r/rtsp.html - 6k - Cached - Similar pages

[IMC-Video] avoiding rtsp://.. .rm - any help on free software ...

... Next message: [Syndication] Re: [IMC-Video] avoiding rtsp://.. .rm - any help on free software video support? Messages sorted by: [ date ] [ thread ...
lists.indymedia.org/mailman/ public/imc-video/2002-November/002280.html - 7k - Cached - Similar pages

[IMC-Video] avoiding rtsp://.. .rm - any help on free software ...

[IMC-Video] avoiding rtsp://.. .rm - any help on free software video support? boud imc-pl-video at lists.indymedia.org Sat, 23 Nov 2002 03:43:53 +0100 (CET) ...
lists.indymedia.org/mailman/ public/imc-video/2002-November/002279.html - 5k - Cached - Similar pages

The Real Time Streaming Protocol (RTSP)

... RTSP itself does not actually deliver the media data; this is handled by a separate protocol and therefore RTSP can be described as a ``network remote ...
www.mmrg.ecs.soton.ac.uk/publications/ archive/ridgway1998/html/node29.html - 10k - Cached - Similar pages

Networking Protocols RTP RTSP

A networking community for IT professionals, Focusing on connectivity, network management, network operating systems, security, and other aspects of ...
networking.ittoolbox.com/nav/ t.asp?t=444&p=532&h1=444&h2=532 - 30k - Cached - Similar pages

Re: rtsp URLs

... Re: rtsp URLs. Bill Gaughan Wed, 05 Dec 2001 18:57:45 -0800 ... when I gave the command trplayer rtsp://streamer.whyy.org/encoder/live.rm Make sure you ...
www.mail-archive.com/ trplayer@braille.uwo.ca/msg00294.html - 7k - Cached - Similar pages

rtsp URLs

... rtsp URLs. AR Vener Wed, 05 Dec 2001 17:16:54 -0800 ... .ram files now contain URLs such as: rtsp://streamer.whyy.org/encoder/live.rm Is there something ...
www.mail-archive.com/ trplayer@braille.uwo.ca/msg00293.html - 6k - Cached - Similar pages
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Surf , Computers, Internet, Protocols, RTSP,

... Group - - Responsible for the creation and maintenance of the RTSP specificatio. ... the use of RTSP, RTP, and a subset of the MPEG-4 specification. ...
www.aliaydin.web.tr/surf/odp.php?browse=/ Computers/Internet/Protocols/RTSP/ - 10k - Cached - Similar pages

ffmpeg: libavformat/rtsp.h Source File

libavformat/rtsp.h. Go to the documentation of this file. 00001 /* 00002 * RTSP definitions 00003 * Copyright (c) 2002 Fabrice Bellard. ...
www.mplayerhq.hu/~michael/ ffmpeg-doxy/rtsp_8h-source.html - 13k - 24 Mar 2005 - Cached - Similar pages
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[PPT] RTP/RTCP and RTSP multimedia streaming protocols for the Internet

File Format: Microsoft Powerpoint 97 - View as HTML
... server MacOS, unix SDP open source, full RTP/RTSP server ... player Linux, AIX SDP MPEG-1 System; alternative RTSP server for IBM's VideoCharger ...
stream-serv.inrialpes.fr/pdms/slides/v_roca.ppt - Similar pages


... Rtsp Syndicate Rtsp.Internet-Protocols.Designerz.com resources using RSS, XML, ... What would you like to see next on Rtsp.Internet-Protocols. ...
rtsp.internet-protocols.designerz.com/ - 14k - 23 Mar 2005 - Cached - Similar pages

RTSP Protocols

... Official RTSP specification, published by the Internet Engineering Task Force ... Responsible for the creation and maintenance of the RTSP specification ...
rtsp.internet-protocols.designerz.com/ protocols-rtsp.php - 103k - Cached - Similar pages

TechWeb: TechEncyclopedia

... Search For RTSP On TechWeb. Find the latest news and information on RTSPfrom across the TechWeb Network of IT Web sites. ...
www.techweb.com/encyclopedia/defineterm.jhtml?term=RTSP - 59k - Cached - Similar pages

The Real Time Stream Protocol - RTSP

... The Real-Time Streaming Protocol (RTSP) establishes and controls either a single or ... the designers of RTSP decided to use a variation on HTTP, ...
www.cs.ucl.ac.uk/staff/ J.Crowcroft/mmbook/book/node314.html - 13k - Cached - Similar pages

Acronym: RTSP

... Purpose: RTSP provides an extensible framework to enable controlled, ... As an IETF format, RTSP can be used without financial obligation to its ...
www.eurescom.de/~public-webspace/P1000-series/ P1002/StandardsLibrary/FormatList/RTSP.htm - 15k - Cached - Similar pages

Internet Engineering Task Force Gentric-Philips Internet Draft ...

... Abstract This document discusses tunneling RTSP in HTTP and more ... Introduction There is a need for tunneling RTP streams inside RTSP in HTTP because ...
quimby.gnus.org/internet-drafts/ draft-gentric-avt-rtsp-http-00.txt - 10k - Cached - Similar pages


... DATA: RTSP/1.0 200 OK. CSeq: 6. Date: Sat, 27 Oct 2001 11:05:12 GMT. RTP-Info: url=rtsp://real.example.com:554/real8video.rm/streamid=0;seq=0;rtptime=0, ...
www.soi.wide.ad.jp/class/20020036/slides/49/51.html - 4k - Cached - Similar pages

ISS X-Force Database:mplayer-rtsp-rdt-bo(16019): MPlayer and xine ...

ISS X-Force Database:mplayer-rtsp-rdt-bo(16019): MPlayer and xine-lib RTSP RDT buffer overflow.
xforce.iss.net/xforce/xfdb/16019 - 16k - Cached - Similar pages

ISS X-Force Database:sidewinder-rtsp-dos(16184): Sidewinder G2 ...

ISS X-Force Database:sidewinder-rtsp-dos(16184): Sidewinder G2 Security Appliance RTSP denial of service.
xforce.iss.net/xforce/xfdb/16184 - 14k - Cached - Similar pages
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LRZ: Konfiguration der Proxy-Caches fuer RTSP und MMS - [ Translate this page ]

... Unterstützung des RTSP- und MMS-Protokolls durch die Proxy-Caches des LRZ ... Die Proxy-Caches des LRZ unterstützen ua die Streaming-Protokolle RTSP und ...
www.lrz-muenchen.de/services/ netzdienste/proxy/streaming-config/ - 12k - Cached - Similar pages

GDS - http://gd.tuwien.ac.at/r/rt/rtsp/

Goodie Domain Service offers Open Source Software for the Austrian Educational Community.
sf.gds.tuwien.ac.at/r/rt/rtsp/ - 11k - 24 Mar 2005 - Cached - Similar pages

Real Time Streaming Protocol (RTSP) - Schulzrinne, Rao, Lanphier ...

The Real Time Streaming Protocol, or RTSP, is an application level protocol for control over the delivery of data with real time properties. RTSP provides ...
citeseer.ist.psu.edu/schulzrinne97real.html - 20k - Cached - Similar pages

Citations: Real Time Streaming Protocol (RTSP - Rao, Lanphier ...

Rao, A; Lanphier, R : Real Time Streaming Protocol (RTSP) , draft-ietf-mmusic-rtsp-00.txt, November 1996.
citeseer.ist.psu.edu/context/64470/0 - 41k - Cached - Similar pages

Design und Implementation eines RTSP-Clients in Java - [ Translate this page ]

... Das Real Time Streaming Protocol (RTSP) dient dazu, die Übertragung eines ... soll ein plattform-unabhängiger RTSP-Client in Java entwickelt werden, ...
www.ibr.cs.tu-bs.de/arbeiten/brandt/rtsp-client.html - 8k - 23 Mar 2005 - Cached - Similar pages

Design und Implementation eines RTSP/RTP-Proxys in Java - [ Translate this page ]

... Im Rahmen dieser Diplomarbeit soll ein RTSP/RTP-Proxy in Java implementiert werden, der in der Lage ist, Anfragen von Clients entgegenzunehmen, ...
www.ibr.cs.tu-bs.de/arbeiten/brandt/java_proxy.html - 6k - 23 Mar 2005 - Cached - Similar pages
[ More results from www.ibr.cs.tu-bs.de ]

Programming Assignment 5: Streaming Video with RTSP and RTP

... Protocol (RTSP) and send data using the Real-time Transfer Protocol (RTP). Your task is to implement the RTSP protocol in the client and implement the ...
www.csee.umbc.edu/~pmundur/ courses/CMSC691C/lab5-kurose-ross.html - 16k - Cached - Similar pages


supercrawler.com - RTSP. ... Multimedia Session Control (mmusic) Working Group - Responsible for the creation and maintenance of the RTSP specification ...
www.supercrawler.com/Computers/Internet/Protocols/RTSP/ - 12k - Cached - Similar pages

The Real-Time Simulation Protocol by Jim Ledin Listing One ...

... ushort _SequenceNum; uchar _ReceiverIndex; uchar _SenderIndex; bool Send(RTSP& rtsp, uchar rcv_index = _AllIndexes) { return _SendMessage(rtsp, this, 0, ...
www.ddj.com/ftp/2001/2001_05/rtsp.txt - 5k - Cached - Similar pages

[Asterisk-Dev] RTSP channel

[Asterisk-Dev] RTSP channel. Neutel Rodrigues asterisk-dev@lists.digium.com Wed, 16 Jun 2004 15:33:39 +0100. Previous message: [Asterisk-Dev] Help needed ...
lists.digium.com/pipermail/ asterisk-dev/2004-June/004748.html - 6k - Cached - Similar pages

Zvon - RFC 2326 [Real Time Streaming Protocol (RTSP)] - Appendix C ...

... Such a description is typically retrieved by HTTP or other non-RTSP means. ... for example, through HTTP, determines the operation of an RTSP session. ...
www.zvon.org/tmRFC/RFC2326/Output/chapter19.html - 23k - Cached - Similar pages

Offline Explorer Enterprise Edition : rsuming the download of rtsp ...

... How can I resume the download of a broken rtsp stream with Offline explorer ... or resume incomplete RTSP or MMS file if you start downloading it again? ...
www.metaproducts.com/mp/mpSupport_ User_Forums_Message.asp?id=574 - 22k - Cached - Similar pages

Offline Explorer Pro : Resuming RTSP downloads ??? (1/21/2003 1:20 ...

... Managed to download several Real Media Files (rtsp protocol), ... Any chance to resume incomplete rtsp download without restarting the whole one ? ...
www.metaproducts.com/mp/mpSupport_ User_Forums_Message.asp?id=1719 - 15k - Cached - Similar pages
[ More results from www.metaproducts.com ]

ScienceDaily -- Browse Topics: Computers/Internet/Protocols/RTSP

... rtsp.org - Information about the RTSP and about related protocols for streaming ... the use of RTSP, RTP, and a subset of the MPEG-4 specification. ...
www.sciencedaily.com/directory/ Computers/Internet/Protocols/RTSP - 41k - Cached - Similar pages


... To: <vuln-dev@securityfocus.com>; Subject: rtsp; From: J Edgar Hoover <zorch@totally.righteous.net>; Date: Sat, 9 Feb 2002 17:48:45 -0800 (PST) ...
cert.uni-stuttgart.de/archive/ vuln-dev/2002/02/msg00177.html - 5k - Cached - Similar pages

[OU] rtsp?: Real Time Streaming Protocol

... Previous message: [OU] rtsp?: Real Time Streaming Protocol; Next message: [OU] rtsp?: Real Time Streaming Protocol; Messages sorted by: [ date ...
list.opera.com/pipermail/ opera-users/2004-March/023296.html - 4k - Cached - Similar pages

Linux-Kernel Archive: Re: RTSP, RTP with Linux

... You don't have to change the Linux IP stack for that: RTSP and RTP are ... (1) Is RealPlayer using any kind of RTP or RTSP protocol at the ...
www.ussg.iu.edu/hypermail/linux/kernel/0001.2/0999.html - 6k - Cached - Similar pages

Linux-Kernel Archive: Re: RTSP, RTP with Linux

Re: RTSP, RTP with Linux. From: David Woodhouse (dwmw2@infradead.org) Date: Thu Jan 20 2000 - 08:12:09 EST. Next message: Rogier Wolff: "Re: ...
www.ussg.iu.edu/hypermail/linux/kernel/0001.2/0947.html - 4k - Cached - Similar pages

Using the RTSP protocol; Windows Server 2003, Standard Edition

You can use Real Time Streaming Protocol (RTSP) to deliver content as a unicast stream. It is an application-level protocol that was created specifically to ...
www.microsoft.com/.../WindowsServ/2003/standard/ proddocs/en-us/wmserver/wmsrtspclientcontrolprotocol.asp - 11k - Cached - Similar pages


File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - View as HTML
... RADVISION’s RTSP Client Toolkit is IETF RFC 2326 bis 4 D.1 compliant. ... RTSP is a protocol for "multimedia remote control ...
www.radvision.com/NR/rdonlyres/ 9E2F5D41-4FD5-45AC-BE04-67AFBE4A98C6/0/RTSPClientToolkit.pdf - Similar pages

RTSP Call Order Sequence

Using MSP APIs -- HP-UX Multimedia Streaming Protocols (MSP) Programmer's Guide, HP Part Number '5991-0718', Publication Date 'November 2004'
docs.hp.com/en/5991-0718/ch03s04.html - 29k - Cached - Similar pages

RTSP Sample Program

Sample Programs -- HP-UX Multimedia Streaming Protocols (MSP) Programmer's Guide, HP Part Number '5991-0718', Publication Date 'November 2004'
docs.hp.com/en/5991-0718/ch05s02.html - 58k - Cached - Similar pages

xine-lib Unspecified PNM and Real RTSP Clients Vulnerabilities ...

How many open source apps does it take to screw in a light bulb? Here's the latest word from the Linux galaxy, open source projects, command line assistance ...
channels.lockergnome.com/.../20041216_xinelib_ unspecified_pnm_and_real_rtsp_clients_vulnerabilities.phtml - 35k - Cached - Similar pages

[PDF] Τεκµηρίωση A6 – RTSP probing script

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... Το παρόν κείµενο αποτελεί τη σύντοµη τεκµηρίωση των RTSP probing scripts για ... Describe µηνύµατος RTSP στον VoD server µε δείκτη ένα sample αρχείο το ...
vnoc.grnet.gr/index.php?op=modload& modname=Downloads&pageid=227 - Similar pages

RTSP - Computing Reference - eLook.org

Provides a definition on RTSP. ... RTSP. Search:. Real Time Streaming Protocol. < Previous Terms, Terms Containing RTSP, Next Terms > ...
www.elook.org/computing/rtsp.htm - 4k - Cached - Similar pages

MMUSIC Thomas M. Zeng P. Greg Sherwood Internet-Draft PacketVideo ...

... 2004 Oct 15, 2003 Signalling End Of Stream in RTSP draft-zeng-mmusic-00 ... Abstract This document describes a new RTSP method called END_OF_STREAM, ...
www.dmn.tzi.org/ietf/mmusic/ 58/id/draft-zeng-rtsp-end-of-stream-00.txt - 15k - Cached - Similar pages


File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - View as HTML
... RTP-Info: url= rtsp://foo.com/bar.avi/streamid=0; seq=456, ... ANNOUNCE has been taken out of RTSP core spec (rfc2326bis) ...
www.dmn.tzi.org/ietf/mmusic/ 60/slides/60-mmusic-rtsp-announce.pdf - Similar pages
[ More results from www.dmn.tzi.org ]

Index of /CPAN/authors/id/W/WG/WGDAVIS/Net/RTSP

... 1k [CMP] Net-RTSP-0.17.tar.gz 03-Nov-2004 18:12 28k [TXT] Net-RTSP-0.20.readme 11-Nov-2004 22:17 1k [CMP] Net-RTSP-0.20.tar.gz 11-Nov-2004 22:28 31k.
aniani.ifa.hawaii.edu/CPAN/ authors/id/W/WG/WGDAVIS/Net/RTSP/ - 2k - Cached - Similar pages

Il Trovatore Directory Mondo Computers Internet Protocols RTSP

Iltrovatore, il tuo amico sulla Rete: mail e internet gratis, canali tematici con i migliori siti per ogni argomento e tante pagine e servizi per sfruttare ...
categorie.iltrovatore.it/cgi-bin/ odp/index.cgi?/Computers/Internet/Protocols/RTSP/ - 38k - Cached - Similar pages

[MMUSIC] RTSP REDIRECT (3), continuation after TEARDOWN

... CSeq: 112 Session: XXXXXX S -> C: RTSP/1.0 200 OK CSeq: 112 Session: XXXXXX C ... previous RTSP session) _______________________________________________ ...
www1.ietf.org/mail-archive/working-groups/ mmusic/current/msg00560.html - 7k - Cached - Similar pages

RE: [MMUSIC] RTSP: Requirement on using Allow in media resource ...

... 10 Mar 2005 17:57:40 +0100 > Subject: [MMUSIC] RTSP: Requirement on using ... listing the methods that are > supported by the responding RTSP agent. ...
www1.ietf.org/mail-archive/ web/mmusic/current/msg03338.html - 9k - Cached - Similar pages
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RTSP Proxy

... the RealAudio proxy did not support Real Time Streaming Protocol (RTSP). RTSP controls multiple data delivery sessions that are multicast to clients. ...
developer.novell.com/research/ appnotes/1999/november/01/04.htm - 36k - Cached - Similar pages

MediaFrame support forums / rtsp support

... Are there any plans to support rtsp? Currently there isn'ta open source ... RTSP support is planned, but it won't see the light of day for a least a ...
mediaframe.org/forum/viewtopic.php?id=53 - 10k - Cached - Similar pages

RTSP support in TUX???

Red Hat Linux is the centerpiece of a complete solution that includes software, support, training, and services. We feature a broad range of solutions to ...
www.redhat.com/archives/ tux-list/2001-November/msg00085.html - 10k - Cached - Similar pages

Gentoo Linux Documentation -- MPlayer, xine-lib: vulnerabilities ...

... Real-Time Streaming Protocol (RTSP) streams from RealNetworks servers. ... Multiple vulnerabilities have been found and fixed in the RTSP handling code ...
security.gentoo.org/glsa/glsa-200405-24.xml - 10k - Cached - Similar pages

Experimental RTSP modules

Experimental RTSP modules. Tom Marshall tommy@home.tig-grr.com Sat, 5 Apr 2003 19:24:36 -0800. Previous message: HL target in the kernel ...
lists.netfilter.org/pipermail/ netfilter-devel/2003-April/010949.html - 4k - Cached - Similar pages

Quicktime RTSP through Socks5?

... I also tried using Apple's rtsp proxy, which was equally ineffective. ... Next by thread: Re: Quicktime RTSP through Socks5? Index(es):. Date; Thread ...
archive.socks.permeo.com/mail/socks/msg00490.html - 19k - Cached - Similar pages

Re: Quicktime RTSP through Socks5?

... To: wlu@syl.dl.nec.com; Subject: Re: Quicktime RTSP through Socks5? From: "Eric Jorgensen" <ericj@airswitch.com>; Date: Thu, 22 Jul 99 08:44:09 DT ...
archive.socks.permeo.com/mail/socks/msg00491.html - 17k - Cached - Similar pages

[PDF] RTP/RTSP implementation

File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - View as HTML
... RTSP, is an application-level protocol for control over the delivery of data with ... RTSP provides an extensible framework to enable controlled, ...
www.mediatechnik.com/links/ files/datasheets/RTP_RTSP_productsheet.pdf - Similar pages

[Mp4-tech] h.264 Linux RTSP

... mp4-tech lists.mpegif.org Subject: RE: [Mp4-tech] h.264 Linux RTSP You may ... for the Linux platform that can both broadcast an RTSP stream of encoded ...
lists.mpegif.org/pipermail/ mp4-tech/2004-July/003813.html - 5k - Cached - Similar pages

[Mp4-tech] h.264 Linux RTSP

... Objet : [Mp4-tech] h.264 Linux RTSP Hi can anyone help me. ... developed for the Linux platform that can both broadcast an RTSP stream of encoded video ...
lists.mpegif.org/pipermail/ mp4-tech/2004-July/003812.html - 4k - Cached - Similar pages

[PPT] FOHM+RTSP: Applying Open Hypermedia and Temporal Linking to Audio ...

File Format: Microsoft Powerpoint 97 - View as HTML
... Streaming Protocols and RTSP. OHSs and Audio. FOHM. My Research. Conclusion ... New RTSP implementation extensions:. to support FOHM linkbases ...
suntrec.salzburgresearch.at/conferences/ ohs7/presentations/ridgway/NeilRidgway-OHS7.ppt - Similar pages

Top Sites - Computers - Internet - Protocols - RTSP -

... Group - Responsible for the creation and maintenance of the RTSP specification. ... the use of RTSP, RTP, and a subset of the MPEG-4 specification. ...
www.top-100-sites.net/websitesranking/ Computers/Internet/Protocols/RTSP/ - 9k - Cached - Similar pages

VuXML: mplayer -- buffer overflow in Real RTSP streaming

... in the Real-Time Streaming Protocol (RTSP) client for RealNetworks servers, ... under the user ID running the player when playing Real RTSP streams. ...
www.vuxml.org/openbsd/ 7eeb6f46-a12d-11d8-8c01-00304f19272c.html - 5k - Cached - Similar pages

Datenübertragung per RTSP - [ Translate this page ]

... neuen Java-Applets sowie eines RTSP-Servers festgelegt und beschrieben, ... In der Implementierungsphase werden die Erstellung eines RTSP- und eines ...
archiv.tu-chemnitz.de/pub/2002/0070/ - 6k - Cached - Similar pages

RTSP Frequently Asked Questions - [ Translate this page ]

... RTSP(Real Time Streaming Protocol)に関して問い合わせの多い質問は次のとおり です。 ... RTSPはほかのインターネット標準とどんな関係がありますか? ...
service.jp.real.com/help/faq/rtspfaq.html - 24k - Cached - Similar pages

LookSmart - Directory - Real Time Streaming Protocol (RTSP)

... rtsp.org Resource strives to develop a framework for interoperable streaming ... Read an RTSP FAQ and find sections on implementations, specifications, ...
search.looksmart.com/p/browse/us1/us317831/ us53839/us53903/us10058693/?&sn=10&se=16 - 11k - Cached - Similar pages

Parallel RTSP Server

... IETF MMUSIC Group; Multimedia Standards (RSVP, RTSP, RTP, IP, ...) RTSP Page at Columbia University (Henning Schulzrinne); Netscape Plug-in Guide ...
wwwcs.uni-paderborn.de/fachbereich/ AG/monien/PROJECTS/SICMA/RTSP_server/rtsp_server.htm - 3k - Cached - Similar pages

Index of /modules/by-module/RTSP/WGDAVIS/Net/RTSP

... 1k [ ] Net-RTSP-0.07.readme 22-Apr-2004 07:02 1k [CMP] Net-RTSP-0.07.tar.gz ... Net-RTSP-0.17.readme 03-Nov-2004 22:58 1k [CMP] Net-RTSP-0.17.tar.gz ...
www.cpan.org/modules/by-module/RTSP/WGDAVIS/Net/RTSP/ - 2k - Cached - Similar pages


File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - View as HTML
... Real-Time Streaming Protocol (RTSP) zur Steuerung und. Kontrolle von Medienströmen ... mit Hilfe von RTSP wird bestimmt, wann die Übertragung eines ...
wwwdvs.informatik.uni-kl.de/ courses/seminar/SS2002/folien6.pdf - Similar pages


... of Computing (http://foldoc.doc.ic.ac.uk/) is edited by Denis Howe <dbh@doc.ic.ac.uk>. Previous: RTSA Next: RTT. RTSP. Real Time Streaming Protocol.
burks.bton.ac.uk/burks/foldoc/33/101.htm - 1k - Cached - Similar pages

Strike directory section: Computers Internet Protocols RTSP ...

... Group promoting the use of RTSP, RTP, and a subset of the MPEG-4 ... Responsible for the creation and maintenance of the RTSP specification ...
www.metastrike.com/Computers/Internet/Protocols/RTSP/ - 8k - Cached - Similar pages

WebGuest Keyboard-Free Web Search - Category: Internet : Protocols ...

Information about internet, protocols, rtsp. ... rtsp.org - Information about the RTSP and about related protocols for streaming servers, ...
directory.webguest.com/ Computers/Internet/Protocols/RTSP - 5k - Cached - Similar pages

users: Re: RTSP cache evaluation

... But of course, I have got a big problem, I do not have any program useful to > perform the RTSP load generation and any program to analyze the monitored ...
www.web-polygraph.org/ mail-archive/users/200005/0033.html - 5k - Cached - Similar pages


img021, First Previous Next Last Index Home. Slide 21 of 34.
www.cse.ohio-state.edu/~jain/ cis788-97/ftp/h_bmul/sld021.htm - 2k - Cached - Similar pages


RTSP. An Acronym for Real-Time Streaming Protocol ... side bar needs a browser with "iframe" support. No pages link to RTSP. Please visit the WlugSponsors. ...
www.wlug.org.nz/RTSP - 9k - Cached - Similar pages

A simplified RTSP client

... describes a simple implementation of the client side of an RTSP session, ... with the IFI extension of the Darwin Streaming Server RTSP implementation. ...
www.ifi.uio.no/~meccano/reflector/smallclient.html - 13k - Cached - Similar pages

Computers Internet Protocols RTSP Implementations

Resources on Computers Internet Protocols RTSP Implementations. page.cgi?g=Computers%2FInternet%2FProtocols%2FRTSP%2FImplementations%2Findex.html&d=1 - 20k - Cached - Similar pages

Vindex - zoekresultaten voor:

... Responsible for the creation and maintenance of the RTSP specification ... Group promoting the use of RTSP, RTP, and a subset of the MPEG-4 ...
www.vindex.nl/dmoz.jspx?topic_id=Top/ Computers/Internet/Protocols/RTSP - 32k - Cached - Similar pages

RTSP protocol rollover problem and Windows Media Player, Windows ...

RTSP protocol rollover problem and Windows Media Player, Windows Media Services> <META name=keywords content=
emoney.al.ru/capture-streaming-video-and-audio/ faq-rtsp-protocol-rollover-problem.htm - 15k - Cached - Similar pages


... RTSP. RFC2326 http://www.cis.ohio-state.edu/htbin/rfc/rfc2326.html. The Real-Time Streaming Protocol (RTSP) is an application level protocols for ...
www.protocols.com/pbook/tcpip9.htm - 175k - Cached - Similar pages

Re: RTSP, Realaudio, and fwtk help

... I think you should change your this line in inetd.conf: > > > > rtsp ... Added in inetd.conf: > > rtsp stream tcp nowait root /usr/local/sbin/rtspd rtsp ...
www.netsys.com/fwtk/2000/01/msg00065.html - 12k - Cached - Similar pages
[ More results from www.netsys.com ]

RTSP Component

... Can anyone recommend an RTSP component? I was going to implement the spec, but if there's something that just works it'll be a lot cheaper. ...
weblogs.asp.net/edkaim/archive/2004/12/22/330167.aspx - 9k - Cached - Similar pages

Remote Buffer Overflow Vulnerabilities in Real RTSP Streaming ...

... the vulnerable code can be disabled by removing xine's RTSP input plugin, ... It might be possible to cause a buffer overflow during the RTSP session ...
www.addict3d.org/ index.php?page=viewarticle&type=security&ID=1114 - 36k - Cached - Similar pages

Automated Deployment of Real Time Streaming Protocol (RTSP) Video ...

... Automated Deployment of Real Time Streaming Protocol (RTSP) Video Files Abstract. As the Internet continues to grow, new applications such as streaming ...
www2.cs.uh.edu/defenses/araj.html - 3k - Cached - Similar pages

RTSP Toolkit sample clients

... A simple way to test the liveliness of an RTSP server is to talk to it using ... code used by the server, to illustrate the RTSP protocol interaction. ...
www.research.ibm.com/rtsptoolkit/client/main.htm - 4k - Cached - Similar pages

Personal Firewall and RTSP Multi-cast Service

... you will need to add the RTSP (Real-Time Streaming Protocol) Multi-cast service when ... Add the RTSP Multi-cast service with the following settings: ...
www.ust.hk/itsc/itsecurity/firewall/rtsp.html - 2k - Cached - Similar pages

Streaming Media, Inc.

RTSP. Real-Time Streaming Protocol: a standard method of transferring audio and video and other time-based media over Internet-technology based networks. ...
www.streamingmedia.com/glossary/term.asp?t=RTSP - 19k - Cached - Similar pages

Stream Down - Download RTSP, RM, MMS and ASF

Stream Down allows you to download your favourite streaming media and use it offline.
stream-down.cocsoft.com/download.html - 4k - Cached - Similar pages


Hundreds of Webmaster Resources resources such as Animated GIFs, Broadcasting, Chats and Forums, Clip Art, Domain Names, E-Commerce, Fonts, ...
www.miatrade.com/Internet/Programming/Protocols/RTSP/ - 30k - Cached - Similar pages

Allsites.com - Search Engines : Computers : Internet : Protocols ...

... Group: Responsible for the creation and maintenance of the RTSP specification ... the use of RTSP, RTP, and a subset of the MPEG-4 specification. ...
www.allsites.com/Top.Computers. Internet.Protocols.RTSP.html - 16k - Cached - Similar pages

RTSP - IndustrialPartner.com

IndustrialPartner.com. You are here: IndustrialPartner.com / R Definitions / RTSP. RTSP. Definition Real-Time Streaming Protocol. IndustrialPartner.com ...
www.industrialpartner.com/definitions/rtsp.htm - 2k - Cached - Similar pages

Article delegate-en/2439 (03Oct07) rtsp support

Subject: [DeleGate-En] rtsp support From: Francisco Javier Cabello <fjcabello<kbd>@</kbd>visual-tools..> Date: 06 Oct 2003 23:24:39 GMT Newsgroups: ...
www.delegate.org/mail-lists/delegate-en/2439 - 7k - Cached - Similar pages

