那也就是说,只要我们有一个坐标,得到一个动作,中间什么过程是可以不用管的,还记得这篇文章中说过:神经元(函数)+神经元(函数) = 神经网络(人工神经网络),那么,中间这一块也就可以使用神经网络代替,这也就是深度强化学习。
论文(Playing Atari with Deep Reinforcement Learning)地址:https://arxiv.org/abs/1312.5602
- # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- """
- 作者:CSDN,chuckiezhu
- 作者地址:https://blog.csdn.net/qq_38431572
- 本文可用作学习使用,交流代码时需要附带本出处声明
- """
- import random
- import numpy as np
- from gym import spaces
- """
- nrows
- 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 ncols
- ---------------------------------------
- 0 | | | | | | | | | | | | |
- ---------------------------------------
- 1 | | | | | | | | | | | | |
- ---------------------------------------
- 2 | | | | | | | | | | | | |
- ---------------------------------------
- 3 * | cliff | ^ |
- *: start point
- cliff: cliff
- ^: goal
- """
- class CustomCliffWalking(object):
- def __init__(self, stepReward: int=-1, cliffReward: int=-10, goalReward: int=10, col=12, row=4) -> None:
- self.sr = stepReward
- self.cr = cliffReward
- self.gr = goalReward
- self.col = col
- self.row = row
- self.action_space = spaces.Discrete(4) # 上下左右
- self.reward_range = (cliffReward, goalReward)
- self.pos = np.array([row-1, 0], dtype=np.int8) # agent 在3,0处出生,掉到悬崖内就会死亡,触发done和cliffReward
- self.die_pos = []
- for c in range(1, self.col-1):
- self.die_pos.append([self.row-1, c])
- print("die pos: ", self.die_pos)
- print("goal pos: ", [[self.row-1, self.col-1]])
- self.reset()
- def reset(self, random_reset=False):
- """
- 初始化agent的位置
- random: 是否随机出生, 如果设置random为True, 则出生点会随机产生
- """
- x, y = self.row-1, 0
- if random_reset:
- y = random.randint(0, self.col-1)
- if y == 0:
- x = random.randint(0, self.row-1)
- else: # 除了正常坐标之外,还有一个不正常坐标:(3, 0)
- x = random.randint(0, self.row-2)
- # 严格来讲,cliff和goal不算在坐标体系内
- # agent 在3,0处出生,掉到悬崖内就会死亡,触发done和cliffReward
- self.pos = np.array([x, y], dtype=np.int8)
- # print("reset at:", self.pos)
- def step(self, action: int) -> list[list, int, bool, bool, dict]:
- """
- 执行一个动作
- action:
- 0: 上
- 1: 下
- 2: 左
- 3: 右
- """
- move = [
- np.array([-1, 0], dtype=np.int8), # 向上,就是x-1, y不动,
- np.array([ 1, 0], dtype=np.int8), # 向下,就是x+1, y不动,
- np.array([0, -1], dtype=np.int8), # 向左,就是y-1, x不动,
- np.array([0, 1], dtype=np.int8), # 向右,就是y+1, x不动,
- ]
- new_pos = self.pos + move[action]
- # 上左不能小于0
- new_pos[new_pos < 0] = 0 # 超界的处理,比如0, 0 处向上或者向右走,处理完还是0,0
- # 上右不能超界
- if new_pos[0] > self.row-1:
- new_pos[0] = self.row-1 # 超界处理
- if new_pos[1] > self.col-1:
- new_pos[1] = self.col-1
- reward = self.sr # 每走一步的奖励
- die = False
- win = False
- info = {
- "reachGoal": False,
- "fallCliff": False,
- }
- if self.__is_pos_die(new_pos.tolist()):
- die = True
- info["fallCliff"] = True
- reward = self.cr
- elif self.__is_pos_win(new_pos.tolist()):
- win = True
- info["reachGoal"] = True
- reward = self.gr
- self.pos = new_pos # 更新坐标
- return new_pos, reward, die, win, info
- def __is_pos_die(self, pos: list[int, int]) -> bool:
- """判断自己的这个状态是不是已经结束了"""
- return pos in self.die_pos
- def __is_pos_win(self, pos: list[int, int]) -> bool:
- """判断自己的这个状态是不是已经结束了"""
- return pos in [
- [self.row-1, self.col-1],
- ]

- class Qac(nn.Module):
- def __init__(self, in_shape, out_shape) -> None:
- super(Qac, self).__init__()
- self.in_shape = in_shape # 就是 智能体 现在的坐标
- self.action_space = out_shape # 上0下1左2右3
- self.dense1 = nn.Linear(self.in_shape, self.action_space)
- # 输出就是每个动作的价值
- self.lrelu = nn.LeakyReLU() # 换用tanh
- self.softmax = nn.Softmax(-1)
- def forward(self, x) -> torch.Tensor:
- x = self.dense1(x)
- return x
- def sample_action(self, action_value: torch.Tensor, epsilon: float):
- """从产生的动作概率中采样一个动作,利用epsilon贪心"""
- if random.random() < epsilon:
- # 随机选择
- action = random.randint(0, self.action_space-1)
- action = torch.tensor(action)
- else:
- action = torch.argmax(action_value)
- return action
- def load_model(self, modelpath):
- """加载模型"""
- tmp = torch.load(modelpath)
- self.load_state_dict(tmp["model"])
- def save_model(self, modelpath):
- """保存模型"""
- tmp = {
- "model": self.state_dict(),
- }
- torch.save(tmp, modelpath)

- def num_to_onehot(pos: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
- """把坐标转成one_hot向量"""
- n = int((pos[0] * 12 + pos[1]).item())
- return nn.functional.one_hot(torch.tensor(n), num_classes=48)
如果大家使用两层神经网络,直接输入坐标,中间层是48,然后是一个输出层,也可以, 但是我试了,训练很慢,效果不好。不如这样直接手动编码了。
- # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- """
- 利用DQN实现
- """
- """
- 作者:CSDN,chuckiezhu
- 作者地址:https://blog.csdn.net/qq_38431572
- 本文可用作学习使用,交流代码时需要附带本出处声明
- """
- import os
- import random
- import torch
- import numpy as np
- from torch import nn
- from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
- from cliff_walking_env import CustomCliffWalking
- nepisodes = 10000 # total 1w episodes
- epsilon = 1.0 # epsilon greedy policy
- epsilon_min = 0.05
- epsilon_decay = 0.9975
- gamma = 0.9 # discount factor
- lr = 0.001
- random_reset = False
- seed = 42
- normalization = torch.tensor([3, 11], dtype=torch.float)
- sr = -1
- cr = -10
- gr = 10
- class Qac(nn.Module):
- def __init__(self, in_shape, out_shape) -> None:
- super(Qac, self).__init__()
- self.in_shape = in_shape # 就是智能体现在的坐标
- self.action_space = out_shape # 上0下1左2右3
- self.dense1 = nn.Linear(self.in_shape, self.action_space)
- # 输出就是每个动作的价值
- self.lrelu = nn.LeakyReLU() # 换用tanh
- self.softmax = nn.Softmax(-1)
- def forward(self, x) -> torch.Tensor:
- x = self.dense1(x)
- return x
- def sample_action(self, action_value: torch.Tensor, epsilon: float):
- """从产生的动作概率中采样一个动作,利用epsilon贪心"""
- if random.random() < epsilon:
- # 随机选择
- action = random.randint(0, self.action_space-1)
- action = torch.tensor(action)
- else:
- action = torch.argmax(action_value)
- return action
- def load_model(self, modelpath):
- """加载模型"""
- tmp = torch.load(modelpath)
- self.load_state_dict(tmp["model"])
- def save_model(self, modelpath):
- """保存模型"""
- tmp = {
- "model": self.state_dict(),
- }
- torch.save(tmp, modelpath)
- def num_to_onehot(pos: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
- """把坐标转成one_hot向量"""
- n = int((pos[0] * 12 + pos[1]).item())
- return nn.functional.one_hot(torch.tensor(n), num_classes=48)
- def main():
- global epsilon
- random.seed(seed)
- torch.manual_seed(seed=seed)
- plt.ion()
- os.makedirs("./out/ff_DQN/")
- # cw = gym.make("CliffWalking-v0", render_mode="human")
- cw = CustomCliffWalking(stepReward=sr, goalReward=gr, cliffReward=cr)
- # 专程onehot了
- Q = Qac(in_shape=48, out_shape=cw.action_space.n)
- optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(Q.parameters(), lr=lr)
- loss_fn = torch.nn.MSELoss()
- win_1000 = [] # 记录最近一千场赢的几率
- total_win = 0
- for i in range(1, nepisodes+1):
- cw.reset(random_reset=random_reset) # 重置环境
- steps = 0
- while True:
- steps += 1
- state_now = torch.tensor(cw.pos, dtype=torch.float)
- state_now = num_to_onehot(state_now).unsqueeze_(0).to(torch.float)
- action_values = Q(state_now)
- action_values = action_values.squeeze()
- action_now = Q.sample_action(action_value=action_values, epsilon=epsilon)
- action_now_value = action_values[action_now] # 这个是采取这个动作的预测奖励
- state_next, reward_now, terminated, truncated, info = cw.step(action=action_now.item()) # 执行动作
- state_next = num_to_onehot(state_next).unsqueeze_(0).to(torch.float)
- with torch.no_grad():
- next_values = Q(state_next)
- next_values = next_values.squeeze()
- # 得到下一个的动作,(同一个策略下,因为这是onpolicy的sarsa
- action_next = Q.sample_action(action_value=action_values, epsilon=epsilon)
- action_next_value = next_values[action_next] # 计算下一个动作的预期价值
- # 计算 instantR + gamma * value_next,这个是实际上这个动作带来的预期收益
- discounted_reward = reward_now + gamma * action_next_value * (1 - terminated) * (1 - truncated)
- # 计算误差
- loss = loss_fn(action_now_value, discounted_reward)
- optimizer.zero_grad()
- loss.backward()
- optimizer.step()
- if terminated or truncated:
- if terminated:
- win_1000.append(0)
- if truncated:
- win_1000.append(1)
- total_win += 1
- break
- epsilon = epsilon * epsilon_decay
- epsilon = max(epsilon, epsilon_min) # 衰减学习旅
- win_1000 = win_1000[-1000:]
- win_rate = sum(win_1000)/1000.0
- print("{}/{}, 当前探索率: {}, 是否成功: {}, 千场胜率:{}.".format(i, nepisodes, epsilon, truncated, win_rate), flush=True)
- if i % 10000 == 0:
- Q.save_model("./out/ff_DQN/Qac_{}_{}_{}_{}.pth".format(i, gr, cr, win_rate))
- print("total win: ", total_win)
- # 收尾测试看看能不能通关
- path = np.zeros((4, 12), dtype=np.float64)
- cw.reset(random_reset=False)
- steps = 0
- while steps <= 48: # 走,48步走不到头就不会走到了
- steps += 1
- state_now = torch.tensor(cw.pos, dtype=torch.float)
- state_now = num_to_onehot(state_now).unsqueeze_(0).to(torch.float)
- action_values = Q(state_now).squeeze()
- # 贪心算法选择动作
- action_now = Q.sample_action(action_values, 0)
- print(cw.pos[0], cw.pos[1], action_now)
- new_pos, _, die, win, _ = cw.step(action=action_now)
- if win:
- print("[+] you win!")
- break
- if die:
- print("[+] you lose!")
- break
- x = new_pos[0]
- y = new_pos[1]
- if x >= 0 and x <= 3 and y >= 0 and y <= 11:
- path[x, y] = 1.0
- plt.imshow(path)
- plt.colorbar()
- plt.savefig("./out/ff_DQN/path_sarsa_"+str(sr)+"_"+str(gr)+"_"+str(cr)+".png")
- if __name__ == "__main__":
- main()

每次由环境产生一个状态,先转成一个one_hot向量,作为网络的输入,得到四个动作分别价值多少。然后采样到的动作得到当前的Q(s, a)值,也就是action_value。
这个时候,就可以根据环境的立即奖励reward_now和下一个状态的动作的价值next_action_value得到一个ground truth,而action_value作为网络的预测值,这两个可以用于计算损失。
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