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软件过程(Requirement specification, Development, ValidationEvolution




总结W1+case study





Analysis, class, association



Design(基本概念:abstraction, encapsulation, modularity, coupling, cohesion, refactoring

Software architecture软件架构


总结W4+case study

Implementationbuild, association



总结W5+case study



Project Management 1 (planning, scheduling, managing people, agile pro management)

Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC)(一堆模型),Software Prototyping


Project Management 2 (Risk management, quality management)

Software quality, CI/CD


Design principle 1 (SRP, OCP, DRY)



Design principle 2 (DIP, ISP, LSP)

Design program, networking, defensive programming


Design Pattern (一堆模式)





Past exam




– Commitment to quality

– Process: foundation layer

– Methods: technical layer

– Tools: support layer


Requirement specification软件描述

a complete description of the problem and of the constraints imposed by/on the environment问题和约束的完整描述被这个环境约束的情况下

Result: Requirements specification


        -  必须生产符合描述的软件

• Analysis

        analyse requirements to create a conceptual model of the software system


        Result: a set of Analysis Models

• Design

       an implementable model of the software system软件系统的可实现模型

        Result: Detailed Design Documentation

• Implementation

       implementation of all design elements实现所有设计元素

        Result: working software

Validation (Testing/Deployment)软件有效性验证

• Testing测试

Checking that it does what the customer wants确保软件是客户所想要的

Result: Fully tested software

• Deployment部署

Package software ready to install on a computer system/device or deploy to servers

Result: Working software in real environment

Evolution (Maintenance)软件进化

keeping the system operational after delivery to the customer; changing the system in response to changing customer needs.


– Corrective: identification and removal of faults. 纠正:识别和排除故障

– Adaptive: modifications needed to achieve interoperability with other systems and platforms. 适应性:为实现与其他系统和平台的互操作性而进行的修改

– Perfective: incorporation of new features, improved performance and other modifications. 完善:加入新功能,改进性能和其他修改

– Preventive: modifications to mitigate possible degradation of usability, maintainability, etc. 预防性:为减少可用性、可维护性等可能退化而进行的修改


1. The waterfall model瀑布模型

– Separate and distinct phases独立的和截然不同的阶段



• Easy to monitor the progress易于监控进度

• Documentation is well produced at each stage每个阶段都有良好的文件编制

• Structured approach高度结构化的方法

• Specialised teams can be used at each stage of the lifecycle各阶段有专门的团队


• Inflexible不灵活

• Time consuming费时间(出现问题要一路回去)

• Minimises impact of global understanding over the lifecycle of a project.


• Not realistic不现实的


This model is only appropriate when the requirements are well-understood and changes will be fairly limited during the design process.较稳定


例:aircraft systems, space systems, nuclear power systems

2. Evolutionary development增量式开发


• Activities are interleaved活动是交错的

• Rapid feedback快速反馈

• Refining through many versions通过许多版本进行改进


• Effective有效

• Can meet the immediate needs能满足即时需求

• Specification can be developed incrementally规格可以逐步发展


• Lack of process visibility缺乏过程可见性

• Systems are often poorly structured系统的结构通常很差

• Special skills may be required可能需要特殊技能


– small or medium-size interactive systems中小型交互系统

– parts of large systems, e.g. the user interface大型系统的部分,例如用户界面

For short-lifetime systems短生命周期系统

Project with multiple features and therefore releases

Examples: Social networking, communication, phone apps

3. RUP (The Rational Unified Process) 统一软件开发过程

Inception – ends with commitment to go ahead, business case for the project and its feasibility and feature scope identified.


Elaboration ends with协作

– Basic architecture of the system in place. 已具备系统的基本架构

– A plan for construction agreed. 商定了施工计划

– All significant risks identified. 已确定的所有重大风险

– Major risks understood enough not to be too worried. 对重大风险有足够的了解,不必过于担心

Construction (iterative) – ends with beta-release of the system.


Transition – the process of introducing the system to its users.



– Generic process通用过程

– Separation of phases and workflows阶段和工作流程分离


– Overhead营运费用

Agile Software Development敏捷软件开发



– Usability and User experience is bad可用性和用户体验很差

– Can not meet the schedule不能按时完成

– Too many documents文件太多

Rapid software development快速软件开发

– Rapidly changing business environments. 快速变化的商业环境

– Rapid development and delivery is Critical. 快速开发和交付至关重要

Agile is a set of best practices in software development based on Scrum, Extreme Programming, Crystal Clear, DSDM, Lean and others. 敏捷是一组基于Scrum、极限编程、Crystal Clear、DSDM、Lean等软件开发的最佳实践。

The focus of Agile:

– Focus on the code rather than the analysis/design.代码

– Are based on an iterative approach to software development.迭代

– Are intended to deliver working software quickly and evolve this quickly to meet changing requirements.快速交付

The Agile Manifesto敏捷宣言

Individuals and interactions over processes and tools个体和交互高于过程和工具

Working software over comprehensive documentation工作软件胜过全面的文档

Customer collaboration over contract negotiation客户合作胜过合同谈判

Responding to change over following a plan响应变化而不是遵循计划


• Small, co-located, multi-disciplinary team, members are usually working around a table – Easy communication规模小、地点相同、多学科的团队,成员通常围坐在一张桌子旁工作——便于沟通

• Collective code ownership集体代码所有权

• Common vision of system (‘metaphor’) 系统的共同愿景(“隐喻”)

• Sustainable pace and common coding standard可持续的速度和通用的编码标准


• Customer involvement

– Closely involved throughout the development

• Incremental delivery

– Customer specifies each increment

• People, not process

– Skills, the own way

• Embrace change

– Expect change

• Maintain simplicity

– Both the system and the process













• Emphasis on steer, rather than precise prediction.


• Release planning发布计划

• Iteration planning迭代计划

• Goal: visible progress. 目标:明显的进步

2.Requirements (user stories) 需求(用户故事)

• User requirements are expressed as user stories. 用户需求表示为用户故事

• These are written on cards and the development team break them down into implementation tasks. 这些都写在卡片上,开发团队将它们分解成执行任务

• The customer chooses the stories for inclusion in the next release, based on their priorities and the schedule estimates.


3.Design Improvement设计改进

• Emphasis on simple design and refactoring, i.e. improving existing code. 强调简单的设计和重构,即改进现有代码

• Removing duplication删除重复

• Increasing cohesion. 增加凝聚力

• Reducing coupling. 降低耦合

4.Extreme programming、Pair programming极限编程、结对编程

• Perhaps the best-known and most widely used agile method.

• Extreme Programming (XP) takes an ‘extreme’ approach to iterative development:

5.Test Driven Development (TDD)


– It can be difficult to keep the interest of customers who are involved in the process.


– Team members may be unsuited to the intense involvement that characterises agile methods.


– Prioritising changes can be difficult where there are multiple stakeholders.


– Maintaining simplicity requires extra work.


– Contracts may be a problem as with other approaches to iterative development.



• Experience经验

• Working environment工作环境

• Value thinking价值思考

• Effective and Efficient communication有效的沟通

• Information sharing信息共享

• Tools and Automation工具和自动化


• Small or medium-sized product. 中小型产品。

• Requirement is not clear and/or keep changing. 要求不明确或不断变化

• Rapid delivery. 快速交付

• A clear commitment from the customer to become involved in the development process客户明确承诺参与开发过程

• Not a lot of external rules and regulations that affect the software没有太多影响软件的外部规则和规定




Requirement: A requirement is a feature that your system must have in order to satisfy the customer.


Stakeholder: Any person or organization who is affected by the system in some way and so who has a legitimate interest



The hardest single part of building a software system is deciding precisely what to build. No other part of the conceptual work is as difficult as establishing the detailed technical requirements, including all the interfaces to people, to machines, & to other software systems. No other part of the work so cripples the resulting system if done wrong. No other part is more difficult to rectify later.



• Functional requirements功能需求

Describe what the system should do – Functionality. 描述系统应该做什么——功能。

• Services

• Non-functional requirements非功能性需求

• Constraints: timing constraints, constraints on the development process, standards, etc. 约束:时间约束、开发过程约束、标准约束等。

The requirements document需求文件

• Software Requirements Specification (SRS) 软件需求规范(SRS)

• The official statement of what is required of the system developers.


• It is NOT a design document. As far as possible, it should set out WHAT the system should do, rather than HOW it should do it.


Requirements Capture需求捕获

Fact-finding Techniques调查技术

1. Background Reading背景阅读

Learn more about the company and department the system更多地了解公司和部门的系统

2. Interviewing采访面试

3. Observation观察

Developer observes the user using the current system. Provides the developer with a better understanding of the system.


4. Document or Record Sampling文件或记录抽样

5. Questionnaires调查问卷

“The aim of questionnaire design is to pose questions where misinterpretation is not possible and there is no bias”.


Requirements in Agile Development敏捷开发中的需求

User Stories: 用户故事(小卡片)

In Agile process, user requirements are expressed as user stories.


• The customer chooses the stories for inclusion in the next release based on their priorities and the schedule estimates.客户选择下一步


• The development team break them down into implementation tasks. These tasks are the basis of schedule and cost estimates.开发者进行分解


Project glossary专案用语

• The aim of the glossary is to define key terms and to resolve synonyms and homonyms.

• You are building a vocabulary that you can use to discuss the system with the stakeholders.




Large user stories are generally known as epics.大型用户故事通常被称为史诗。


Acceptance Criteria验收标准

Acceptance Criteria is simply a high-level acceptance test that will be true after the agile user story is complete.


• It is a great way to ensure that a story is understood and to invite negotiation with the team about the business value that we are trying to create.





Product backlog, which is a prioritised list of the functionality to be developed in a product or service.



A method of prioritisation favoured by the DSDM (dynamic systems development method). DSDM(动态系统开发方法)青睐的一种排序方法。

Good user story


– Independent——独立

– Negotiable——商量的余地

– Valuable——有价值的

– Estimatable——可以估测

– Small——小

– Testable——可测试的


Low-fidelity Prototyping:Paper and sketch低保真原型:纸张和草图

Medium-fidelity Prototyping:Limited functionality but clickable areas which presents the interactions and navigation of an application.


High-fidelity Prototyping:Computer-based interactive representation of the product in its closest resemblance to the final design in terms of details and functionality.



Analysis:A method of studying the nature of something or of determining its essential features and their relations.


为什么要分析:Focus shifts to developer and system internals and precise understanding of requirements. 重点转移到开发人员和系统内部以及对需求的精确理解。

Conceptual modelling:A conceptual model aims to identify the individual concepts (classes) which exist within a problem domain.




Objects are entities that model some concrete or conceptual entity inside the system.


– A class is an abstraction of an object.


Analysis Class:Analysis classes are conceptual分析类:分析类是概念性的

Entity classes:Used to model information that is long-lived and persistent实体类:用于建模长期存在和持久的信息

Boundary classes:Used to model the interaction.边界类:用于建模交互。(窗口,表格,终端)

Control classes Used to encapsulate control and coordination of the main actions and control flows. 控件类用于封装主要操作和控制流的控制和协调。(getting、setting)

对于上图:Entity classes: Customer, Account, Transaction

                Boundary classes: BankUI

                Control classes: BankControl


Attributes are descriptions of a particular data item maintained by each instance of a class.


Operations are abstract specifications of a class's behaviour.



-An association is a bidirectional semantic connection between classes.


-Inheritance defines a relationship among classes where one class shares the attribute(s) and/or operation(s) of one or more classes.


Analysis steps分析步骤

1. Identify Entity, Boundary and Control classes识别实体、边界和控制类

2. Identify class relationships识别类关系

3. A conceptual class diagram概念性类图

4. Identify attributes for each entity class为每个实体类标识属性

5. Add constraints添加约束



定义:Software design is the process of planning how to solve a problem through software.


A software design contains enough information for a development team to implement the solution. It is the embodiment of the plan


Design transforms the analysis model into a design model that serves as a blueprint for software construction(总结)设计将分析模型转换为作为软件构建蓝图的设计模型

··Role of Design设计的作用

• Design transforms the analysis model into a design model that serves as a blueprint for software construction. 设计将分析模型转换为作为软件构建蓝图的设计模型。

• At this point, consideration needs to be taken for the non-functional requirements e.g– The programming language chosen在这一点上,需要考虑非功能需求,例如:所选择的编程语言

– Operating systems操作系统

– Databases数据库

– User-interfaces用户界面

• During the design phase: break down the overall task. 在设计阶段:分解总体任务。

• Create a ‘skeleton’ of the system that the implementation can easily fit into. 创建系统的“框架”,便于实现。


• Abstraction: data, procedure, control

• Architecture: overall structure of the software

• Patterns: a proven design solution

• Modularity: compartmentalization

• Information hiding: encapsulation

• Functional independence: coupling and cohesion

• Refinement: elaboration of detail for all abstractions

• Refactoring: a reorganization technique that simplifies the design











If (almost) all classes implementing the behavior would have the same code, then you can use an abstract class to implement it.



Restricting of direct access to some of an object's components



• Separate the functionality of a program into independent, interchangeable modules

• Each module contains everything necessary to execute only one aspect of the desired functionality.




• The number of dependencies between subsystems. 子系统之间依赖关系的数量

• Indicates strengths of interconnections表明互连的强度(一般来说越松越好)

– Tight: relatively dependent. Modifications to one is likely to have impact on others.

– Loose: relatively independent. Modifications to one will have little impact on others.




• The number of dependencies within a subsystem. 一个子系统中依赖的数量。

• A measure of the level of functional integration within a module.


– High: objects are related to each other and perform similar tasks.

– Low: unrelated objects.




• First: get the code to work. 首先:让代码工作。

• Second: ensure that the code stays clean. 第二:确保代码保持干净。

– Frequently review/change code, without changing its external behaviour

– Refactoring is intended to improve nonfunctional attributes of the software



Advantages of Object Oriented Design面向对象设计的优点

• Easier maintenance: 容易维护

• Objects are potentially reusable components: 对象是潜在的可重用组件

• For some systems, there may be an obvious mapping from real world entities to system objects.对于某些系统,可能存在从现实世界实体到系统对象的明显映射。

Design steps设计步骤

1. Based on the conceptual class diagram produced from the Analysis stage. 基于分析阶段产生的概念性类图。

2. Identifying Class Relationships: Associations /Generalisations确定类关系:关联/概括

3. Identify operations确定操作

4. Describing methods描述的方法

5. Captures implementation requirements. 捕获的实现要求。

6. Produce detailed design class diagram. 制作详细的设计类图。

Software architecture软件架构

·定义:Software architecture refers to the set of principal design decisions, the blueprint of a software system软件驾构指的是一组主要的设计决策,即软件系统的蓝图

Architectural models:The architecture is often represented using a simple box and arrow model, or a UML diagram



System analysis更好的找到系统哪里有问题

Large-scale reuse大规模复用,最小化开发成本

Stakeholder communication

·Architectural patterns架构模式

Patterns are a means of representing, sharing and reusing knowledge


An architectural pattern is a stylized description of good design practice, which has been tried and tested in different environments


·Web-based architectures基于网络的体系结构

Web-based applications are usually structured according to the client-server architecture, potentially organised into multiple tiers


·Distributed systems architecture分布式系统体系结构

Distributed systems are designed to overcome this by relying on a variety of techniques


·Cloud computing 云计算

Cloud computing refers to the delivery of on-demand computing services (software and hardware) typically over the Internet


·RESTful architecture RESTful架构

Representational state transfer (REST) is a software architectural style that defines how to structure Web services, so that textual representations of Web resources can be accessed and manipulated using a uniform and predefined set of stateless operations

具象状态传输(Representational state transfer, REST)是一种软件体系结构样式,它定义了如何构造Web服务,以便能够使用统一的、预定义的无状态操作集访问和操作Web资源的文本表示

(1) Client-server (2) Cacheability 可缓存(3) Uniform interface 统一接口

(4) Statelessness无状态(5) Layered system分层(6) Code-On-Demand按需编码

·Mobile applications architecture移动应用程序架构

Applications developed for mobiles are usually structured using a layered architecture为移动设备开发的应用程序通常使用分层架构来构建

Presentation layer表示层

Business layer业务层

Data layer数据层



定义:Mapping Design to code


- Implement the system in terms of components (source code, scripts, binaries, executables, etc.). 按组件(源代码、脚本、二进制文件、可执行文件等)实现系统。

- The system is implemented as a succession of small, manageable steps.


The components are tested, and then integrated into one or more executables. 组件经过测试,然后集成到一个或多个可执行文件中。

- The system is distributed by mapping executable components onto nodes in the deployment model: 系统是通过将可执行组件映射到部署模型中的节点来分布的:

primarily based on active classes found during design. 主要基于设计过程中发现的活动类。


Physical packaging of model elements, such as design classes. 模型元素的物理打包,比如设计类。

A component traces the design element it implements. 组件跟踪它实现的设计元素。

·Implementation subsystem实现子系统

Implementation subsystems may consist of components, interfaces, and other subsystems. 实现子系统可能由组件、接口和其他子系统组成。

It provides interfaces (exportation of operations). 它提供接口(操作的导出)。

It depends on the “packaging mechanism” of the implementation environment(package、dictionary)它依赖于实现环境的“打包机制”(包、字典)。


The software must be built incrementally in manageable steps so that each step yields small integration or test problems. 软件必须在可管理的步骤中递增地构建,以便每个步骤产生小的集成或测试问题。

The result of each step is called a “build”, which is an executable version of the system, normally a part of the system.每个步骤的结果被称为“构建”,它是系统的可执行版本,通常是系统的一部分。

·Integration Build Plan集成构建计划

An integration build plan describes the sequence of builds required in an iteration.



Class definitions类定义

Class diagrams provide the class name, attributes, operations.



An association is a bidirectional semantic connection between classes. 关联是类之间的双向语义连接

An association means there is a link between objects. 关联意味着对象之间存在链接。

OO programming languages do NOT provide the concept of association. 面向对象编程语言不提供关联的概念。

References are unidirectional引用是单向

·Unidirectional one-to-one单向一对一(最简单的,一个A只有一个B)

·Unidirectional one-to-many单向一对多(一个A包含多个B)

A associates with many B, B associates with one A.




To break the system:(找错误)

Systems are often deployed without being completely tested:(不可确定的)

Testing perhaps is the longest process in software development cycle(40%)





Verify the results from the implementation stage by testing each software build.


Goal 1: Validation testing验证测试

-To demonstrate that the software meets its requirements: to both developer and customer


-A successful validation test shows that the system operates as intended.


Goal 2: Defect testing缺陷测试

-To discover defects发现的缺陷

– Failure: any deviation of the observed behaviour from the specified behaviour


– Error: system is in a state such that further processing will lead to a failure


– Defect: mechanical cause of an error


-A successful defect test makes the system perform incorrectly and so exposes a defect in the system.


·Testing policies测试策略

Test should be based on a subset of possible test cases.


Testing policies define the approach to be used in selecting system tests.


·Good test 好的测试

– Has a high probability of finding an error发现错误的概率很高

– Is not redundant不是多余的

– Should be “best of breed” 应该是“最好的品种”

– Should be neither too simple nor too complex不要太简单也不要太复杂


- Unit testing (aka Component testing) -> System components单元测试

- System testing -> The whole system.系统测试

- Acceptance testing (aka Alpha testing) ->Customer’s data. 验收测试


Test case: specifications of the inputs and the expected outputs, plus statements.


Test data: inputs. 测试数据:输入。

Outputs can only be predicted by people who understand the system.


·Test Case Design测试用例设计

Design the test cases设计测试用例

Tests must be conducted systematically. 测试必须系统地进行。

Test cases must be designed using disciplined techniques.



Black-box testing测试软件需求


Partition testing分区测试


Scenario-based testing基于场景的测试


Regression testing回归测试


White-box testing测试内部程序逻辑

Goal: to ensure that all statements and conditions have been executed at least once.



Basis path testing基础路径测试(用于关键模块)


-Classes need to be implemented from least coupled to most coupled类需要实现从最小耦合到最大耦合

-At each step, each class should be fully unit tested using WHITE BOX testing. This involves: 在每个步骤中,每个类都应该使用白盒测试进行完整的单元测试

– Building a test harness. 构建测试工具

– Checking that the methods of the class behave as expected (as defined by their operation descriptions). 检查类的方法的行为是否符合预期(根据它们的操作描述定义)

– Checking that the methods are ‘robust’. 检查方法是“稳健的”

-Integration Testing using BLACK BOX Testing.




Test Driven Development (TDD) 测试驱动开发

-TDD: write tests prior to write the production code在编写产品代码之前编写测试

-TDD is a simple, short-cycled mechanism. TDD是一种简单、短周期的机制。

-Run all tests against the entire system at all time. 始终运行针对整个系统的所有测试。

JUnit: JUnit is a simple unit-testing framework for supporting TDD

JUnit: JUnit是一个支持TDD的简单单元测试框架



Project Management

Software Projects’ Distinctions软件项目的区别

Software products are intangible and flexible. 软件产品是无形的和灵活的

Software engineering is not recognised as a sane engineering discipline软件工程并不被认为是一门健全的工程学科

Many software projects are 'one-off' projects许多软件项目都是“一次性的”项目

Project planning项目计划

-To make effective management有效管理

-Iterative process迭代过程

-Various different types of plan may be developed可以制定各种不同类型的计划

Activity organisation活动组织

-Activities in a project should be organised to项目中的活动应组织成

– Produce tangible outputs产生有形的产出

– Judge progress判断进展

- Milestones are the recognisable end-points of a process activity


- Deliverables are project results delivered to customers


*Deliverables are usually milestones, but milestones need not be deliverables!


·Project scheduling项目计划表

定义:Estimate time and resources required to complete activities and organise them into a coherent sequence. 估计完成活动所需的时间和资源,并将其组织成一个连贯的序列。



- Split project into separate tasks → estimate time and resources required to complete each task.


- Organise tasks concurrently → to make optimal use of workforce.


- Minimise task dependencies → to avoid delays caused by one task waiting for another to complete.


* Dependent on project managers’ intuition and experience!




Project scheduling and project budgeting is often based on prior project experiences and on various product and process measurements (metrics) collected in the past.


·People management factors人员管理因素

- Consistency → Team members should all be treated in a comparable way without favourites or discrimination.

- Respect → Different team members have different skills and these differences should be respected.

- Inclusion → Involve all team members and make sure that people’s views are considered.

- Honesty → You should always be honest about what is going well and what is going badly in a project.





·Agile project management敏捷项目管理


-The standard approach to project management is plan-driven.


-Agile project management requires a different approach, which is adapted to incremental development and the particular strengths of agile methods. (Scrum approcah)

敏捷项目管理需要一种不同的方法,这种方法适合于增量开发和敏捷方法的特殊优势。(Scrum approcah)

Scrum approach benefits敏捷开发优点

-The product is broken down into a set of manageable and understandable chunks. 产品被分解成一组可管理和可理解的块。

-Unstable requirements do not hold up progress.不稳定的需求不会阻碍进度。

-The whole team have visibility of everything and consequently team communication is improved.


-Customers see on-time delivery of increments and gain feedback on how the product works.


-Trust between customers and developers is established and a positive culture is created in which everyone expects the project to succeed.


Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) 软件开发生命周期(SDLC)

Software Process: A software process is a set of structured activities that leads to the production of the software.


SDLC = Start Activities + Development Activities + End Activities


What is Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC)?

Software Development Life Cycle is a process软件开发生命周期是一个过程

The process has a start and an end period流程有一个开始阶段和一个结束阶段

The process is aimed to solve business problems该流程旨在解决业务问题


-Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) is a process used by the software industry to design, develop and test high quality software products.

-The SDLC aims to produce a high-quality software that meets or exceeds customer expectations, reaches completion within times and cost estimates.

-SDLC is a process followed for a software project, within a software organization.

-It consists of a detailed plan describing how to develop, maintain, replace and alter or enhance specific software.

-The life cycle defines a methodology for improving the quality of software and the overall development process.


- SDLC的目标是生产高质量的软件,满足或超过客户的期望,在预计的时间和成本内完成。




SDLC Models

Waterfall Model瀑布模型

  • Waterfall approach was the first SDLC Model to be used widely in Software Engineering to ensure success of the project.


  • In "The Waterfall" approach: 在“瀑布”方法中

– The whole process of software development is divided into separate phases.

– In this Waterfall model, typically, the outcome of one phase acts as the input for the next phase sequentially.

– So, you must finish the whole phase/stage before you can move to the next step/s




  • This was before agile processes were introduced这是在引入敏捷流程之前

Iterative Model迭代模型

• Iterative process starts with a simple implementation of a subset of the software requirements and iteratively enhances the evolving versions until the full system is implemented.


• At each iteration, design modifications are made and new functional capabilities are added.


• The basic idea behind this method is to develop a system through repeated cycles (iterative) and in smaller portions at a time (incremental).


Spiral Model螺旋模型

• The spiral model combines螺旋模型结合了

– The idea of iterative development with the systematic, controlled aspects of the waterfall model.


– This Spiral model is a combination of iterative development process model and sequential linear development model


• The waterfall model with a very high emphasis on risk analysis. 瀑布模型非常强调风险分析。

– It allows incremental releases of the product or incremental refinement through each iteration around the spiral.


– This is a hybrid model of iterative and waterfall models


• The spiral model has 4 stages: 螺旋模型有4个阶段:

– Identification识别

– Design设计

– Build/Construct构建构造

– Evaluation and Risk Analysis评估和风险分析

V-Model V模型(强调每个阶段进行大量测试)

• The V-model is an SDLC model where execution of processes happens in a sequential manner in a V-shape.

• It is also known as Verification and Validation model.

• The V-Model is an extension of the waterfall model and is based on the association of a testing phase for each corresponding development stage.

• This means that for every single phase in the development cycle, there is a directly associated testing phase.

• This is a highly-disciplined model and the next phase starts only after completion of the previous phase.






Big Bang Model大爆炸模型(没有计划,随便干)

• The Big Bang model is an SDLC model where we do not follow any specific process.

• The development just starts with the required money and efforts as the input, and the output is the software developed which may or may not be as per customer requirement.

• The Big Bang Model does not follow a process/procedure and there is a very little planning required.

• Even the customer is not sure about what exactly he wants and the requirements are implemented on the fly without much analysis.

• The Big Bang Model comprises of focusing all the possible resources in the software development and coding, with very little or no planning.

• The requirements are understood and implemented as they come.

• Any changes required may or may not need to revamp the complete software.

• This model is ideal for small projects with one or two developers working together and is also useful for academic or practice projects.

• It is an ideal model for the product where requirements are not well understood and the final release date is not given.











• Advantages:

– This is a very simple model这是一个非常简单的模型

– Little or no planning required很少或不需要规划

– Easy to manage易于管理

– Very few resources required所需资源极少

– Gives flexibility to developers给开发人员灵活性

– It is a good learning aid for new comers or students.


• Disadvantages:

– Very High risk and uncertainty. 风险和不确定性非常高。

– Not a good model for complex and object-oriented projects.


– Poor model for long and ongoing projects.


– Can turn out to be very expensive if requirements are misunderstood.


Agile Model敏捷开发模型

• Agile model is a combination of iterative and incremental process models with focus on process adaptability and customer satisfaction by rapid delivery of working software product.


• Agile Methods break the product into small incremental builds.


• These builds are provided in iterations.


– Each iteration typically lasts from about one to three weeks. 每次持续一到三周。

• Every iteration involves cross functional teams working simultaneously on various areas like −每个迭代都涉及到跨职能团队同时在不同领域工作

– Planning, Requirements Analysis, Design, Coding, Unit Testing and Acceptance Testing. -规划,需求分析,设计,编码,单元测试和验收测试

RAD Model快速应用开发模型

• The RAD (Rapid Application Development) model is based on prototyping and iterative development with no specific planning involved.


• The process of writing the software itself involves the planning required for developing the product.


• Rapid Application Development focuses on: 快速应用开发关注

– Gathering customer requirements through workshops or focus groups

– Early testing of the prototypes by the customer using iterative concept

– Reuse of the existing prototypes (components)

– Continuous integration and rapid delivery.





Software Prototyping

• The Software Prototyping refers to building software application prototypes which displays the functionality of the product under development, but may not actually hold the exact logic of the original software.


• Software prototyping is becoming very popular as a software development model:


• Prototype is a working model of software with some limited functionality.


• The prototype does not always hold the exact logic used in the actual software application.


• Prototyping is used to allow the users evaluate developer proposals and try them out before implementation.


• It also helps understand the requirements which are user specific and may not have been considered by the developer during product design.



第一 -识别风险:识别并分类项目风险、产品风险和业务风险

第二 -风险分析:它发生的可能性有多大,会造成多大的损害?

第三 -规划:为其他选择做好准备,避免造成太大的伤害

第四 -时刻监控风险:监视应该发生在项目的整个生命周期中


Risk Management风险管理



Risks can be divided into: 风险可分为:

– Project risks : where the schedule or resources available for the project are affected

– Product risks : where the quality or performance of the software produced is affected

– Business risks : where the organisation which is developing or procuring the software is affected






Risk Identification 风险识别

Risk Analysis风险分析

Risk Planning风险计划

Risk Monitoring风险监控

·Avoidance Strategies避免风险的策略

·Agile Risk Management敏捷的风险管理

Quality Management质量管理

Quality Management

Agile Quality Management敏捷质量管理


Quality Attributes and Trade-offs质量属性和权衡

Visible and Invisible Quality有形和无形的品质

Analysis of Performance分析性能

Software Reliability软件可靠性

Security and Resilience安全性和弹性

Investing in Software Resiliency投资于软件弹性

Software Standard软件标准

Problems with Standards标准的问题


• Software engineering is about human issues as well as coding issues, we have covered some of the human issues here

• Human issues include both management of people writing the code and interaction with people who are customers who require the software system being developed

• An important aspect of management is that software development requires highly skilled workers

• An important aspect of software engineering is that many aspects of quality are not visible to customers, but could have serious consequences if they are not taken into account

• Agile development involves continuous interaction between programmers and customers

• Programmers need to balance meeting customer requirements with specialist knowledge of how easy it is to meet those requirements, and use this to give advice in agreeing on the priority of requirements







Software Quality

What is High Quality Software? 什么是高质量软件?

Easy to Use e.g. user friendly interface, drag and drop feature

Easy to modify and understand the codes by other developers

It performs the most important functions




Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery/Deployment (CI/CD)


• CI/CD stands for Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery/Deployment.


• In software engineering, CI/CD or CICD is the combined practices of continuous integration (CI) and (more often) continuous delivery or (less often) continuous deployment (CD).


• CI/CD bridges the gaps between development and operation activities (systems admin tasks) and teams by enforcing automation in building, testing and deployment of applications.


• CI/CD services compile the incremental code changes made by developers, then link and package them into software deliverables.


• Automated tests verify the software functionality, and automated deployment services deliver them to end users.


• The aim is to increase early error/defect discovery, increase productivity, and provide faster release cycles.


• The process contrasts with traditional methods where a collection of software updates were integrated into one large batch before deploying the newer version.


• Modern-day DevOps practices involve continuous development, continuous testing, continuous integration, continuous deployment and continuous monitoring of software applications throughout its development life cycle.


• The CI/CD practice, or CI/CD pipeline, forms the backbone of modern-day DevOps operations.


• DevOps is a new term which combines Development(Dev) and Operations (Ops) to mean professionals who perform software development and operations (systems administration in the cloud) tasks.


• CI/CD can be pictured as a pipeline, where new code is submitted on one end, tested over a series of stages (source, build, test, staging, and production), and then published as production-ready code.





Trade Offs 权衡

Apparent and Actual Types 表观类型和实际类型

Inheritance and Hierarchy in Object-Oriented Programming继承和层次


Association, Aggregation and Composition in Object-Oriented Programming关联聚合组合




Correctness, Robustness and Efficiency in Object-Oriented Programming正确健壮效率



Generic Programming and Collection Classes in Object-Oriented Programming泛型编程和集合类



·Trade offs(P4)权衡

·Software lifespan, Software scale(P5)软件寿命,软件规模

·Design principles(P7)设计原则

Attention to high quality design and implementation is essential if we are to manage the complexity of modern real world software systems如果我们要管理现代真实世界软件系统的复杂性,就必须注意高质量的设计和实现

We cannot approach software development in the casual way we may have used when we first learnt to program我们不能像刚开始学习编程时那样随意地进行软件开发

We have to think of software systems at a higher level than just code我们必须从比代码更高的层次来考虑软件系统

When we write code, it is not enough that it works correctly, it must also be written in a way that makes it easy to develop further当我们编写代码时,仅仅正确地工作是不够的,还必须以一种便于进一步开发的方式编写代码

·The dangers of poor quality code代码质量差的危险(P8)

·Decomposition: To manage large scale software we have to divide a system into separate parts (“modules”), in a way that means as far as possible each part can be considered on its own. 分解:为了管理大型软件,我们必须将一个系统划分为多个独立的部分(“模块”),以一种尽可能使每个部分独立考虑的方式。

Reuse: Instead of writing new code for a module to provide some required service, we may make use of existing code.(P16) 重用:我们可以使用现有的代码,而不是为模块编写新代码来提供所需的服务。

·The most basic design principles最基本的设计原则

Classes should be written so the objects they define are things we can have an image of in our minds类的编写应该使它们定义的对象在我们的脑海中有一个映像

The methods in objects should be defined so they represent clear operations on these things应该定义对象中的方法,以便它们表示对这些东西的明确操作

Remember the terms “locality” and “modifiability” 记住术语“局部性”和“可修改性”

Code should be written so that objects can only interact through defined method calls编写的代码应该使对象只能通过定义的方法调用进行交互

·The Client-Contractor model of software(P41)软件的客户-承包商模型

·Obligations and Benefits(P42)义务和利益

·Design by Contract(P44)契约式设计


Six(SOLID) Design Principles六个设计原则(前三个在W9,后三个在W10录播)必考!!

·Single Responsibility Principle (SRP) 单一责任原则W9P46

- Every object in a system should have a single responsibility, and all the object’s services should be focused on carrying out that single responsibility


- Leads to highly cohesive software这样会引导出现高凝聚力的软件

-“A class should have only one reason to change”


·Open-Closed Principle (OCP) 开放闭合原则W9P56

- Software modules (classes, methods, etc) should be“open for extension”  and “closed for modification” 软件模块(类、方法等)应该“对扩展开放”,对修改关闭”。

- We can make a module behave in new and different ways as requirements change or to meet new needs


- But we should be able to do this in a way that does not require changing the code of the module但我们应该能够以不需要更改模块代码的方式做到这一点

- Abstraction is the key抽象是关键

·Do not Repeat Yourself principle (DRY) 不要重复自己原则W9P60

The “Don’t Repeat Yourself” (DRY) principle is the “Open-Closed Principle” (OCP) looked at the other way round


Designing and writing abstract code is hard, so we often start off writing more specific code


When we find we are repeating ourselves in code, we should see if we could replace the repeated code by writing and using more abstract code


So, generalisation is identifying repeated aspects and from this moving to write more abstract code


·Liskov Substitution Principle (LSP) Liskov替代原理W10P37

The Liskov Substitution Principle says that methods should not be overridden in a way that changes assumptions about their behaviour


Subclasses must always be substitutable for the class they extend


Inheritance should only weaken preconditions and strengthen postconditions


·Interface-Segregation Principle (ISP) 接口隔离原则W10P14

Clients should not be forced to depend on methods they do not use


·Dependency Inversion Principle (DIP) 相关性反演原理W10P12

The Dependency Inversion Principle can be stated as:

➢ High-level modules should not depend on low-level modules; instead, both should depend on abstractions高层模块不应依赖低层模块;相反,两者都应该依赖于抽象

➢ Abstractions should not depend on details; instead, details should depend on abstractions抽象不应依赖于细节;相反,细节应该依赖于抽象

Live: Designing Programs

·Designing Programs设计项目

As a general rule, the fewer unrelated things any class has to care about, the more limited any change will need to be, and thus the more resilient your design will be in the face of future changes.一般来说,任何类需要关心的不相关的东西越少,任何更改所需的限制就越少,因此,在面对未来的更改时,您的设计就越有弹性。


One of Java's many strengths is the ability to work over a network easily Java的众多优点之一是能够轻松地在网络上工作

Networking involves network programming which consists of a request from the client to the server and a response to the client by the server.网络包括网络编程,包括客户端向服务器发出的请求和服务器对客户端的响应。


Step 1: Establish a Connection建立连接

Step 2: Communication沟通

Step 3: Closing the Connection关闭连接

·Defensive Programming

Defensive programming is a form of programming that uses “defensive design” intended to ensure the continuing function of a piece of software under unforeseen circumstances.


Secure programming is the subset of defensive programming that tries to protect against security threats and security vulnerabilities.



Design Patterns[1] 必考!!


·The Decorator Design pattern装饰器设计模式

The Decorator design pattern involves(例如在方法中额外加1)

– A class which implements an interface 实现接口的类

– Inside it a variable of the same interface type whose value is set in the constructor在它内部有一个相同接口类型的变量,其值在构造函数中设置

– Each method from the interface has code which calls the same method with the same arguments on that variable, plus some extra work


·Wrapper design patterns包装设计模式

The Decorator design pattern is an example of a general sort of pattern called a wrapper pattern Decorator设计模式是一种称为包装器模式的通用模式的示例

A wrapper pattern is any pattern where an object (called the inner object) is referred to by a variable inside another object (the outer object), and each method call on the outer object results in a method call on the inner object


·The Adapter design pattern适配器设计模式

The Adapter design pattern “adapts” an object of one class to fit into an interface when the object is not of a type which implements the interface


It works by “wrapping” the object as an inner object in an outer object which is of a class that does implement the interface


·The Observer Pattern观察者模式

The example given earlier of counting the number of calls of the method quack could also be covered by the Observer design pattern

However, to cover it properly, we will start with a different example

The Observer design pattern is intended to cover cases where there is a link between two classes such that an action on an object of one of the classes is “observed” by objects of the other class

Its most common use is to connect objects which store data or perform actions to other objects which deal with “input/output”

Here “input/output” could mean writing data to a file or database, or displaying on a graphical user interface






·The Singleton Design Pattern单例设计模式

Another reason for using factory methods is that a constructor must always return a new object, but factory methods can return an existing object instead of a new object.  


·The Object Pool Design Pattern对象池设计模式

Object Pool (also called Intern), like Singleton, can return an object that was created before

However, instead of one object it keeps a set of objects

It can be used when the objects returned are immutable

与Singleton一样,Object Pool(也称为Intern)可以返回之前创建的对象



·The Strategy Design Pattern战略设计模式

Suppose we want to call the various operations possible on a List of DogBots. Instead of writing a separate method for each we can generalise by using the idea of a function object, which is an object whose only job is to carry out an action.


·The State Design Pattern状态设计模式

The State design pattern is used when we want to change the way we represent a type of object dynamically


Consider the idea of a set, it is a collection in which each possible element is either in the collection or it is not, there is no concept of elements occurring multiple numbers of times or having a position in the collection.


A mutable set is one where elements can be added or removed. Here is an interface type for a mutable set of integers


·The Bridge Design Pattern桥梁设计模式

This is an example of the Bridge design pattern


This is where there are two separate “crosscutting” class hierarchies


If there was just one hierarchy, there would need to be two separate classes for ExtendedIntSet, one for where it is implemented using an array of booleans, the other for the other set implementation


·The Flyweight Pattern享元模式

The Flyweight design pattern is where objects have an immutable part which can be shared.



• Other code may already make use of class Duck, class Goose, or method process, we cannot change the code for them without having to check whether the change causes that code to stop working properly (OCP)

• If we added code to count the number of calls to the method quack made in the call to the method process, we are making that method do two separate tasks. The QuackCounterwrapper separates out those two separate tasks (SRP)

• If we wanted to count the number of calls to the method quackmade in a call to another method which takes an argument of type Quackable, we can just use the wrapper we already have


• We may not want to pass full access to Goose objects to other code, passing the GooseAdapter object passes only the ability to call the method honk on a Goose object (DIP)







Design Patterns Represent Experience设计模式代表经验

Design Patterns Structure Code设计模式结构代码

Design Patterns Reduce Dependency设计模式减少依赖

Design Patterns as a Vocabulary作为词汇表的设计模式

Be Cautious with Design Patterns小心设计模式



Open Source Software(OSS)开源软件(录播第一个)


OSS Business Strategies 开源软件商业策略(P4)

OSS Development Methodology开源软件开发方法(P5)

Many Eyeballs Tame Complexity 有很多客户也是帮助你们测试的(P7)

Business Risk商业风险(P8)

Software Freedom软件自由(P9)


Free Software and Open Source Software自由和开源区别(P12)

Hacker Culture黑客文化(P13)

Core and Community Core and Community(P14)

Open Source Governance开源治理(P15)

The Android Open Source Project (AOSP)People and Roles 安卓开源项目人员和角色(P16)

• Open Source Software (OSS), has developed a long way from the time when it was seen as a few eccentrics putting together code as a hobby

• Most standard software development tools are now OSS, and OSS is moving into other areas

• The key to its success is that the community of users of the code also provides a community of testers and debuggers

• OSS develops rapidly in requirement to need because anyone who wants to improve it can do so

• OSS products avoid the risk of control of code that is vital for a business being in another business’s hands

• OSS products maintain a single identity because it is in the interests of their users and developers to contribute to one standard product rather than “fork”

• OSS products maintain their OSS nature through a use of copyright legislation to enforce free distribution rather than prevent it

• Control of the development of OSS products (“governance”) may now be with companies operating on a commercial basis rather than individuals whose motivation is enjoyment of software and/or personal freedom

•开源软件(Open Source Software,简称OSS),从一开始被看作是几个怪人的业余爱好,到现在已经发展了很长一段时间








Software Best Practice 实践 & Software Development Tools开发工具

Software Craftsmanship and Clean Code

Learning from Mistakes从错误中学习(P4)

Microsoft’s Best Practices微软的最佳实践(P5)

Revision Control System修订控制系统(P6)

Daily Build每日构建(P7)Continuous Integration持续集成(P8)

Version Control and Build tools版本控制和构建工具(P9)

Assert statements断言语句(P10)

Unit testing单元测试(P11)

Bug Database Bug数据库(P12)

War Team and Bug Triage战争小组和Bug分类(P13)

Code reviews and coding guidelines代码审查和编码指南(P14)

Static and dynamic analysis tools静态和动态分析工具(P15)


9 essential debugging rules 9个必要的调试规则(P17)

Globalisation and Localisation全球化和本地化(P18)

Documentation Generators文档生成器(P19)

“Eat your own dog food”你要用你自己的东西别人才会觉得你的东西好(P20)

Interactive Development Environments交互式的开发环境(P21)

Command line operation v IDE命令行操作v IDE(P22)

• In this section we have given some examples of the vast range of tools that are available to assist in software development

• We have also given some examples of best practices in software development

• Use of good software tools helps the organisation of software development, it means that tasks that would otherwise be time-consuming are done quickly and in a consistent manner

• It is important to understand that the informal approach to tasks such as testing, debugging, documentation, building an executable system, which we use when we first learn to program, leads to complexity which is difficult to manage when we move to the development of large scale software

• So moving to a more disciplined use of tools and standards for operation is similar to moving to a more disciplined approach to code structure, as we considered with the design principles and design patterns – it takes effort to adopt the practice, and we have to learn more to do it properly, but it is essential to manage large scale systems

• Experts make good use of tools, but can also “hand craft” when necessary

• Experts often build their own tools









