Parameterized Macro: Bus Synchronizer with Full Handshake(参数化宏:具有完全握手的总线同步器)
1、 Introduction(介绍)
2、Port Descriptions(端口声明)
端口 | 方向 | 宽度 | 时钟域 | 敏感类型 | 如未使用处理方法 | 功能 |
dest_ack | 输入 | 1 | dest_clk | 高电平 | 0 | 如果DEST_EXT_HSK=1,则目的地逻辑确认。 DEST_EXT_HSK=0时未使用。 断言该信号表示dest_out上的数据已被目的地逻辑捕获。 一旦dest_req被解除断言,就应该解除该信号的断言,从而完成目的时钟域上的握手,并指示目的逻辑已准备好进行新的数据传输。 |
dest_clk | 输入 | 1 | NA | 上升沿敏感 | 激活 | 目标时钟 |
dest_out | 输出 | WIDTH | dest_clk | NA | 激活 | 与目标时钟域同步的输入总线(src_in)。 此输出是寄存器类型。 |
dest_req | 输出 | 1 | dest_clk | 高电平 | 激活 | 该信号的断言指示已经接收到新的dest_out数据,并且准备由目的地逻辑使用或捕获。 •当DEST_EXT_HSK=1时,一旦源握手确认目标时钟域已接收到传输的数据,该信号将取消断言。 •当DEST_EXT_HSK=0时,当DEST_out总线有效时,该信号在一个时钟周期内断言。 此输出是寄存器类型。 |
src_clk | 输入 | 1 | NA | 上升沿敏感 | 激活 | 源时钟 |
src_in | 输入 | WIDTH | src_clk | NA | 激活 | 将被目的时钟同步的输入总线 |
src_rcv | 输出 | 1 | src_clk | 高电平 | 激活 | 来自目标逻辑的已接收src_in的确认。 一旦目的地握手完全完成,该信号将被取消断言,从而完成完整的数据传输。 此输出为寄存器类型。 |
src_send | 输入 | 1 | src_clk | 高电平 | 激活 | 该信号的断言允许src_in总线与目标时钟域同步。 •只有当src_rcv被取消断言时,才应断言该信号,表明 之前的数据传输已完成。 •只有在src_rcv被断言时,该信号才应被取消断言,确认src_in已被目标逻辑接收。 |
3、 Design Entry Method
Instantiation(实例化) | 是 |
Inference(推断) | 否 |
IP and IP Integrator Catalog | 否 |
4、 Available Attributes
属性 | 类型 | 可用值 | 默认值 | 描述 |
DEST_EXT_HSK | DECIMAL | 1,0 | 1 | 0-将在宏中实现内部握手,以确认接收到目标时钟域上的数据。 使用此选项时,必须消耗有效的dest_out输出 以避免任何数据丢失。 1-用户必须实现外部握手逻辑,以确认接收到目标时钟域上的数据。 |
DEST_SYNC_FF | DECIMAL | 2 至10 | 4 | 用于同步目标时钟域中的信号的寄存器级数。 |
INIT_SYNC_FF | DECIMAL | 0,1 | 0 | 0-禁用同步寄存器上的行为模拟初始化值。 1-在同步寄存器上启用行为模拟初始化值。 |
SIM_ASSERT_CHK | DECIMAL | 0,1 | 0,1 | 0-禁用模拟消息报告。与潜在滥用相关的信息将不会被报告。 1-启用模拟消息报告。将报告与潜在滥用有关的信息。 |
SRC_SYNC_FF | DECIMAL | 2 至10 | 4 | 用于同步源时钟域中的信号的寄存器级数。 |
WIDTH | DECIMAL | 1至1024 | 1 | 将同步到目标时钟域的总线宽度。 |
5.1 VHDL Instantiation Template
- Library xpm;
- use xpm.vcomponents.all;
- -- xpm_cdc_handshake: Bus Synchronizer with Full Handshake
- -- Xilinx Parameterized Macro, version 2022.2
- xpm_cdc_handshake_inst : xpm_cdc_handshake
- generic map (
- DEST_EXT_HSK => 1, -- DECIMAL; 0=internal handshake, 1=external handshake
- DEST_SYNC_FF => 4, -- DECIMAL; range: 2-10
- INIT_SYNC_FF => 0, -- DECIMAL; 0=disable simulation init values, 1=enable simulation init values
- SIM_ASSERT_CHK => 0, -- DECIMAL; 0=disable simulation messages, 1=enable simulation messages
- SRC_SYNC_FF => 4, -- DECIMAL; range: 2-10
- WIDTH => 1 -- DECIMAL; range: 1-1024
- )
- port map (
- dest_out => dest_out, -- WIDTH-bit output: Input bus (src_in) synchronized to destination clock domain.
- -- This output is registered.
- dest_req => dest_req, -- 1-bit output: Assertion of this signal indicates that new dest_out data has been
- -- received and is ready to be used or captured by the destination logic. When
- -- DEST_EXT_HSK = 1, this signal will deassert once the source handshake
- -- acknowledges that the destination clock domain has received the transferred
- -- data. When DEST_EXT_HSK = 0, this signal asserts for one clock period when
- -- dest_out bus is valid. This output is registered.
- src_rcv => src_rcv, -- 1-bit output: Acknowledgement from destination logic that src_in has been
- -- received. This signal will be deasserted once destination handshake has fully
- -- completed, thus completing a full data transfer. This output is registered.
- dest_ack => dest_ack, -- 1-bit input: optional; required when DEST_EXT_HSK = 1
- dest_clk => dest_clk, -- 1-bit input: Destination clock.
- src_clk => src_clk, -- 1-bit input: Source clock.
- src_in => src_in, -- WIDTH-bit input: Input bus that will be synchronized to the destination clock
- -- domain.
- src_send => src_send -- 1-bit input: Assertion of this signal allows the src_in bus to be synchronized
- -- to the destination clock domain. This signal should only be asserted when
- -- src_rcv is deasserted, indicating that the previous data transfer is complete.
- -- This signal should only be deasserted once src_rcv is asserted, acknowledging
- -- that the src_in has been received by the destination logic.
- );
- -- End of xpm_cdc_handshake_inst instantiation
5.2 Verilog Instantiation Template
- // xpm_cdc_handshake: Bus Synchronizer with Full Handshake
- // Xilinx Parameterized Macro, version 2022.2
- xpm_cdc_handshake #(
- .DEST_EXT_HSK(1), // DECIMAL; 0=internal handshake, 1=external handshake
- .DEST_SYNC_FF(4), // DECIMAL; range: 2-10
- .INIT_SYNC_FF(0), // DECIMAL; 0=disable simulation init values, 1=enable simulation init values
- .SIM_ASSERT_CHK(0), // DECIMAL; 0=disable simulation messages, 1=enable simulation messages
- .SRC_SYNC_FF(4), // DECIMAL; range: 2-10
- .WIDTH(1) // DECIMAL; range: 1-1024
- )
- xpm_cdc_handshake_inst (
- .dest_out(dest_out), // WIDTH-bit output: Input bus (src_in) synchronized to destination clock domain.
- // This output is registered.
- .dest_req(dest_req), // 1-bit output: Assertion of this signal indicates that new dest_out data has been
- // received and is ready to be used or captured by the destination logic. When
- // DEST_EXT_HSK = 1, this signal will deassert once the source handshake
- // acknowledges that the destination clock domain has received the transferred data.
- // When DEST_EXT_HSK = 0, this signal asserts for one clock period when dest_out bus
- // is valid. This output is registered.
- .src_rcv(src_rcv), // 1-bit output: Acknowledgement from destination logic that src_in has been
- // received. This signal will be deasserted once destination handshake has fully
- // completed, thus completing a full data transfer. This output is registered.
- .dest_ack(dest_ack), // 1-bit input: optional; required when DEST_EXT_HSK = 1
- .dest_clk(dest_clk), // 1-bit input: Destination clock.
- .src_clk(src_clk), // 1-bit input: Source clock.
- .src_in(src_in), // WIDTH-bit input: Input bus that will be synchronized to the destination clock
- // domain.
- .src_send(src_send) // 1-bit input: Assertion of this signal allows the src_in bus to be synchronized to
- // the destination clock domain. This signal should only be asserted when src_rcv is
- // deasserted, indicating that the previous data transfer is complete. This signal
- // should only be deasserted once src_rcv is asserted, acknowledging that the src_in
- // has been received by the destination logic.
- );
- // End of xpm_cdc_handshake_inst instantiation
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