FarSense:Pushing the Range Limit of WiFi-based Respiration Sensing with CSI Ratio of Two Antennas
YOUWEI ZENG,PekingUniversity,China
DAN WU,PekingUniversity,China
JIE XIONG,University of Massachusetts,USA
ENZE YI,PekingUniversity,China
RUIYANG GAO,PekingUniversity,China
DAQING ZHANG∗,Peking University,Chinaa nd Telecom SudParis,France
Note that a complex number can be represented in the form of a + bi as well as Aeiθ where a,b are the real part (I) and imaginary part (Q), and A,θ are the amplitude and phase, respectively. The orthogonal I and Q components of CSI ratio keep perfect complementarity for respiration sensing which means at a location I component is bad for sensing, Q component is good and vice versa.
The main contributions of the work can be summarized as follows:
(1) We propose to employ CSI ratio rather than raw CSI for sensing. We develop the CSI-ratio model that establishes the relationship between human’s movement and CSI ratio changes which lays the foundation to guide fine-grained sensing. We believe the general CSI-ratio model will benefit not just respiration sensing but also to further sensing applications.
(2) We apply the CSI-ratio model for respiration sensing and elaborately combine the amplitude and phase of CSI ratio to address the ”blind spots” issue and further increase the sensing range.
(3) We design and implement FarSense on commodity WiFi devices.The sensing range is increased from the current state-of-the-art 2-4 meters to 8-9 meters. For the first time, FarSense is able to enable through-wall respiration sensing with commodity WiFi hardware,moving one step further towards real-life deployment.
Radar-based respiration sensing. These approaches can be mainly divided into three categories according to the technologies they are using. (1) Continuous-wave (CW) Doppler radar.(2) Ultra-wideband (UWB) pulse radar.
WiFi-based respiration sensing
(1) Respiration sensing with amplitude information.(2) Respiration sensing with phase information.
基于不同天线使用相同网卡拥有相同的RF振荡器获得了相同相位漂移和d2(t)−d1(t) =∆d的假设
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