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2024年第九届数维杯大学生数学建模挑战赛C 题解题思路1.0版本_数维赛c











  1. 确定天然气水合物资源分布范围。






  1. 研究资源参数的概率分布及变化规律。







  1. 给出资源量的概率分布估计。




Q=A*Z*O*S*E 式中,Q为天然气水合物资源量(m3),A是有效面积m2,Z为有效厚度(m),O为孔隙度,S为水合物饱和度,E是产气量因子(取值为 155)。 对于每个井位有效面积m2、有效厚度(m)、产气量因子均不一样。 同一井位有效面积m2、有效厚度(m)、产气量因子一样,水合物饱和度、孔隙度,因此对于给出天然气水合物资的概率分布,对于同一井位的只需要看位两者乘积的变化,对于不同井位需要考虑水合物饱和度、孔隙度水合物饱和度、孔隙度四者的乘积,

  1. 讨论如何安排额外的钻孔位置以优化资源勘探。




  1. 使用了Voronoi图中心作为新井位置的候选点,一个有效的策略是通过计算现有Voronoi区域中未充分覆盖的最大区域,并在这些区域中心放置新井。
  2. 使用K-均值聚类算法确定新钻井点的位置,可以帮助均匀地分布井位,以便均衡资源勘探的效率
  3. 通过蒙特卡洛模拟随机生成新井位置,并计算每种可能位置的效益(如覆盖未探测区域的比例),重复多次以找到最优解。
  4. 最大化覆盖模型



 数据合并 python代码

  1. import pandas as pd
  2. import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
  3. import seaborn as sns
  4. # Load the Excel file
  5. file_path = '附件1:钻井测量数据.xlsx'
  6. data = pd.read_excel(file_path)
  7. # Define the number of wells (from the provided well names)
  8. num_wells = 14
  9. # Create a list for restructured data
  10. well_data_list = []
  11. # Process each well's data block (three columns per well: Depth, Porosity, Saturation)
  12. for i in range(num_wells):
  13. # Extracting each block, naming columns accordingly
  14. start_col = 3 * i
  15. well_data = data.iloc[1:, start_col:start_col+3]
  16. well_data.columns = ['Depth', 'Porosity', 'Saturation']
  17. well_data['Well'] = f"w{i+1:02d}" # Naming wells as w01, w02, ..., w14
  18. well_data_list.append(well_data)
  19. # Combine all well data into a single DataFrame
  20. combined_well_data = pd.concat(well_data_list, ignore_index=True)
  21. # Convert data types and handle missing values marked as -9999
  22. combined_well_data = combined_well_data.replace(-9999, pd.NA).dropna().astype({'Depth': 'float64', 'Porosity': 'float64', 'Saturation': 'float64'})
  23. # Save the cleaned and combined data to a new Excel file
  24. output_file_path = 'Cleaned_Drilling_Data.xlsx'
  25. combined_well_data.to_excel(output_file_path, index=False)
  26. # Given well positions
  27. well_positions = {
  28. 'w01': (34500, 45000), 'w02': (36000, 45050), 'w03': (37050, 45020),
  29. 'w04': (37880, 46000), 'w05': (35000, 46030), 'w06': (36000, 46500),
  30. 'w07': (34000, 47100), 'w08': (36200, 47330), 'w09': (34560, 48530),
  31. 'w10': (35520, 48120), 'w11': (38000, 49300), 'w12': (35700, 50000),
  32. 'w13': (34000, 49600), 'w14': (35800, 49900)
  33. }
  34. # Create a plot for well positions
  35. plt.figure(figsize=(10, 8))
  36. for well, (x, y) in well_positions.items():
  37. plt.scatter(x, y, label=well, s=100)
  38. plt.xlabel('X Coordinate')
  39. plt.ylabel('Y Coordinate')
  40. plt.title('Geographic Positions of Wells')
  41. plt.legend(title='Well Name')
  42. plt.grid(True)
  43. plt.show()
  44. # Selecting two wells for detailed visualization: Well w01 and Well w02
  45. selected_wells = ['w01', 'w02']
  46. # Filtering data for the selected wells
  47. selected_data = combined_well_data[combined_well_data['Well'].isin(selected_wells)]
  48. # Plotting data for the selected wells
  49. fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=2, ncols=2, figsize=(14, 10), sharex=True)
  50. # Plotting Porosity and Saturation against Depth for each selected well
  51. for i, well in enumerate(selected_wells):
  52. # Porosity plot
  53. ax = axes[i, 0]
  54. well_data = selected_data[selected_data['Well'] == well]
  55. ax.plot(well_data['Depth'], well_data['Porosity'], label=f"Porosity of {well}")
  56. ax.set_title(f"Porosity Profile for {well}")
  57. ax.set_ylabel('Porosity')
  58. ax.grid(True)
  59. # Saturation plot
  60. ax = axes[i, 1]
  61. ax.plot(well_data['Depth'], well_data['Saturation'], label=f"Saturation of {well}", color='r')
  62. ax.set_title(f"Saturation Profile for {well}")
  63. ax.set_ylabel('Saturation')
  64. ax.grid(True)
  65. # Set common labels
  66. for ax in axes[:, 0]:
  67. ax.set_xlabel('Depth (m)')
  68. for ax in axes[:, 1]:
  69. ax.set_xlabel('Depth (m)')
  70. plt.tight_layout()
  71. plt.show()


  1. % 假设已经有了钻井的X和Y坐标
  2. well_positions = [
  3. 34500, 45000;
  4. 36000, 45050;
  5. 37050, 45020;
  6. 37880, 46000;
  7. 35000, 46030;
  8. 36000, 46500;
  9. 34000, 47100;
  10. 36200, 47330;
  11. 34560, 48530;
  12. 35520, 48120;
  13. 38000, 49300;
  14. 35700, 50000;
  15. 34000, 49600;
  16. 35800, 49900
  17. ];
  18. % 创建Voronoi图
  19. figure;
  20. voronoi(well_positions(:,1), well_positions(:,2));
  21. title('Voronoi Diagram of Well Locations');
  22. xlabel('X Coordinate');
  23. ylabel('Y Coordinate');
  24. grid on;
  25. % 创建最小外接矩形
  26. k = convhull(well_positions(:,1), well_positions(:,2));
  27. hold on;
  28. plot(well_positions(k,1), well_positions(k,2), 'r-', 'LineWidth', 2);
  29. legend('Voronoi edges', 'Convex hull boundary');
  30. hold off;
  31. well_data = readtable('Cleaned_Drilling_Data.xlsx');
  32. % 添加X和Y坐标到well_data
  33. well_names = {'w01', 'w02', 'w03', 'w04', 'w05', 'w06', 'w07', 'w08', 'w09', 'w10', 'w11', 'w12', 'w13', 'w14'};
  34. for i = 1:length(well_names)
  35. idx = strcmp(well_data.Well, well_names{i});
  36. well_data.X(idx) = well_positions(i, 1);
  37. well_data.Y(idx) = well_positions(i, 2);
  38. end
  39. [XI, YI] = meshgrid(min(well_positions(:,1)):100:max(well_positions(:,1)), ...
  40. min(well_positions(:,2)):100: max(well_positions(:,2)));
  41. % 创建插值网格
  42. [XI, YI] = meshgrid(min(well_data.X):100:max(well_data.X), ...
  43. min(well_data.Y):100:max(well_data.Y));
  44. % 初始化结果矩阵
  45. ZI = zeros(size(XI));
  46. % 对每个网格点进行插值
  47. for i = 1:size(XI, 1)
  48. for j = 1:size(XI, 2)
  49. ZI(i, j) = simpleKriging(well_data.X, well_data.Y, well_data.Saturation, XI(i, j), YI(i, j));
  50. end
  51. end
  52. % 可视化插值结果
  53. figure;
  54. mesh(XI, YI, ZI);
  55. hold on;
  56. plot3(well_data.X, well_data.Y, well_data.Saturation, 'ro');
  57. title('Spatial Interpolation using Simple Kriging');
  58. xlabel('X Coordinate');
  59. ylabel('Y Coordinate');
  60. zlabel('Resource Saturation');
  61. hold off;

